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Apartment & condo for sale in Lisboa

USD 2,707,547

Apartment & Condo (For sale)

4 bd
1,819 sqft
Reference: EDEN-T103829238 / 103829238
Luxury Apartment in Andaluz 11 The Exclusive Getaway in the Heart of LisbonThis stunning four-bedroom apartment offers the ultimate in comfort, exclusivity, and sophistication. With 237 m² of gross private area and 218 m² of outdoor area, the property has a beautiful garden and private pool, providing a unique wellness experience in the heart of Lisbon.Three parking spaces and storage room.Located in the parish of Santo António, the Andaluz 11 development is both as close and as far from the center of Lisbon as one could wish.Just a few meters away, it is surrounded by all that the city has to offer for our daily needs. Parks, schools, shops, restaurants, health services and public transport networks are accessible in the immediate vicinity.A stroll through the serenity of Parque Eduardo VII or a visit to the shops of Avenida da Liberdade are possible plans, both less than a 10-minute walk away.As we enter Calle de Andaluz, where the building is located, we feel that we have left the scale of the big city to stay in a quiet village, hidden in secret in the center of the Capital.The facades of the buildings that compose it, which mostly date back to the XVIII century. They take our imagination to other times and stimulate our senses to the beauty of Lisbon's history.This street is one of the last of medieval formation that lasted in this area of the city, after the urban expansion to the North, at the end of the century. Thus, it differs from its surroundings in the shape and size and intensity of traffic, giving it a unique atmosphere of serenity.The Andaluz 11 development was born from the transformation of building no. 11 of Rua de Andaluz, whose origin dates back to the end of the century. XIX."Building the New, Starting from the Old" was the goal of a demanding team of professionals committed to creating a building that relates heritage with modernity through the highest criteria of architectural and construction quality.The project houses five new apartments, framed in the expansion and rehabilitation of the historic building, which seek to meet all the requirements of comfort and assisibility for a contemporary living space.Throughout the intervention, secular and noble materials were applied, creating a smooth and discreet transition between the new architectural elements and the original identity of the building.Lioz stone for the wet areas and solid flooring for the noble spaces, combined with Water Evolution stainless steel taps and SMEG equipment for the kitchens, were carefully selected in order to establish a graceful conversation between the new and the old.The large windows that illuminate the interior space, with wooden frames and shutters, overlook the green patio at the back, or the traditional tiled facades on the other side of the street.The project includes three distinct typologies, seeking to meet the different needs of its future residents.A T4 typology with patio and swimming pool, two T2 typologies on the first floor, and two T3 typologies distributed in duplex between the second and third floors, make up the total set of the complex.Each apartment has been designed to benefit from the largest possible living area and all have a central heating and cooling system, storage rooms in the garage, and indoor car parking. View more View less Apartamento de Luxo no Andaluz 11 O Refúgio Exclusivo no Coração de LisboaEste impressionante apartamento de quatro quartos oferece o que há de melhor em conforto, exclusividade e sofisticação. Com 237 m² de área bruta privativa e 218 m² de área externa, o imóvel conta com um lindo jardim e piscina privativa, proporcionando uma experiência única de bem-estar em pleno centro de Lisboa.Três lugares de garagem e arrecadação.Localizado na freguesia de Santo António, o empreendimento Andaluz 11 é ao mesmo tempo tão perto e tão longe do centro de Lisboa quanto se poderia desejar.A apenas alguns metros de distância, é circundado por tudo o que a cidade tem para oferecer para as nossas necessidades diárias. Parques, escolas, lojas, restaurantes, serviços de saúde e redes de transportes públicos, são acessíveis nas redondezas mais imediatas.Um passeio pela serenidade do Parque Eduardo VII e ou uma visita às lojas da Avenida da Liberdade são planos possíveis, ambos a menos de 10 minutos a pé.Ao entrarmos na Rua de Andaluz, onde se situa o edifício, sentimos que deixámos a escala da grande cidade para nos alojarmos numa pacata vila, escondida em segredo no centro da Capital.As fachadas dos edifícios que a compõem, que na maioria remontam ao séc. XIX, levam a nossa imaginação para outros tempos e estimulam os nossos sentidos para a beleza da História de Lisboa.Esta Rua é uma das últimas de formação medieval que perdurou nesta zona da cidade, após a expansão urbanística para Norte, no final do séc. XIX. Assim, difere da sua envolvente na forma e tamanho e na intensidade do trânsito, atribuindo-lhe uma atmosfera única de serenidade.O empreendimento Andaluz 11 nasce da transformação do edifício nº 11 da Rua de Andaluz, cuja origem data do final do séc. XIX.Construir o Novo, Partindo do Antigo foi o objetivo de uma equipa exigente de profissionais empenhados em criar um edifício que relaciona património com modernidade através dos mais altos critérios de qualidade arquitetônica e de construção.O projeto alberga cinco novos apartamentos, enquadrados na expansão e reabilitação do edifício histórico, que procuram satisfazer todas as exigências de conforto e acessibilidade para um espaço de habitação contemporâneo.Em toda a intervenção foram aplicados materiais seculares e nobres, criando uma transição suave e discreta entre os novos elementos arquitetônicos e a identidade original do edifício.Pedra lioz para as zonas húmidas e soalho maciço para os espaços nobres, combinados com torneiras em aço inox Water Evolution e equipamentos SMEG para as cozinhas, foram cuidadosamente selecionados de modo a estabelecer uma conversação graciosa entre o novo e o antigo.As janelas amplas que iluminam o espaço interior, com caixilharia e portadas de madeira, têm vista para o logradouro verde nas traseiras, ou para as fachadas tradicionais em azulejo no outro lado da rua.O projeto contempla três tipologias distintas, procurando ir ao encontro das diferentes necessidades dos seus futuros moradores.Uma tipologia T4 com logradouro e piscina, duas tipologias T2 no primeiro piso, e duas tipologias T3 distribuídas em duplex entre o segundo e o terceiro piso, compõem o conjunto total do complexo.Cada apartamento foi concebido de forma a beneficiar da maior área habitável possível e todos têm sistema central de aquecimento e refrigeração, arrecadações em garagem, e estacionamento automóvel interior. Luxury Apartment in Andaluz 11 The Exclusive Getaway in the Heart of LisbonThis stunning four-bedroom apartment offers the ultimate in comfort, exclusivity, and sophistication. With 237 m² of gross private area and 218 m² of outdoor area, the property has a beautiful garden and private pool, providing a unique wellness experience in the heart of Lisbon.Three parking spaces and storage room.Located in the parish of Santo António, the Andaluz 11 development is both as close and as far from the center of Lisbon as one could wish.Just a few meters away, it is surrounded by all that the city has to offer for our daily needs. Parks, schools, shops, restaurants, health services and public transport networks are accessible in the immediate vicinity.A stroll through the serenity of Parque Eduardo VII or a visit to the shops of Avenida da Liberdade are possible plans, both less than a 10-minute walk away.As we enter Calle de Andaluz, where the building is located, we feel that we have left the scale of the big city to stay in a quiet village, hidden in secret in the center of the Capital.The facades of the buildings that compose it, which mostly date back to the XVIII century. They take our imagination to other times and stimulate our senses to the beauty of Lisbon's history.This street is one of the last of medieval formation that lasted in this area of the city, after the urban expansion to the North, at the end of the century. Thus, it differs from its surroundings in the shape and size and intensity of traffic, giving it a unique atmosphere of serenity.The Andaluz 11 development was born from the transformation of building no. 11 of Rua de Andaluz, whose origin dates back to the end of the century. XIX."Building the New, Starting from the Old" was the goal of a demanding team of professionals committed to creating a building that relates heritage with modernity through the highest criteria of architectural and construction quality.The project houses five new apartments, framed in the expansion and rehabilitation of the historic building, which seek to meet all the requirements of comfort and assisibility for a contemporary living space.Throughout the intervention, secular and noble materials were applied, creating a smooth and discreet transition between the new architectural elements and the original identity of the building.Lioz stone for the wet areas and solid flooring for the noble spaces, combined with Water Evolution stainless steel taps and SMEG equipment for the kitchens, were carefully selected in order to establish a graceful conversation between the new and the old.The large windows that illuminate the interior space, with wooden frames and shutters, overlook the green patio at the back, or the traditional tiled facades on the other side of the street.The project includes three distinct typologies, seeking to meet the different needs of its future residents.A T4 typology with patio and swimming pool, two T2 typologies on the first floor, and two T3 typologies distributed in duplex between the second and third floors, make up the total set of the complex.Each apartment has been designed to benefit from the largest possible living area and all have a central heating and cooling system, storage rooms in the garage, and indoor car parking. Луксозен апартамент в Андалуз 11 Ексклузивното бягство в сърцето на ЛисабонТози зашеметяващ апартамент с четири спални предлага най-добрия комфорт, изключителност и изтънченост. С 237 m² брутна частна площ и 218 m² открита площ, имотът разполага с красива градина и частен басейн, осигуряващи уникално уелнес изживяване в сърцето на Лисабон.Три паркоместа и складово помещение.Разположен в енорията Санто Антонио, комплексът Andaluz 11 е едновременно толкова близо и толкова далеч от центъра на Лисабон, колкото човек би могъл да пожелае.Само на няколко метра, той е заобиколен от всичко, което градът може да предложи за ежедневните ни нужди. Паркове, училища, магазини, ресторанти, здравни услуги и мрежи на обществения транспорт са достъпни в непосредствена близост.Разходка из спокойствието на Parque Eduardo VII или посещение на магазините на Avenida da Liberdade са възможни планове, и двете на по-малко от 10 минути пеша.Когато влизаме в Calle de Andaluz, където се намира сградата, имаме чувството, че сме напуснали мащаба на големия град, за да отседнем в тихо селце, скрито в тайна в центъра на столицата.Фасадите на сградите, които го съставят, които датират предимно от XVIII век. Те пренасят въображението ни в други времена и стимулират сетивата ни за красотата на историята на Лисабон.Тази улица е една от последните средновековни формации, които са продължили в този район на града, след градската експанзия на север, в края на века. По този начин той се различава от заобикалящата го среда по формата, размера и интензивността на трафика, което му придава уникална атмосфера на спокойствие.Разработката Andaluz 11 се ражда от трансформацията на сграда No 11 на Rua de Andaluz, чийто произход датира от края на века. XIX."Да построим новото, да започнем от старото" беше целта на взискателен екип от професионалисти, ангажирани със създаването на сграда, която свързва наследството с модерността чрез най-високите критерии за качество на архитектурата и строителството.В проекта се помещават пет нови апартамента, обрамчени в разширението и рехабилитацията на историческата сграда, които се стремят да отговорят на всички изисквания за комфорт и ассигируемост за съвременно жилищно пространство.По време на интервенцията бяха приложени светски и благородни материали, създавайки плавен и дискретен преход между новите архитектурни елементи и оригиналната идентичност на сградата.Камъкът Lioz за мокрите зони и масивната настилка за благородните пространства, комбинирани с кранове от неръждаема стомана Water Evolution и оборудване SMEG за кухните, бяха внимателно подбрани, за да се установи грациозен разговор между новото и старото.Големите прозорци, които осветяват вътрешното пространство, с дървени рамки и капаци, гледат към зеления вътрешен двор отзад или към традиционните плочки фасади от другата страна на улицата.Проектът включва три различни типологии, които се стремят да отговорят на различните нужди на бъдещите си жители.Типология Т4 с вътрешен двор и басейн, две типологии Т2 на първия етаж и две типологии Т3, разпределени в дуплекс между втория и третия етаж, съставляват цялостния набор на комплекса.Всеки апартамент е проектиран така, че да се възползва от възможно най-голяма жилищна площ и всички имат централна отоплителна и охладителна система, складови помещения в гаража и закрит паркинг. Πολυτελές διαμέρισμα στην Ανδαλουσία 11 Η αποκλειστική απόδραση στην καρδιά της ΛισαβόναςΑυτό το εκπληκτικό διαμέρισμα τεσσάρων υπνοδωματίων προσφέρει την απόλυτη άνεση, αποκλειστικότητα και κομψότητα. Με 237μ² μικτού ιδιωτικού χώρου και 218μ² εξωτερικού χώρου, το ακίνητο διαθέτει όμορφο κήπο και ιδιωτική πισίνα, παρέχοντας μια μοναδική εμπειρία ευεξίας στην καρδιά της Λισαβόνας.Τρεις θέσεις στάθμευσης και αποθήκη.Βρίσκεται στην ενορία του Santo António, η ανάπτυξη Andaluz 11 είναι τόσο κοντά όσο και μακριά από το κέντρο της Λισαβόνας όσο θα επιθυμούσε κανείς.Μόλις λίγα μέτρα μακριά, περιβάλλεται από όλα όσα έχει να προσφέρει η πόλη για τις καθημερινές μας ανάγκες. Πάρκα, σχολεία, καταστήματα, εστιατόρια, υπηρεσίες υγείας και δίκτυα δημόσιων συγκοινωνιών είναι προσβάσιμα σε άμεση γειτνίαση.Μια βόλτα στην ηρεμία του Parque Eduardo VII ή μια επίσκεψη στα καταστήματα της Avenida da Liberdade είναι πιθανά σχέδια, και τα δύο λιγότερο από 10 λεπτά με τα πόδια.Καθώς μπαίνουμε στην Calle de Andaluz, όπου βρίσκεται το κτίριο, αισθανόμαστε ότι έχουμε αφήσει την κλίμακα της μεγάλης πόλης για να μείνουμε σε ένα ήσυχο χωριό, κρυμμένο μυστικά στο κέντρο της πρωτεύουσας.Οι προσόψεις των κτιρίων που το συνθέτουν, οι οποίες χρονολογούνται κυρίως από τον XVIII αιώνα. Μεταφέρουν τη φαντασία μας σε άλλες εποχές και διεγείρουν τις αισθήσεις μας στην ομορφιά της ιστορίας της Λισαβόνας.Ο δρόμος αυτός είναι ένας από τους τελευταίους μεσαιωνικού σχηματισμού που διήρκεσε σε αυτή την περιοχή της πόλης, μετά την αστική επέκταση προς τα βόρεια, στα τέλη του αιώνα. Έτσι, διαφέρει από το περιβάλλον του στο σχήμα, το μέγεθος και την ένταση της κυκλοφορίας, δίνοντάς του μια μοναδική ατμόσφαιρα γαλήνης.Η ανάπτυξη του Andaluz 11 γεννήθηκε από τη μετατροπή του κτιρίου αριθ. 11 της Rua de Andaluz, του οποίου η προέλευση χρονολογείται από τα τέλη του αιώνα. ΧΙΧ.Το "Building the New, Starting from the Old" ήταν ο στόχος μιας απαιτητικής ομάδας επαγγελματιών αφοσιωμένων στη δημιουργία ενός κτιρίου που συνδέει την κληρονομιά με τη νεωτερικότητα μέσα από τα υψηλότερα κριτήρια αρχιτεκτονικής και κατασκευαστικής ποιότητας.Το έργο στεγάζει πέντε νέα διαμερίσματα, πλαισιωμένα από την επέκταση και αποκατάσταση του ιστορικού κτιρίου, τα οποία επιδιώκουν να ικανοποιήσουν όλες τις απαιτήσεις άνεσης και ευεξίας για έναν σύγχρονο χώρο διαβίωσης.Καθ' όλη τη διάρκεια της επέμβασης εφαρμόστηκαν κοσμικά και ευγενή υλικά, δημιουργώντας μια ομαλή και διακριτική μετάβαση μεταξύ των νέων αρχιτεκτονικών στοιχείων και της αρχικής ταυτότητας του κτιρίου.Η πέτρα Lioz για τις υγρές περιοχές και το μασίφ δάπεδο για τους ευγενείς χώρους, σε συνδυασμό με τις βρύσες από ανοξείδωτο χάλυβα Water Evolution και τον εξοπλισμό SMEG για τις κουζίνες, επιλέχθηκαν προσεκτικά για να δημιουργήσουν μια χαριτωμένη συνομιλία μεταξύ του νέου και του παλιού.Τα μεγάλα παράθυρα που φωτίζουν τον εσωτερικό χώρο, με ξύλινα κουφώματα και παντζούρια, έχουν θέα στην καταπράσινη αυλή στο πίσω μέρος ή στις παραδοσιακές πλακόστρωτες προσόψεις στην άλλη πλευρά του δρόμου.Το έργο περιλαμβάνει τρεις διακριτές τυπολογίες, επιδιώκοντας να καλύψει τις διαφορετικές ανάγκες των μελλοντικών κατοίκων του.Μια τυπολογία Τ4 με αίθριο και πισίνα, δύο τυπολογίες Τ2 στον πρώτο όροφο και δύο τυπολογίες Τ3 κατανεμημένες σε διπλοκατοικία μεταξύ του δεύτερου και του τρίτου ορόφου, αποτελούν το συνολικό σύνολο του συγκροτήματος.Κάθε διαμέρισμα έχει σχεδιαστεί για να επωφελείται από το μεγαλύτερο δυνατό καθιστικό και όλα διαθέτουν κεντρικό σύστημα θέρμανσης και ψύξης, αποθήκες στο γκαράζ και εσωτερικό χώρο στάθμευσης αυτοκινήτων. Appartement de luxe à Andaluz 11 L’escapade exclusive au cœur de LisbonneCe superbe appartement de quatre chambres offre le summum en matière de confort, d’exclusivité et de sophistication. Avec 237 m² de surface privée brute et 218 m² d’espace extérieur, la propriété dispose d’un beau jardin et d’une piscine privée, offrant une expérience de bien-être unique au cœur de Lisbonne.Trois places de parking et débarras.Situé dans la paroisse de Santo António, le développement Andaluz 11 est à la fois aussi proche et aussi éloigné du centre de Lisbonne que l’on pourrait le souhaiter.À quelques mètres de là, il est entouré de tout ce que la ville a à offrir pour nos besoins quotidiens. Des parcs, des écoles, des commerces, des restaurants, des services de santé et des réseaux de transports en commun sont accessibles à proximité immédiate.Une promenade dans la sérénité du Parque Eduardo VII ou une visite aux boutiques de l’Avenida da Liberdade sont des projets possibles, tous deux à moins de 10 minutes à pied.En entrant dans la Calle de Andaluz, où se trouve le bâtiment, nous avons l’impression d’avoir quitté l’échelle de la grande ville pour rester dans un village tranquille, caché en secret au centre de la capitale.Les façades des bâtiments qui le composent, qui datent pour la plupart du XVIIIe siècle. Ils emmènent notre imagination dans d’autres temps et stimulent nos sens à la beauté de l’histoire de Lisbonne.Cette rue est l’une des dernières de la formation médiévale qui a perduré dans cette zone de la ville, après l’expansion urbaine vers le nord, à la fin du siècle. Ainsi, il diffère de son environnement par la forme, la taille et l’intensité du trafic, ce qui lui confère une atmosphère unique de sérénité.Le développement Andaluz 11 est né de la transformation du bâtiment n° 11 de la Rua de Andaluz, dont l’origine remonte à la fin du siècle. XIX.« Construire le Nouveau, Partir de l’Ancien » était l’objectif d’une équipe exigeante de professionnels engagés à créer un bâtiment qui relie patrimoine et modernité à travers les plus hauts critères de qualité architecturale et de construction.Le projet abrite cinq nouveaux appartements, encadrés dans l’agrandissement et la réhabilitation du bâtiment historique, qui cherchent à répondre à toutes les exigences de confort et d’assisibilité pour un espace de vie contemporain.Tout au long de l’intervention, des matériaux séculaires et nobles ont été appliqués, créant une transition douce et discrète entre les nouveaux éléments architecturaux et l’identité originelle du bâtiment.La pierre Lioz pour les zones humides et le sol solide pour les espaces nobles, combinés aux robinets en acier inoxydable Water Evolution et aux équipements SMEG pour les cuisines, ont été soigneusement sélectionnés afin d’établir une conversation gracieuse entre le nouveau et l’ancien.Les grandes fenêtres qui éclairent l’espace intérieur, avec des cadres en bois et des volets, donnent sur le patio verdoyant à l’arrière, ou sur les façades traditionnelles en tuiles de l’autre côté de la rue.Le projet comprend trois typologies distinctes, cherchant à répondre aux différents besoins de ses futurs résidents.Une typologie T4 avec patio et piscine, deux typologies T2 au premier étage, et deux typologies T3 réparties en duplex entre le deuxième et le troisième étage, composent l’ensemble du complexe.Chaque appartement a été conçu pour bénéficier de la plus grande surface habitable possible et tous disposent d’un système central de chauffage et de refroidissement, de débarras dans le garage et d’un parking intérieur. Apartamento de lujo en Andaluz 11 La escapada exclusiva en el corazón de LisboaEste impresionante apartamento de cuatro dormitorios ofrece lo último en comodidad, exclusividad y sofisticación. Con 237 m² de superficie privada bruta y 218 m² de zona exterior, la propiedad cuenta con un hermoso jardín y piscina privada, proporcionando una experiencia de bienestar única en el corazón de Lisboa.Tres plazas de garaje y trastero.Situada en la parroquia de Santo António, la urbanización Andaluz 11 está tan cerca y tan lejos del centro de Lisboa como se pueda desear.A tan solo unos metros, está rodeado de todo lo que la ciudad tiene para ofrecer para nuestras necesidades diarias. Parques, escuelas, tiendas, restaurantes, servicios de salud y redes de transporte público son accesibles en las inmediaciones.Un paseo por la serenidad del Parque Eduardo VII o una visita a las tiendas de la Avenida da Liberdade son planes posibles, ambos a menos de 10 minutos a pie.Al entrar en la calle de Andaluz, donde se encuentra el edificio, sentimos que hemos dejado la escala de la gran ciudad para alojarnos en un pueblo tranquilo, escondido en secreto en el centro de la Capital.Las fachadas de los edificios que la componen, que en su mayoría datan del siglo XVIII. Transportan nuestra imaginación a otras épocas y estimulan nuestros sentidos a la belleza de la historia de Lisboa.Esta calle es una de las últimas de formación medieval que perduraron en esta zona de la ciudad, tras la expansión urbana hacia el norte, a finales de siglo. Así, se diferencia de su entorno por la forma, el tamaño y la intensidad del tráfico, lo que le confiere una atmósfera única de serenidad.La promoción Andaluz 11 nace de la transformación del edificio nº 11 de la Rúa de Andaluz, cuyo origen se remonta a finales de siglo. XIX."Construir lo Nuevo, Empezando por lo Viejo" fue el objetivo de un exigente equipo de profesionales comprometidos con la creación de un edificio que relacione el patrimonio con la modernidad a través de los más altos criterios de calidad arquitectónica y constructiva.El proyecto alberga cinco nuevos apartamentos, enmarcados en la ampliación y rehabilitación del edificio histórico, que buscan cumplir con todos los requisitos de confort y asibilidad para un espacio habitable contemporáneo.A lo largo de la intervención se aplicaron materiales seculares y nobles, creando una transición suave y discreta entre los nuevos elementos arquitectónicos y la identidad original del edificio.La piedra Lioz para las zonas húmedas y los suelos macizos para los espacios nobles, combinados con la grifería de acero inoxidable Water Evolution y los equipos SMEG para las cocinas, fueron cuidadosamente seleccionados para establecer una elegante conversación entre lo nuevo y lo antiguo.Los grandes ventanales que iluminan el espacio interior, con marcos y persianas de madera, dan al patio verde del fondo, o a las tradicionales fachadas de azulejos del otro lado de la calle.El proyecto incluye tres tipologías distintas, buscando satisfacer las diferentes necesidades de sus futuros residentes.Una tipología T4 con patio y piscina, dos tipologías T2 en la primera planta, y dos tipologías T3 distribuidas en dúplex entre la segunda y tercera planta, conforman el conjunto total del complejo.Cada apartamento ha sido diseñado para beneficiarse de la mayor superficie habitable posible y todos tienen un sistema central de calefacción y refrigeración, trasteros en el garaje y aparcamiento interior. Appartamento di lusso ad Andaluz 11 L'esclusiva fuga nel cuore di LisbonaQuesto splendido appartamento con quattro camere da letto offre il massimo del comfort, dell'esclusività e della raffinatezza. Con 237 m² di superficie privata lorda e 218 m² di area esterna, la proprietà dispone di un bellissimo giardino e di una piscina privata, che offrono un'esperienza di benessere unica nel cuore di Lisbona.Tre posti auto e ripostiglio.Situato nella parrocchia di Santo António, lo sviluppo Andaluz 11 è quanto di più vicino e lontano dal centro di Lisbona si possa desiderare.A pochi metri di distanza, è circondato da tutto ciò che la città ha da offrire per le nostre esigenze quotidiane. Parchi, scuole, negozi, ristoranti, servizi sanitari e reti di trasporto pubblico sono accessibili nelle immediate vicinanze.Una passeggiata nella serenità del Parque Eduardo VII o una visita ai negozi di Avenida da Liberdade sono piani possibili, entrambi a meno di 10 minuti a piedi.Entrando in Calle de Andaluz, dove si trova l'edificio, abbiamo la sensazione di aver lasciato le dimensioni della grande città per soggiornare in un tranquillo villaggio, nascosto in segreto nel centro della capitale.Le facciate dei palazzi che la compongono, che risalgono per lo più al XVIII secolo. Portano la nostra immaginazione in altri tempi e stimolano i nostri sensi alla bellezza della storia di Lisbona.Questa strada è una delle ultime di formazione medievale che durò in questa zona della città, dopo l'espansione urbana verso nord, alla fine del secolo. Pertanto, si differenzia dall'ambiente circostante per la forma, le dimensioni e l'intensità del traffico, conferendogli un'atmosfera unica di serenità.Lo sviluppo Andaluz 11 è nato dalla trasformazione dell'edificio n. 11 di Rua de Andaluz, la cui origine risale alla fine del secolo. XIX."Costruire il nuovo, partire dal vecchio" è stato l'obiettivo di un team esigente di professionisti impegnati a creare un edificio che metta in relazione il patrimonio con la modernità attraverso i più alti criteri di qualità architettonica e costruttiva.Il progetto ospita cinque nuovi appartamenti, inquadrati nell'ampliamento e nella riqualificazione dell'edificio storico, che cercano di soddisfare tutti i requisiti di comfort e accessibilità per uno spazio abitativo contemporaneo.Durante tutto l'intervento sono stati applicati materiali secolari e nobili, creando una transizione fluida e discreta tra i nuovi elementi architettonici e l'identità originaria dell'edificio.La pietra Lioz per le zone umide e i pavimenti in massello per gli spazi nobili, abbinati alla rubinetteria in acciaio inox Water Evolution e alle attrezzature SMEG per le cucine, sono stati accuratamente selezionati per instaurare una conversazione armoniosa tra il nuovo e il vecchio.Le grandi vetrate che illuminano lo spazio interno, con infissi e persiane in legno, si affacciano sul patio verde sul retro, o sulle tradizionali facciate piastrellate dall'altra parte della strada.Il progetto prevede tre distinte tipologie, che cercano di soddisfare le diverse esigenze dei suoi futuri residenti.Una tipologia T4 con patio e piscina, due tipologie T2 al primo piano e due tipologie T3 distribuite in duplex tra il secondo e il terzo piano, costituiscono l'insieme complessivo del complesso.Ogni appartamento è stato progettato per beneficiare della più ampia superficie abitabile possibile e tutti dispongono di un sistema di riscaldamento e raffrescamento centralizzato, ripostigli in garage e parcheggio interno.
Reference: EDEN-T103829238
Country: PT
City: Lisboa
Category: Residential
Listing type: For sale
Property type: Apartment & Condo
Property size: 1,819 sqft
Rooms: 4
Bedrooms: 4



Average sale price per sqft
Oct 2023
3 months
1 year
USD 671
USD 625
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