Office & Commercial space (For sale)
484 sqft
/ 102908020
'HOLDING GROUP' Real Estate offers to your attention a commercial premises, a shop, meters from Red Square and Varna University of Economics VINC. Close proximity to university, institutions and institutions. It consists of a spacious and sunny commercial hall of 25 sqm with the right height, a second room of 20 sqm, a staircase and a bathroom with an entrance hall. Large showcase of 4.5 m and installed security system. After a major overhaul and completely ready for commissioning. All personal belongings will be taken out. It is suitable for almost any type of activity, such as a shop, pharmacy, medical or dental office, beauty salon, accounting office, office, etc. Wonderful and highly profitable premises. For more information and details, call and quote CODE: 4872
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'HOLDING GROUP' Real Estate предлага на Вашето внимание търговско помещение, магазин, на метри от червен площад и Варненски икономически университет ВИНС. Непосредствена близост до университет, учреждения и институции. Състои се от просторна и слънчева търговска зала от 25 квм с правилна височина, второ помещение от 20 квм, стълбище и санитарен възел с антре. Голяма витрина от 4,5м и положен СОТ. След основен ремонт и напълно готов за въвеждане в дейност. Всички лични вещи ще бъдат изнесени. Подходящо е за почти всякакъв вид дейност, като магазин, аптека, медицински или зъболекарски кабинет, козметичен салон, счетоводна кантора, офис и др. Прекрасно и високо доходоносно помещение. За повече информация и детайли позвънете и цитирайте КОД: 4872
'HOLDING GROUP' Real Estate offers to your attention a commercial premises, a shop, meters from Red Square and Varna University of Economics VINC. Close proximity to university, institutions and institutions. It consists of a spacious and sunny commercial hall of 25 sqm with the right height, a second room of 20 sqm, a staircase and a bathroom with an entrance hall. Large showcase of 4.5 m and installed security system. After a major overhaul and completely ready for commissioning. All personal belongings will be taken out. It is suitable for almost any type of activity, such as a shop, pharmacy, medical or dental office, beauty salon, accounting office, office, etc. Wonderful and highly profitable premises. For more information and details, call and quote CODE: 4872
'HOLDING GROUP' Real Estate offre à votre attention un local commercial, un magasin, à quelques mètres de la Place Rouge et de l’Université d’Economie de Varna VINC. Proximité de l’université, des institutions et des institutions. Il se compose d’un hall commercial spacieux et ensoleillé de 25 m² avec la bonne hauteur, d’une seconde pièce de 20 m², d’un escalier et d’une salle de bain avec hall d’entrée. Grande vitrine de 4,5 m et système de sécurité installé. Après une révision majeure, il est entièrement prêt pour la mise en service. Tous les effets personnels seront retirés. Il convient à presque tous les types d’activités, comme un magasin, une pharmacie, un cabinet médical ou dentaire, un salon de beauté, un cabinet comptable, un bureau, etc. Locaux merveilleux et très rentables. Pour plus d’informations et de détails, appelez et citez CODE : 4872
Postal code:
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
Office & Commercial space
Property size:
484 sqft