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Lukovo - Bribir, house in an idyllic location

USD 117,041

House & Single-family home (For sale)

1 bd
1 ba
807 sqft
lot 23,681 sqft
Reference: XTHX-T3702 / 504648
Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Vinodolska Općina, Bribir.We are selling a beautiful cottage located in idyllic Lukovo, in the hinterland of Bribira, Croatia. This charming cottage offers a perfect refuge from the hustle and bustle of the city and offers a unique opportunity to relax in peaceful nature.
This cottage is located on a plot with a total area of 1908 m2 and an additional 1137 m2 of agricultural land, which offers plenty of opportunities for arranging and expanding the garden according to your wishes and needs. The plot includes three separate building lots and a half share in a fourth non-building lot, giving you flexibility for future projects.
On the ground floor of this house there is a spacious living room that connects to the dining room and kitchen, creating a pleasant space for socializing and entertaining with family and friends. Also, there is a bathroom on the ground floor that needs to be finished, giving you the opportunity to customize it according to your own preferences. There is also an additional utility room of 20 m2 that can be used as a storage room or additional space for recreation.
Upstairs there is a spacious bedroom that provides a comfortable and private space for rest and relaxation after a long day of exploring the natural beauty of the surrounding area.
In addition to the interior space, this cottage offers plenty of possibilities for arranging the exterior space, where you can create a garden, a barbecue area or even a swimming pool, creating an oasis of peace and enjoyment in nature.
This cottage on Lukovo is ideal for those who are looking for an escape from everyday stress and want to enjoy the beauty of nature, with the possibility of creating their own private paradise according to their own wishes. Do not miss the opportunity to become the owner of this beautiful cottage and make your dreams of relaxing in the untouched nature of Croatia come true.ID CODE: 5766Vinko Matejčić, mag.oec
Agent s licencom
Mob: 0959145475
Tel: 051 403 771
View more View less Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Vinodolska Općina, Bribir.Wir verkaufen ein schönes Ferienhaus im idyllischen Lukovo, im Hinterland von Bribira, Kroatien. Dieses charmante Ferienhaus ist ein perfekter Zufluchtsort vor der Hektik der Stadt und bietet eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, sich in der friedlichen Natur zu entspannen.
Das Haus hat eine Gesamtfläche von 1.908 m2, wovon 1.137 m2 unbebautes Land sind, das Ihnen viele Möglichkeiten bietet, den Garten nach Ihren Wünschen und Bedürfnissen zu gestalten und zu erweitern. Das Grundstück umfasst drei separate Bauparzellen und einen halben Anteil an einer vierten, nicht bebaubaren Parzelle, was Ihnen Flexibilität für zukünftige Projekte bietet.
Im Erdgeschoss dieses Hauses befindet sich ein geräumiges Wohnzimmer, das mit dem Esszimmer und der Küche verbunden ist und so einen angenehmen Raum für geselliges Beisammensein und Unterhaltung mit Familie und Freunden bietet. Außerdem gibt es im Erdgeschoss ein Badezimmer, das noch fertiggestellt werden muss, so dass Sie die Möglichkeit haben, es nach Ihren eigenen Wünschen zu gestalten. Es gibt auch einen zusätzlichen Hauswirtschaftsraum von 20 m2, der als Abstellraum oder als zusätzlicher Raum für Freizeitaktivitäten genutzt werden kann.
Im Obergeschoss befindet sich ein geräumiges Schlafzimmer, in dem man sich nach einem langen Tag, an dem man die Naturschönheiten der Umgebung erkundet hat, bequem und privat ausruhen und entspannen kann.
Zusätzlich zu den Innenräumen bietet dieses Haus viele Möglichkeiten zur Gestaltung des Außenbereichs, wo Sie einen Garten, einen Grillplatz oder sogar einen Swimmingpool anlegen können, um eine Oase der Ruhe und des Genusses in der Natur zu schaffen.
Dieses Ferienhaus auf Lukovo ist ideal für alle, die dem Alltagsstress entfliehen und die Schönheit der Natur genießen wollen, mit der Möglichkeit, sich ihr privates Paradies nach eigenen Wünschen zu schaffen. Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, Eigentümer dieses schönen Ferienhauses zu werden und Ihre Träume von Entspannung in der unberührten Natur Kroatiens wahr werden zu lassen.ID CODE: 5766Vinko Matejčić, mag.oec
Agent s licencom
Mob: 0959145475
Tel: 051 403 771
Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Vinodolska Općina, Bribir.Prodajemo prekrasnu vikendicu smještenu u idiličnom Lukovu, u zaleđu Bribira, Hrvatska. Ova šarmantna vikendica nudi savršeno utočište od gradske vreve i pruža jedinstvenu priliku za opuštanje u mirnoj prirodi.
Ova vikendica se nalazi na parceli koja ima ukupnu površinu od 1908 m2 te dodatno 1137 m2 poljoprivrednog zemljišta koje pruža obilje mogućnosti za uređenje i proširenje okućnice prema vašim željama i potrebama. Parcela uključuje tri zasebna građevinska zemljišta i polovični udio u četvrtom zemljištu koje nije građevinsko, pružajući vam fleksibilnost za buduće projekte.
U prizemlju ove kućice nalazi se prostrani dnevni boravak koji se povezuje s blagovaonicom i kuhinjom, stvarajući ugodan prostor za druženje i zabavu s obitelji i prijateljima. Također, u prizemlju se nalazi kupaonica koju je potrebno dovršiti, pružajući vam priliku da je prilagodite prema vlastitim preferencijama. Tu je i dodatna pomoćna prostorija od 20m2 koja može poslužiti kao spremište ili dodatni prostor za rekreaciju.
Na katu se nalazi prostrana spavaća soba koja osigurava udoban i privatni prostor za odmor i relaksaciju nakon dugog dana istraživanja prirodnih ljepota okolnog područja.
Osim unutarnjeg prostora, ova vikendica nudi obilje mogućnosti za uređenje vanjskog prostora, gdje možete stvoriti vrt, prostor za roštiljanje ili čak bazen, stvarajući oazu mira i užitka u prirodi.
Ova vikendica na Lukovu idealna je za one koji traže bijeg od svakodnevnog stresa i žele uživati u ljepotama prirode, uz mogućnost stvaranja vlastitog privatnog raja prema vlastitim željama. Ne propustite priliku postati vlasnikom ove prekrasne vikendice i ostvarite svoje snove o opuštanju u netaknutoj prirodi Hrvatske.ID KOD AGENCIJE: 5766Vinko Matejčić, mag.oec
Agent s licencom
Mob: 0959145475
Tel: 051 403 771
Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Vinodolska Općina, Bribir.Vendiamo un bellissimo cottage situato nell'idilliaca Lukovo, nell'entroterra di Bribira, in Croazia. Questo affascinante cottage offre un rifugio perfetto dal trambusto della città e offre un'opportunità unica per rilassarsi nella natura tranquilla.
Questo cottage ha una superficie totale di 1.908 m2, di cui 1.137 m2 di terreno non edificato, che offre numerose opportunità per organizzare e ampliare il giardino secondo i propri desideri e necessità. Il terreno comprende tre lotti edificabili separati e la metà di un quarto lotto non edificabile, offrendo flessibilità per progetti futuri.
Al piano terra di questa casa si trova un ampio soggiorno che si collega alla sala da pranzo e alla cucina, creando un piacevole spazio per socializzare e intrattenersi con la famiglia e gli amici. Inoltre al piano terra è presente un bagno da rifinire, dandovi la possibilità di personalizzarlo secondo le vostre preferenze. C'è anche un ulteriore ripostiglio di 20 m2 che può essere utilizzato come ripostiglio o ulteriore spazio ricreativo.
Al piano superiore c'è una spaziosa camera da letto che offre uno spazio confortevole e privato per riposarsi e rilassarsi dopo una lunga giornata trascorsa esplorando le bellezze naturali della zona circostante.
Oltre allo spazio interno, questo cottage offre numerose possibilità per organizzare lo spazio esterno, dove è possibile creare un giardino, una zona barbecue o anche una piscina, creando un'oasi di pace e divertimento nella natura.
Questo cottage a Lukovo è l'ideale per coloro che cercano una fuga dallo stress quotidiano e vogliono godersi la bellezza della natura, con la possibilità di creare il proprio paradiso privato secondo i propri desideri. Non perdere l'occasione di diventare proprietario di questo bellissimo cottage e realizzare i tuoi sogni di relax nella natura incontaminata della Croazia.ID CODE: 5766Vinko Matejčić, mag.oec
Agent s licencom
Mob: 0959145475
Tel: 051 403 771
Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Vinodolska Općina, Bribir.We are selling a beautiful cottage located in idyllic Lukovo, in the hinterland of Bribira, Croatia. This charming cottage offers a perfect refuge from the hustle and bustle of the city and offers a unique opportunity to relax in peaceful nature.
This cottage is located on a plot with a total area of 1908 m2 and an additional 1137 m2 of agricultural land, which offers plenty of opportunities for arranging and expanding the garden according to your wishes and needs. The plot includes three separate building lots and a half share in a fourth non-building lot, giving you flexibility for future projects.
On the ground floor of this house there is a spacious living room that connects to the dining room and kitchen, creating a pleasant space for socializing and entertaining with family and friends. Also, there is a bathroom on the ground floor that needs to be finished, giving you the opportunity to customize it according to your own preferences. There is also an additional utility room of 20 m2 that can be used as a storage room or additional space for recreation.
Upstairs there is a spacious bedroom that provides a comfortable and private space for rest and relaxation after a long day of exploring the natural beauty of the surrounding area.
In addition to the interior space, this cottage offers plenty of possibilities for arranging the exterior space, where you can create a garden, a barbecue area or even a swimming pool, creating an oasis of peace and enjoyment in nature.
This cottage on Lukovo is ideal for those who are looking for an escape from everyday stress and want to enjoy the beauty of nature, with the possibility of creating their own private paradise according to their own wishes. Do not miss the opportunity to become the owner of this beautiful cottage and make your dreams of relaxing in the untouched nature of Croatia come true.ID CODE: 5766Vinko Matejčić, mag.oec
Agent s licencom
Mob: 0959145475
Tel: 051 403 771
Reference: XTHX-T3702
Country: HR
City: Vinodolska Općina
Category: Residential
Listing type: For sale
Property type: House & Single-family home
Buildable: Yes
Property size: 807 sqft
Lot size: 23,681 sqft
Rooms: 2
Bedrooms: 1
Bathrooms: 1
WC: 1
No. of levels: 1
Furnished: Yes
Parkings: 1
Fireplace: Yes
Terrace: Yes
Outdoor Grill: Yes


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