USD 120,000
Land (For sale)
/ 96095731
Beachfront lot at Evans Bay Subdivision with a gorgeous 94-foot beach frontage and a depth of 224 feet. Recently surveyed. Relatively private location for those looking for a tranquil setting with a limited number of neighbours.The property is in close proximity to the Joulter Cays which are famous for some of the finest bone-fishing in the Bahamas. For deep sea fishing enthusiasts, nearby to the east is the Tongue of the Ocean and to the north between the Joulters and Chub Cay are excellent fishing grounds. Morgan---s Bluff harbour is to the east and the settlement of Nicholl---s Town is further to the east of Morgan---s Bluff where you can enjoy local food and get any necessary supplies.
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Beachfront lot at Evans Bay Subdivision with a gorgeous 94-foot beach frontage and a depth of 224 feet. Recently surveyed. Relatively private location for those looking for a tranquil setting with a limited number of neighbours.The property is in close proximity to the Joulter Cays which are famous for some of the finest bone-fishing in the Bahamas. For deep sea fishing enthusiasts, nearby to the east is the Tongue of the Ocean and to the north between the Joulters and Chub Cay are excellent fishing grounds. Morgan---s Bluff harbour is to the east and the settlement of Nicholl---s Town is further to the east of Morgan---s Bluff where you can enjoy local food and get any necessary supplies.
Lotto fronte mare a Evans Bay Subdivision con una splendida facciata sulla spiaggia di 94 piedi e una profondità di 224 piedi. Recentemente intervistato. Posizione relativamente privata per chi cerca un ambiente tranquillo con un numero limitato di vicini.La struttura si trova nelle immediate vicinanze delle Joulter Cays, famose per alcuni dei migliori pescatori di ossa delle Bahamas. Per gli appassionati di pesca d'altura, nelle vicinanze a est si trova la lingua dell'oceano e a nord tra Joulters e Chub Cay ci sono eccellenti zone di pesca. Il porto di Morgan---s Bluff si trova a est e l'insediamento di Nicholl---s Town si trova più a est di Morgan---s Bluff, dove è possibile gustare cibo locale e ottenere tutte le provviste necessarie.
Участок на берегу моря в подразделении Эванс-Бэй с великолепным 94-футовым пляжем и глубиной 224 фута. Недавно прошел обследование. Относительно уединенное место для тех, кто ищет спокойную обстановку с ограниченным количеством соседей.Недвижимость находится в непосредственной близости от рифов Джоултер, которые славятся одними из лучших мест для ловли костей на Багамах. Для любителей глубоководной рыбалки неподалеку на востоке находится Язык океана, а на севере между Джоултерс и Чаб-Кей находятся отличные места для рыбалки. Гавань Морган---Блафф находится на востоке, а поселение Николлс---Таун — дальше к востоку от Морган---Блафф, где вы можете насладиться местной едой и получить все необходимые припасы.
Listing type:
For sale
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