House & single-family home for sale in Cordovado
USD 4,092,190
House & Single-family home (For sale)
11 ba
24,757 sqft
/ 13135
This exquisite 19th-century villa, located in the Prosecco D.O.C area of Friuli-Venezia Giulia near the Tagliamento River, is one of the best-preserved Hapsburg-Venetian estates. Set within a 1.7-hectare park featuring towering trees, romantic pathways, and an Italian-style garden with statues and a fountain, the property spans 2,300 sqm across multiple buildings. The centerpiece is a neoclassical manor house with three floors, flanked by two lateral wings called "Barchessa," one of which has a spacious terrace. The entire complex includes 7 bedrooms and 11 bathrooms. Built in the early 19th century by Francesco Zannier and later owned by the noble Variola family, the villa has a storied history. It served as a field hospital during both World Wars before falling into disrepair. A comprehensive restoration in 1996 revived its former grandeur, especially the Barchessa, now a renowned restaurant with large event spaces and a view of the villa's gardens. This villa is ideal for private events, business meetings and receptions, offering elegant rooms with restored period details. It can also serve as a prestigious home for those seeking to live in a historic and majestic setting. Ref: 13135
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In Friuli-Venezia Giulia, nel cuore di uno dei borghi fra i “più belli d’Italia” all'interno dell'area D.O.C. del Prosecco, ad un passo dalle rive del fiume Tagliamento in provincia di Pordenone, questa in vendita è senza dubbio una delle ville veneto-asburgiche meglio conservate sino ai giorni nostri. Dalla struttura semplice e lineare di chiara influenza neoclassica, il prestigioso complesso si articola in più edifici – per un'importante superficie interna totale di 2.300 mq –, immersi nella splendida cornice di un verdeggiante parco secolare di 1,7 ettari. Ricco di alberi ad alto fusto e maestose piante antiche che regalano piacevoli zone d'ombra ai romantici vialetti della struttura, il parco termina in un meraviglioso giardino all'italiana, curatissimo nel suo scenografico gioco di geometrie, nel quale spiccano diverse statue ottocentesche ed una caratteristica fontana. Tra tutti gli edifici che compongono la signorile residenza in vendita, a costituire il cuore pulsante è la casa dominicale ottocentesca, composta da tre piani a pianta rettangolare. La facciata presenta il tipico stile simmetrico ottocentesco, impreziosita da porte e finestre architravate, da cui si sviluppano due prolungamenti laterali minori, la Barchessa, di cui uno culminante in una spaziosa terrazza. In totale si contano 7 camere da letto e 11 bagni nell'intera struttura. Al suo fianco, l'antica Barchessa è stata completamente ristrutturata nel 1996 e trasformata in un rinomato ristorante che mette a disposizione due enormi sale, accomunate da una bella pavimentazione in cotto antico e un elegante soffitto ligneo. L'ampia vetrata che si sviluppa a tutta altezza regala una vista in prima linea sul parco ben curato della villa. A disposizione anche una vasta area parcheggio. Rif. 13135
Вилла во Фриули-Венеции-Джулии, в провинции Порденоне, является одной из самых хорошо сохранившихся венето-габсбургских резиденций. Комплекс включает несколько зданий площадью 2 300 кв. м и парк на 1,7 гектара с итальянским садом, украшенным статуями и фонтаном. Центральное здание — усадьба XIX века с 7 спальнями и 11 ванными комнатами, выполненное в неоклассическом стиле. Вилла имеет богатую историю: в XX веке здание использовалось как госпиталь в мировые войны. После долгого упадка оно было восстановлено в 1996 году. Сегодня вилла подходит для мероприятий, банкетов и частных встреч, сохраняя свой исторический шарм. Ссылка: 13135
This exquisite 19th-century villa, located in the Prosecco D.O.C area of Friuli-Venezia Giulia near the Tagliamento River, is one of the best-preserved Hapsburg-Venetian estates. Set within a 1.7-hectare park featuring towering trees, romantic pathways, and an Italian-style garden with statues and a fountain, the property spans 2,300 sqm across multiple buildings. The centerpiece is a neoclassical manor house with three floors, flanked by two lateral wings called "Barchessa," one of which has a spacious terrace. The entire complex includes 7 bedrooms and 11 bathrooms. Built in the early 19th century by Francesco Zannier and later owned by the noble Variola family, the villa has a storied history. It served as a field hospital during both World Wars before falling into disrepair. A comprehensive restoration in 1996 revived its former grandeur, especially the Barchessa, now a renowned restaurant with large event spaces and a view of the villa's gardens. This villa is ideal for private events, business meetings and receptions, offering elegant rooms with restored period details. It can also serve as a prestigious home for those seeking to live in a historic and majestic setting. Ref: 13135
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
House & Single-family home
Property subtype:
Property size:
24,757 sqft