USD 308,705
Apartment & condo for sale in Santa Maria Tavira
USD 350,564
Apartment & Condo (For sale)
/ 90254101
Wonderful 3 bedroom apartment with large areas and lots of light in Tavira.Comprising a spacious entrance hall, a pleasant kitchen, fully equipped with access to a balcony, pantry, hallway, three large bedrooms, one of them en-suite, two bathrooms and a beautiful living room with access to a good balcony with estuary/sea view.This splendid apartment is in excellent condition is sold furnished and equipped except for a few items.It also has pre-installation of air conditioning, great finishes and a parking space in the garage.Located on the 1st floor of a building with an elevator, it is located in a quiet urbanization 5 minutes from the city center and all shops and services.Schedule your visit now.About the City of Tavira:Tavira is a small town on the Algarve coast of Portugal. It extends along the Gilão River, which reaches the sea through the entrances to the lagoons of the Ria Formosa Natural Park.Tavira Island has a long sandy beach and salt pans that attract flamingos, spoonbills and other wading birds.Tavira is a city with a history very marked by the Christian reconquest and some of its landmarks reflect that same history: the medieval castle of Tavira that offers views of the city, the Roman Bridge that crosses the Gilão River, and its churches that hold true treasures.All these characteristics fall in love with those who visit this city, making them want to stay here.Living in Tavira is never wanting to live anywhere else.Casas do Sotavento is a family business, recognized in the country and abroad, by customers, employees, investors, for the quality of our actions and our projects. Our mission is to provide an easy and smooth experience. Our concern is to treat everyone as we would like to be treated.
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Maravilhoso apartamento T3 com amplas áreas e muita luminosidade em Tavira.Composto por um espaçoso hall de entrada, uma agradável cozinha, toda equipada com acesso a uma varanda, despensa, corredor, três grandes quartos, sendo um deles en-suite, duas casa de banho e uma bela sala com acesso a uma boa varanda com vista ria/mar.Este esplêndido apartamento está em excelentes condições de conservação é vendido mobilado e equipado com exceção de alguns items.Tem ainda pré instalação de ar condicionado, óptimos acabamentos e um lugar de estacionamento na garagem.Localizado num 1.º andar de um prédio com elevador, fica numa urbanização calma a 5 minutos do centro da cidade e de todos os comércios e serviços.Agende já a sua visita.Sobre a Cidade de Tavira:Tavira é uma pequena cidade na costa algarvia de Portugal. Estende-se ao longo do rio Gilão, que chega ao mar através das entradas das lagoas do Parque Natural da Ria Formosa.A Ilha de Tavira tem uma longa praia arenosa e salinas que atraem flamingos, colhereiros e outras aves pernaltas.Tavira é cidade de uma história muito marcada pela reconquista cristã sendo que alguns dos seus marcos refletem essa mesma história: o castelo medieval de Tavira que oferece vistas para a cidade, a Ponte Romana que atravessa o rio Gilão, e as suas igrejas que guardam verdadeiros tesouros.Todas estas características apaixonam aqueles que visitam esta cidade fazendo com que queiram por cá ficar.Viver em Tavira é nunca mais querer morar noutro lugar.Casas do Sotavento é uma empresa familiar, reconhecida no país e no estrangeiro, por clientes, colaboradores, investidores, pela qualidade das nossas acções e dos nossos projecto. A nossa missão é de proporcionar uma experiência fácil e tranquila. A nossa preocupação, tratar toda a gente como gostaríamos de ser tratados.
Wonderful 3 bedroom apartment with large areas and lots of light in Tavira.Comprising a spacious entrance hall, a pleasant kitchen, fully equipped with access to a balcony, pantry, hallway, three large bedrooms, one of them en-suite, two bathrooms and a beautiful living room with access to a good balcony with estuary/sea view.This splendid apartment is in excellent condition is sold furnished and equipped except for a few items.It also has pre-installation of air conditioning, great finishes and a parking space in the garage.Located on the 1st floor of a building with an elevator, it is located in a quiet urbanization 5 minutes from the city center and all shops and services.Schedule your visit now.About the City of Tavira:Tavira is a small town on the Algarve coast of Portugal. It extends along the Gilão River, which reaches the sea through the entrances to the lagoons of the Ria Formosa Natural Park.Tavira Island has a long sandy beach and salt pans that attract flamingos, spoonbills and other wading birds.Tavira is a city with a history very marked by the Christian reconquest and some of its landmarks reflect that same history: the medieval castle of Tavira that offers views of the city, the Roman Bridge that crosses the Gilão River, and its churches that hold true treasures.All these characteristics fall in love with those who visit this city, making them want to stay here.Living in Tavira is never wanting to live anywhere else.Casas do Sotavento is a family business, recognized in the country and abroad, by customers, employees, investors, for the quality of our actions and our projects. Our mission is to provide an easy and smooth experience. Our concern is to treat everyone as we would like to be treated.
Прекрасен апартамент с 3 спални с големи площи и много светлина в Тавира.Състои се от просторно антре, приятна кухня, напълно оборудвана с достъп до тераса, килер, коридор, три големи спални, едната от които самостоятелна, две бани и красива всекидневна с излаз на добър балкон с изглед към устието/морето.Този прекрасен апартамент е в отлично състояние, продава се обзаведен и оборудван, с изключение на няколко артикула.Освен това има предварителна инсталация на климатик, страхотни покрития и паркомясто в гаража.Разположен на 1-ви етаж в сграда с асансьор, той се намира в тиха урбанизация на 5 минути от центъра на града и всички магазини и услуги.Планирайте посещението си сега.За град Тавира:Тавира е малък град на брега на Алгарве в Португалия. Простира се по река Гилао, която достига до морето през входовете на лагуните на природния парк Риа Формоза.Остров Тавира има дълъг пясъчен плаж и солници, които привличат фламинго, лопатарки и други блатни птици.Тавира е град с история, много белязана от християнското реконкиста и някои от забележителностите му отразяват същата история: средновековният замък Тавира, който предлага гледка към града, римският мост, който пресича река Гилао, и неговите църкви, които съхраняват истински съкровища.Всички тези характеристики се влюбват в тези, които посещават този град, което ги кара да искат да останат тук.Да живееш в Тавира никога не искаш да живееш другаде.Casas do Sotavento е семеен бизнес, признат в страната и чужбина, от клиенти, служители, инвеститори, за качеството на нашите действия и нашите проекти. Нашата мисия е да осигурим лесно и гладко изживяване. Нашата грижа е да се отнасяме към всички така, както бихме искали да се отнасят с нас.
Wunderschöne 3-Zimmer-Wohnung mit großen Flächen und viel Licht in Tavira.Bestehend aus einer geräumigen Eingangshalle, einer angenehmen Küche, komplett ausgestattet mit Zugang zu einem Balkon, Speisekammer, Flur, drei großen Schlafzimmern, eines davon en-suite, zwei Badezimmern und einem schönen Wohnzimmer mit Zugang zu einem guten Balkon mit Blick auf die Flussmündung/das Meer.Diese prächtige Wohnung befindet sich in ausgezeichnetem Zustand, wird möbliert und bis auf wenige Gegenstände möbliert und ausgestattet verkauft.Es verfügt auch über eine Vorinstallation einer Klimaanlage, tolle Oberflächen und einen Parkplatz in der Garage.Das Hotel liegt im 1. Stock eines Gebäudes mit Aufzug in einer ruhigen Urbanisation, 5 Minuten vom Stadtzentrum und allen Geschäften und Dienstleistungen entfernt.Vereinbaren Sie jetzt Ihren Besuch.Über die Stadt Tavira:Tavira ist eine kleine Stadt an der Algarve-Küste Portugals. Er erstreckt sich entlang des Flusses Gilão, der durch die Eingänge zu den Lagunen des Naturparks Ria Formosa ins Meer mündet.Die Insel Tavira hat einen langen Sandstrand und Salzpfannen, die Flamingos, Löffler und andere Watvögel anziehen.Tavira ist eine Stadt mit einer Geschichte, die stark von der christlichen Rückeroberung geprägt ist, und einige ihrer Sehenswürdigkeiten spiegeln diese Geschichte wider: die mittelalterliche Burg von Tavira mit Blick auf die Stadt, die römische Brücke, die den Fluss Gilão überquert, und ihre Kirchen, die wahre Schätze bergen.All diese Eigenschaften verlieben sich in diejenigen, die diese Stadt besuchen, und bringen sie dazu, hier bleiben zu wollen.In Tavira zu leben bedeutet, nie woanders leben zu wollen.Casas do Sotavento ist ein Familienunternehmen, das im In- und Ausland von Kunden, Mitarbeitern und Investoren für die Qualität unseres Handelns und unserer Projekte anerkannt ist. Unsere Mission ist es, ein einfaches und reibungsloses Erlebnis zu bieten. Unser Anliegen ist es, jeden so zu behandeln, wie wir selbst behandelt werden möchten.
Magnifique appartement de 3 chambres avec de grandes surfaces et beaucoup de lumière à Tavira.Composé d’un hall d’entrée spacieux, d’une agréable cuisine, entièrement équipée avec accès à un balcon, d’un garde-manger, d’un couloir, de trois grandes chambres, dont une en suite, de deux salles de bains et d’un beau salon avec accès à un bon balcon avec vue sur l’estuaire / la mer.Ce splendide appartement est en excellent état, est vendu meublé et équipé à l’exception de quelques pièces.Il dispose également d’une pré-installation de la climatisation, de superbes finitions et d’une place de parking dans le garage.Situé au 1er étage d’un immeuble avec ascenseur, il est situé dans une urbanisation calme à 5 minutes du centre-ville et de tous les commerces et services.Planifiez votre visite dès maintenant.À propos de la ville de Tavira :Tavira est une petite ville sur la côte de l’Algarve au Portugal. Il s’étend le long de la rivière Gilão, qui rejoint la mer par les entrées des lagunes du parc naturel de Ria Formosa.L’île de Tavira possède une longue plage de sable et des marais salants qui attirent les flamants roses, les spatules et autres échassiers.Tavira est une ville avec une histoire très marquée par la reconquête chrétienne et certains de ses monuments reflètent cette même histoire : le château médiéval de Tavira qui offre une vue sur la ville, le pont romain qui traverse la rivière Gilão et ses églises qui recèlent de véritables trésors.Toutes ces caractéristiques tombent amoureuses de ceux qui visitent cette ville, ce qui leur donne envie d’y rester.Vivre à Tavira, c’est ne jamais vouloir vivre ailleurs.Casas do Sotavento est une entreprise familiale, reconnue dans le pays et à l’étranger, par les clients, les employés, les investisseurs, pour la qualité de nos actions et de nos projets. Notre mission est de fournir une expérience facile et fluide. Notre préoccupation est de traiter tout le monde comme nous aimerions être traités.
Nádherný 3-izbový byt s veľkými plochami a množstvom svetla v Tavira.Pozostáva z priestrannej vstupnej haly, príjemnej kuchyne, plne vybavenej so vstupom na balkón, špajze, chodby, troch veľkých spální, z ktorých jedna má vlastnú kúpeľňu, dvoch kúpeľní a krásnej obývacej izby so vstupom na dobrý balkón s výhľadom na ústie / more.Tento nádherný byt je vo výbornom stave, predáva sa zariadený a vybavený až na pár položiek.Má tiež predinštalovanú klimatizáciu, skvelé povrchové úpravy a parkovacie miesto v garáži.Nachádza sa na 1. poschodí budovy s výťahom, nachádza sa v pokojnej urbanizácii 5 minút od centra mesta a všetkých obchodov a služieb.Naplánujte si návštevu už teraz.O meste Tavira:Tavira je malé mesto na pobreží Algarve v Portugalsku. Rozprestiera sa pozdĺž rieky Gilão, ktorá sa k moru dostáva cez vchody do lagún prírodného parku Ria Formosa.Ostrov Tavira má dlhú piesočnatú pláž a soľné panvy, ktoré lákajú plameniaky, lyžičiarky a iné brodivé vtáky.Tavira je mesto s históriou veľmi poznačenou kresťanským znovudobytím a niektoré z jeho pamiatok odrážajú rovnakú históriu: stredoveký hrad Tavira, ktorý ponúka výhľad na mesto, rímsky most, ktorý prechádza cez rieku Gilão, a jeho kostoly, ktoré uchovávajú skutočné poklady.Všetky tieto vlastnosti si zamilujú tí, ktorí navštívia toto mesto, a nútia ich tu zostať.Život v Tavire nikdy nechce žiť nikde inde.Casas do Sotavento je rodinný podnik, uznávaný v krajine i v zahraničí zákazníkmi, zamestnancami, investormi pre kvalitu našich akcií a našich projektov. Naším poslaním je poskytovať jednoduchý a bezproblémový zážitok. Našou snahou je správať sa ku každému tak, ako by sme chceli, aby sa oni správali k nám.
Faro Tavira
Postal code:
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
Apartment & Condo
Property size:
1,216 sqft
USD 345,331
2 bd
1,076 sqft