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  • Sofia City Province


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Apartment & condo for sale in Sofia City Province

USD 465,698

Apartment & Condo (For sale)

2,228 sqft
Reference: EDEN-T103839918 / 103839918
LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ACT 16 ... RECEIVED! In a mountainous area with fresh air, amidst a park with perennial vegetation and mineral springs, Gloria Palace Residence is the only residential complex of its kind in Sofia, with its own SPA center with mineral water. The complex is on the territory of the diplomatic club 'Gloria Palace', which is conveniently located at the beginning of the 'Gorna Banya' district - one of the elite, rapidly developing areas at the foot of Vitosha Mountain. The three-bedroom apartment, which we present for sale, is located on the 2nd floor and has a total area of 207.43 sq.m. The apartment is offered with quality completion according to BDS. The photos to the offer are examples - common for the whole complex. Distribution of the property: 3 bedrooms; living room with kitchenette and dining room, with storage; 2 terraces; bathroom/toilet, separate toilet; bathroom with toilet to one of the bedrooms, closet. The property has the latest in fashion heating and cooling systems, which are able to provide high comfort to the most demanding residents. French windows and high ceilings provide maximum access to sunlight and reveal in the best way the view of Vitosha Mountain and the greenery around. There is an option to buy a parking space for the apartment, at an additional price. The complex is quickly reached by Tsar Boris III Boulevard and the Ring Road, which is planned to be expanded. The new metro station Gorna Banya is within walking distance from the complex, and the bus stop is right next to it, with bus 260. Residents of the complex can also take advantage of the latest electric bus, which stops directly in front of the complex and at the metro stop and works with the BUSINN mobile application, which can also be used to order the 'public transport on demand' service. For the children in the neighborhood there are several kindergartens and primary schools, among which is the Italian Lyceum, and among the higher institutions nearby is the New Bulgarian University. For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: SOF-128317 Tel: ... , 02 425 69 31 Responsible broker: Spasiyana Zhezanova View more View less LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... ПОЛУЧЕН АКТ 16! В планински район с чист въздух, сред парк с многогодишна растителност и минерални извори, Gloria Palace Residence е eдинcтвeният пo рода cи жилищен комплекс в София, разполагащ със coбcтвeн SPA цeнтъp c минepaлнa вoдa. Комплексът е на територията на дипломатическия клуб 'Глория Палас', който е удобно разположен в началото на квартал 'Горна баня' - един от елитните, бързо развиващи се райони в полите на Витоша. Четиристайният апартамент, който представяме за продажба, се намира на 2-ри етаж и има обща площ 207.43 кв.м. Жилището се предлага с качествено завършване по БДС. Снимките към офертата за примерни - общи за целия комплекс. Разпределение на имота: 3 спални; дневна с кухненски бокс и трапезария, със склад; 2 тераси; баня/тоалетна, отделна тоалетна; баня с тоалетна към една от спалните, дрешник. Имотът рaзпoлaгa c пocлeднa мoдa oтoплитeлни и oxлaждaщи cиcтeми, кoитo ca cпocoбни дa пpeдocтaвят виcoк кoмфopт дopи и нa нaй-взиcкaтeлнитe oбитaтeли. Френските прозорци и високи тавани осигуряват максимален достъп на слънчевата светлина и разкриват по най-добрия начин гледката към Витоша и зеленината наоколо. Има опция за закупуването на паркомясто към жилището, на допълнителна цена. За района До комплекса бързо се стига по булевард Цар Борис III и Околовръстен път, който се планира да бъде разширен. Новата метростанция Горна баня е на пешеходно разстояние от комплекса, а автобусната спирка е непосредствено до него, с автобус 260. Жителите на комплекса могат да се възползват и от най-новия електробус, който спира директно пред комплекса и на спирката на метрото и работи с мобилното приложение BUSINN, с което може да се поръчва и услугата 'градски транспорт при поискване'. За децата в квартала има няколко детски градини и основни училища, сред които е Италианският лицей, а сред висшите заведения наблизо е Нов български университет. За пазаруване има два добре заредени За повече информация свържете се с нас и цитирайте референтния номер на имота. Моля, кажете, че сте видeли обявата в този сайт. Референтен номер: SOF-128317 Тел: ... , 02 425 69 31 Отговорен брокер:Спасияна Жезанова LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ACT 16 ... RECEIVED! In a mountainous area with fresh air, amidst a park with perennial vegetation and mineral springs, Gloria Palace Residence is the only residential complex of its kind in Sofia, with its own SPA center with mineral water. The complex is on the territory of the diplomatic club 'Gloria Palace', which is conveniently located at the beginning of the 'Gorna Banya' district - one of the elite, rapidly developing areas at the foot of Vitosha Mountain. The three-bedroom apartment, which we present for sale, is located on the 2nd floor and has a total area of 207.43 sq.m. The apartment is offered with quality completion according to BDS. The photos to the offer are examples - common for the whole complex. Distribution of the property: 3 bedrooms; living room with kitchenette and dining room, with storage; 2 terraces; bathroom/toilet, separate toilet; bathroom with toilet to one of the bedrooms, closet. The property has the latest in fashion heating and cooling systems, which are able to provide high comfort to the most demanding residents. French windows and high ceilings provide maximum access to sunlight and reveal in the best way the view of Vitosha Mountain and the greenery around. There is an option to buy a parking space for the apartment, at an additional price. The complex is quickly reached by Tsar Boris III Boulevard and the Ring Road, which is planned to be expanded. The new metro station Gorna Banya is within walking distance from the complex, and the bus stop is right next to it, with bus 260. Residents of the complex can also take advantage of the latest electric bus, which stops directly in front of the complex and at the metro stop and works with the BUSINN mobile application, which can also be used to order the 'public transport on demand' service. For the children in the neighborhood there are several kindergartens and primary schools, among which is the Italian Lyceum, and among the higher institutions nearby is the New Bulgarian University. For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: SOF-128317 Tel: ... , 02 425 69 31 Responsible broker: Spasiyana Zhezanova
Reference: EDEN-T103839918
Country: BG
City: Sofia
Category: Residential
Listing type: For sale
Property type: Apartment & Condo
Property size: 2,228 sqft
Floor: 2


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