USD 97,087
236,806 sqft
Land served by stream water from the north mud of the property; Fantastic views; Facing the municipal road and surrounded by easement paths; Excellent sun exposure!
We take care of your mortgage, without costs or bureaucracy.
INOVA Imobiliária is a credit intermediary authorised by Banco de Portugal with registration number 934. We manage the entire financing process, always with the best conditions in the market and without any associated cost.
Reasons to buy with INOVA
The best accompaniment
With extensive experience in the real estate market since 2006, INOVA is made up of a team of young and dynamic professionals, highly qualified, always available to help its clients, guiding them with the utmost confidence in the right direction for their needs.
And as it is important that you feel that you are accompanied, after the first contact we will create a close relationship in order to understand your expectations and later the realization of your dreams, because that is our priority!
Less bureaucracy
INOVA Imobiliária has an after-sales service, provided by our procedural department, which, in addition to all the bureaucratic monitoring in the process of buying and selling your property, also offers a free advice and consultancy service in terms of bank financing, since we are a company licensed by Banco de Portugal to provide Credit Intermediation services.
Leave behind the bureaucratic nightmares because with us you will find the fundamental support so that your real estate experience exceeds all expectations.
Satisfaction of our customers
Our mission is to ensure the satisfaction of our customers, fulfilling the objective of selling/buying their home, at the best price, in a timely manner and without problems. Free yourself from worries and gain the time you deserve to dedicate to what really makes you happy.
Innovation, seriousness, honesty, rigor, proactivity, professionalism and ambition are some of the main values, which are part of the DNA of our professionals and it is with these principles that we will provide you with the best service!
If you want to sell or buy a house, trust us with this mission...
INNOVATE REAL ESTATE... MUCH+ THAT SELL HOUSES! View more View less Vende-se Terreno com 22000m2 em Valdreu, Vila Verde!
Terreno servido de água de ribeiro do lodo norte da propriedade; Vistas fantásticas; A facear com caminho municipal e circundado por caminhos de servidão; Excelente exposição solar!
***Tratamos do seu crédito habitação, sem custos nem burocracias.
A INOVA Imobiliária é intermediário de crédito autorizada pelo Banco de Portugal com o registo 934. Fazemos a gestão de todo o processo de financiamento, sempre com as melhores condições do mercado e sem qualquer custo associado.
Razões para comprar com a INOVA
O melhor acompanhamento
Com uma vasta experiência no mercado imobiliário desde 2006, a INOVA é composta por uma equipa de profissionais jovens e dinâmicos, altamente qualificados, sempre disponíveis para ajudar os seus clientes, orientando-os com a máxima confiança na direção certa para as suas necessidades.
E como é importante que sinta que está acompanhado, após o primeiro contacto vamos criar uma relação próxima de forma a perceber as suas expectativas e posteriormente a realização dos seus sonhos, porque é essa a nossa prioridade!
Menos burocracias
A INOVA Imobiliária dispõe de um serviço pós-venda, assegurado pelo nosso departamento processual, que para além de todo o acompanhamento burocrático no processo de compra e venda do seu imóvel, oferece também um serviço gratuito de aconselhamento e consultoria ao nível do financiamento bancário, uma vez que somos uma empresa licenciada pelo Banco de Portugal para prestar serviços de Intermediação de Crédito.
Deixe para trás os pesadelos burocráticos porque connosco encontra o apoio fundamental para que a sua experiência imobiliária supere todas as expectativas.
Satisfação dos nossos clientes
A nossa missão é garantir a satisfação dos nossos clientes, cumprindo o objetivo de vender/comprar a sua casa, ao melhor preço, em tempo útil e sem problemas. Liberte-se de preocupações e ganhe o tempo que merece para se dedicar ao que realmente o faz feliz.
Inovação, seriedade, honestidade, rigor, proatividade, profissionalismo e ambição são alguns dos principais valores, que fazem parte do ADN dos nossos profissionais e é com estes princípios que lhe vamos prestar o melhor serviço!
Se pretende vender ou comprar casa, confie-nos essa missão...
INOVA IMOBILIÁRIA... MUITO + QUE VENDER CASAS! Land for sale with 22000m2 in Valdreu, Vila Verde!
Land served by stream water from the north mud of the property; Fantastic views; Facing the municipal road and surrounded by easement paths; Excellent sun exposure!
We take care of your mortgage, without costs or bureaucracy.
INOVA Imobiliária is a credit intermediary authorised by Banco de Portugal with registration number 934. We manage the entire financing process, always with the best conditions in the market and without any associated cost.
Reasons to buy with INOVA
The best accompaniment
With extensive experience in the real estate market since 2006, INOVA is made up of a team of young and dynamic professionals, highly qualified, always available to help its clients, guiding them with the utmost confidence in the right direction for their needs.
And as it is important that you feel that you are accompanied, after the first contact we will create a close relationship in order to understand your expectations and later the realization of your dreams, because that is our priority!
Less bureaucracy
INOVA Imobiliária has an after-sales service, provided by our procedural department, which, in addition to all the bureaucratic monitoring in the process of buying and selling your property, also offers a free advice and consultancy service in terms of bank financing, since we are a company licensed by Banco de Portugal to provide Credit Intermediation services.
Leave behind the bureaucratic nightmares because with us you will find the fundamental support so that your real estate experience exceeds all expectations.
Satisfaction of our customers
Our mission is to ensure the satisfaction of our customers, fulfilling the objective of selling/buying their home, at the best price, in a timely manner and without problems. Free yourself from worries and gain the time you deserve to dedicate to what really makes you happy.
Innovation, seriousness, honesty, rigor, proactivity, professionalism and ambition are some of the main values, which are part of the DNA of our professionals and it is with these principles that we will provide you with the best service!
If you want to sell or buy a house, trust us with this mission...
INNOVATE REAL ESTATE... MUCH+ THAT SELL HOUSES! Zu verkaufen Grundstück mit 22000m2 in Valdreu, Vila Verde!
Land, das mit Bachwasser aus dem nördlichen Schlick des Grundstücks versorgt wird; Fantastische Aussichten; Mit Blick auf die Gemeindestraße und umgeben von Wegen der Knechtschaft; Ausgezeichnete Sonneneinstrahlung!
Wir kümmern uns um Ihren Wohnungsbaukredit, ohne Kosten und Bürokratie.
INOVA Imobiliária ist ein von der Banco de Portugal zugelassener Kreditvermittler mit der Registrierungsnummer 934. Wir managen den gesamten Finanzierungsprozess, immer zu den besten Konditionen auf dem Markt und ohne damit verbundene Kosten.
Gründe für den Kauf bei INOVA
Die beste Begleitung
Mit langjähriger Erfahrung auf dem Immobilienmarkt seit 2006 besteht INOVA aus einem Team von jungen und dynamischen Fachleuten, die hochqualifiziert sind und ihren Kunden immer zur Verfügung stehen und sie mit größtem Vertrauen in die richtige Richtung für ihre Bedürfnisse führen.
Und da es wichtig ist, dass Sie sich begleitet fühlen, werden wir nach dem ersten Kontakt eine enge Beziehung aufbauen, um Ihre Erwartungen und dann die Verwirklichung Ihrer Träume zu verstehen, denn das ist unsere Priorität!
Weniger Bürokratie
INOVA Imobiliária verfügt über einen After-Sales-Service, der von unserer Verfahrensabteilung gewährleistet wird, die neben allen bürokratischen Kontrollen beim Kauf und Verkauf Ihrer Immobilie auch einen kostenlosen Beratungs- und Consulting-Service auf der Ebene der Bankfinanzierung anbietet, da wir ein von der Banco de Portugal lizenziertes Unternehmen sind, das Kreditvermittlungsdienste anbietet.
Lassen Sie die bürokratischen Albträume hinter sich, denn bei uns finden Sie die grundlegende Unterstützung, damit Ihr Immobilienerlebnis alle Erwartungen übertrifft.
Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden
Unsere Mission ist es, die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden zu gewährleisten und das Ziel zu erfüllen, Ihr Haus zum besten Preis, rechtzeitig und problemlos zu verkaufen / zu kaufen. Befreien Sie sich von Sorgen und verdienen Sie sich die Zeit, die Sie verdienen, um sich dem zu widmen, was Sie wirklich glücklich macht.
Innovation, Seriosität, Ehrlichkeit, Strenge, Proaktivität, Professionalität und Ehrgeiz sind einige der wichtigsten Werte, die Teil der DNA unserer Fachleute sind, und mit diesen Prinzipien bieten wir Ihnen den besten Service!
Wenn Sie ein Haus verkaufen oder kaufen möchten, vertrauen Sie uns diese Mission an...