House & single-family home for sale in Novi Vinodolski
USD 115,421
House & Single-family home (For sale)
3,929 sqft
/ 13181
Novi Vinodolski
Postal code:
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
House & Single-family home
Property size:
3,929 sqft
Quiet place:
Dimensions: approx. 22 m (length) x approx. 16.5 (width).
The nearest beach is easily accessible by car.
Small coves with rocks and sandy beaches, crystal clear sea are just some of the features of this beautiful location.
Distance from the sea: approx. 600 m.
Close to the post office, market, coffee bar, restaurant... - ID: 13181 View more View less Ledenice, ein Ort nordöstlich von Novi Vinodolski, Baugrundstück von 365 m2 für den Bau eines Familien- oder Wochenendhauses.
Maße: ca. 22 m (Länge) x ca. 16,5 (Breite).
Der nächste Strand ist bequem mit dem Auto erreichbar.
Kleine Buchten mit Felsen und Sandstränden sowie kristallklares Meer sind nur einige der Merkmale dieses wunderschönen Ortes.
Entfernung zum Meer: ca. 600 m.
In der Nähe von Post, Markt, Café, Restaurant... - ID: 13181 Ledenice, mjesto sjeveroistočno od Novog Vinodolskog, građevinsko zemljište površine 365 m2 za izgradnju obiteljske ili vikend kuće.
Dimenzije: cca. 22 m ( dužina ) x cca. 16,5 ( širina ).
Najbliža plaža lako je dostupna automobilom.
Male uvale sa stijenama i pješčanim plažama, kristalno čisto more, samo su neke od odlika ove lijepe lokacije.
Udaljenost od mora: cca. 600 m.
Blizina pošte, marketa, caffe bar-a, restorana. - ID: 13181
Леденице, место к северо-востоку от Нови Винодолски, участок под застройку 365 м2 для строительства семейного дома или загородного дома.
Размеры: прибл. 22 м (длина) x прибл. 16,5 (ширина).
До ближайшего пляжа легко добраться на машине.
Небольшие бухты со скалами и песчаными пляжами, кристально чистое море – вот лишь некоторые особенности этого прекрасного места.
Расстояние от моря: ок. 600 м.
Рядом почта, рынок, кафе, ресторан... - ID: 13181 Ledenice, a place northeast of Novi Vinodolski, building plot of 365 m2 for the construction of a family or weekend house.
Dimensions: approx. 22 m (length) x approx. 16.5 (width).
The nearest beach is easily accessible by car.
Small coves with rocks and sandy beaches, crystal clear sea are just some of the features of this beautiful location.
Distance from the sea: approx. 600 m.
Close to the post office, market, coffee bar, restaurant... - ID: 13181