USD 100,731
21,851 sqft
The terrain has a regular shape and a flat surface with a total square footage of 1665 m2.All necessary infrastructure is near the plot. The construction of a house with a swimming pool, perfect for tourist rental, is planned on the land. The location of the field itself is well connected by traffic, the nearest shop is 8 km away, while 2 km away is the charming town of Graćišće, known for the largest wine fair in Istria, which attracts a large number of visitors every year.In the vicinity, there are also all the necessary facilities for a permanent life, such as a school, cafes, restaurants.ID CODE: 2012-10DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: View more View less Location: Istarska županija, Gračišće, Gračišće.Zentralistrien, Gračišće. Wir verkaufen Grundstücke mit Baugenehmigung in schöner und ruhiger Lage. Das Gelände hat eine regelmäßige Form und eine ebene Fläche mit einer Gesamtfläche von 1665 m2.Die gesamte notwendige Infrastruktur befindet sich in der Nähe des Grundstücks. Auf dem Grundstück ist der Bau eines Hauses mit Swimmingpool geplant, das sich ideal zur touristischen Vermietung eignet.Der Standort des Feldes selbst ist verkehrstechnisch gut angebunden, das nächste Geschäft ist 8 km entfernt, während 2 km entfernt die charmante Stadt Graćišće liegt, die für die größte Weinmesse Istriens bekannt ist, die jedes Jahr eine große Anzahl von Besuchern anzieht.In der Nähe gibt es auch alle notwendigen Einrichtungen für ein dauerhaftes Leben, wie eine Schule, Cafés, Restaurants.ID CODE: 2012-10DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: Location: Istarska županija, Gračišće, Gračišće.Središnja Istra, Gračišće.Prodajemo teren sa građevinskom dozvolom na predivnoj i mirnoj lokaciji. Teren je pravilnog oblika te ravne površine ukupne kvadrature 1665 m2.
Sva potrebna infrastruktura je u blizini parcele.Na terenu je predviđena gradnja kuće sa bazenom savršena za turističko iznajmljivanje. Sama lokacija terena dobro je prometno povezana, najbliža trgovina udaljena je 8km dok se 2km dalje nalazi šarmantni gradić Graćišće poznat po najvećoj smotri vina u Istri koja svake godine privlači veliki broj posjetitelja.U blizini se također nalaze svi potrebni sadržaji za stalan život kao što su škola, kafići, restorani.ID KOD AGENCIJE: 2012-10DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: Location: Istarska županija, Gračišće, Gračišće.L'Istria centrale, Gračišće. Vendiamo terreno con concessione edilizia in una posizione bella e tranquilla.Il terreno ha forma regolare e superficie pianeggiante per una metratura complessiva di 1.665 mq. Tutte le infrastrutture necessarie sono vicine al terreno. Sul terreno è prevista la costruzione di una casa con piscina, ideale per la locazione turistica.La posizione del campo stesso è ben collegata dal traffico, il negozio più vicino si trova a 8 km di distanza, mentre a 2 km si trova l'incantevole cittadina di Graćišće, nota per la più grande fiera del vino dell'Istria, che attira ogni anno un gran numero di visitatori.Nelle vicinanze ci sono anche tutte le strutture necessarie per la vita permanente, come una scuola, bar, ristoranti.ID CODE: 2012-10DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: Location: Istarska županija, Gračišće, Gračišće.Central Istria, Gračišće. We are selling land with a building permit in a beautiful and quiet location.
The terrain has a regular shape and a flat surface with a total square footage of 1665 m2.All necessary infrastructure is near the plot. The construction of a house with a swimming pool, perfect for tourist rental, is planned on the land. The location of the field itself is well connected by traffic, the nearest shop is 8 km away, while 2 km away is the charming town of Graćišće, known for the largest wine fair in Istria, which attracts a large number of visitors every year.In the vicinity, there are also all the necessary facilities for a permanent life, such as a school, cafes, restaurants.ID CODE: 2012-10DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824