Oceanfront south of fifth Street fully updated building with assessment paid in full by seller. This is that rare opportunity for a great price to be in prime Oceanfront location as long-term owner is selling after many years. Spacious one bedroom, one bathroom with desirable huge double-sized balcony, tile floors throughout, Impact, windows and sliding door, central AC, great closets, including two walk-ins with room for washer/dryer (which is allowed). Recently remodeled building is completing the recertification’s and has already focused new building exterior including concrete restoration, balconies, impact windows, waterproofing and painting, all new elevators, new heated waterfront pool, new roof and new gym. Still to come are new hallways, lobbies, and beachfront pergola/BBQ​​‌​​​​‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌‌​​‌ area. BedroomOnMainLevel,FamilyDiningRoom,TubShower,WalkInClosets, Heating - Other, Cooling - CentralAir, Utilities - CableAvailable, Possession - ClosingAndFunding,Negotiable, Appliances - Dishwasher,ElectricRange,ElectricWaterHeater,Microwave,Refrigerator, Balcony,SecurityHighImpactDoors, Flooring - Tile, AssociationFeeIncludes - AssociationManagement,Amenities,CommonAreas,CableTv,Insurance,Internet,LegalAccounting,MaintenanceGrounds,PestControl,Pools,Sewer,Security,Trash,Water, Balcony,Open, ArchitecturalStyle - HighRise, Heated, OnStreet, ClosedCircuitCameras,SecurityGuard,SmokeDetectors, Restrictions - OkToLease, ConstructionMaterials - Block, View - City,Garden,Other, Levels - One, PropertySubType - Condominium, OceanAccess,OceanFront, AssociationFeeFrequency - Monthly, CountyOrParish - Miami-Dade, PropertyType - Residential, AssociationAmenities - BikeStorage,Clubhouse,Elevators,FitnessCenter,Laundry,Barbecue,PicnicArea,Pool,Trash, SubdivisionName - OCEAN POINT CONDO, DirectionFaces - West, ImpactGlass, MlsStatus - Active, City - Miami Beach, CommonArea, LotSizeUnits - SquareFeet, ListingTerms - Cash,Conventional, YearBuiltDetails - Resale, VirtualTourURLUnbranded - https:// ... /instaview/mia/A11726845, StandardStatus - Active, OccupantType - CallAgent, PropertySubTypeAdditional - Condominium, PostalCity - Miami Beach, TaxLegalDescription - OCEAN POINT CONDO UNIT 304 THIRD FLOOR UNDIV .00366% INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS CLERKS FILE 70R-16950 OR ... Features: - Balcony - Washing Machine