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Land for sale in Pomiechówek

USD 37,005

Land (For sale)

13,035 sqft
Reference: EDEN-T97848719 / 97848719
The Wkra River Trail, the picturesque Lake Błędowskie (Pomocnia) as if taken out of the dreams of fishing enthusiasts, idyllic
the climate of Błędowo and Pomiechówek 10 km away, the surrounding forests and a quiet neighborhood of houses
single-family... It is in such favorable circumstances that a building plot with a
area of 1211 m2 - for people looking for a place to create a friendly asylum near Warsaw.

The nature of the Wkra Valley at your fingertips
Building plot near the lake and the Wkra Valley nature reserve full of unique riparian forests,
Escarpments and gorges are a real treat for lovers of Polish nature. Along with them, numerous points also captivate
recreational, including horse stables, kayak rentals or a golf course at the Lisia Polana hotel. In a word: it's a real
A paradise for people who want to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Incredible potential with the possibility of building the house of your dreams!
On the plot you can successfully build a house with areas from 25 m2 to even 110 m2 - in the plan
It was intended for development up to 9 m. The plot also has the possibility of making
water and electricity connections, as well as the possibility of preparing the ground for a septic tank or biological treatment plant.
The current owner can bring utilities to the plot and fence the area for an additional fee. It can also obtain a building permit. Convenient access is provided by asphalt roads and separate paved roads.

Building plot for sale - discover Błędowo!
Błędowo itself is a small, but extremely magical village, from which you can successfully reach by line
bus to Pomiechówek, less than 10 km away. This town is well connected with
the capital, as well as with the surrounding cities, including Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki (the city is 19 km away from Błędów). The property is less than 17 km away from the Modlin airport.

The combination of peaceful buildings and nature has made this area a popular destination for outdoor activities
film films by the creators of our native cinema - scenes from the film adaptation of K. Grochola's novel were recorded here!
So if you are looking for a building plot among beautiful nature and a quiet neighborhood in terms of your dream
oases not far from Warsaw - this offer is just what you are looking for!

In the case of this offer, the remuneration of our agency is covered by the property owner.
The description of the offer contained on the website is prepared on the basis of the inspection of the property and information obtained from the owner, may be subject to update and does not constitute an offer specified in Article 66 et seq. of the Civil Code.

Offer sent from the ASARI CRM ( program for real estate agencies
View more View less Szlak rzeki Wkry, malownicze Jezioro Błędowskie (Pomocnia) niczym wyjęte z marzeń miłośników wędkarstwa, sielski
klimat Błędowa i oddalonego o 10 km Pomiechówka, okolicznych lasów oraz spokojne sąsiedztwo domów
jednorodzinnych… To właśnie w takich sprzyjających okolicznościach dostępna jest na sprzedaż działka budowlana o
powierzchni 1211 m2 - dla osób poszukujących miejsca do stworzenia przyjaznego azylu pod Warszawą.

Przyroda Doliny Wkry na wyciągnięcie ręki
Działka budowlana w pobliżu jeziora oraz rezerwatu przyrody Dolina Wkry pełnego unikatowych lasów łęgowych,
skarp i wąwozów to prawdziwa gratka dla miłośników polskiej przyrody. Wraz z nimi urzekają również liczne punkty
rekreacyjne, w tym stajnie koni, wypożyczalnie kajaków czy pole golfowe przy hotelu Lisia Polana. Słowem: to istny
raj dla osób, które pragną uciec od miejskiego zgiełku.

Niesamowity potencjał z możliwością wybudowania domu marzeń!
Na działce można z powodzeniem zbudować dom o powierzchniach od 25 m2 do nawet 110 m2 - w planie
zagospodarowania przeznaczono ją na zabudowę do 9 m. Działka posiada przy tym także możliwość wykonania
przyłącza wody oraz prądu, jak również możliwość przygotowania podłoża pod szambo lub biologiczną oczyszczalnię.
Obecny właściciel za dopłatą może doprowadzić media do działki oraz ogrodzić teren. Może także uzyskać pozwolenie na budowę. Dogodny dojazd zapewniają drogi asfaltowa oraz wydzielone utwardzone.

Działka budowlana na sprzedaż - odkryj Błędowo!
Samo w sobie Błędowo to niewielka, ale za to wyjątkowo magiczna wieś, z której z powodzeniem można dotrzeć linią
autobusową do oddalonego o niespełna 10 km Pomiechówka. Miejscowość ta jest świetnie skomunikowana ze
stolicą, jak również z okolicznymi miastami w tym Nowym Dworem Mazowieckim (miasto oddalone jest o 19 km od Błędowa). Z lotniskiem w Modlinie nieruchomość dzieli niespełna 17 km.

Połączenie spokojnej zabudowy oraz przyrody sprawiło, że okolice te nie bez powodu wybierane są na plenery
filmowe przez twórców naszego rodzimego kina - nagrywano tutaj sceny z ekranizacji powieści K. Grocholi!
Jeżeli zatem szukasz działki budowlanej wśród pięknej przyrody i spokojnego sąsiedztwa pod kątem wymarzonej
oazy niedaleko od Warszawy - ta oferta to właśnie to czego szukasz!

W przypadku tej oferty wynagrodzenie naszego biura pokrywa właściciel nieruchomości.
Opis oferty zawarty na stronie internetowej sporządzany jest na podstawie oględzin nieruchomości oraz informacji uzyskanych od właściciela, może podlegać aktualizacji i nie stanowi oferty określonej w art. 66 i następnych K.C.

Oferta wysłana z programu dla biur nieruchomości ASARI CRM (
The Wkra River Trail, the picturesque Lake Błędowskie (Pomocnia) as if taken out of the dreams of fishing enthusiasts, idyllic
the climate of Błędowo and Pomiechówek 10 km away, the surrounding forests and a quiet neighborhood of houses
single-family... It is in such favorable circumstances that a building plot with a
area of 1211 m2 - for people looking for a place to create a friendly asylum near Warsaw.

The nature of the Wkra Valley at your fingertips
Building plot near the lake and the Wkra Valley nature reserve full of unique riparian forests,
Escarpments and gorges are a real treat for lovers of Polish nature. Along with them, numerous points also captivate
recreational, including horse stables, kayak rentals or a golf course at the Lisia Polana hotel. In a word: it's a real
A paradise for people who want to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Incredible potential with the possibility of building the house of your dreams!
On the plot you can successfully build a house with areas from 25 m2 to even 110 m2 - in the plan
It was intended for development up to 9 m. The plot also has the possibility of making
water and electricity connections, as well as the possibility of preparing the ground for a septic tank or biological treatment plant.
The current owner can bring utilities to the plot and fence the area for an additional fee. It can also obtain a building permit. Convenient access is provided by asphalt roads and separate paved roads.

Building plot for sale - discover Błędowo!
Błędowo itself is a small, but extremely magical village, from which you can successfully reach by line
bus to Pomiechówek, less than 10 km away. This town is well connected with
the capital, as well as with the surrounding cities, including Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki (the city is 19 km away from Błędów). The property is less than 17 km away from the Modlin airport.

The combination of peaceful buildings and nature has made this area a popular destination for outdoor activities
film films by the creators of our native cinema - scenes from the film adaptation of K. Grochola's novel were recorded here!
So if you are looking for a building plot among beautiful nature and a quiet neighborhood in terms of your dream
oases not far from Warsaw - this offer is just what you are looking for!

In the case of this offer, the remuneration of our agency is covered by the property owner.
The description of the offer contained on the website is prepared on the basis of the inspection of the property and information obtained from the owner, may be subject to update and does not constitute an offer specified in Article 66 et seq. of the Civil Code.

Offer sent from the ASARI CRM ( program for real estate agencies
Reference: EDEN-T97848719
Country: PL
City: Pomiechowek
Postal code: 05-180
Category: Residential
Listing type: For sale
Property type: Land
Property size: 13,035 sqft
Buildable area: 13,035 sqft
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