Commercial - For sale
  • Aves


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Business opportunity for sale in Aves

USD 330,319

Business opportunity (For sale)

9,375 sqft
lot 9,375 sqft
Reference: EDEN-T104626032 / 104626032
Urban Building consisting of 2 urban articles (Articles 549 and 1588).Urban article 549 corresponds to a single-family house, type T3, on one floor, located on a plot of land measuring 508 m². Article 1588 corresponds to a 3-storey building, with independent uses, with housing (T3) and 2 commercial spaces, located on a plot of land measuring 363 m².It is located in Vila das Aves, the area is reasonably served by local businesses and is approximately 8 km from the center of Santo Tirso. Access is good and it is reasonably served by public transport, about 500 m from the train station.It is compartmentalized as follows:Ground floor: Hall, cafe with kitchen and sanitary facilities (M/F), storage room; Access to the nightclub on the floor;
1st Floor: Dance floor area with bar, music area and sanitary facilities (M/F); Housing type T3 (living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms);
2nd Floor: 3 bedroom housing (living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms).Property currently without a license, obtaining it and completing any works are the responsibility of the purchasing client.VIVER NAS ONDAS is a real estate agency with 18 years of experience that also acts as a CREDIT INTERMEDIARY, duly authorized by the Bank of Portugal (Reg. 3151).Our team is made up of passionate and dedicated professionals, ready to make your dreams come true.We take on the responsibility of taking care of the entire financing process, providing you with peace of mind and security. We are committed to finding the best home loan solutions available on the market, and we work tirelessly to achieve this goal.We take care of all the details of the process, from analyzing your financial needs to presenting the financing options that best suit your profile.Our mission is to offer an excellent service, putting your interests first. We work with commitment and dedication to make the process of obtaining housing credit simpler and more effective for you.
Energy Rating: E
View more View less Gradska zgrada koja se sastoji od 2 urbana predmeta (članci 549. i 1588.).Urbani članak 549 odgovara obiteljskoj kući, tipa T3, na jednom katu, koja se nalazi na zemljištu veličine 508 m². Članak 1588. odgovara 3-katnoj zgradi, samostalne namjene, sa stambenim (T3) i 2 poslovna prostora, smještenoj na zemljištu veličine 363 m².Nalazi se u Vila das Aves, područje je razumno opsluženo lokalnim tvrtkama i udaljeno je otprilike 8 km od centra Santo Tirsa. Pristup je dobar i razumno je opslužen javnim prijevozom, oko 500 m od željezničkog kolodvora.Podijeljen je na sljedeći način:Prizemlje: Hodnik, kafić s kuhinjom i sanitarnim čvorom (M/Ž), spremište; Pristup noćnom klubu na katu;
1. kat: Prostor za plesni podij s barom, glazbenim prostorom i sanitarnim čvorovima (M/Ž); Tip kućišta T3 (dnevni boravak, kuhinja, 3 spavaće sobe, 2 kupaonice);
2. kat: 3 spavaće sobe (dnevni boravak, kuhinja, 3 spavaće sobe, 2 kupaonice).Nekretnina koja trenutno nema licencu, njezino dobivanje i dovršetak svih radova odgovornost su kupca.VIVER NAS ONDAS je agencija za nekretnine s 18 godina iskustva koja djeluje i kao KREDITNI POSREDNIK, propisno ovlašten od strane Banke Portugala (Reg. 3151).Naš tim čine strastveni i predani profesionalci, spremni ostvariti vaše snove.Preuzimamo odgovornost za brigu o cjelokupnom procesu financiranja, pružajući vam mir i sigurnost. Predani smo pronalaženju najboljih rješenja za stambene kredite dostupnih na tržištu i neumorno radimo na postizanju tog cilja.Brinemo se o svim detaljima procesa, od analize vaših financijskih potreba do predstavljanja mogućnosti financiranja koje najbolje odgovaraju vašem profilu.Naša misija je ponuditi izvrsnu uslugu, stavljajući vaše interese na prvo mjesto. Radimo s predanošću i predanošću kako bismo vam proces dobivanja stambenog kredita učinili jednostavnijim i učinkovitijim.
Energetska ocjena: E
Prédio Urbano composto por 2 artigos urbanos (Artigos 549 e 1588). O artigo urbano 549 corresponde a uma moradia unifamiliar da tipologia T3 de um piso, implantada em terreno com 508 m². O artigo 1588 corresponde a um edifício de 3 pisos, com utilizações independentes, com habitação (T3) e 2 espaços comerciais, implantado em terreno com 363 m².Localiza-se em Vila das Aves, a zona é razoavelmente servida por comércio de apoio local e dista cerca de 8 km do centro de Santo Tirso. Os acessos são bons e está razoavelmente servida por transportes públicos, distando cerca de 500 m da estação ferroviária.É compartimentado da seguinte forma:R/c: Hall, café com cozinha e instalações sanitárias (M/F), arrumos; Acesso à discoteca no Andar;
1º Andar: Área de pista de dança com bar, zona de música e instalações sanitárias (M/F); Habitação tipo T3 (sala, cozinha, 3 quartos, 2 casas de banho);
2º Andar: Habitação tipo T3 (sala, cozinha, 3 quartos, 2 casas de banho).Imóvel atualmente sem licença, a obtenção da mesma e a conclusão de eventuais obras ficam a cargo do cliente comprador.A VIVER NAS ONDAS é uma imobiliária com 18 anos de experiência que também atua como INTERMEDIÁRIA de CRÉDITO, devidamente autorizada pelo Banco de Portugal (Reg. 3151).A nossa equipa é composta por profissionais apaixonados e dedicados, prontos para tornar os seus sonhos em realidade.Assumimos a responsabilidade de cuidar de todo o processo de financiamento, proporcionando-lhe tranquilidade e segurança. Estamos empenhados em encontrar as melhores soluções de crédito habitação disponíveis no mercado, e trabalhamos incansavelmente para alcançar esse objetivo.Cuidamos de todos os detalhes do processo, desde a análise das suas necessidades financeiras até a apresentação das opções de financiamento mais adequadas ao seu perfil.A nossa missão é oferecer um serviço de excelência, colocando os seus interesses em primeiro lugar. Trabalhamos com empenho e dedicação para tornar o processo de obtenção de crédito habitação mais simples e eficaz para si.
Categoria Energética: E
Urban Building consisting of 2 urban articles (Articles 549 and 1588).Urban article 549 corresponds to a single-family house, type T3, on one floor, located on a plot of land measuring 508 m². Article 1588 corresponds to a 3-storey building, with independent uses, with housing (T3) and 2 commercial spaces, located on a plot of land measuring 363 m².It is located in Vila das Aves, the area is reasonably served by local businesses and is approximately 8 km from the center of Santo Tirso. Access is good and it is reasonably served by public transport, about 500 m from the train station.It is compartmentalized as follows:Ground floor: Hall, cafe with kitchen and sanitary facilities (M/F), storage room; Access to the nightclub on the floor;
1st Floor: Dance floor area with bar, music area and sanitary facilities (M/F); Housing type T3 (living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms);
2nd Floor: 3 bedroom housing (living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms).Property currently without a license, obtaining it and completing any works are the responsibility of the purchasing client.VIVER NAS ONDAS is a real estate agency with 18 years of experience that also acts as a CREDIT INTERMEDIARY, duly authorized by the Bank of Portugal (Reg. 3151).Our team is made up of passionate and dedicated professionals, ready to make your dreams come true.We take on the responsibility of taking care of the entire financing process, providing you with peace of mind and security. We are committed to finding the best home loan solutions available on the market, and we work tirelessly to achieve this goal.We take care of all the details of the process, from analyzing your financial needs to presenting the financing options that best suit your profile.Our mission is to offer an excellent service, putting your interests first. We work with commitment and dedication to make the process of obtaining housing credit simpler and more effective for you.
Energy Rating: E
Πολεοδομικό κτίριο αποτελούμενο από 2 πολεοδομικά άρθρα (άρθρα 549 και 1588).Το πολεοδομικό άρθρο 549 αντιστοιχεί σε μονοκατοικία, τύπου Τ3, σε έναν όροφο, που βρίσκεται σε οικόπεδο εμβαδού 508 m². Το άρθρο 1588 αντιστοιχεί σε 3όροφο κτίριο, με ανεξάρτητες χρήσεις, με κατοικία (Τ3) και 2 επαγγελματικούς χώρους, που βρίσκεται σε οικόπεδο εμβαδού 363 m².Βρίσκεται στο Vila das Aves, η περιοχή εξυπηρετείται λογικά από τοπικές επιχειρήσεις και απέχει περίπου 8 χιλιόμετρα από το κέντρο του Santo Tirso. Η πρόσβαση είναι καλή και εξυπηρετείται λογικά από τα μέσα μαζικής μεταφοράς, περίπου 500 μέτρα από το σιδηροδρομικό σταθμό.Διαμερίζεται ως εξής:Ισόγειο: Χωλ, καφετέρια με κουζίνα και χώρους υγιεινής (Α/Γ), αποθήκη. Πρόσβαση στο νυχτερινό κέντρο διασκέδασης στον όροφο.
1ος όροφος: Χώρος πίστας χορού με μπαρ, χώρο μουσικής και εγκαταστάσεις υγιεινής (M / F). Τύπος στέγασης T3 (σαλόνι, κουζίνα, 3 υπνοδωμάτια, 2 μπάνια).
2ος όροφος: Κατοικία 3 υπνοδωματίων (σαλόνι, κουζίνα, 3 υπνοδωμάτια, 2 μπάνια).Το ακίνητο που σήμερα δεν έχει άδεια, η απόκτησή του και η ολοκλήρωση τυχόν εργασιών είναι ευθύνη του αγοραστή πελάτη.Η VIVER NAS ONDAS είναι ένα κτηματομεσιτικό γραφείο με 18 χρόνια εμπειρίας που ενεργεί επίσης ως ΠΙΣΤΩΤΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΜΕΣΟΛΑΒΗΤΗΣ, δεόντως εξουσιοδοτημένος από την Τράπεζα της Πορτογαλίας (Κανονισμός 3151).Η ομάδα μας αποτελείται από παθιασμένους και αφοσιωμένους επαγγελματίες, έτοιμους να κάνουν τα όνειρά σας πραγματικότητα.Αναλαμβάνουμε την ευθύνη να φροντίσουμε ολόκληρη τη διαδικασία χρηματοδότησης, παρέχοντάς σας ηρεμία και ασφάλεια. Δεσμευόμαστε να βρούμε τις καλύτερες λύσεις στεγαστικών δανείων που διατίθενται στην αγορά και εργαζόμαστε ακούραστα για την επίτευξη αυτού του στόχου.Φροντίζουμε για όλες τις λεπτομέρειες της διαδικασίας, από την ανάλυση των οικονομικών σας αναγκών έως την παρουσίαση των επιλογών χρηματοδότησης που ταιριάζουν καλύτερα στο προφίλ σας.Η αποστολή μας είναι να προσφέρουμε μια άριστη υπηρεσία, βάζοντας πρώτα τα συμφέροντά σας. Εργαζόμαστε με δέσμευση και αφοσίωση για να κάνουμε τη διαδικασία απόκτησης στεγαστικής πίστης απλούστερη και πιο αποτελεσματική για εσάς.
Ενεργειακή κλάση: Ε
Bâtiment urbain composé de 2 articles d’urbanisme (articles 549 et 1588).L’article urbain 549 correspond à une maison unifamiliale, de type T3, de plain-pied, située sur un terrain de 508 m². L’article 1588 correspond à un immeuble de 3 étages, à usage indépendant, avec logements (T3) et 2 locaux commerciaux, implanté sur un terrain de 363 m².Il est situé à Vila das Aves, la région est raisonnablement desservie par les entreprises locales et se trouve à environ 8 km du centre de Santo Tirso. L’accès est bon et il est raisonnablement desservi par les transports en commun, à environ 500 m de la gare.Il est compartimenté de la manière suivante :Rez-de-chaussée : Hall, café avec cuisine et sanitaires (H/F), local de stockage ; Accès à la discothèque à l’étage ;
1er étage : Piste de danse avec bar, espace musique et sanitaires (H/F) ; Type de logement T3 (salon, cuisine, 3 chambres, 2 salles de bains) ;
2ème étage : logement de 3 chambres (salon, cuisine, 3 chambres, 2 salles de bains).Propriété actuellement sans licence, son obtention et la réalisation de tous les travaux sont à la charge du client acheteur.VIVER NAS ONDAS est une agence immobilière avec 18 ans d’expérience qui agit également en tant qu’INTERMÉDIAIRE DE CRÉDIT, dûment autorisé par la Banque du Portugal (Reg. 3151).Notre équipe est composée de professionnels passionnés et dévoués, prêts à réaliser vos rêves.Nous prenons la responsabilité de nous occuper de l’ensemble du processus de financement, vous offrant ainsi tranquillité d’esprit et sécurité. Nous nous engageons à trouver les meilleures solutions de prêt immobilier disponibles sur le marché, et nous travaillons sans relâche pour atteindre cet objectif.Nous nous occupons de tous les détails du processus, de l’analyse de vos besoins financiers à la présentation des options de financement qui conviennent le mieux à votre profil.Notre mission est d’offrir un excellent service, en mettant vos intérêts en premier. Nous travaillons avec engagement et dévouement pour rendre le processus d’obtention de crédit logement plus simple et plus efficace pour vous.
Classe énergétique : E
#ref :DP-33174
Reference: EDEN-T104626032
Country: PT
City: Aves
Category: Commercial
Listing type: For sale
Property type: Business opportunity
Property size: 9,375 sqft
Lot size: 9,375 sqft
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