USD 80,906
Apartment & Condo (For sale)
700 sqft
/ 103038445
SUPRIMMO agency: ... Construction started Expected commissioning date - September 2027. No maintenance fee! We present for sale a one-bedroom apartment of 65.79 sq.m, in a new nine-storey building of a modern complex, quality new construction in Burgas. The concept of the complex is based on the principles of quality and comfortable living, with amenities for the needs of a modern family, in a calm and landscaped living environment. The property is located on the 3rd floor facing south. Distribution: entrance hall; living room with kitchen; bedroom; bathroom with toilet; warehouse; It is issued in the degree of completion according to BDS, first-class construction. The total number of properties is 255, divided into 4 entrances, each with two high-speed elevators. All objects are carefully designed: with regular shapes and maximum functional distribution of the premises. The larger dimensions of the building and its convenient location on the terrain allow for a variety of types and layouts of apartments: one-bedroom apartments with an area of between 60 and 70 sq.m. two-bedroom apartments with an area between 72 and 145 sq.m. Parking on the territory is provided with 30 ground floor garages, 60 underground parking spaces and 205 outdoor parking spaces. Location The location of the complex is convenient and strategic: in the district. 'Izgrev', near Mall Plaza and Kaufland. This is the most actively developing area at the moment, promising to compete with the rest of Burgas with a number of advantages: quick and easy access to the main roads, completely new infrastructure, a high degree of comfort for residents, new technologies, more green spaces and a healthier environment. The building is mixed-use. The modern building has a total built-up area of 22,000 sq.m., located on a vast territory of 11,000 sq.m. It is designed below the maximum permissible parameters in order to ensure optimal distances from neighboring buildings, sufficient space and light, as well as For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: LXH-127602 Tel: ... , 056 702 566 Responsible broker: Teodora Ivanova
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Агенция SUPRIMMO: ... Стартирало строителство Очакван пусков срок -септември 2027г. Без такса поддръжка! Представяме за продажба двустаен апартамент от 65,79 кв.м, в нова девететажна сграда на модерен комплекс, качествено ново строителство в Бургас. В концепцията на комплекса са заложени принципи на качествен и комфортен живот, с удобства за нуждите на едно съвременно семейство, в спокойна и озеленена среда за обитаване. Имотът е разположен на 3-ти етаж с южно изложение. Разпределение: антре; дневна с кухня; спалня; баня с тоалет; склад; тераса.Издава се в степен на завършеност по БДС, първокласно строителство. Типове жилища Общото количество на имотите е 255, разделени в 4 входа, всеки с по два високоскоростни асансьора. Всички обекти са внимателно проектирани: с правилни форми и максимално функционално разпределение на помещенията. По-големите размери на сградата и удобното ѝ разположение на терена позволяват обособяването на разнообразие от типове и планировки на апартаментите: двустайни апартаменти с площ между 60 и 70 кв.м. тристайни апартаменти с площ между 72 и 145 кв.м.Паркирането на територията е обезпечено с 30 партерни гаража, 60 подземни паркоместа и 205 открити паркоместа. Локация Местоположението на комплекса е удобно и стратегическо: в кв. 'Изгрев', близо до Mall Plaza и Kaufland. Това е най-активно развиващата се в момента зона, обещаваща да конкурира с останалите части на Бургас с ред предимства: бърз и лесен достъп до основните пътни артерии, изцяло нова инфраструктура, висока степен на комфорт на живущите, нови технологии, повече зелени пространства и по-здравословна околна среда. Сградата е със смесено предназначение. Модерната сграда е с разгъната застроена площ от 22 000 кв.м, разположена на обширната територия от 11 000 кв.м. Проектирана е под максимално допустимите параметри, с цел да осигури оптимални отстояния от съседните сгради, достатъчно пространство и светлина, както За повече информация свържете се с нас и цитирайте референтния номер на имота. Моля, кажете, че сте видeли обявата в този сайт. Референтен номер: LXH-127602 Тел: ... , 056 702 566 Отговорен брокер:Теодора Иванова
SUPRIMMO agency: ... Construction started Expected commissioning date - September 2027. No maintenance fee! We present for sale a one-bedroom apartment of 65.79 sq.m, in a new nine-storey building of a modern complex, quality new construction in Burgas. The concept of the complex is based on the principles of quality and comfortable living, with amenities for the needs of a modern family, in a calm and landscaped living environment. The property is located on the 3rd floor facing south. Distribution: entrance hall; living room with kitchen; bedroom; bathroom with toilet; warehouse; It is issued in the degree of completion according to BDS, first-class construction. The total number of properties is 255, divided into 4 entrances, each with two high-speed elevators. All objects are carefully designed: with regular shapes and maximum functional distribution of the premises. The larger dimensions of the building and its convenient location on the terrain allow for a variety of types and layouts of apartments: one-bedroom apartments with an area of between 60 and 70 sq.m. two-bedroom apartments with an area between 72 and 145 sq.m. Parking on the territory is provided with 30 ground floor garages, 60 underground parking spaces and 205 outdoor parking spaces. Location The location of the complex is convenient and strategic: in the district. 'Izgrev', near Mall Plaza and Kaufland. This is the most actively developing area at the moment, promising to compete with the rest of Burgas with a number of advantages: quick and easy access to the main roads, completely new infrastructure, a high degree of comfort for residents, new technologies, more green spaces and a healthier environment. The building is mixed-use. The modern building has a total built-up area of 22,000 sq.m., located on a vast territory of 11,000 sq.m. It is designed below the maximum permissible parameters in order to ensure optimal distances from neighboring buildings, sufficient space and light, as well as For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: LXH-127602 Tel: ... , 056 702 566 Responsible broker: Teodora Ivanova
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
Apartment & Condo
Property size:
700 sqft