Business opportunity (For sale)
301 sqft
/ 104211563
Call us at ... for additional information and to organize viewings at a time convenient for you. Terra Bulgari Agency offers you a room. It consists of a main room and a bathroom. Suitable for a store or office. The agency also offers other properties in the area. We assist with loans through a licensed credit consultant. Company lending. Legal advice. Insurance of your property. - Comprehensive service from the execution of the transaction to construction, repair and finishing activities. For viewings: 0899/664 767 - Hristov. ID 170524S1
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Обадете ни се на ... за допълнителна информация и организиране на огледи в удобно за вас време. Агенция Тера Булгари предлага на Вашето внимание помещение. Състои се от основно помещение и санитарен възел. Подходящо за магазин или офис. Агенцията предлага и други имоти в района. Съдействаме за кредити чрез лицензиран кредитен консултант. Фирмено кредитиране. Правни консултации. Застраховка на вашия имот. - Комплексно обслужване от изповядване на сделката до строително-ремонтни и довършителни дейности. За огледи: 0899/664 767 - Христов. ID 170524S1
Appelez-nous au ... pour plus d’informations et pour organiser les visites au moment qui vous convient. L’agence Terra Bulgari met à votre disposition une chambre. Il se compose d’une pièce principale et d’une salle de bain. Convient pour un magasin ou un bureau. L’agence propose également d’autres biens dans la région. Nous vous aidons à obtenir des prêts par l’intermédiaire d’un conseiller en crédit agréé. Prêts aux entreprises. Conseil juridique. Assurance de vos biens. - Service complet de l’exécution de la transaction aux activités de construction, de réparation et de finition. Pour les visites : 0899/664 767 - Hristov. Réf. 170524S1
Call us at ... for additional information and to organize viewings at a time convenient for you. Terra Bulgari Agency offers you a room. It consists of a main room and a bathroom. Suitable for a store or office. The agency also offers other properties in the area. We assist with loans through a licensed credit consultant. Company lending. Legal advice. Insurance of your property. - Comprehensive service from the execution of the transaction to construction, repair and finishing activities. For viewings: 0899/664 767 - Hristov. ID 170524S1
Llámenos al ... para obtener información adicional y organizar visitas en un momento conveniente para usted. Terra Bulgari Agency le ofrece una habitación. Consta de una habitación principal y un baño. Adecuado para una tienda u oficina. La agencia también ofrece otras propiedades en la zona. Ayudamos con préstamos a través de un consultor de crédito autorizado. Préstamos a empresas. Asesoramiento legal. Seguro de su propiedad. - Servicio integral desde la ejecución de la transacción hasta las actividades de construcción, reparación y acabado. Para visitas: 0899/664 767 - Hristov. Identificación: 170524S1
Chiamaci al ... per ulteriori informazioni e per organizzare le visite in un momento a te comodo. L'agenzia Terra Bulgari vi offre una camera. Si compone di una stanza principale e di un bagno. Adatto per un negozio o un ufficio. L'agenzia offre anche altri immobili nella zona. Assistiamo con i prestiti attraverso un consulente del credito autorizzato. Prestiti aziendali. Consulenza legale. Assicurazione della tua proprietà. - Servizio completo dall'esecuzione della transazione alle attività di costruzione, riparazione e finitura. Per le visite: 0899/664 767 - Hristov. ID 170524S1
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
Business opportunity
Property size:
301 sqft