USD 767,343
USD 761,901
USD 767,343
USD 761,901
USD 767,343
USD 761,901
O nosso modo de atuação passa pela identificação de imóveis com potencial, pelo desenvolvimento de estudos arquitetónicos e comerciais que validem esse potencial, pela apresentação e mediação do negócio junto de investidores, pelo desenvolvimento dos projetos, obtenção das licenças e gestão da construção e, por fim, pela gestão da promoção e comercialização dos empreendimentos resultantes desses investimentos.
Contamos com profissionais experientes e altamente qualificados nas disciplinas relevantes, incluindo arquitetura, design de interiores, curadoria de arte, engenharia, construção, consultoria, promoção e mediação imobiliária, resultando numa equipa efetiva e eficaz para um relevante e apropriado acompanhamento.
Temos um conhecimento aprofundado do mercado imobiliário do Grande Porto, fundamentalmente na componente residencial, onde estamos atualmente a desenvolver e a promover empreendimentos de escalas diferenciadas - desde a moradia de luxo ao condomínio fechado de 250 frações - mas sempre orientados para o segmento médio-alto a alto. Enterprise paradigm of contemporary urbanism, in the form of a three-dimensional puzzle and with an appreciation of the land it occupies, this condominium respects the image and sun exposure of the surrounding buildings, characteristics that have made this development stand out worldwide. The construction details have been thought out in detail to provide a practical and calm day-to-day life for its residents. The Avenue combines luxury, sustainability and contemporary design. The spacious areas, large windows and balconies with unobstructed views give you an unexpected sense of tranquillity in an urban area.The Avenue is located in one of Porto's most privileged locations, on one of the city's most exclusive and historic avenues, Avenida dos Combatentes in the Antas neighbourhood. Here you can access the best the city has to offer, without losing the unique tranquillity that characterises this noble neighbourhood. An exclusive, unique and innovative property project designed by architect Paulo Merlini has already won an international award from The Luxury Lifestyle Awards in the category of The Best Luxury Apartament Living in Portugal.IMMOPO is a real estate project management company that combines technical competence in the areas of architecture and real estate investment with in-depth knowledge of the real estate market, in order to provide its clients, developers and investors with a turnkey service.Our way of acting involves the identification of properties with potential, the development of architectural and commercial studies that validate this potential, the presentation and mediation of the business to investors, the development of projects, obtaining licenses and construction management and, finally, the management of the promotion and marketing of the projects resulting from these investments.We have experienced and highly qualified professionals in the relevant disciplines, including architecture, interior design, art curatorship, engineering, construction, consulting, development and real estate mediation, resulting in an effective and effective team for a relevant and appropriate follow-up.We have an in-depth knowledge of the real estate market in Greater Porto, fundamentally in the residential component, where we are currently developing and promoting developments of different scales - from luxury housing to a gated community of 250 units - but always oriented to the medium-high to high segment.