House & single-family home for sale in Asenovgrad
USD 79,060
House & Single-family home (For sale)
3,132 sqft
/ 101912803
Diamond Home Real Estate Agency presents you a two-storey house, located just 20 minutes away. from the city of Plovdiv and 5 min. from Asenovgrad. The total built-up area is 291 sq.m., and the yard has an area of 1787 sq.m. The property has: -Garage with built canal -Workshop -Outdoor kitchen -Additional external extensions. The village of Patriarch Evtimovo offers a cozy and peaceful atmosphere, and at the same time is close to important transport links and services. The property is ideal for families or investment. Our mission is to create trust in you by providing you with the highest quality of service! We have over 1000 properties! The services we offer: - Consultation with a senior broker - Assistance with a credit consultant regarding your financing - Negotiation of the most favorable terms for you - Preparation of all transaction documentation - The agency works with an established lawyer in the industry - Management of all types of properties - Free consultation with our broker For information or viewing about this or any other property, do not hesitate and contact us!
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Diamond Home Real Estate Agency presents you a two-storey house, located just 20 minutes away. from the city of Plovdiv and 5 min. from Asenovgrad. The total built-up area is 291 sq.m., and the yard has an area of 1787 sq.m. The property has: -Garage with built canal -Workshop -Outdoor kitchen -Additional external extensions. The village of Patriarch Evtimovo offers a cozy and peaceful atmosphere, and at the same time is close to important transport links and services. The property is ideal for families or investment. Our mission is to create trust in you by providing you with the highest quality of service! We have over 1000 properties! The services we offer: - Consultation with a senior broker - Assistance with a credit consultant regarding your financing - Negotiation of the most favorable terms for you - Preparation of all transaction documentation - The agency works with an established lawyer in the industry - Management of all types of properties - Free consultation with our broker For information or viewing about this or any other property, do not hesitate and contact us!
Агенция за недвижими имоти Даймънд Хоум Ви представя двуетажна къща, разположена само на 20 мин. от град Пловдив и 5 мин. от Асеновград. Общата застроена площ е 291 кв.м., а дворът е с площ от 1787 кв.м. Имотът разполага с: -Гараж с изграден канал -Работилница -Външна кухня -Допълнителни външни пристройки. Селото Патриарх Евтимово предлага уютна и спокойна атмосфера, а същевременно е в близост до важни транспортни връзки и услуги. Имотът е идеален за семейства или инвестиция. Мисията ни е да създадем доверие във Вас, като Ви предоставяме най-високо качество на обслужване! Разполагаме с над 1000 имота! Услугите, които предлагаме: - Консултация от старши брокер - Съдействие с кредитен консултант относно финансирането Ви - Договаряне на възможно най-изгодни условия за Вас - Оформление на цялата документация по сделката - Агенцията работи с утвърден юрист в бранша - Управление на всякакъв вид имоти - Безплатна консултация с наш брокер За информация или оглед относно този или друг имот не се колебайте и се свържете с нас!
L’agence immobilière Diamond Home vous présente une maison à étages, située à seulement 20 minutes. de la ville de Plovdiv et 5 min. d’Asenovgrad. La surface bâtie totale est de 291 m² et la cour a une superficie de 1787 m². La propriété dispose de : -Garage avec canal construit -Atelier -Cuisine extérieure -Extensions extérieures supplémentaires. Le village du patriarche Evtimovo offre une atmosphère chaleureuse et paisible, tout en étant proche d’importantes liaisons de transport et de services. La propriété est idéale pour les familles ou l’investissement. Notre mission est de créer la confiance en vous en vous fournissant un service de la plus haute qualité ! Nous avons plus de 1000 propriétés ! Les services que nous offrons : - Consultation avec un courtier senior - Assistance avec un conseiller en crédit concernant votre financement - Négociation des conditions les plus favorables pour vous - Préparation de toute la documentation de la transaction - L’agence travaille avec un avocat établi dans l’industrie - Gestion de tous les types de propriétés - Consultation gratuite avec notre courtier Pour des informations ou une visite sur cette propriété ou toute autre propriété, n’hésitez pas et contactez-nous !
Diamond Home Real Estate Agency präsentiert Ihnen ein zweistöckiges Haus, das nur 20 Minuten entfernt liegt. von der Stadt Plovdiv und 5 min. von Asenovgrad. Die gesamte bebaute Fläche beträgt 291 m² und die Werft hat eine Fläche von 1787 m². Das Anwesen verfügt über: -Garage mit gebautem Kanal -Werkstatt -Außenküche -Zusätzliche externe Erweiterungen. Das Dorf des Patriarchen Evtimovo bietet eine gemütliche und friedliche Atmosphäre und liegt gleichzeitig in der Nähe wichtiger Verkehrsverbindungen und Dienstleistungen. Das Anwesen ist ideal für Familien oder Investitionen. Unsere Mission ist es, Vertrauen in Sie zu schaffen, indem wir Ihnen die höchste Servicequalität bieten! Wir haben über 1000 Immobilien! Die Dienstleistungen, die wir anbieten: - Beratung mit einem leitenden Makler - Unterstützung mit einem Kreditberater bei Ihrer Finanzierung - Verhandlung der für Sie günstigsten Bedingungen - Vorbereitung aller Transaktionsunterlagen - Die Agentur arbeitet mit einem etablierten Anwalt in der Branche zusammen - Verwaltung aller Arten von Immobilien - Kostenlose Beratung mit unserem Makler Für Informationen oder Besichtigungen über diese oder eine andere Immobilie zögern Sie nicht und kontaktieren Sie uns!
Postal code:
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
House & Single-family home
Property size:
3,132 sqft