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House & single-family home for sale in Merriman

USD 1,225,000

House & Single-family home (For sale)

lot 55,974,600 sqft
Reference: EDEN-T95104841 / 95104841
Here's a nice continuous tract of land located in western Cherry County, NE. The property sits southwest of Merriman, NE approximately 23 miles and is located a few miles south of the Niobrara River. The property is cross fenced into two separate pastures, each holding a windmill and new 30 ft stock tank. The property has an ample amount of lush native grass ready to be utilized by its new owner. Western Cherry County Rangeland is comprised of 1,285.20 +/- acres of Sandhill's pasture and has an abundance of native grasses and water supply. The property sits in an area where the water lever is high, creating several ponds for cattle and wildlife to utilize. The property is cross-fenced for rotational grazing and has two windmills with new 30ft stock tanks. This property is owner rated at 85 cow/calf pair for a five month grazing season. Access to the property is on a county road and an easement across a private pasture. This property is located in an area where mule deer, antelope, and coyote are most common. With the Niobrara River being only a few miles away, the ponds that this property has to offer is a main attraction the to the traveling waterfowl and occasional whitetail for certain times of the year. All owned convey. The property has been mostly utilized as a summer grazing operation in the past and is owner rated at 85 cow/calf pair for a five month grazing season. The property is currently open for the 2024 grazing season. Merriman, NE temperatures typically range from 75°F to 95°F during the summer months while in the winter they are usually between 25°F and 45°F. The average rainfall is 19 inches, with 35 inches of average snowfall per year. The region also experiences periods of high winds, especially during late spring and early summer when thunderstorms can be frequent. Overall, Merriman enjoys a pleasant climate without extreme weather conditions or wide swings in temperature throughout the year.   View more View less Here's a nice continuous tract of land located in western Cherry County, NE. The property sits southwest of Merriman, NE approximately 23 miles and is located a few miles south of the Niobrara River. The property is cross fenced into two separate pastures, each holding a windmill and new 30 ft stock tank. The property has an ample amount of lush native grass ready to be utilized by its new owner. Western Cherry County Rangeland is comprised of 1,285.20 +/- acres of Sandhill's pasture and has an abundance of native grasses and water supply. The property sits in an area where the water lever is high, creating several ponds for cattle and wildlife to utilize. The property is cross-fenced for rotational grazing and has two windmills with new 30ft stock tanks. This property is owner rated at 85 cow/calf pair for a five month grazing season. Access to the property is on a county road and an easement across a private pasture. This property is located in an area where mule deer, antelope, and coyote are most common. With the Niobrara River being only a few miles away, the ponds that this property has to offer is a main attraction the to the traveling waterfowl and occasional whitetail for certain times of the year. All owned convey. The property has been mostly utilized as a summer grazing operation in the past and is owner rated at 85 cow/calf pair for a five month grazing season. The property is currently open for the 2024 grazing season. Merriman, NE temperatures typically range from 75°F to 95°F during the summer months while in the winter they are usually between 25°F and 45°F. The average rainfall is 19 inches, with 35 inches of average snowfall per year. The region also experiences periods of high winds, especially during late spring and early summer when thunderstorms can be frequent. Overall, Merriman enjoys a pleasant climate without extreme weather conditions or wide swings in temperature throughout the year.   Вот хороший непрерывный участок земли, расположенный в западной части округа Черри, штат Небраска. Отель находится к юго-западу от Мерримана, штат Небраска, примерно в 23 милях и в нескольких милях к югу от реки Ниобрара. Собственность огорожена на два отдельных пастбища, на каждом из которых находится ветряная мельница и новый 30-футовый резервуар для скота. В собственности есть достаточное количество пышной местной травы, готовой к использованию ее новым владельцем. Пастбища округа Западная Черри состоят из 1 285,20 +/- акров пастбища Сэндхилла и имеют обилие местных трав и водоснабжения. Собственность находится в районе, где рычаг воды высокий, что создает несколько прудов для крупного рогатого скота и диких животных. Территория огорожена для ротационного выпаса скота и имеет две ветряные мельницы с новыми 30-футовыми резервуарами для скота. Эта собственность рассчитана на 85 коров и телят в течение пятимесячного пастбищного сезона. Доступ к собственности осуществляется по окружной дороге и сервитуту через частное пастбище. Этот отель расположен в районе, где чаще всего встречаются олени-мулы, антилопы и койоты. Поскольку река Ниобрара находится всего в нескольких милях от отеля, пруды, которые может предложить этот отель, являются главной достопримечательностью для путешествующих водоплавающих птиц и иногда белохвостов в определенное время года. Все в собственности передают. В прошлом собственность в основном использовалась в качестве летнего пастбища и рассчитана на 85 пар коров и телят в течение пятимесячного пастбищного сезона. В настоящее время собственность открыта для пастбищного сезона 2024 года. Мерриман, Северо-Восток, температура обычно колеблется от 75 ° F до 95 ° F в летние месяцы, а зимой она обычно составляет от 25 ° F до 45 ° F. Среднее количество осадков составляет 19 дюймов, при этом в среднем выпадает 35 дюймов снега в год. Регион также переживает периоды сильных ветров, особенно в конце весны и начале лета, когда могут быть частые грозы. В целом, Мерриман наслаждается приятным климатом без экстремальных погодных условий или резких колебаний температуры в течение года. Ecco un bel tratto di terra continuo situato nella parte occidentale della contea di Cherry, NE. La proprietà si trova a sud-ovest di Merriman, NE a circa 23 miglia e si trova a poche miglia a sud del fiume Niobrara. La proprietà è recintata in due pascoli separati, ciascuno dei quali contiene un mulino a vento e un nuovo serbatoio di 30 piedi. La proprietà ha un'ampia quantità di lussureggiante erba autoctona pronta per essere utilizzata dal suo nuovo proprietario. Il pascolo della contea di Cherry occidentale è composto da 1.285,20 +/- acri di pascolo di Sandhill e ha un'abbondanza di erbe autoctone e approvvigionamento idrico. La proprietà si trova in un'area in cui la leva dell'acqua è alta, creando diversi stagni per il bestiame e la fauna selvatica da utilizzare. La proprietà è recintata per il pascolo a rotazione e dispone di due mulini a vento con nuovi serbatoi di stoccaggio da 30 piedi. Questa proprietà è valutata dal proprietario a 85 coppie mucca/vitello per una stagione di pascolo di cinque mesi. L'accesso alla proprietà avviene su una strada provinciale e una servitù attraverso un pascolo privato. Questa proprietà si trova in una zona in cui cervi muli, antilopi e coyote sono più comuni. Con il fiume Niobrara a pochi chilometri di distanza, gli stagni che questa proprietà ha da offrire sono un'attrazione principale per gli uccelli acquatici in viaggio e occasionali whitetail per alcuni periodi dell'anno. Tutti i posseduti trasportano. La proprietà è stata utilizzata principalmente come operazione di pascolo estivo in passato ed è valutata dal proprietario a 85 coppie mucca/vitello per una stagione di pascolo di cinque mesi. La proprietà è attualmente aperta per la stagione di pascolo 2024. Le temperature di Merriman, NE, variano in genere da 75°F a 95°F durante i mesi estivi, mentre in inverno sono generalmente comprese tra 25°F e 45°F. Le precipitazioni medie sono di 19 pollici, con 35 pollici di nevicate medie all'anno. La regione sperimenta anche periodi di forti venti, soprattutto durante la tarda primavera e l'inizio dell'estate, quando i temporali possono essere frequenti. Nel complesso, Merriman gode di un clima piacevole senza condizioni meteorologiche estreme o ampie escursioni termiche durante tutto l'anno.
Reference: EDEN-T95104841
Country: US
City: Merriman
Postal code: 69218
Category: Residential
Listing type: For sale
Property type: House & Single-family home
Lot size: 55,974,600 sqft
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