USD 507,009
USD 527,505
USD 593,201
USD 565,261
USD 528,584
USD 507,009
Placement of Polyethylene insulation Impactodam 10 mm on the floors;
Placement of heating system through underfloor heating;
Placement of aluminum frames with thermal cut and double glazing Guardian sun;
Placement of heat pump for heating sanitary water Class A +.Porto was elected Best City Destination in Europe 2022, during the 29th edition of the World Travel Awards (WTA), a ceremony that took place in Palma de Mallorca (Spain). The award, which puts the city once again in the elite of the best European destinations.It is the city that gave the name to Portugal – from very early (c. 200 BC), when it was called Portus Cale, later becoming the capital of the Portucalense County, from where Portugal was formed.It is also a city known worldwide for its wine, its bridges and contemporary and ancient architecture, its historic center, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, for the quality of its restaurants and its gastronomy. It is also known as Cidade Invicta.| Schedule your visit | View more View less Propriedade | Apartamento T3 localizado a poucos metros da avenida da Boavista, junto ao "Bairro de Hollywood".Destaques | O apartamento foi alvo de um amplo trabalho de estudo, sendo totalmente redesenhado para se adaptar às necessidades dos nossos dias. Foi reconstruído com materiais e soluções de elevada qualidade, procurando proporcionar aos seus futuros moradores o maior conforto possível na sua utilização.O apartamento situa-se no rés-do- chão do edifício com entrada pelo interior do mesmo e entrada pelas traseiras, funcionando como uma moradia. Faz parte da habitação um amplo pátio nas traseiras e uma varanda de boas dimensões.Notas | A Classe C do certificado energético é anterior à intervenção | Para beneficiar o conforto térmico/acústico introduzimos os seguintes melhoramentos:Colocação de isolamento com Placas de Poliestireno extrudido 4 cm nos tetos;
Colocação de isolamento Polietileno Impactodam 10 mm nos pavimentos;
Colocação de sistema de aquecimento através de piso radiante;
Colocação de caixilharia de alumínio com corte térmico e vidro duplo Guardian sun;
Colocação de bomba de calor para aquecimento de águas sanitárias Classe A+.O Porto foi eleito Melhor Destino de Cidade da Europa 2022, durante a 29.ª edição do World Travel Awards (WTA), cerimónia que decorreu em Palma de Maiorca (Espanha). O galardão, que coloca novamente a cidade na elite dos melhores destinos europeus.É a cidade que deu o nome a Portugal – desde muito cedo (c. 200 a.C.), quando se designava de Portus Cale, vindo mais tarde a tornar-se a capital do Condado Portucalense, de onde se formou Portugal.É ainda uma cidade conhecida mundialmente pelo seu vinho, pelas suas pontes e arquitetura contemporânea e antiga, o seu centro histórico, classificado como Património Mundial pela UNESCO, pela qualidade dos seus restaurantes e pela sua gastronomia. Também é conhecida como Cidade Invicta.| Agende a sua Visita | Property | 3 bedroom apartment located a few meters from Avenida da Boavista, next to the "Hollywood District".Highlights | The apartment was the subject of extensive study work, being totally redesigned to adapt to the needs of our days. It has been rebuilt with high quality materials and solutions, seeking to provide its future residents with the greatest possible comfort in its use.The apartment is located on the ground floor of the building with entrance from the interior of the same and entrance from the rear, functioning as a villa. Part of the house is a large patio at the rear and a balcony of good dimensions.Notes | The Class C of the energy certificate is prior to the intervention | To benefit from thermal/acoustic comfort we have introduced the following improvements:Placement of insulation with extruded Polystyrene Plates 4 cm on the ceilings;
Placement of Polyethylene insulation Impactodam 10 mm on the floors;
Placement of heating system through underfloor heating;
Placement of aluminum frames with thermal cut and double glazing Guardian sun;
Placement of heat pump for heating sanitary water Class A +.Porto was elected Best City Destination in Europe 2022, during the 29th edition of the World Travel Awards (WTA), a ceremony that took place in Palma de Mallorca (Spain). The award, which puts the city once again in the elite of the best European destinations.It is the city that gave the name to Portugal – from very early (c. 200 BC), when it was called Portus Cale, later becoming the capital of the Portucalense County, from where Portugal was formed.It is also a city known worldwide for its wine, its bridges and contemporary and ancient architecture, its historic center, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, for the quality of its restaurants and its gastronomy. It is also known as Cidade Invicta.| Schedule your visit |