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  • Varna


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Apartment & condo for sale in Varna

USD 64,873

Apartment & Condo (For sale)

538 sqft
Reference: EDEN-T102423729 / 102423729
We offer for sale a one-bedroom apartment in a newly built building in the Apricot Garden district, Varna. The project is deployed in one building on ten floors, which are located in a way that provides a maximum front for a favorable location of the apartments in relation to the geographical directions, so as to provide maximum living comfort. Their internal layout is extremely functional without any bevels or irregular shapes. We offer you a choice of one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments with excellent parameters, a commercial site, as well as outdoor and underground parking spaces and garages. The residential building will be executed in the most modern ways with leading manufacturers of building materials, in accordance with the latest requirements and standards for sustainability, thermal insulation and habitability. The property is located on the ninth floor with an area of 49.76 sq.m. and consists of a corridor, bathroom with toilet, living room with kitchenette, terrace. All dwellings will be issued according to BDS. The building is located in a very communicative place, nearby there is a kindergarten, school, Kaufland, Lidl, bus stops and many others. Contact person: Zlata Komarova ... View more View less Предлагаме Ви за продажба едностаен апартамент в новострояща се сграда в квартал Кайсиева градина, гр.Варна. Проектът е разгърнат в една сграда на десет етажа, които са разположени по начин, осигуряващ максимален фронт за благоприятно разположение на апартаментите спрямо географските посоки, така че да осигуряват максимален комфорт на живот. Вътрешното им разпределение е изключително функционално без никакви скосове или неправилни форми. Предлагаме ви избор от едностайни, двустайни и тристайни жилища с отлични параметри, търговски обект, както и открити и подземни паркоместа и гаражи. Жилищната сграда ще бъде изпълнена по най-съвременни способи с водещи в качеството производители на строителни материали, съгласно последните изисквания и нормативи за устойчивост, топлоизолация и пригодност за живеене. Имотът е расположен на девети жилищен етаж с площ 49.76 кв.м. и се състои от коридор, баня с тоалетна, дневен тракт с кухненски бокс, тераса. Всички жилища ще се издават по БДС. Сградата се намира на много комуникативно място, в близост има детска градина, училище, Кауфланд, Лидл, автобусни спирки и много други. Лице за контакт: Злата Комарова ... Nabízíme k prodeji byt s jednou ložnicí v nově postavené budově ve čtvrti Meruňková zahrada, Varna. Projekt je rozmístěn v jedné budově na deseti podlažích, která jsou umístěna tak, aby poskytovala maximální frontu pro příznivé umístění bytů ve vztahu k geografickým směrům tak, aby byl zajištěn maximální komfort bydlení. Jejich vnitřní uspořádání je maximálně funkční, bez jakýchkoliv zkosení či nepravidelných tvarů. Nabízíme vám výběr z jedno-, dvou- a třípokojových bytů s vynikajícími parametry, komerčním pozemkem, stejně jako venkovními a podzemními parkovacími místy a garážemi. Bytový dům bude realizován nejmodernějšími způsoby s předními výrobci stavebních materiálů, v souladu s nejnovějšími požadavky a normami na udržitelnost, tepelnou izolaci a obyvatelnost. Nemovitost se nachází v devátém patře o rozloze 49,76 m2. a skládá se z chodby, koupelny s WC, obývacího pokoje s kuchyňským koutem, terasy. Všechny byty budou vydávány dle BDS. Budova se nachází na velmi komunikativním místě, v blízkosti se nachází mateřská školka, škola, Kaufland, Lidl, autobusové zastávky a mnoho dalších. Kontaktní osoba: Zlata Komarová ... Wir bieten zum Verkauf eine Ein-Zimmer-Wohnung in einem neu gebauten Gebäude im Aprikosengartenviertel Varna an. Das Projekt wird in einem Gebäude mit zehn Stockwerken realisiert, die so angeordnet sind, dass eine maximale Front für eine günstige Lage der Wohnungen in Bezug auf die geografische Richtung geboten wird, um maximalen Wohnkomfort zu bieten. Ihr internes Layout ist äußerst funktional, ohne Abschrägungen oder unregelmäßige Formen. Wir bieten Ihnen eine Auswahl an Ein-, Zwei- und Dreizimmerwohnungen mit hervorragenden Parametern, einen Gewerbestandort sowie Außen- und Tiefgaragenstellplätze und Garagen. Das Wohngebäude wird auf modernste Weise mit führenden Herstellern von Baustoffen nach den neuesten Anforderungen und Standards für Nachhaltigkeit, Wärmedämmung und Bewohnbarkeit ausgeführt. Das Anwesen befindet sich im neunten Stock mit einer Fläche von 49,76 m². und besteht aus einem Flur, Bad mit WC, Wohnzimmer mit Küchenzeile, Terrasse. Alle Wohnungen werden nach BDS ausgegeben. Das Gebäude befindet sich an einem sehr kommunikativen Ort, in der Nähe gibt es einen Kindergarten, Schule, Kaufland, Lidl, Bushaltestellen und viele andere. Ansprechpartner: Zlata Komarova ... We offer for sale a one-bedroom apartment in a newly built building in the Apricot Garden district, Varna. The project is deployed in one building on ten floors, which are located in a way that provides a maximum front for a favorable location of the apartments in relation to the geographical directions, so as to provide maximum living comfort. Their internal layout is extremely functional without any bevels or irregular shapes. We offer you a choice of one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments with excellent parameters, a commercial site, as well as outdoor and underground parking spaces and garages. The residential building will be executed in the most modern ways with leading manufacturers of building materials, in accordance with the latest requirements and standards for sustainability, thermal insulation and habitability. The property is located on the ninth floor with an area of 49.76 sq.m. and consists of a corridor, bathroom with toilet, living room with kitchenette, terrace. All dwellings will be issued according to BDS. The building is located in a very communicative place, nearby there is a kindergarten, school, Kaufland, Lidl, bus stops and many others. Contact person: Zlata Komarova ...
Reference: EDEN-T102423729
Country: BG
City: Varna
Category: Residential
Listing type: For sale
Property type: Apartment & Condo
Property size: 538 sqft
Rooms: 1
Floor: 9


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