USD 439,720
Apartment & Condo (For sale)
/ 103849546
Punta Cana
Postal code:
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
Apartment & Condo
Property size:
1,421 sqft
Lot size:
1,421 sqft
Swimming pool:
Outdoor Grill:
Internet access:
110 apartments, Pool, Social areas, 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms, Private parking, 24-hour security The project is located in a privileged tourist destination along the sandy Arena Gorda Beach in Punta Cana, housing some of the most exclusive real estate developments in the area. Furthermore, proximity to the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana opens up a world of top-notch entertainment and gastronomy. Let's talk about Finishes:
The apartment complex is based on a modern tropical architectural concept inspired by the natural and relaxed lifestyle of Tulum. It will consist of five levels and a optional rooftop terrace with stunning views of the golf course. Organic finishes, such as wood and exposed concrete, will be used to integrate the building with the surrounding nature. Warm and tropical colors will be embedded on the facade to create a relaxed and inviting atmosphere.
- Air Conditioning
- Security
- Garden
- Barbecue
- SwimmingPool
- Parking
- Pool Outdoor
- Fitness Center
- Tennis
- Internet View more View less Marvelous new project where white sandy beaches intertwine harmoniously with a prestigious golf course, and the elegance of the Caribbean embraces you in every corner. This environment surrounds you with top-notch amenities, ensuring that your experience is absolutely unforgettable. Ready to make the investment of your dreams?
110 apartments, Pool, Social areas, 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms, Private parking, 24-hour security The project is located in a privileged tourist destination along the sandy Arena Gorda Beach in Punta Cana, housing some of the most exclusive real estate developments in the area. Furthermore, proximity to the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana opens up a world of top-notch entertainment and gastronomy. Let's talk about Finishes:
The apartment complex is based on a modern tropical architectural concept inspired by the natural and relaxed lifestyle of Tulum. It will consist of five levels and a optional rooftop terrace with stunning views of the golf course. Organic finishes, such as wood and exposed concrete, will be used to integrate the building with the surrounding nature. Warm and tropical colors will be embedded on the facade to create a relaxed and inviting atmosphere.
- Air Conditioning
- Security
- Garden
- Barbecue
- SwimmingPool
- Parking
- Pool Outdoor
- Fitness Center
- Tennis
- Internet Прекрасен нов проект, в който белите пясъчни плажове се преплитат хармонично с престижно голф игрище, а елегантността на Карибите ви прегръща във всеки ъгъл. Тази среда ви заобикаля с първокласни удобства, гарантирайки, че вашето изживяване е абсолютно незабравимо. Готови ли сте да направите инвестицията на мечтите си?
110 апартамента, Басейн, Социални зони, 1, 2 и 3 спални, Частен паркинг, 24-часова охрана Проектът се намира в привилегирована туристическа дестинация по пясъчния плаж Арена Горда в Пунта Кана, където се помещават някои от най-ексклузивните проекти за недвижими имоти в района. Освен това, близостта до Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana отваря свят на първокласни забавления и гастрономия. Нека поговорим за покритията:
Апартаментният комплекс е базиран на модерна тропическа архитектурна концепция, вдъхновена от естествения и спокоен начин на живот на Тулум. Той ще се състои от пет нива и допълнителна тераса на покрива със зашеметяваща гледка към голф игрището. Органични покрития, като дърво и открит бетон, ще бъдат използвани за интегриране на сградата със заобикалящата природа. Топли и тропически цветове ще бъдат вградени на фасадата, за да създадат спокойна и привлекателна атмосфера.
- Air Conditioning
- Security
- Garden
- Barbecue
- SwimmingPool
- Parking
- Pool Outdoor
- Fitness Center
- Tennis
- Internet Maravilloso nuevo proyecto donde las playas de arena blanca se entrelazan armoniosamente con un prestigioso campo de golf, y la elegancia del Caribe te abraza en cada rincón. Este entorno te rodea de comodidades de primer nivel, lo que garantiza que tu experiencia sea absolutamente inolvidable. ¿Listo para hacer la inversión de tus sueños?
110 apartamentos, Piscina, Áreas sociales, 1, 2 y 3 recámaras, Estacionamiento privado, Seguridad las 24 horas El proyecto está ubicado en un destino turístico privilegiado a lo largo de la playa de arena Gorda en Punta Cana, que alberga algunos de los desarrollos inmobiliarios más exclusivos de la zona. Además, la proximidad al Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana abre un mundo de entretenimiento y gastronomía de primer nivel. Hablemos de los acabados:
El complejo de apartamentos se basa en un concepto arquitectónico tropical moderno inspirado en el estilo de vida natural y relajado de Tulum. Constará de cinco niveles y una terraza opcional en la azotea con impresionantes vistas del campo de golf. Se utilizarán acabados orgánicos, como la madera y el hormigón visto, para integrar el edificio con la naturaleza circundante. Los colores cálidos y tropicales se incrustarán en la fachada para crear un ambiente relajado y acogedor.
- Air Conditioning
- Security
- Garden
- Barbecue
- SwimmingPool
- Parking
- Pool Outdoor
- Fitness Center
- Tennis
- Internet Merveilleux nouveau projet où les plages de sable blanc s’entremêlent harmonieusement à un prestigieux terrain de golf, et où l’élégance des Caraïbes vous embrasse dans tous les coins. Cet environnement vous entoure d’équipements de premier ordre, garantissant que votre expérience est absolument inoubliable. Prêt à faire l’investissement de vos rêves ?
110 appartements, Piscine, Espaces sociaux, 1, 2 et 3 chambres, Parking privé, Sécurité 24h/24 Le projet est situé dans une destination touristique privilégiée le long de la plage de sable Arena Gorda à Punta Cana, abritant certains des développements immobiliers les plus exclusifs de la région. De plus, la proximité du Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana ouvre un monde de divertissement et de gastronomie de premier ordre. Parlons des finitions :
Le complexe d’appartements est basé sur un concept architectural tropical moderne inspiré par le style de vie naturel et détendu de Tulum. Il sera composé de cinq niveaux et d’une terrasse sur le toit en option avec une vue imprenable sur le parcours de golf. Des finitions organiques, telles que le bois et le béton apparent, seront utilisées pour intégrer le bâtiment à la nature environnante. Des couleurs chaudes et tropicales seront incrustées sur la façade pour créer une atmosphère détendue et accueillante.
- Air Conditioning
- Security
- Garden
- Barbecue
- SwimmingPool
- Parking
- Pool Outdoor
- Fitness Center
- Tennis
- Internet