USD 357,396
USD 281,585
1,615 sqft
USD 341,151
1,550 sqft
USD 357,396
USD 357,396
3 bd
1,500 sqft
4th Floor w/ Elevator
Excellent Location, About 200m from VSC Training Grounds, 300m from City Park, 400m from Schools (Secondary Education)
Surrounded by various services (Cafes, Restaurants, Study Lounge, Laundries, etc.)
It is also located about 800 m from the Historic Center, a distance that is easily done on foot.
It is in Excellent Condition
2 Bedrooms
Toilet Support Rooms
All Rooms with Generous and Well-Distributed Areas
Common Room w/ Stove
Central Heating
Central Vacuum Pre-installation
Fully Furnished and Equipped Kitchen
Balcony of 12m2 with Deck Flooring. There is a Service Bathroom exclusively for social use.
Gated Garage with Space for 2 Cars, w/ Automatic Gate
Possibility of sale w/ or w/o furniture (W/ Furniture 310.000€)
Book your visit now!!
We Loft It!
Loft is a real estate agent that brings together employees with a solid experience in the Portuguese real estate market, always respecting the best management practices, oriented to you, our client. More than a conventional real estate agency or simple intermediary, we are a team of talented people who are driven by the passion to find the best solutions for you. Our priority is to participate in improving their quality of life. Our key values are: loyalty, dedication, professionalism, proactivity and trust. We don't just manage clients - we build lasting relationships.
Why choose Loft?
At Loft we know that it is never just about a house, an apartment, a space, but about the environment where you live, who you are and how you want to live.
Together we will find the solution that best suits your life. At Loft, each customer is a challenge and a partner for life.
The value of your home is the price per square meter of the area multiplied by your heartbeat!
We hope that you will soon define your home with a 'Wow, I Loft it'. So do we!
Loft is a registered trademark.
Energy Rating: C View more View less T3 Localizado numa das Zonas Mais Nobres da Cidade de Guimarães
4º Piso c/ Elevador
Excelente Localização, Cerca de 200m dos Campo de Treinos do VSC, 300m do Parque da Cidade, 400m das Escolas (Ensino Secundário)
Rodeado de Vários Serviços (Cafés, Restaurantes, Salão de Estudo, Lavandarias, etc. )
Situa-se ainda a cerca de 800 m do Centro Histórico , Distância que Facilmente se faz a Pé.
Encontra-se em Excelente Estado de Conservação
2 Quartos
WC Apoio Quartos
Todos os Quartos c/ Áreas Generosas e Bem Distribuídas
Sala Comum c/ Recuperador de Calor
Aquecimento Central
Pré-instalação de Aspiração Central
Cozinha Integralmente Mobilada e Equipada
Varanda de 12m2 c/ Piso em Deck. Existe uma Casa de Banho de Serviço exclusivamente para uso social.
Garagem Fechada com Espaço para 2 Carros, c/ Portão Automático
Possibilidade de venda c/ ou s/ mobília ( C/ Mobília 310.000€)
Marque Já a Sua Visita!!
We Loft It!
A Loft é uma mediadora imobiliária que reúne colaboradores com uma sólida experiência no mercado imóvel português, sempre no respeito pelas melhores práticas de gestão, orientadas para si, o nosso cliente. Mais do que uma imobiliária convencional ou simples intermediário, somos uma equipa de pessoas talentosas que se move pela paixão de encontrar as melhores soluções para si. A nossa prioridade é participar na melhoria da sua qualidade de vida. Os nossos valores-chave são: lealdade, dedicação, profissionalismo, proatividade e confiança. Não gerimos apenas clientes - construímos relações duradouras.
Porquê escolher a Loft?
Na Loft sabemos que nunca se trata apenas de uma casa, de um apartamento, de um espaço mas sim do ambiente onde se vive, de quem se é e de como se pretende viver.
Juntos encontraremos a solução que melhor serve a sua vida. Na Loft cada cliente é um desafio e um parceiro para a vida.
O valor da sua casa é o preço do metro quadrado da área multiplicado pelas batidas do seu coração!
Esperamos que em breve defina a sua casa com um 'Uau, I Loft it'. Nós também!
A Loft é uma marca registada.
Categoria Energética: C T3 Located in one of the Most Noble Areas of the City of Guimarães
4th Floor w/ Elevator
Excellent Location, About 200m from VSC Training Grounds, 300m from City Park, 400m from Schools (Secondary Education)
Surrounded by various services (Cafes, Restaurants, Study Lounge, Laundries, etc.)
It is also located about 800 m from the Historic Center, a distance that is easily done on foot.
It is in Excellent Condition
2 Bedrooms
Toilet Support Rooms
All Rooms with Generous and Well-Distributed Areas
Common Room w/ Stove
Central Heating
Central Vacuum Pre-installation
Fully Furnished and Equipped Kitchen
Balcony of 12m2 with Deck Flooring. There is a Service Bathroom exclusively for social use.
Gated Garage with Space for 2 Cars, w/ Automatic Gate
Possibility of sale w/ or w/o furniture (W/ Furniture 310.000€)
Book your visit now!!
We Loft It!
Loft is a real estate agent that brings together employees with a solid experience in the Portuguese real estate market, always respecting the best management practices, oriented to you, our client. More than a conventional real estate agency or simple intermediary, we are a team of talented people who are driven by the passion to find the best solutions for you. Our priority is to participate in improving their quality of life. Our key values are: loyalty, dedication, professionalism, proactivity and trust. We don't just manage clients - we build lasting relationships.
Why choose Loft?
At Loft we know that it is never just about a house, an apartment, a space, but about the environment where you live, who you are and how you want to live.
Together we will find the solution that best suits your life. At Loft, each customer is a challenge and a partner for life.
The value of your home is the price per square meter of the area multiplied by your heartbeat!
We hope that you will soon define your home with a 'Wow, I Loft it'. So do we!
Loft is a registered trademark.
Energy Rating: C