Warehouse & Industrial space (For sale)
/ 87814924
Mineral water bottling and distribution company in the Pyrenees, Spain. There are currently 7 wells drilled, with another 2 in preparation.The sources are of high quality natural mineral water with medicinal properties. Water from two of the wells is classified as alkaline mineral water with an extraction of 95.000L/hour. The water capacity of all wells generates a total annual (theoretical) water volume of approximately 1,939,805 m3.The project is based on three business areas: high quality natural mineral water in traditional PET bottles, high quality natural mineral water in innovative bulk containers, healthy alkaline water in glass bottles.Market study, water analysis, all necessary estimates and other detailed information available on request.Investment: 9.000.000 eur.
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Empresa embotelladora y distribuidora de agua mineral en los Pirineos, España. Actualmente hay 7 pozos perforados y otros 2 en preparación.Las fuentes son de agua mineral natural de alta calidad con propiedades medicinales. El agua de dos de los pozos está clasificada como agua mineral alcalina con una extracción de 95.000L/hora. La capacidad hídrica de todos los pozos genera un volumen total anual (teórico) de agua de aproximadamente 1.939.805 m3.El proyecto se basa en tres áreas de negocio: agua mineral natural de alta calidad en botellas tradicionales de PET, agua mineral natural de alta calidad en innovadores envases a granel y agua alcalina con propiedades beneficiosas para la salud en botellas de vidrio. Estudio de mercado, análisis del agua, todas las estimaciones necesarias y otra información detallada disponible previa solicitud.Inversión: 9.000.000 eur.
Mineral water bottling and distribution company in the Pyrenees, Spain. There are currently 7 wells drilled, with another 2 in preparation.The sources are of high quality natural mineral water with medicinal properties. Water from two of the wells is classified as alkaline mineral water with an extraction of 95.000L/hour. The water capacity of all wells generates a total annual (theoretical) water volume of approximately 1,939,805 m3.The project is based on three business areas: high quality natural mineral water in traditional PET bottles, high quality natural mineral water in innovative bulk containers, healthy alkaline water in glass bottles.Market study, water analysis, all necessary estimates and other detailed information available on request.Investment: 9.000.000 eur.
Unternehmen für die Abfüllung und den Vertrieb von Mineralwasser in den Pyrenäen, Spanien. Derzeit sind 7 Brunnen gebohrt, 2 weitere sind in Vorbereitung.Die Quellen sind ein natürliches Mineralwasser von hoher Qualität mit medizinischen Eigenschaften. Das Wasser aus zwei der Brunnen wird als alkalisches Mineralwasser mit einer Entnahme von 95.000 l/Stunde eingestuft. Die Wasserkapazität aller Brunnen ergibt eine jährliche (theoretische) Gesamtwassermenge von etwa 1.939.805 m3.Das Projekt stützt sich auf drei Geschäftsbereiche: hochwertiges natürliches Mineralwasser in herkömmlichen PET-Flaschen, hochwertiges natürliches Mineralwasser in innovativen Großverpackungen und basisches Wasser mit gesundheitsfördernden Eigenschaften in Glasflaschen. Marktstudie, Wasseranalyse, alle notwendigen Schätzungen und andere detaillierte Informationen sind auf Anfrage erhältlich.Investition: 9.000.000 eur.
Société d'embouteillage et de distribution d'eau minérale dans les Pyrénées, en Espagne. Sept puits ont été forés et deux autres sont en préparation.Les sources sont des eaux minérales naturelles de haute qualité aux propriétés médicinales. L'eau de deux des puits est classée comme eau minérale alcaline avec une extraction de 95 000 litres/heure. La capacité de tous les puits génère un volume d'eau annuel total (théorique) d'environ 1 939 805 m3.Le projet repose sur trois domaines d'activité : l'eau minérale naturelle de haute qualité en bouteilles PET traditionnelles, l'eau minérale naturelle de haute qualité dans des emballages en vrac innovants et l'eau alcaline aux propriétés bénéfiques pour la santé en bouteilles de verre. L'étude de marché, l'analyse de l'eau, toutes les estimations nécessaires et d'autres informations détaillées sont disponibles sur demande.Investissement : 9.000.000 eur.
Empresa de engarrafamento e distribuição de água mineral nos Pirinéus, em Espanha. Existem atualmente 7 poços perfurados, estando outros 2 em preparação.As fontes são de água mineral natural de alta qualidade com propriedades medicinais. A água de dois dos poços é classificada como água mineral alcalina com uma extração de 95.000L/hora. A capacidade de água de todos os poços gera um volume total anual (teórico) de água de aproximadamente 1.939.805 m3.O projeto baseia-se em três áreas de negócio: água mineral natural de alta qualidade em garrafas PET tradicionais, água mineral natural de alta qualidade em embalagens inovadoras a granel e água alcalina com propriedades benéficas para a saúde em garrafas de vidro. Estudo de mercado, análise da água, todas as estimativas necessárias e outras informações pormenorizadas disponíveis mediante pedido.Investimento: 9.000.000 eur.
Mineral water bottling and distribution company in the Pyrenees, Spain. There are currently 7 wells drilled, with another 2 in preparation.The sources are of high quality natural mineral water with medicinal properties. Water from two of the wells is classified as alkaline mineral water with an extraction of 95.000L/hour. The water capacity of all wells generates a total annual (theoretical) water volume of approximately 1,939,805 m3.The project is based on three business areas: high quality natural mineral water in traditional PET bottles, high quality natural mineral water in innovative bulk containers, healthy alkaline water in glass bottles.Market study, water analysis, all necessary estimates and other detailed information available on request.Investment: 9.000.000 eur.
Bedrijf voor het bottelen en distribueren van mineraalwater in de Pyreneeën, Spanje. Momenteel zijn er 7 putten geboord, er zijn er nog 2 in voorbereiding.De bronnen zijn een natuurlijk mineraalwater van hoge kwaliteit met geneeskrachtige eigenschappen. Het water uit twee van de putten is geclassificeerd als alkalisch mineraalwater met een onttrekking van 95.000 l/uur. De watercapaciteit van alle putten geeft een totaal jaarlijks (theoretisch) watervolume van ongeveer 1.939.805 m3.Het project is gebaseerd op drie bedrijfstakken: hoogwaardig natuurlijk mineraalwater in conventionele PET-flessen, hoogwaardig natuurlijk mineraalwater in innovatieve bulkverpakkingen en alkalisch water met gezondheidsbevorderende eigenschappen in glazen flessen. Marktonderzoek, wateranalyse, alle benodigde schattingen en andere gedetailleerde informatie zijn op aanvraag beschikbaar.Investering: 9.000.000 eur.
Azienda di imbottigliamento e distribuzione di acque minerali nei Pirenei, Spagna. Attualmente sono stati perforati 7 pozzi, altri 2 sono in preparazione.Le sorgenti sono un'acqua minerale naturale di alta qualità con proprietà medicinali. L'acqua proveniente da due dei pozzi è classificata come acqua minerale alcalina con un prelievo di 95.000 l/ora. La capacità idrica di tutti i pozzi si traduce in un volume d'acqua totale annuo (teorico) di circa 1.939.805 m3.Il progetto si basa su tre aree di business: acqua minerale naturale di alta qualità in bottiglie in PET convenzionali, acqua minerale naturale di alta qualità in imballaggi sfusi innovativi e acqua alcalina con proprietà benefiche per la salute in bottiglie di vetro. Studi di mercato, analisi dell'acqua, tutte le stime necessarie e altre informazioni dettagliate sono disponibili su richiesta.Investimento: 9.000.000 euro.
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
Warehouse & Industrial space