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Business opportunity for sale in Plovdiv Province

USD 194,174

Business opportunity (For sale)

1,055 sqft
Reference: EDEN-T103038380 / 103038380
Offer 63655: We offer you a front store with a large front window to a busy street in a newly built small boutique building, low-rise with a modern and attractive vision, located in an area with excellent communications and a preferred place for living and an area with a large flow of people! The store is suitable for any type of commercial activity, as well as for an Office or Showroom. Front window -6.60 meters to a busy street and just a few meters from the main boulevard with the possibility of illuminated advertising. The site is on one level - ground floor, which has a real built-up area of 87.00 sq.m. and consists of a commercial hall with a height of 3.40 m. warehouse and bathroom. The execution is with high quality materials that meet all modern requirements: red brick, 6-chamber PVC windows with wood color, heat and waterproofing - 10 cm., massive entrance armored door. The common areas and terraces will be luxuriously finished with granite, inox railings and Vratsa stone. The building is located near a park, kindergarten, school and convenient transport to the central part of the city. Free parking spaces in the courtyard at prices from 11000 euros. and underground Garages at prices from 20000 euros https:// ... /. View more View less Оферта 63655: Предлагаме ви лицев магазин с голяма лицева витрина към оживена улица в новоизграждаща се малка бутикова сграда, нискоетажна с модерна и атрактивна визия, разположена в район с отлични комуникации и предпочитано за живеене място и район с голям човекопоток ! Магазинът е подходящ както за всякакъв вид търговска дейност, така и за Офис или Шоу Рум. Лицева витрина -6.60 метра към оживена улица и на само няколко метра от главен булевард с възможност за светеща реклама. Обекта е на едно ниво - партерно ,което е с реална застроена площ от 87.00 кв.м. и се състои от търговска зала с височина 3.40м. склад и санитарен възел . Изпълнението е с висококачествени материали, отговарящи на всички съвременни изисквания: червена тухла, 6 -камерна ПВЦ дограма с дървесен цвят, топло и хидроизолация - 10см., масивна входна блиндирана врата. Общите части и терасите ще са луксозно завършени с гранит, иноксови парапети и врачански камък. Сградата е се намира в близост до парк, детска градина, училище и удобен транспорт към централна градска част. Свободни паркоместа във вътрешния двор на цени от 11000 евро. и подземни Гаражи на цени от 20000 евро .Разсрочено плащане в рамките на Строителството или закупуване чрез Банков Кредит!ВИЖТЕ ОЩЕ ИЗГОДНИ ОФЕРТИ НА https:// ... / С ЕЖЕДНЕВНА АКТУАЛИЗАЦИЯ! Angebot 63655: Wir bieten Ihnen ein Frontgeschäft mit einem großen Schaufenster zu einer belebten Straße in einem neu gebauten kleinen Boutique-Gebäude, Flachbau mit einer modernen und attraktiven Vision, in einer Gegend mit ausgezeichneter Kommunikation und einem bevorzugten Wohnort und einer Gegend mit einem großen Menschenstrom! Das Geschäft eignet sich für jede Art von kommerzieller Aktivität sowie für ein Büro oder einen Showroom. Frontfenster -6,60 Meter zu einer belebten Straße und nur wenige Meter vom Hauptboulevard mit der Möglichkeit der beleuchteten Werbung. Der Standort befindet sich auf einer Ebene - Erdgeschoss, das eine reale bebaute Fläche von 87,00 m² hat. und besteht aus einer Gewerbehalle mit einer Höhe von 3,40 m. Lager und Badezimmer. Die Ausführung erfolgt mit hochwertigen Materialien, die allen modernen Anforderungen entsprechen: roter Backstein, 6-Kammer-PVC-Fenster mit Holzfarbe, Wärme- und Abdichtung - 10 cm., massive gepanzerte Eingangstür. Die Gemeinschaftsbereiche und Terrassen werden luxuriös mit Granit, Inox-Geländern und Vratsa-Stein verkleidet. Das Gebäude befindet sich in der Nähe eines Parks, eines Kindergartens, einer Schule und einer bequemen Verkehrsanbindung in den zentralen Teil der Stadt. Kostenlose Parkplätze im Innenhof zu Preisen ab 11000 Euro. und Tiefgaragen zu Preisen ab 20000 Euro https:// ... /. Offre 63655 : Nous vous proposons un magasin avec une grande vitrine donnant sur une rue animée dans un petit immeuble de charme nouvellement construit, de faible hauteur avec une vision moderne et attrayante, situé dans une zone avec d’excellentes communications et un lieu de vie privilégié et une zone avec un grand flux de personnes ! Le magasin est adapté à tout type d’activité commerciale, ainsi qu’à un bureau ou à une salle d’exposition. Fenêtre avant -6,60 mètres d’une rue animée et à quelques mètres du boulevard principal avec possibilité de publicité lumineuse. Le site est de plain-pied - rez-de-chaussée, qui a une surface bâtie réelle de 87,00 m². et se compose d’un hall commercial d’une hauteur de 3,40 m. entrepôt et salle de bain. L’exécution se fait avec des matériaux de haute qualité qui répondent à toutes les exigences modernes : brique rouge, fenêtres en PVC à 6 chambres avec couleur bois, chaleur et étanchéité - 10 cm., porte blindée d’entrée massive. Les espaces communs et les terrasses seront luxueusement finis avec du granit, des garde-corps en inox et de la pierre Vratsa. Le bâtiment est situé à proximité d’un parc, d’un jardin d’enfants, d’une école et d’un moyen de transport pratique vers la partie centrale de la ville. Places de parking gratuites dans la cour à partir de 11000 euros. et garages souterrains à partir de 20000 euros https:// ... /. Offerta 63655: Vi offriamo un negozio di fronte con una grande vetrina su una strada trafficata in un piccolo edificio boutique di nuova costruzione, basso con una visione moderna e attraente, situato in una zona con ottime comunicazioni e un luogo preferito per vivere e una zona con un grande flusso di persone! Il negozio è adatto per qualsiasi tipo di attività commerciale, così come per un Ufficio o uno Showroom. Finestra frontale -6,60 metri su una strada trafficata e a pochi metri dal viale principale con possibilità di pubblicità illuminata. Il sito si sviluppa su un unico livello - piano terra, che ha una superficie edificata reale di 87,00 mq. ed è costituito da un capannone commerciale con un'altezza di 3,40 m. magazzino e bagno. L'esecuzione è con materiali di alta qualità che soddisfano tutte le esigenze moderne: mattoni rossi, finestre in PVC a 6 camere con colore legno, calore e impermeabilità - 10 cm., massiccia porta blindata d'ingresso. Le aree comuni e le terrazze saranno lussuosamente rifinite con granito, ringhiere in acciaio inox e pietra di Vratsa. L'edificio si trova vicino a un parco, asilo, scuola e comodo trasporto per la parte centrale della città. Posti auto gratuiti nel cortile a prezzi a partire da 11000 euro. e garage sotterranei a prezzi a partire da 20000 euro https:// ... /. Offer 63655: We offer you a front store with a large front window to a busy street in a newly built small boutique building, low-rise with a modern and attractive vision, located in an area with excellent communications and a preferred place for living and an area with a large flow of people! The store is suitable for any type of commercial activity, as well as for an Office or Showroom. Front window -6.60 meters to a busy street and just a few meters from the main boulevard with the possibility of illuminated advertising. The site is on one level - ground floor, which has a real built-up area of 87.00 sq.m. and consists of a commercial hall with a height of 3.40 m. warehouse and bathroom. The execution is with high quality materials that meet all modern requirements: red brick, 6-chamber PVC windows with wood color, heat and waterproofing - 10 cm., massive entrance armored door. The common areas and terraces will be luxuriously finished with granite, inox railings and Vratsa stone. The building is located near a park, kindergarten, school and convenient transport to the central part of the city. Free parking spaces in the courtyard at prices from 11000 euros. and underground Garages at prices from 20000 euros https:// ... /.
Reference: EDEN-T103038380
Country: BG
City: Plovdiv
Category: Commercial
Listing type: For sale
Property type: Business opportunity
Property size: 1,055 sqft


Average sale price per sqft
Jan 2022
3 months
1 year
USD 29
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