USD 120,667
House & Single-family home (For sale)
1,238 sqft
lot 1,776 sqft
/ 140
Embrace the charm of yesteryear with this captivating stone house nestled on a hill in Vrisnik, offering picturesque views of Vrisnik and the neighboring village of Svirče. Ready for a complete restoration, this property exudes old-world charm and potential. With a layout spanning the ground floor and first floor, each measuring 57.5 m², transform this space into your ideal retreat. The garden has ample space to create a tranquil courtyard oasis while still providing the convenience of multiple parking spaces.
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Erleben Sie den Charme vergangener Zeiten mit diesem bezaubernden Steinhaus auf einem Hügel in Vrisnik und bieten Sie einen malerischen Blick auf Vrisnik und das Nachbardorf Svirče. Dieses Anwesen ist bereit für eine komplette Restaurierung und strahlt den Charme und das Potenzial der alten Welt aus. Mit einer Aufteilung, die sich über das Erdgeschoss und die erste Etage mit jeweils 57,5 m² erstreckt, verwandeln Sie diesen Raum in Ihren idealen Rückzugsort. Der Garten bietet ausreichend Platz, um eine ruhige Oase im Innenhof zu schaffen und bietet gleichzeitig den Komfort mehrerer Parkplätze.
Prihvatite šarm prošlih vremena uz ovu zadivljujuću kamenu kuću smještenu na brežuljku u Vrisniku s koje se pruža slikovit pogled na Vrisnik i susjedno selo Svirče. Spremna za potpunu obnovu, ova nekretnina odiše šarmom i potencijalom starog svijeta. S tlocrtom koji obuhvaća prizemlje i prvi kat, svaki veličine 57,5 m², pretvorite ovaj prostor u svoje idealno utočište. Vrt ima dovoljno prostora za stvaranje mirne dvorišne oaze, a istovremeno pruža pogodnost više parkirnih mjesta.
Abbraccia il fascino del passato con questa affascinante casa in pietra situata su una collina a Vrisnik, che offre viste pittoresche su Vrisnik e sul vicino villaggio di Svirče. Pronta per un restauro completo, questa proprietà trasuda fascino e potenziale del vecchio mondo. Con una disposizione che si estende dal piano terra al primo piano, ciascuno di 57,5 m², trasforma questo spazio nel tuo rifugio ideale. Il giardino dispone di ampio spazio per creare una tranquilla oasi nel cortile pur offrendo la comodità di più posti auto.
Embrace the charm of yesteryear with this captivating stone house nestled on a hill in Vrisnik, offering picturesque views of Vrisnik and the neighboring village of Svirče. Ready for a complete restoration, this property exudes old-world charm and potential. With a layout spanning the ground floor and first floor, each measuring 57.5 m², transform this space into your ideal retreat. The garden has ample space to create a tranquil courtyard oasis while still providing the convenience of multiple parking spaces.
Stari grad
Postal code:
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
House & Single-family home
Property size:
1,238 sqft
Lot size:
1,776 sqft
Quiet place: