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House & single-family home for sale in Kalisz

USD 776,025

House & Single-family home (For sale)

21,226 sqft
lot 8,773 sqft
Reference: EDEN-T97040714 / 97040714
A unique and very prestigious location in the center of Kalisz – the intersection of the Golden Horn and the representative Wolności Avenue. Right on the Prosna River, at the Stone Bridge, I offer for sale a tenement house with history – at the beginning of the twentieth century, the editorial office and printing house of Gazeta Kaliska were located here.

The sale is handled by the Poznań-based real estate agency RE/MAX Experts. Remark! The buyer does not pay commission.

The building with great potential with a total usable area of 1482 m2, is located on an 815-meter plot. It has 2 fronts – from Wolności Avenue and from the Old Town Embankment. Both with commercial premises on the ground floor (with elegant windows).

The premises on Wolności Avenue, which for the last several years housed a very fashionable pub – 165 m2, also has restored cellars – 186 m2. They housed the only brewery in Kalisz. These rooms are equipped with a modern ventilation system, the devices of which are located in the attic.

On the two upper floors and in the attic from Aleja Wolności there are a total of 7 apartments (currently rented) – a total of 477 m2. These premises are in good and very good technical condition. They have gas heating and basements.

From the side of the Old Town Embankment, there was also a catering facility located on the ground floor – 165 m2 (it has a spacious room and social facilities). On the first floor, in rented rooms, the Association of House Owners and Managers currently has its headquarters – 139 m2. On the next floor, 5 smaller apartments (210 m2 in total) and one larger, two-level apartment – 84 m2 (apartments of various standards) were created. All premises are rented.

In the outbuilding connecting both fronts of the tenement house, on the ground floor, there are social facilities for commercial premises. On the first floor, on the other hand, until recently there was an office – 72 m2 (the rooms are in good technical condition). On the second floor there is a very spacious apartment for general renovation (currently empty) – 88 m2.

In the courtyard of the tenement house, which is entered through the gate from Aleja Wolności, there are 5 parking spaces.

There is a possibility of extending the outbuilding and part of the tenement house from the Old Town Embankment and thus using the top floor (currently the attic) for residential or service purposes.

On the representative Freedom Avenue, beautifully situated on the Prosna River, there are many well-known and historic buildings, the Trybunalski Palace, which houses the court, or the Wedding Palace (now Villa Calisia). The Kalisz Philharmonic is also located here. The tenement house offered for sale is adjacent to the Europa Hotel – one of the most elegant and at the same time the oldest hotel in the city. The Stone Bridge, the oldest and most famous of the Kalisz bridges (located near the tenement house) and the Trybunalski Bridge, located a little further, lead to the Old Town.

I invite you to the presentation of the property!

In the case of this offer, the remuneration of our agency is covered by the property owner.
The description of the offer contained on the website is prepared on the basis of the inspection of the property and information obtained from the owner, may be subject to update and does not constitute an offer specified in Article 66 et seq. of the Civil Code.

Offer sent from the ASARI CRM ( program for real estate agencies
View more View less Wyjątkowa i bardzo prestiżowa lokalizacja w centrum Kalisza – skrzyżowanie Złotego Rogu i reprezentacyjnej Alei Wolności. Tuż nad Prosną, przy Moście Kamiennym, oferuję na sprzedaż kamienicę z historią – na początku XX w. mieściła się tutaj redakcja i drukarnia Gazety Kaliskiej.

Sprzedażą zajmuje się poznańskie biuro nieruchomości RE/MAX Experts. Uwaga! Kupujący nie płaci prowizji.

Budynek z ogromnym potencjałem o łącznej powierzchni użytkowej 1482 m2, położony jest na 815-metrowej działce. Posiada 2 fronty – od Alei Wolności i od Wału Staromiejskiego. Oba z lokalami użytkowymi na parterze (z eleganckimi witrynami).

Lokal od Alei Wolności, w którym przez kilkanaście ostatnich lat mieścił się bardzo modny pub – 165 m2, posiada również odrestaurowane piwnice – 186 m2. Znajdował się w nich jedyny w Kaliszu browar. Pomieszczenia te wyposażone są w nowoczesną instalację wentylacyjną, której urządzenia znajdują się na strychu.

Na dwóch wyższych kondygnacjach i na strychu od Alei Wolności znajduje się w sumie 7 mieszkań (obecnie wynajmowanych) – w sumie 477 m2. Lokale te są w dobrym i bardzo dobrym stanie technicznym. Posiadają ogrzewanie gazowe oraz piwnice.

Od strony Wału Staromiejskiego, w mieszczącym się na parterze lokalu również działała gastronomia – 165 m2 (posiada przestronną salę i zaplecze socjalne). Na pierwszym piętrze, w wynajmowanych pomieszczeniach, swoją siedzibę ma obecnie Zrzeszenie Właścicieli i Zarządców Domów – 139 m2. Na kolejnej kondygnacji utworzono 5 mniejszych mieszkań (w sumie 210 m2) i jedno większe, dwupoziomowe – 84 m2 (mieszkania w zróżnicowanym standardzie). Wszystkie lokale są wynajmowane.

W oficynie łączącej oba fronty kamienicy, na parterze mieszczą się zaplecza socjalne lokali użytkowych. Na pierwszym piętrze z kolei do niedawna działało biuro – 72 m2 (pomieszczenia są w dobrym stanie technicznym). Na drugim piętrze znajduje bardzo przestronne mieszkanie do generalnego remontu (obecnie puste) – 88 m2.

Na dziedzińcu kamienicy, na który wjeżdża się przez bramę od Alei Wolności, 5 miejsc postojowych.

Istnieje możliwość nadbudowy oficyny i części kamienicy od Wału Staromiejskiego i tym samym wykorzystania na cele mieszkaniowe lub usługowe najwyższej kondygnacji (obecnie strych).

Przy pięknie położonej nad Prosną, reprezentacyjnej Alei Wolności, znajduje się wiele znanych i zabytkowych budynków, Pałac Trybunalski, w którym mieści się sąd czy Pałac Ślubów (obecnie Villa Calisia). Tu także znajduje się Filharmonia Kaliska. Oferowana na sprzedaż kamienica sąsiaduje natomiast z Hotelem Europa – jednym z najelegantszych, a zarazem najstarszym hotelem w mieście. Na Stare Miasto prowadzą stąd Most Kamienny, najstarszy i najbardziej znany z kaliskich mostów (znajdujący się nieopodal kamienicy) oraz położony nieco dalej Most Trybunalski.

Zapraszam na prezentację nieruchomości!

W przypadku tej oferty wynagrodzenie naszego biura pokrywa właściciel nieruchomości.
Opis oferty zawarty na stronie internetowej sporządzany jest na podstawie oględzin nieruchomości oraz informacji uzyskanych od właściciela, może podlegać aktualizacji i nie stanowi oferty określonej w art. 66 i następnych K.C.

Oferta wysłana z programu dla biur nieruchomości ASARI CRM (
A unique and very prestigious location in the center of Kalisz – the intersection of the Golden Horn and the representative Wolności Avenue. Right on the Prosna River, at the Stone Bridge, I offer for sale a tenement house with history – at the beginning of the twentieth century, the editorial office and printing house of Gazeta Kaliska were located here.

The sale is handled by the Poznań-based real estate agency RE/MAX Experts. Remark! The buyer does not pay commission.

The building with great potential with a total usable area of 1482 m2, is located on an 815-meter plot. It has 2 fronts – from Wolności Avenue and from the Old Town Embankment. Both with commercial premises on the ground floor (with elegant windows).

The premises on Wolności Avenue, which for the last several years housed a very fashionable pub – 165 m2, also has restored cellars – 186 m2. They housed the only brewery in Kalisz. These rooms are equipped with a modern ventilation system, the devices of which are located in the attic.

On the two upper floors and in the attic from Aleja Wolności there are a total of 7 apartments (currently rented) – a total of 477 m2. These premises are in good and very good technical condition. They have gas heating and basements.

From the side of the Old Town Embankment, there was also a catering facility located on the ground floor – 165 m2 (it has a spacious room and social facilities). On the first floor, in rented rooms, the Association of House Owners and Managers currently has its headquarters – 139 m2. On the next floor, 5 smaller apartments (210 m2 in total) and one larger, two-level apartment – 84 m2 (apartments of various standards) were created. All premises are rented.

In the outbuilding connecting both fronts of the tenement house, on the ground floor, there are social facilities for commercial premises. On the first floor, on the other hand, until recently there was an office – 72 m2 (the rooms are in good technical condition). On the second floor there is a very spacious apartment for general renovation (currently empty) – 88 m2.

In the courtyard of the tenement house, which is entered through the gate from Aleja Wolności, there are 5 parking spaces.

There is a possibility of extending the outbuilding and part of the tenement house from the Old Town Embankment and thus using the top floor (currently the attic) for residential or service purposes.

On the representative Freedom Avenue, beautifully situated on the Prosna River, there are many well-known and historic buildings, the Trybunalski Palace, which houses the court, or the Wedding Palace (now Villa Calisia). The Kalisz Philharmonic is also located here. The tenement house offered for sale is adjacent to the Europa Hotel – one of the most elegant and at the same time the oldest hotel in the city. The Stone Bridge, the oldest and most famous of the Kalisz bridges (located near the tenement house) and the Trybunalski Bridge, located a little further, lead to the Old Town.

I invite you to the presentation of the property!

In the case of this offer, the remuneration of our agency is covered by the property owner.
The description of the offer contained on the website is prepared on the basis of the inspection of the property and information obtained from the owner, may be subject to update and does not constitute an offer specified in Article 66 et seq. of the Civil Code.

Offer sent from the ASARI CRM ( program for real estate agencies
Reference: EDEN-T97040714
Country: PL
City: Kalisz
Postal code: 62-800
Category: Residential
Listing type: For sale
Property type: House & Single-family home
Property size: 21,226 sqft
Lot size: 8,773 sqft
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