USD 80,685
House & single-family home for sale in Oleiros
USD 70,396
House & Single-family home (For sale)
lot 861 sqft
/ 103340118
Postal code:
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
House & Single-family home
Lot size:
861 sqft
With good access, this property is ideal for those seeking a quiet getaway while maintaining easy commuting.
Located in a picturesque village, where it is still possible to witness the passing of the baker and fishmonger, this community keeps alive many traditions and a strong connection to its history.
The property dates back to before 1951, which gives it a rich historical heritage and the perfect opportunity to be transformed into a charming dwelling house.
With its original features, such as solid wood floors, ornate doors, and large windows, this property has an authentic charm that evokes a sense of nostalgia and confidence. The unique architectural details can be highlighted during the renovation process, creating a special administrative space.
The large plot allows the creation of a charming garden, where you can enjoy the pleasant climate and the sun that bathes the area.
Imagine yourself relaxing on an outdoor terrace, surrounded by mature trees and a serene environment, enjoying the peace and tranquility that this property offers.
In addition, the privileged location of this property provides easy connection to neighboring areas and local amenities as well as the various river beaches in the area, where you can cool off on hot summer days.
All this, ensuring a practical and convenient life.
However, the true essence of this village is its humanity and traditions, where neighbors know each other and human bonds are strong.
This property is the perfect opportunity to create the home of your dreams, while enjoying a peaceful lifestyle, with a nostalgic touch.
If you're looking for a property with history, potential for restoration, and a connection to a vibrant community, this is the ideal choice.
Oleiros is a Portuguese village belonging to the district of Castelo Branco, a statistical region of the Center and a sub-region of Beira Baixa.
The municipality is bordered to the north by the municipality of Fundão, to the east by Castelo Branco, to the south by Proença-a-Nova, to the southwest by Sertã and to the northwest by Pampilhosa da Serra.
In Oleiros there are several buildings that can be included in the artistic heritage: Mother Church of Oleiros, Church of Misericórdia de Oleiros and a whole set of Churches or Chapels scattered throughout the villages of the municipality.
In addition to these monuments of high heritage value and artistic interest, there are still numerous buildings, not only of erudite architecture but also of a more popular nature. However, its heritage is broader and encompasses both the landscape values of the natural environment and all ethnological manifestations such as uses and customs, festivals and pilgrimages, music, popular songs, traditional cuisine, etc.
The most famous regional dish of the village of Oleiros is the cabrito estonado à moda de Oleiros. Also worth mentioning is the calum wine grown in some parishes of Oleiros and many other delicacies to eat and cry for more.
Some Fairs and Markets:
Designation: Weekly Markets; Location: Oleiros; Date: Every Tuesday
Designation: March Fair; Location: Vila de Oleiros; Date: March 25
Designation: Feira dos Santos; Location: Vila de Oleiros; Date: November 1st
Designation: July Fair; Location: Vila de Oleiros; Date: 1st Sunday in July
Designation: Feira do Roqueiro; Location: Rocker; Date: August 14
Designation: Feira do Estreito; Location: Estreito; Date: June 24
Designation: Dew Fair; Location: Dew; Dates: May 3rd, June 29th and August 13th
Designation: ISNA Fair; Location: Isna; Date: Last Sunday of August View more View less Tenho o prazer de apresentar um encantador imóvel localizado numa zona calma e soalheira, com logradouro, que oferece um enorme potencial para restauração.
Com bons acessos, esta propriedade é ideal para quem busca um refúgio tranquilo, mantendo ao mesmo tempo fácil deslocamento.
Situada numa aldeia pitoresca, onde ainda é possível testemunhar a passagem do padeiro e peixeiro, esta comunidade mantém vivas muitas tradições e uma forte ligação à sua história.
O imóvel remonta a antes de 1951, o que lhe confere uma rica herança histórica e a oportunidade perfeita para ser transformado numa encantadora casa de habitação.
Com suas características originais, como pisos de madeira maciça, portas ornamentadas e janelas amplas, esta propriedade possui um charme autêntico que evoca uma sensação de nostalgia e confiança. Os detalhes arquitetónicos únicos podem ser realçados durante o processo de renovação, criando um espaço administrativo especial.
O amplo terreno permite a criação de um jardim encantador, onde se pode desfrutar do clima agradável e do sol que banha a zona.
Imagine-se a relaxar num terraço ao ar livre, rodeado por árvores maduras e um ambiente sereno, desfrutando da paz e tranquilidade que esta propriedade oferece.
Além disso, a localização privilegiada desta propriedade proporciona uma fácil ligação a áreas vizinhas e às comodidades locais assim como ás diversas praias fluviais na zona, onde poderá refrescar-se nos dias quentes de verão.
Tudo isto, garantindo uma vida prática e conveniente.
No entanto, a verdadeira essência desta aldeia é a sua humanidade e tradições, onde os vizinhos se conhecem e os laços humanos são fortes.
Este imóvel é a oportunidade perfeita para criar a casa dos seus sonhos, ao mesmo tempo em que se desfruta de um estilo de vida tranquilo, com um toque nostálgico.
Se procura uma propriedade com história, potencial para restauração e uma conexão com uma comunidade vibrante, esta é a escolha ideal.
Oleiros é uma vila portuguesa pertencente ao distrito de Castelo Branco, região estatística do Centro e sub-região da Beira Baixa.
O município é limitado a norte pelo município do Fundão, a leste por Castelo Branco, a sul por Proença-a-Nova, a sudoeste pela Sertã e a noroeste pela Pampilhosa da Serra.
Em Oleiros existem vários edifícios que se podem englobar no património artístico: Igreja Matriz de Oleiros, Igreja da Misericórdia de Oleiros e todo um conjunto de Igrejas ou Capelas espalhadas pelas aldeias do município.
Para além destes monumentos de elevado valor patrimonial e interesse artístico, ainda se encontram inúmeros edifícios, não só de arquitetura erudita mas também de feição mais popular. No entanto o seu património é mais vasto e engloba simultaneamente os valores paisagísticos do meio natural e todas as manifestações etnológicas como sejam usos e costumes, festas e romarias, música, cantares populares, cozinha tradicional, etc..
O prato regional mais famoso da vila de Oleiros é o cabrito estonado à moda de Oleiros. Merece também destaque o vinho calum cultivado em algumas freguesias de Oleiros e muitas outras iguarias de comer e chorar por mais.
Algumas Feiras e Mercados:
Designação: Mercados Semanais; Local: Oleiros; Data: Todas as Terças Feiras
Designação: Feira de Março; Local: Vila de Oleiros; Data: 25 de Março
Designação: Feira dos Santos; Local: Vila de Oleiros; Data: 1 de Novembro
Designação: Feira de Julho; Local: Vila de Oleiros; Data: 1º Domingo de Julho
Designação: Feira do Roqueiro; Local: Roqueiro; Data: 14 de Agosto
Designação: Feira do Estreito; Local: Estreito; Data: 24 de Junho
Designação: Feira do Orvalho; Local: Orvalho; Datas: 3 de Maio, 29 de Junho e 13 de Agosto
Designação: Feira da Isna; Local: Isna; Data: Último Domingo de Agosto I am pleased to present a charming property located in a quiet and sunny area, with a patio, which offers enormous potential for restoration.
With good access, this property is ideal for those seeking a quiet getaway while maintaining easy commuting.
Located in a picturesque village, where it is still possible to witness the passing of the baker and fishmonger, this community keeps alive many traditions and a strong connection to its history.
The property dates back to before 1951, which gives it a rich historical heritage and the perfect opportunity to be transformed into a charming dwelling house.
With its original features, such as solid wood floors, ornate doors, and large windows, this property has an authentic charm that evokes a sense of nostalgia and confidence. The unique architectural details can be highlighted during the renovation process, creating a special administrative space.
The large plot allows the creation of a charming garden, where you can enjoy the pleasant climate and the sun that bathes the area.
Imagine yourself relaxing on an outdoor terrace, surrounded by mature trees and a serene environment, enjoying the peace and tranquility that this property offers.
In addition, the privileged location of this property provides easy connection to neighboring areas and local amenities as well as the various river beaches in the area, where you can cool off on hot summer days.
All this, ensuring a practical and convenient life.
However, the true essence of this village is its humanity and traditions, where neighbors know each other and human bonds are strong.
This property is the perfect opportunity to create the home of your dreams, while enjoying a peaceful lifestyle, with a nostalgic touch.
If you're looking for a property with history, potential for restoration, and a connection to a vibrant community, this is the ideal choice.
Oleiros is a Portuguese village belonging to the district of Castelo Branco, a statistical region of the Center and a sub-region of Beira Baixa.
The municipality is bordered to the north by the municipality of Fundão, to the east by Castelo Branco, to the south by Proença-a-Nova, to the southwest by Sertã and to the northwest by Pampilhosa da Serra.
In Oleiros there are several buildings that can be included in the artistic heritage: Mother Church of Oleiros, Church of Misericórdia de Oleiros and a whole set of Churches or Chapels scattered throughout the villages of the municipality.
In addition to these monuments of high heritage value and artistic interest, there are still numerous buildings, not only of erudite architecture but also of a more popular nature. However, its heritage is broader and encompasses both the landscape values of the natural environment and all ethnological manifestations such as uses and customs, festivals and pilgrimages, music, popular songs, traditional cuisine, etc.
The most famous regional dish of the village of Oleiros is the cabrito estonado à moda de Oleiros. Also worth mentioning is the calum wine grown in some parishes of Oleiros and many other delicacies to eat and cry for more.
Some Fairs and Markets:
Designation: Weekly Markets; Location: Oleiros; Date: Every Tuesday
Designation: March Fair; Location: Vila de Oleiros; Date: March 25
Designation: Feira dos Santos; Location: Vila de Oleiros; Date: November 1st
Designation: July Fair; Location: Vila de Oleiros; Date: 1st Sunday in July
Designation: Feira do Roqueiro; Location: Rocker; Date: August 14
Designation: Feira do Estreito; Location: Estreito; Date: June 24
Designation: Dew Fair; Location: Dew; Dates: May 3rd, June 29th and August 13th
Designation: ISNA Fair; Location: Isna; Date: Last Sunday of August Имам удоволствието да ви представя очарователен имот, разположен в тих и слънчев район, с вътрешен двор, който предлага огромен потенциал за реставрация.
С добър достъп, това място за настаняване е идеално за тези, които търсят тихо бягство, като същевременно поддържат лесно пътуване.
Разположена в живописно село, където все още е възможно да станете свидетели на смъртта на хлебаря и търговеца на риба, тази общност поддържа живи много традиции и силна връзка с историята си.
Имотът датира от преди 1951 г., което му дава богато историческо наследство и перфектната възможност да бъде превърнат в очарователна жилищна къща.
С оригиналните си характеристики, като подове от масивно дърво, богато украсени врати и големи прозорци, този имот има автентичен чар, който предизвиква чувство на носталгия и увереност. Уникалните архитектурни детайли могат да бъдат подчертани по време на процеса на обновяване, създавайки специално административно пространство.
Големият парцел позволява създаването на очарователна градина, където можете да се насладите на приятния климат и слънцето, което къпе района.
Представете си, че си почивате на открита тераса, заобиколена от зрели дървета и спокойна среда, наслаждавайки се на тишината и спокойствието, които предлага този имот.
В допълнение, привилегированото местоположение на този имот осигурява лесна връзка със съседните райони и местните удобства, както и с различните речни плажове в района, където можете да се разхладите в горещите летни дни.
Всичко това, осигурявайки практичен и удобен живот.
Истинската същност на това село обаче е неговата хуманност и традиции, където съседите се познават и човешките връзки са силни.
Този имот е перфектната възможност да създадете дома на мечтите си, докато се наслаждавате на спокоен начин на живот, с носталгична нотка.
Ако търсите имот с история, потенциал за реставрация и връзка с оживена общност, това е идеалният избор.
Олейрош е португалско село, принадлежащо към окръг Кастело Бранко, статистически регион на Центъра и подрегион Бейра Байша.
Общината граничи на север с община Фундао, на изток с Кастело Бранку, на юг с Проенса-а-Нова, на югозапад със Серта и на северозапад с Пампилоса да.
В Oleiros има няколко сгради, които могат да бъдат включени в художественото наследство: Църквата-майка на Oleiros, Църквата на Misericórdia de Oleiros и цял набор от църкви или параклиси, разпръснати из селата на общината.
В допълнение към тези паметници с висока културна стойност и художествен интерес, все още има множество сгради, не само с ерудирана архитектура, но и с по-популярен характер. Наследството му обаче е по-широко и обхваща както ландшафтните ценности на природната среда, така и всички етноложки прояви като употреби и обичаи, фестивали и поклонения, музика, народни песни, традиционна кухня и др.
Най-известното регионално ястие на село Олейрос е cabrito estonado à moda de Oleiros. Също така си струва да се спомене виното калум, отглеждано в някои енории на Олейрос и много други деликатеси, за да ядете и да плачете за още.
Някои панаири и пазари:
Обозначение: Седмични пазари; местоположение: Олейрос; Дата: Всеки вторник
Обозначение: Мартенски панаир; Местоположение: Вила де Олейрос; Дата: 25 март
Обозначение: Feira dos Santos; Местоположение: Вила де Олейрос; Дата: 1 ноември
Обозначение: Юлски панаир; Местоположение: Вила де Олейрос; Дата: 1-ва неделя на юли
Обозначение: Feira do Roqueiro; Местоположение: Рокер; Дата: 14 август
Обозначение: Feira do Estreito; Местоположение: Estreito; Дата: 24 юни
Обозначение: Панаир на росата; Местоположение: Роса; Дати: 3 май, 29 юни и 13 август
Обозначение: Панаир на ISNA; Местоположение: Исна; Дата: Последната неделя на август J’ai le plaisir de vous présenter une propriété de charme située dans un quartier calme et ensoleillé, avec un patio, qui offre un énorme potentiel de restauration.
Avec un bon accès, cette propriété est idéale pour ceux qui recherchent une escapade tranquille tout en conservant des déplacements faciles.
Située dans un village pittoresque, où il est encore possible d’assister au décès du boulanger et du poissonnier, cette communauté maintient vivantes de nombreuses traditions et un lien fort avec son histoire.
La propriété date d’avant 1951, ce qui lui confère un riche patrimoine historique et l’occasion idéale d’être transformée en une charmante maison d’habitation.
Avec ses caractéristiques d’origine, telles que des planchers en bois massif, des portes ornées et de grandes fenêtres, cette propriété a un charme authentique qui évoque un sentiment de nostalgie et de confiance. Les détails architecturaux uniques peuvent être mis en valeur au cours du processus de rénovation, créant ainsi un espace administratif spécial.
Le grand terrain permet la création d’un charmant jardin, où vous pourrez profiter du climat agréable et du soleil qui baigne la région.
Imaginez-vous en train de vous détendre sur une terrasse extérieure, entouré d’arbres matures et d’un environnement serein, profitant de la paix et de la tranquillité qu’offre cette propriété.
De plus, l’emplacement privilégié de cette propriété permet une connexion facile aux zones voisines et aux commodités locales ainsi qu’aux différentes plages fluviales de la région, où vous pourrez vous rafraîchir lors des chaudes journées d’été.
Tout cela, assurant une vie pratique et pratique.
Cependant, la véritable essence de ce village est son humanité et ses traditions, où les voisins se connaissent et où les liens humains sont forts.
Cette propriété est l’occasion idéale de créer la maison de vos rêves, tout en profitant d’un style de vie paisible, avec une touche nostalgique.
Si vous êtes à la recherche d’une propriété avec une histoire, un potentiel de restauration et un lien avec une communauté dynamique, c’est le choix idéal.
Oleiros est un village portugais appartenant au district de Castelo Branco, une région statistique du Centre et une sous-région de Beira Baixa.
La commune est bordée au nord par la commune de Fundão, à l’est par Castelo Branco, au sud par Proença-a-Nova, au sud-ouest par Sertã et au nord-ouest par Pampilhosa da Serra.
À Oleiros, il y a plusieurs bâtiments qui peuvent être inclus dans le patrimoine artistique : l’église mère d’Oleiros, l’église de Misericórdia de Oleiros et tout un ensemble d’églises ou de chapelles dispersées dans les villages de la municipalité.
À ces monuments de grande valeur patrimoniale et d’intérêt artistique s’ajoutent de nombreux édifices, non seulement d’architecture érudite, mais aussi de nature plus populaire. Cependant, son patrimoine est plus vaste et englobe à la fois les valeurs paysagères de l’environnement naturel et toutes les manifestations ethnologiques telles que les us et coutumes, les fêtes et les pèlerinages, la musique, les chants populaires, la cuisine traditionnelle, etc.
Le plat régional le plus célèbre du village d’Oleiros est le cabrito estonado à moda de Oleiros. Il convient également de mentionner le vin calum cultivé dans certaines paroisses d’Oleiros et de nombreuses autres spécialités à manger et à pleurer pour en savoir plus.
Quelques foires et marchés :
Désignation : Marchés hebdomadaires ; Lieu : Oleiros ; Date : Tous les mardis
Désignation : Foire de mars ; Lieu : Vila de Oleiros ; Date : 25 mars
Désignation : Feira dos Santos ; Lieu : Vila de Oleiros ; Date : 1er novembre
Désignation : Foire de juillet ; Lieu : Vila de Oleiros ; Date : 1er dimanche de juillet
Désignation : Feira do Roqueiro ; Lieu : Rocker ; Date : 14 août
Désignation : Feira do Estreito ; Lieu : Estreito ; Date : 24 juin
Désignation : Foire aux rosées ; Lieu : Rosée ; Dates : 3 mai, 29 juin et 13 août
Désignation : Foire ISNA ; Lieu : Isna ; Date : Dernier dimanche d’août Είμαι στην ευχάριστη θέση να παρουσιάσω ένα γοητευτικό ακίνητο που βρίσκεται σε μια ήσυχη και ηλιόλουστη περιοχή, με αίθριο, το οποίο προσφέρει τεράστιες δυνατότητες αποκατάστασης.
Με καλή πρόσβαση, αυτό το ακίνητο είναι ιδανικό για όσους αναζητούν μια ήσυχη απόδραση διατηρώντας παράλληλα εύκολες μετακινήσεις.
Βρίσκεται σε ένα γραφικό χωριό, όπου είναι ακόμα δυνατό να γίνει μάρτυρας του θανάτου του φούρναρη και του ιχθυοπώλη, αυτή η κοινότητα διατηρεί ζωντανές πολλές παραδόσεις και μια ισχυρή σύνδεση με την ιστορία της.
Το ακίνητο χρονολογείται πριν από το 1951, γεγονός που του δίνει μια πλούσια ιστορική κληρονομιά και την τέλεια ευκαιρία να μετατραπεί σε μια γοητευτική κατοικία.
Με τα αυθεντικά χαρακτηριστικά του, όπως δάπεδα από μασίφ ξύλο, περίτεχνες πόρτες και μεγάλα παράθυρα, αυτό το κατάλυμα έχει μια αυθεντική γοητεία που προκαλεί μια αίσθηση νοσταλγίας και εμπιστοσύνης. Οι μοναδικές αρχιτεκτονικές λεπτομέρειες μπορούν να αναδειχθούν κατά τη διαδικασία ανακαίνισης, δημιουργώντας έναν ιδιαίτερο διοικητικό χώρο.
Το μεγάλο οικόπεδο επιτρέπει τη δημιουργία ενός γοητευτικού κήπου, όπου μπορείτε να απολαύσετε το ευχάριστο κλίμα και τον ήλιο που λούζει την περιοχή.
Φανταστείτε τον εαυτό σας να χαλαρώνει σε μια εξωτερική βεράντα, περιτριγυρισμένη από ώριμα δέντρα και ένα γαλήνιο περιβάλλον, απολαμβάνοντας τη γαλήνη και την ηρεμία που προσφέρει αυτό το ακίνητο.
Επιπλέον, η προνομιακή τοποθεσία αυτού του ακινήτου παρέχει εύκολη σύνδεση με γειτονικές περιοχές και τοπικές ανέσεις, καθώς και με τις διάφορες παραλίες του ποταμού στην περιοχή, όπου μπορείτε να δροσιστείτε τις ζεστές μέρες του καλοκαιριού.
Όλα αυτά, εξασφαλίζοντας μια πρακτική και βολική ζωή.
Ωστόσο, η πραγματική ουσία αυτού του χωριού είναι η ανθρωπιά και οι παραδόσεις του, όπου οι γείτονες γνωρίζονται μεταξύ τους και οι ανθρώπινοι δεσμοί είναι ισχυροί.
Αυτό το ακίνητο είναι η τέλεια ευκαιρία να δημιουργήσετε το σπίτι των ονείρων σας, απολαμβάνοντας έναν ήρεμο τρόπο ζωής, με μια νοσταλγική πινελιά.
Αν ψάχνετε για ένα ακίνητο με ιστορία, δυνατότητα αποκατάστασης και σύνδεση με μια ζωντανή κοινότητα, αυτή είναι η ιδανική επιλογή.
Το Oleiros είναι ένα πορτογαλικό χωριό που ανήκει στην περιοχή Castelo Branco, μια στατιστική περιοχή του Κέντρου και μια υποπεριοχή της Beira Baixa.
Ο δήμος συνορεύει στα βόρεια με τον δήμο Fundão, στα ανατολικά με το Castelo Branco, στα νότια με την Proença-a-Nova, στα νοτιοδυτικά με τη Sertã και στα βορειοδυτικά με την Pampilhosa da Serra.
Στο Oleiros υπάρχουν αρκετά κτίρια που μπορούν να συμπεριληφθούν στην καλλιτεχνική κληρονομιά: Μητέρα Εκκλησία του Oleiros, Εκκλησία της Misericórdia de Oleiros και ένα ολόκληρο σύνολο εκκλησιών ή παρεκκλησίων διάσπαρτα σε όλα τα χωριά του δήμου.
Εκτός από αυτά τα μνημεία υψηλής αξίας κληρονομιάς και καλλιτεχνικού ενδιαφέροντος, εξακολουθούν να υπάρχουν πολλά κτίρια, όχι μόνο πολυμαθούς αρχιτεκτονικής αλλά και πιο δημοφιλούς φύσης. Ωστόσο, η κληρονομιά της είναι ευρύτερη και περιλαμβάνει τόσο τις αξίες του τοπίου του φυσικού περιβάλλοντος όσο και όλες τις εθνολογικές εκφάνσεις όπως χρήσεις και έθιμα, πανηγύρια και προσκυνήματα, μουσική, λαϊκά τραγούδια, παραδοσιακή κουζίνα κ.λπ.
Το πιο διάσημο τοπικό πιάτο του χωριού Oleiros είναι το cabrito estonado à moda de Oleiros. Αξίζει επίσης να αναφερθεί το κρασί calum που καλλιεργείται σε ορισμένες ενορίες του Oleiros και πολλές άλλες λιχουδιές για φαγητό και κλάμα για περισσότερα.
Μερικές εκθέσεις και αγορές:
Ονομασία: Εβδομαδιαίες αγορές. Τοποθεσία: Oleiros; Ημερομηνία: Κάθε Τρίτη
Ονομασία: March Fair; Τοποθεσία: Vila de Oleiros; Ημ/νία: March 25
Ονομασία: Feira dos Santos· Τοποθεσία: Vila de Oleiros; Ημερομηνία: 1 Νοεμβρίου
Ονομασία: Έκθεση Ιουλίου. Τοποθεσία: Vila de Oleiros; Ημερομηνία: 1η Κυριακή του Ιουλίου
Ονομασία: Feira do Roqueiro· Τοποθεσία: Rocker; Ημερομηνία: 14 Αυγούστου
Ονομασία: Feira do Estreito· Τοποθεσία: Estreito; Ημερομηνία: 24 Ιουνίου
Ονομασία: Dew Fair; Τοποθεσία: Δροσιά; Ημερομηνίες: 3 Μαΐου, 29 Ιουνίου και 13 Αυγούστου
Ονομασία: ISNA Fair· Τοποθεσία: Isna; Ημερομηνία: Τελευταία Κυριακή του Αυγούστου