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Panorama sull'infinito

USD 2,179,173

House & Single-family home (For sale)

lot 215,278 sqft
Reference: KPMQ-T1831 / 8124
"Panorama sull'infinito" is a typical Tuscan farmhouse located in an intimate and quiet area, with spectacular views over the rolling hills of the Val d'Orcia. Completely renovated in 2018 with excellent finishes and state-of-the-art domotic systems, it has 6 double bedrooms, all finely furnished in country chic style, adorned with bleached wooden beams and terracotta floors, as well as a large kitchen with a large living room and a relaxation area. More specifically: on the ground floor, the living area consists of a comfortable entrance hall, a large living room, a kitchen equipped with professional appliances, a service bathroom and 2 of the 6 splendid double bedrooms (all with en suite bathrooms). A convenient hallway leads to the upper level where the other 4 bedrooms with bathrooms are located. In the basement is the technical room with a boiler, electrical panels, and racks for home automation management and connectivity. Outside, on the exclusive land of about 2 ha, there is an area equipped for barbecues and a relaxation area with a Jacuzzi. Serving the farmhouse is a car park with 6 covered parking spaces.The entire property was completely renovated in 2018 with high-level finishes and the latest home automation systems, for the purpose of the accommodation activity currently in place, obtaining the top rating of 5 sunflowers, all in a perfect blend of tradition and contemporaneity. The farmhouse has external stone facades, while internally there are wooden floors with exposed tiles, wooden window frames and double glazing, as well as handmade terracotta floors.The property has all the main services and is connected to all utilities. All installations are up to standard and fully functional. The water supply is guaranteed by connection to the municipal aqueduct and a private pond. Heating is supplied by LPG gas and heat pumpThe hills of the Val d'Orcia are the perfect backdrop for unforgettable moments in a dream location.The exclusive property for sale is situated within the hills of the Val D'Orcia, a UNESCO heritage site, in the vicinity of historically important towns such as Siena, Montepulciano and Pienza, to name but a few. The medieval village of Sarteano (SI), the reference municipality, is about 15 minutes away by car, of which 12 km are of unpaved road in excellent condition. Other important cities such as Rome and Florence can be reached within about 1 ½ hours. The nearest airport is Perugia (70 km). There is also the international airport of Rome-Fiumicino (190 km), Rome-Ciampino (170 km) and Florence (137 km).The urban and cadastral situation are perfectly compliant and the farmhouse is currently used for agritourism purposes. Professionals have been engaged by the property to verify the feasibility of derurtilising the building that is the subject of this property proposal.The property is registered in the name of an agricultural s.r.l. and there are currently agricultural use restrictions on the farmhouse that is the subject of this proposal. The transfer of ownership will take place through the sale of the farmhouse and adjoining land with the obligation to maintain the farmhouse's agritourism destination. Professionals have been engaged by the property to ascertain the feasibility of derurbilisation of the building that is the subject of this property proposal and, therefore, the potential for purchase as a non-rural dwelling. In this case, any costs for the deruralisation of the buildings will be borne by the purchasing party. View more View less "Panorama sull'infinito" ist ein typisch toskanisches Bauernhaus in einer idyllischen und ruhigen Gegend, mit spektakulärem Blick auf die sanften Hügel des Val d'Orcia. Es wurde 2018 komplett renoviert, mit exzellenten Materialien und hochmodernen Domotik-Systemen, und verfügt über 6 Doppelschlafzimmer, die alle sehr schön im Landhausstil eingerichtet sind, mit gebleichten Holzbalken und Terrakotta-Böden, sowie eine große Küche und ein geräumiges Wohnzimmer samt Entspannungsbereich. Im Erdgeschoss befindet sich der Wohnbereich, bestehend aus einem komfortablen Eingangsbereich, einem großen Wohnzimmer, einer mit professionellen Geräten ausgestatteten Küche, einem Service-Bad und 2 der 6 herrlichen Doppelschlafzimmer (alle mit eigenem Bad). Ein bequemer Flur führt in die obere Etage, wo sich die anderen 4 Schlafzimmer mit Badezimmern befinden. Im Untergeschoss befindet sich der Technikraum mit Heizkessel, elektrischen Schalttafeln, Regalen für die Verwaltung der Hausautomation und Anschlüsse. Im Außenbereich, auf dem ca. 2 ha großen Grundstück, gibt es einen Grillplatz und einen Entspannungsbereich mit Whirlpool. Zum Bauernhaus gehört ein Parkplatz mit 6 überdachten Stellplätzen.Das gesamte Anwesen wurde im Jahr 2018 komplett renoviert, mit hochwertigen Materialien und den neuesten Hausautomationssystemen, für die derzeitige Beherbergungsaktivität, die die Top-Bewertung von 5 "Sonnenblumen" erhalten hat, alles in einer perfekten Mischung aus Tradition und Moderne. Das Bauernhaus hat eine Außenfassade aus Stein, während im Inneren Holzböden mit Fliesen, Holzfensterrahmen und Doppelverglasung sowie handgefertigte Terrakottaböden zu finden sind.Die Immobilie verfügt über alle wichtigen Anschlüsse und ist an alle Versorgungseinrichtungen angeschlossen. Alle Installationen entsprechen dem Standard und sind voll funktionsfähig. Die Wasserversorgung ist durch den Anschluss an die öffentliche Wasserleitung und einen privaten Teich gewährleistet. Die Heizung wird durch Flüssiggas und eine Wärmepumpe versorgt.Die Hügel des Val d'Orcia sind die perfekte Kulisse für unvergessliche Momente an einem traumhaften Ort.Das zum Verkauf stehende exklusive Anwesen befindet sich in den Hügeln des Val D'Orcia, einem UNESCO-Kulturerbe, in der Nähe von historisch bedeutenden Städten wie Siena, Montepulciano und Pienza, um nur einige zu nennen. Der mittelalterliche Ort Sarteano (SI), die zuständige Gemeinde, ist ca. 15 Minuten mit dem Auto entfernt, davon 12 km unbefestigte Straße in ausgezeichnetem Zustand. Andere wichtige Städte wie Rom und Florenz sind in etwa 1 ½ Stunden zu erreichen. Der nächstgelegene Flughafen ist Perugia (70 km). Außerdem gibt es die internationalen Flughäfen Rom-Fiumicino (190 km), Rom-Ciampino (170 km) und Florenz (137 km).Die städtebauliche und katastermäßige Situation ist vollkommen konform und das Bauernhaus wird derzeit agritouristisch genutzt. Die Immobilie wurde an Fachleute vermittelt, die die Machbarkeit der Entkernung des Gebäudes, die Gegenstand dieses Immobilienvorschlags ist, überprüfen.Die Immobilie ist auf den Namen einer landwirtschaftlichen GmbH eingetragen, und für das Bauernhaus, das hier vorgestellt wird, gelten derzeit Beschränkungen für die landwirtschaftliche Nutzung. Die Übertragung des Eigentums erfolgt durch den Verkauf des Bauernhauses und der angrenzenden Grundstücke mit der Verpflichtung, die agrartouristische Bestimmung des Bauernhauses beizubehalten. Das Anwesen wurde an Fachleute vermittelt, um die Durchführbarkeit einer Sanierung des Gebäudes, die Gegenstand dieses Antrags ist, und damit die Möglichkeit eines Erwerbs als nicht landwirtschaftliches Wohnhaus zu prüfen. In diesem Fall gehen die Kosten für die Entkernung der Gebäude zu Lasten des Käufers. "Panorama sull'infinito" è un tipico casale toscano posto in zona intima e silenziosa, con vista spettacolare sulle dolci colline della Val d’Orcia. Completamente ristrutturato nel 2018 con ottime finiture e impiantistica domotica di ultima generazione, dispone di 6 camere matrimoniali, tutte finemente arredate in stile country chic, ornate da travature in legno sbiancate e pavimento in cotto, oltre a una grande cucina con ampio soggiorno e ad una zona relax. Più specificamente: al Piano Terra troviamo la zona giorno composta da un comodo ingresso, un ampio soggiorno, una cucina attrezzata con elettrodomestici professionali, un bagno di servizio e 2 delle 6 splendide camere matrimoniali (tutte con bagno en suite). Tramite un comodo disimpegno è possibile accedere al livello superiore dove trovano spazio le altre 4 camere da letto con bagno. Al piano seminterrato si trova il locale tecnico con caldaia, quadri elettrici, rack per la gestione della domotica e connettività. Esternamente, sul terreno esclusivo di 2 ha., sono presenti un'area attrezzata per il barbecue ed una zona relax con Jacuzzi. A servizio del casale c'è un parcheggio con 6 posti auto coperti.Tutta la proprietà è stata completamente ristrutturata nel 2018 con finiture di alto livello e impiantistica domotica di ultima generazione, al fine dell’attività ricettiva attualmente in essere, ottenendo il massimo riconoscimento di 5 girasoli, il tutto in un perfetto connubio tra tradizione e contemporaneità. Il casale si presenta con facciate esterne in pietra faccia vista, mentre internamente sono presenti solai in legno con piastrelle a vista, infissi in legno e vetri doppi oltre pavimenti in cotto realizzato a mano.La proprietà dispone di tutti i principali servizi ed è allacciata a tutte le utenze. Tutti gli impianti sono a norma e perfettamente funzionanti. L’approvvigionamento idrico è garantito dall'allaccio all'acquedotto comunale e da un laghetto privato. Il riscaldamento è alimentato da gas gpl e pompa di calore.Le colline della Val d'Orcia sono lo sfondo perfetto per vivere momenti indimenticabili in una location da sogno.L’esclusiva proprietà in vendita è situata all'interno delle colline della Val D'Orcia, patrimonio dell'UNESCO, nelle vicinanze di città d'importanza storica come Siena, Montepulciano e Pienza, soltanto per citarne alcune. Il borgo di origine medievale di Sarteano (SI), Comune di riferimento, si trova a 9 km, di cui 5 km sono di strada bianca in ottimo stato. Altre importanti città come Roma e Firenze sono raggiungibili entro 1 ora ½ L'aeroporto più vicino è quello di Perugia (70 km). Vi sono inoltre l'aeroporto internazionale di Roma-Fiumicino (190 km), Roma-Ciampino (170 km) e Firenze (137 km)La situazione urbanistica e catastale sono perfettamente conformi ed il casale ha attualmente una destinazione d'uso agrituristica. Sono stati incaricati dei professionisti da parte della proprietà per verificare la fattibilità di deruralizzazione del fabbricato oggetto della presente proposta immobiliare.La proprietà è intestata ad una s.r.l. agricola e attualmente sono presenti dei vincoli di destinazione d’uso agricoli sul casale oggetto della presente proposta. Il passaggio di proprietà avverrà tramite la vendita del casale e dei terreni annessi con l’obbligo di mantenere la destinazione agrituristica del casale. Sono stati incaricati dei professionisti da parte della proprietà per verificare la fattibilità di deruralizzazione del fabbricato oggetto della presente proposta immobiliare e, quindi, sulla potenzialità di acquisto come abitazione non rurale. In questo caso saranno a carico della parte acquirente gli eventuali costi per la deruralizzazione dei fabbricati. "Panorama sull'infinito" - это типичный тосканский фермерский дом, расположенный в уединенном и тихом месте с захватывающим видом на холмы долины Валь-д'Орча. Полностью отремонтированная в 2018 году, с великолепной отделкой и современной системой домашней автоматизации, эта резиденция имеет шесть семейных спален, обставленных в стиле кантри-шик, которые украшают выбеленные деревянные балки и терракотовые полы, а также большую кухню с просторной гостиной и зоной отдыха. Итак, на первом этаже находится гостиная зона - удобный вход, большая гостиная, кухня с оборудованием профессиональной техникой, ванная комната и две из шести великолепных семейных спален (все с ванными комнатами). Удобный коридор ведет на верхний этаж, где расположены остальные четыре спальни с ванными комнатами. На цокольном этаже находится техническое помещение с бойлером, электрическими панелями, оборудованием для управления/подключения домашней автоматики. Земельный участок площадью около 2 га с барбекю-зоной и зоной отдыха с джакузи, а также парковка на шесть крытых парковочных мест. "Panorama sull'infinito" is a typical Tuscan farmhouse located in an intimate and quiet area, with spectacular views over the rolling hills of the Val d'Orcia. Completely renovated in 2018 with excellent finishes and state-of-the-art domotic systems, it has 6 double bedrooms, all finely furnished in country chic style, adorned with bleached wooden beams and terracotta floors, as well as a large kitchen with a large living room and a relaxation area. More specifically: on the ground floor, the living area consists of a comfortable entrance hall, a large living room, a kitchen equipped with professional appliances, a service bathroom and 2 of the 6 splendid double bedrooms (all with en suite bathrooms). A convenient hallway leads to the upper level where the other 4 bedrooms with bathrooms are located. In the basement is the technical room with a boiler, electrical panels, and racks for home automation management and connectivity. Outside, on the exclusive land of about 2 ha, there is an area equipped for barbecues and a relaxation area with a Jacuzzi. Serving the farmhouse is a car park with 6 covered parking spaces.The entire property was completely renovated in 2018 with high-level finishes and the latest home automation systems, for the purpose of the accommodation activity currently in place, obtaining the top rating of 5 sunflowers, all in a perfect blend of tradition and contemporaneity. The farmhouse has external stone facades, while internally there are wooden floors with exposed tiles, wooden window frames and double glazing, as well as handmade terracotta floors.The property has all the main services and is connected to all utilities. All installations are up to standard and fully functional. The water supply is guaranteed by connection to the municipal aqueduct and a private pond. Heating is supplied by LPG gas and heat pumpThe hills of the Val d'Orcia are the perfect backdrop for unforgettable moments in a dream location.The exclusive property for sale is situated within the hills of the Val D'Orcia, a UNESCO heritage site, in the vicinity of historically important towns such as Siena, Montepulciano and Pienza, to name but a few. The medieval village of Sarteano (SI), the reference municipality, is about 15 minutes away by car, of which 12 km are of unpaved road in excellent condition. Other important cities such as Rome and Florence can be reached within about 1 ½ hours. The nearest airport is Perugia (70 km). There is also the international airport of Rome-Fiumicino (190 km), Rome-Ciampino (170 km) and Florence (137 km).The urban and cadastral situation are perfectly compliant and the farmhouse is currently used for agritourism purposes. Professionals have been engaged by the property to verify the feasibility of derurtilising the building that is the subject of this property proposal.The property is registered in the name of an agricultural s.r.l. and there are currently agricultural use restrictions on the farmhouse that is the subject of this proposal. The transfer of ownership will take place through the sale of the farmhouse and adjoining land with the obligation to maintain the farmhouse's agritourism destination. Professionals have been engaged by the property to ascertain the feasibility of derurbilisation of the building that is the subject of this property proposal and, therefore, the potential for purchase as a non-rural dwelling. In this case, any costs for the deruralisation of the buildings will be borne by the purchasing party.
Reference: KPMQ-T1831
Country: IT
Region: Siena
City: Sarteano
Category: Residential
Listing type: For sale
Property type: House & Single-family home
Property subtype: Farm
Lot size: 215,278 sqft



Average sale price per sqft
Oct 2018
3 months
1 year
USD 178


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