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House & single-family home for sale in Varna

USD 500,612

House & Single-family home (For sale)

5,813 sqft
Reference: EDEN-T74845209 / 74845209
For more information call us on ... or 052 813 703 and quote the property reference number: Vna 77343. Responsible broker: Krasen Zahariev Two-family residential building twin in one of the most picturesque areas of Varna, Sotira. The area is famous for its beautiful sea and city views and convenient location, just 2.5 mi from the center and 1.9 mi from the beach. Due to the favorable climate and the proximity to the city center, interest in the properties in the area is high. The house is 540 sq.m. M. distributed between: First floor - two garages, each of them enters large living rooms with a warm connection between them, two bathrooms with two toilets. On both sides staircases to the 2nd floor. Second floor - two large rooms each with two sanitary facilities and a terrace. Stairwell to the third floor. Third floor - two large living rooms with kitchenette and sans. rooms, bathroom with toilet and terraces. Fourth floor - two bedrooms, each with a bathroom and toilet terrace and spectacular city and sea views. Documentary, the house has act 14, there is electricity, water, central sewerage. It is finished on BDS, with bathrooms and toilets with tiles and terracotta tiles, laminate flooring. All windows have joinery. Air conditioning and heating are provided. Local heating with radiators can also be installed. It is suitable for a family house or an investment as two guesthouses. The location offers good communication and easy road access, as well as convenient public transport. Supermarkets, shops and shopping centers, pharmacies, polyclinics, restaurants, cafes are within walking distance. View of the property We can organize a view of the property at a convenient time for you. To do this, contact the broker responsible for the offer and tell him when you would like to take a look. The location is great. Reservation of the property The property can be booked and removed from sale with payment of a deposit, after which the conduct of inspections with other buyers is terminated and preparation of the documents for the conclusion of a preliminary and final contract begins. Contact the responsible broker for this property for detailed information about the purchase procedure and payment methods. Additional services and after-sales service We are a reputable company and will be with you not only at the time of purchase, but also thereon, providing you with additional services at your request in order to fully and seamlessly View more View less За повече информация обадете ни се на тел: ... или 052 813 703 и цитирайте референтния номер на имота: Vna 77343. Отговорен брокер: Красен Захариев Двуфамилна жилищна сграда близнак в една от най-живописните местности на град Варна, Сотира. Местността е известна с красивия изглед към морето и града и удобното си местоположение, само на 4 км от центъра и 3 км от плажа. Благодарение на благоприятния климат и близостта до центъра на града, интересът към имотите в местността е висок. Къщата е с площ 540 кв. м. разпределена между: Първи етаж - два гаража, от всеки от тях се влиза към големи всекидневни с топла връзка помежду им, две бани с две тоалетни. От двете страни стълбища към 2-ри етаж. Втори етаж - две големи стаи всяка с по две санитарни помещения и тераса. Стълбище към 3-тия етаж. Трети етаж - две големи всекидневни с кухненски бокс и сан. помещения, баня с тоалетна и тераси. Четвърти етаж - две спални, всяка с баня и тоалетна тераса и невероятна гледка към града и морето. Документално, къщата е с получен Акт 14, има ток, вода, централна канализация. Завършена е по БДС, като баните и тоалетни са с фаянс и теракота, стълбищата с плочки, настилки ламинат. Всички прозорци са с поставена дограма. Предвидени са климатици и отопление на ток. Може да се инсталира и локално отопление с радиатори. Подходяща е за фамилна къща или инвестиция като две къщи за гости. Локацията предлага добра комуникативност и лесен автомобилен достъп, както и удобно придвижване с градски транспорт. На пешеходно разстояние има супермаркети, магазини и търговски центрове, аптеки, поликлиники, ресторанти, кафенета. Оглед на имота Можем да организираме оглед на имота в удобно за вас време. За целта, свържете се с отговорния за офертата брокер и му кажете кога бихте искали да направите оглед. Тихо и спокойно място, отлична достъпност. Резервация на имота Имотът може да бъде резервиран и свален от продажба със заплащане на депозит, след което се прекратява провеждането на огледи с други купувачи и започва подготовка на документите за сключване на предварителен и окончателен договор. Свържете се с отговорния брокер за този имот за подробна информация относно процедурата на покупка и начините за плащане. Допълнителни услуги и следпродажбено обслужване Ние сме реномирана компания и ще бъдем с вас не само по време на покупката, но и след това, осигурявайки ви допълнителни услуги по ваше изискване с цел пълноценно и безпроблемно For more information call us on ... or 052 813 703 and quote the property reference number: Vna 77343. Responsible broker: Krasen Zahariev Two-family residential building twin in one of the most picturesque areas of Varna, Sotira. The area is famous for its beautiful sea and city views and convenient location, just 2.5 mi from the center and 1.9 mi from the beach. Due to the favorable climate and the proximity to the city center, interest in the properties in the area is high. The house is 540 sq.m. M. distributed between: First floor - two garages, each of them enters large living rooms with a warm connection between them, two bathrooms with two toilets. On both sides staircases to the 2nd floor. Second floor - two large rooms each with two sanitary facilities and a terrace. Stairwell to the third floor. Third floor - two large living rooms with kitchenette and sans. rooms, bathroom with toilet and terraces. Fourth floor - two bedrooms, each with a bathroom and toilet terrace and spectacular city and sea views. Documentary, the house has act 14, there is electricity, water, central sewerage. It is finished on BDS, with bathrooms and toilets with tiles and terracotta tiles, laminate flooring. All windows have joinery. Air conditioning and heating are provided. Local heating with radiators can also be installed. It is suitable for a family house or an investment as two guesthouses. The location offers good communication and easy road access, as well as convenient public transport. Supermarkets, shops and shopping centers, pharmacies, polyclinics, restaurants, cafes are within walking distance. View of the property We can organize a view of the property at a convenient time for you. To do this, contact the broker responsible for the offer and tell him when you would like to take a look. The location is great. Reservation of the property The property can be booked and removed from sale with payment of a deposit, after which the conduct of inspections with other buyers is terminated and preparation of the documents for the conclusion of a preliminary and final contract begins. Contact the responsible broker for this property for detailed information about the purchase procedure and payment methods. Additional services and after-sales service We are a reputable company and will be with you not only at the time of purchase, but also thereon, providing you with additional services at your request in order to fully and seamlessly Für weitere Informationen rufen Sie uns an: ... oder 052 813 703 und geben Sie die Referenznummer der Immobilie an: Vna 77343. Verantwortlicher Makler: Krasen Zahariev Zweifamilienhaus in einer der malerischsten Gegenden von Varna, Sotira. Die Gegend ist berühmt für ihre schöne Aussicht auf das Meer und die Stadt und ihre günstige Lage, nur 4 km vom Zentrum und 3 km vom Strand entfernt. Dank des günstigen Klimas und der Nähe zum Stadtzentrum ist das Interesse an den Immobilien in der Umgebung groß. Das Haus hat eine Fläche von 540 qm. m. verteilt zwischen: Erster Stock - zwei Garagen, von denen aus Sie jeweils große Wohnzimmer mit einer warmen Verbindung zwischen ihnen betreten können, zwei Badezimmer mit zwei Toiletten. Auf beiden Seiten Treppen in den 2. Stock. Zweiter Stock - zwei große Zimmer mit jeweils zwei Bädern und einer Terrasse. Treppe in den 3. Stock. Dritter Stock - zwei große Wohnzimmer mit Küchenzeile und san. Räumlichkeiten, Badezimmer mit WC und Terrassen. Vierter Stock - zwei Schlafzimmer, jedes mit Bad und WC, Terrasse und herrlichem Blick auf die Stadt und das Meer. Dokumentarisch hat das Haus Akt 14 erhalten, es gibt Strom, Wasser, zentrale Kanalisation. Es ist nach BDS ausgeführt, da die Badezimmer und Toiletten mit Fayence und Terrakotta, Treppen mit Fliesen und Laminatboden ausgestattet sind. In allen Fenstern sind Fenster installiert. Klimaanlagen und eine elektrische Heizung sind ebenfalls vorhanden. Auch eine Nahheizung mit Heizkörpern kann installiert werden. Es eignet sich für ein Einfamilienhaus oder eine Investition als zwei Gästehäuser. Die Lage bietet eine gute Verkehrsanbindung und einen einfachen Zugang mit dem Auto sowie eine bequeme Anbindung mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln. Nur wenige Gehminuten entfernt befinden sich Supermärkte, Geschäfte und Einkaufszentren, Apotheken, Polikliniken, Restaurants, Cafés. Wir können eine Besichtigung der Immobilie zu einem für Sie günstigen Zeitpunkt arrangieren. Wenden Sie sich dazu an den für das Angebot zuständigen Makler und teilen Sie ihm mit, wann Sie ihn besichtigen möchten. Ruhiger und friedlicher Ort, ausgezeichnete Erreichbarkeit. Die Immobilie kann durch Zahlung einer Anzahlung reserviert und aus dem Verkauf entfernt werden, woraufhin die Besichtigungen mit anderen Käufern beendet werden und die Vorbereitung der Dokumente für den Abschluss eines vorläufigen und endgültigen Vertrags beginnt. Wenden Sie sich an den zuständigen Makler für diese Immobilie, um detaillierte Informationen zum Kaufvorgang und den Zahlungsmethoden zu erhalten. Wir sind ein seriöses Unternehmen und begleiten Sie nicht nur zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufs, sondern auch danach, um Ihnen auf Wunsch zusätzliche Dienstleistungen anzubieten, um Sie vollständig und nahtlos zu unterstützen Voor meer informatie bel ons op: ... of 052 813 703 en vermeld het referentienummer van de woning: Vna 77343. Verantwoordelijke makelaar: Krasen Zahariev Tweegezinswoning twin in een van de meest pittoreske wijken van Varna, Sotira. Het gebied staat bekend om zijn prachtige uitzicht op de zee en de stad en de gunstige ligging, op slechts 4 km van het centrum en 3 km van het strand. Dankzij het gunstige klimaat en de nabijheid van het stadscentrum is de belangstelling voor de woningen in de omgeving groot. Het huis heeft een oppervlakte van 540 m². m. verdeeld tussen: Eerste verdieping - twee garages, vanuit elk van hen kunt u grote woonkamers betreden met een warme verbinding ertussen, twee badkamers met twee toiletten. Aan beide zijden trapopgang naar de 2e verdieping. Tweede verdieping - twee grote kamers met elk twee badkamers en een terras. Vaste trap naar de 3e verdieping. Derde verdieping - twee grote woonkamers met kitchenette en san. lokale, badkamer met toilet en terrassen. Vierde verdieping - twee slaapkamers, elk met badkamer en toiletterras en een prachtig uitzicht op de stad en de zee. Documentair heeft het huis Act 14 ontvangen, er is elektriciteit, water, centrale riolering. Het is afgewerkt volgens BDS, want de badkamers en toiletten zijn met faience en terracotta, trappen met tegels, laminaatvloeren. Alle ramen zijn voorzien van vensters. Er zijn airconditioners en elektrische verwarming aanwezig. Lokale verwarming met radiatoren kan ook worden geïnstalleerd. Het is geschikt voor een gezinswoning of investering als twee gastenverblijven. De locatie biedt goede communicatie en gemakkelijke toegang met de auto, evenals handig vervoer met het openbaar vervoer. Op loopafstand zijn er supermarkten, winkels en winkelcentra, apotheken, poliklinieken, restaurants, cafés. We kunnen een bezichtiging van de woning regelen op een tijdstip dat u uitkomt. Neem hiervoor contact op met de makelaar die verantwoordelijk is voor het aanbod en vertel hem wanneer u wilt bezichtigen. Rustige en vredige plek, uitstekende bereikbaarheid. De woning kan worden gereserveerd en uit de verkoop worden gehaald door een aanbetaling te doen, waarna bezichtigingen met andere kopers worden beëindigd en het opstellen van de documenten voor het sluiten van een voorlopig en definitief contract begint. Neem contact op met de verantwoordelijke makelaar voor deze woning voor gedetailleerde informatie over de aankoopprocedure en betalingsmethoden. Wij zijn een gerenommeerd bedrijf en zullen niet alleen bij u zijn op het moment van aankoop, maar ook daarna, om u op uw verzoek aanvullende diensten te verlenen om volledig en naadloos te werken
Reference: EDEN-T74845209
Country: BG
City: Varna
Postal code: 9010
Category: Residential
Listing type: For sale
Property type: House & Single-family home
Property size: 5,813 sqft


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