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Apartment & condo for sale in Burgas Province

USD 96,979

Apartment & Condo (For sale)

592 sqft
Reference: EDEN-T102908436 / 102908436
ID33621490 For sale is offered: Studio in Barceló Price: 89900 euro Location: Sunny Beach Rooms: 1 Total area: 55 sq. m. On the 6th floor Maintenance fee: 1210 euros per year Construction stage: completed Payment: 2000 euro deposit, 100% upon signing the title deed. Barceló Royal Beach is a luxury five-star luxury apart-hotel, which is located in the very center of the resort of Sunny Beach. This is a unique complex in its scale and beauty, with a huge number of services and amenities, with one of the best spa centers along the entire coast. The complex is located in a convenient location, on the second line of the sea. The infrastructure and amenities amaze with their diversity, as befits a five-star hotel. On the territory of the complex are located: 3 outdoor pools, 1 indoor pool, a bar and a restaurant by the pool, a spacious recreation area with sun loungers, 3 restaurants, outdoor playgrounds, as well as a children's room, a gym, a conference hall with a capacity of up to 180 people, a night bar, various types of spa treatments, dry cleaning services, indoor two-storey parking, round-the-clock security, maintenance on the territory of the management company. Barceló Royal Beach has absolutely everything you need inside the territory so that guests and owners feel comfortable without leaving the complex. View more View less ID33621490 За продажба се предлага: Студио в к-с Барсело Цена: 89900 евро Населено място: Слънчев Бряг Стаи: 1 Обща площ: 55 кв. м. На 6 етаж Такса поддръжка: 1210 евро на година Етап на строителство: завършен Плащане: 2000 евро депозит, 100% при подписване на нотариален акт за собственост. Барсело Роял Бийч е луксозен петзвезден апарт-хотел, клас лукс, който се намира в самия център на курорта Слънчев Бряг. Това е уникален по своята мащабност и красота комплекс, с огромен брой услуги и удобства, с един от най-добрите спа центрове по цялото крайбрежие. Комплексът се намира на удобно място, на втора линия на морето. Инфраструктурата и удобствата изумяват със своето разнообразие, както подобава на петзвезден хотел. На територията на комплекса са разположени: 3 открити басейна, 1 закрит басейн, бар и ресторант край басейна, просторна зона за отдих с шезлонги, 3 ресторанта, детски площадки на открито, както и детска стая, фитнес зала, конферентна зала с капацитет до 180 човека, нощен бар, различни видове спа процедури, услуги за химическо чистене, закрит двуетажен паркинг, денонощна охрана, поддръжка на територията на управляващото дружество. Барсело Роял Бийч разполага с абсолютно всичко необходимо вътре в територията, така че гостите и собствениците да се чувстват комфортно, без да напускат комплекса. ID33621490 Zum Verkauf steht: Studio in Barceló Preis: 89900 euro Ort: Sonnenstrand Zimmer: 1 Gesamtfläche: 55 m². Im 6. Stock Instandhaltungsgebühr: 1210 Euro pro Jahr Bauphase: abgeschlossen Zahlung: 2000 Euro Kaution, 100% bei Unterzeichnung der Eigentumsurkunde. Das Barceló Royal Beach ist ein luxuriöses Fünf-Sterne-Aparthotel, das sich im Zentrum des Ferienortes Sonnenstrand befindet. Dies ist ein einzigartiger Komplex in seiner Größe und Schönheit, mit einer Vielzahl von Dienstleistungen und Annehmlichkeiten, mit einem der besten Spa-Zentren entlang der gesamten Küste. Der Komplex befindet sich in günstiger Lage, in der zweiten Reihe des Meeres. Die Infrastruktur und Ausstattung verblüffen durch ihre Vielfalt, wie es sich für ein Fünf-Sterne-Hotel gehört. Auf dem Territorium des Komplexes befinden sich: 3 Außenpools, 1 Innenpool, eine Bar und ein Restaurant am Pool, ein geräumiger Erholungsbereich mit Liegestühlen, 3 Restaurants, Spielplätze im Freien sowie ein Kinderzimmer, ein Fitnessraum, ein Konferenzsaal mit einer Kapazität von bis zu 180 Personen, eine Nachtbar, verschiedene Arten von Spa-Behandlungen, chemische Reinigung, zweistöckige Innenparkplätze, Sicherheitsdienst rund um die Uhr, Instandhaltung auf dem Territorium der Verwaltungsgesellschaft. Das Barceló Royal Beach bietet alles, was Sie brauchen, damit sich Gäste und Eigentümer wohl fühlen, ohne den Komplex zu verlassen. ID33621490 For sale is offered: Studio in Barceló Price: 89900 euro Location: Sunny Beach Rooms: 1 Total area: 55 sq. m. On the 6th floor Maintenance fee: 1210 euros per year Construction stage: completed Payment: 2000 euro deposit, 100% upon signing the title deed. Barceló Royal Beach is a luxury five-star luxury apart-hotel, which is located in the very center of the resort of Sunny Beach. This is a unique complex in its scale and beauty, with a huge number of services and amenities, with one of the best spa centers along the entire coast. The complex is located in a convenient location, on the second line of the sea. The infrastructure and amenities amaze with their diversity, as befits a five-star hotel. On the territory of the complex are located: 3 outdoor pools, 1 indoor pool, a bar and a restaurant by the pool, a spacious recreation area with sun loungers, 3 restaurants, outdoor playgrounds, as well as a children's room, a gym, a conference hall with a capacity of up to 180 people, a night bar, various types of spa treatments, dry cleaning services, indoor two-storey parking, round-the-clock security, maintenance on the territory of the management company. Barceló Royal Beach has absolutely everything you need inside the territory so that guests and owners feel comfortable without leaving the complex. ID33621490 A vendre est proposé : Studio à Barceló Prix : 89900 euro Emplacement : Plage ensoleillée Chambres : 1 Superficie totale : 55 m². Au 6ème étage Frais d’entretien : 1210 euros par an Étape de construction : terminée Paiement : 2000 euros d’acompte, 100% à la signature du titre de propriété. Le Barceló Royal Beach est un appart-hôtel de luxe cinq étoiles de luxe, situé en plein centre de la station balnéaire de Sunny Beach. Il s’agit d’un complexe unique par son échelle et sa beauté, avec un grand nombre de services et d’équipements, avec l’un des meilleurs centres de spa de toute la côte. Le complexe est situé dans un emplacement idéal, sur la deuxième ligne de la mer. L’infrastructure et les commodités étonnent par leur diversité, comme il sied à un hôtel cinq étoiles. Sur le territoire du complexe se trouvent : 3 piscines extérieures, 1 piscine intérieure, un bar et un restaurant au bord de la piscine, une grande zone de loisirs avec des chaises longues, 3 restaurants, des aires de jeux extérieures, ainsi qu’une chambre d’enfants, une salle de sport, une salle de conférence d’une capacité allant jusqu’à 180 personnes, un bar de nuit, divers types de soins de spa, des services de nettoyage à sec, un parking intérieur à deux étages, une sécurité 24 heures sur 24, Maintenance sur le territoire de la société de gestion. Le Barceló Royal Beach dispose de tout ce dont vous avez besoin à l’intérieur du territoire pour que les clients et les propriétaires se sentent à l’aise sans quitter le complexe. ID33621490 In vendita si offre: Monolocale a Barceló Prezzo: 89900 euro Località: Sunny Beach Camere: 1 Superficie totale: 55 mq. Al 6° piano Spese di manutenzione: 1210 euro all'anno Fase di costruzione: completata Pagamento: 2000 euro di deposito, 100% alla firma dell'atto di proprietà. Il Barceló Royal Beach è un lussuoso apart-hotel a cinque stelle, che si trova nel centro della località di Sunny Beach. Si tratta di un complesso unico per dimensioni e bellezza, con un numero enorme di servizi e comfort, con uno dei migliori centri termali di tutta la costa. Il complesso si trova in una posizione comoda, sulla seconda linea del mare. L'infrastruttura e i servizi stupiscono per la loro diversità, come si addice a un hotel a cinque stelle. Sul territorio del complesso si trovano: 3 piscine all'aperto, 1 piscina coperta, un bar e un ristorante a bordo piscina, un'ampia area ricreativa con sedie a sdraio, 3 ristoranti, parchi giochi all'aperto, nonché una sala per bambini, una palestra, una sala conferenze con una capacità fino a 180 persone, un bar notturno, vari tipi di trattamenti termali, servizi di lavaggio a secco, parcheggio interno a due piani, sicurezza 24 ore su 24, manutenzione sul territorio della società di gestione. Il Barceló Royal Beach dispone di tutto ciò di cui avete bisogno all'interno del territorio, in modo che gli ospiti e i proprietari si sentano a proprio agio senza lasciare il complesso. ID33621490 Na prodaju se nudi: Studio u Barcelóu Cijena: 89900 eura Lokacija: Sunčana obala Sobe: 1 Ukupna površina: 55 kvadratnih metara. Na 6. katu Naknada za održavanje: 1210 eura godišnje Faza izgradnje: završena Uplata: 2000 eura depozita, 100% po potpisivanju vlasničkog lista. Barceló Royal Beach luksuzni je luksuzni apart-hotel s pet zvjezdica, koji se nalazi u samom središtu ljetovališta Sunčana obala. Ovo je jedinstven kompleks u svojim razmjerima i ljepoti, s ogromnim brojem usluga i sadržaja, s jednim od najboljih lječilišnih centara duž cijele obale. Kompleks se nalazi na povoljnoj lokaciji, na drugoj liniji mora. Infrastruktura i sadržaji zadivljuju svojom raznolikošću, kako i priliči hotelu s pet zvjezdica. Na teritoriju kompleksa nalaze se: 3 vanjska bazena, 1 unutarnji bazen, bar i restoran uz bazen, prostrano rekreacijsko područje s ležaljkama, 3 restorana, vanjska igrališta, kao i dječja soba, teretana, konferencijska dvorana kapaciteta do 180 osoba, noćni bar, razne vrste spa tretmana, usluge kemijskog čišćenja, unutarnji dvoetažni parking, danonoćno osiguranje, održavanje na teritoriju društva za upravljanje. Plaža Barceló Royal ima apsolutno sve što vam je potrebno unutar teritorija kako bi se gosti i vlasnici osjećali ugodno bez napuštanja kompleksa.
Reference: EDEN-T102908436
Country: BG
City: Burgas
Category: Residential
Listing type: For sale
Property type: Apartment & Condo
Property size: 592 sqft
Rooms: 1
Floor: 6


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