POINT OF INTEREST: A significant land-holding opportunity amongst a green and coastal area, encouraging you to see the forest through the trees. This 13 hectares* of land is ideal for a number of different uses. There’s the land banker looking for an asset with future growth in capital value, the owner occupier with their sights set on developing the site for their own use, or the developer that sees this hectarage as the ideal site for immediate development, or to hold onto for valuable future rezoning and then expansion ( STCA ). Regardless of what camp you fall into, the present and projected value of 51 Woolleys Road is undeniably a portfolio headliner. The recent soaring popularity of the peninsula has put a spotlight on neighbouring suburbs, such as Balnarring, Somerville, Somers, and Stony Point. Not just a hotspot for extended weekends away and Airbnb’s, they’re also becoming strong contenders for second-home settings and permanent relocation options. As for Crib Point, commuting is straightforward thanks to Stony Point Road, and heading east on Woolleys Road indicates a deliberate decision to either arrive here, or to continue along the esplanade. Along with explicit signage opportunities positioned on Woolleys Road, future residents, customers, or diners will be able to find it simply without Google Maps. Your ambitions will match the Mornington Peninsula Shire’s, with significant strategic planning and projects in the pipeline to bolster the town’s biodiversity and solidify the integrity of the small-town feel. Taking the M1 from Melbourne's CBD will get you here in just over an hour, a quicker commute than taking the 19 tram through Coburg in the morning. You’re also positioned 1.65 km* from Frankston-Flinders Road and Bittern railway station — servicing the Stony Point train line. - 13 ha* total land area. - Special use 1 zoning. - Suitable for future industrial development / land sub division (STCA). - 670 m* from Stony Point Road. - 2.1 km* from Hasting Port. - 1.65 km* to Stony Point railway station. - 61 km* from Melbourne CBD. - 422 metres* of frontage. POINT OF VIEW: From 2016 to 2021, the population in Crib Point increased by 10.6%. The return on your investment is harder to calculate to the decimal, it relies on an ambitious vision divided by astute experience. Times this by 13 ha* and the value of this asset will continue to rise like the population. *Approx. Pricing excludes GST
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POINT OF INTEREST: A significant land-holding opportunity amongst a green and coastal area, encouraging you to see the forest through the trees. This 13 hectares* of land is ideal for a number of different uses. There’s the land banker looking for an asset with future growth in capital value, the owner occupier with their sights set on developing the site for their own use, or the developer that sees this hectarage as the ideal site for immediate development, or to hold onto for valuable future rezoning and then expansion ( STCA ). Regardless of what camp you fall into, the present and projected value of 51 Woolleys Road is undeniably a portfolio headliner. The recent soaring popularity of the peninsula has put a spotlight on neighbouring suburbs, such as Balnarring, Somerville, Somers, and Stony Point. Not just a hotspot for extended weekends away and Airbnb’s, they’re also becoming strong contenders for second-home settings and permanent relocation options. As for Crib Point, commuting is straightforward thanks to Stony Point Road, and heading east on Woolleys Road indicates a deliberate decision to either arrive here, or to continue along the esplanade. Along with explicit signage opportunities positioned on Woolleys Road, future residents, customers, or diners will be able to find it simply without Google Maps. Your ambitions will match the Mornington Peninsula Shire’s, with significant strategic planning and projects in the pipeline to bolster the town’s biodiversity and solidify the integrity of the small-town feel. Taking the M1 from Melbourne's CBD will get you here in just over an hour, a quicker commute than taking the 19 tram through Coburg in the morning. You’re also positioned 1.65 km* from Frankston-Flinders Road and Bittern railway station — servicing the Stony Point train line. - 13 ha* total land area. - Special use 1 zoning. - Suitable for future industrial development / land sub division (STCA). - 670 m* from Stony Point Road. - 2.1 km* from Hasting Port. - 1.65 km* to Stony Point railway station. - 61 km* from Melbourne CBD. - 422 metres* of frontage. POINT OF VIEW: From 2016 to 2021, the population in Crib Point increased by 10.6%. The return on your investment is harder to calculate to the decimal, it relies on an ambitious vision divided by astute experience. Times this by 13 ha* and the value of this asset will continue to rise like the population. *Approx. Pricing excludes GST
PUNTO DE INTERÉS: Una importante oportunidad para la tenencia de tierras en medio de una zona verde y costera, que invita a ver el bosque a través de los árboles. Este terreno de 13 hectáreas* es ideal para una serie de usos diferentes. Está el banquero de tierras que busca un activo con un crecimiento futuro en valor de capital, el propietario ocupante con la vista puesta en desarrollar el sitio para su propio uso, o el desarrollador que ve esta hectárea como el sitio ideal para el desarrollo inmediato, o para aferrarse a una futura rezonificación valiosa y luego a la expansión (STCA). Independientemente del bando en el que se encuentre, el valor presente y proyectado de 51 Woolleys Road es innegablemente uno de los principales titulares de la cartera. El reciente aumento de la popularidad de la península ha puesto el foco en los suburbios vecinos, como Balnarring, Somerville, Somers y Stony Point. No solo son un punto de acceso para fines de semana prolongados y Airbnb, sino que también se están convirtiendo en fuertes contendientes para entornos de segunda residencia y opciones de reubicación permanente. En cuanto a Crib Point, los desplazamientos son sencillos gracias a Stony Point Road, y dirigirse hacia el este por Woolleys Road indica una decisión deliberada de llegar aquí o continuar a lo largo de la explanada. Junto con las oportunidades de señalización explícita colocadas en Woolleys Road, los futuros residentes, clientes o comensales podrán encontrarlo simplemente sin Google Maps. Sus ambiciones coincidirán con las de la comarca de la península de Mornington, con una importante planificación estratégica y proyectos en preparación para reforzar la biodiversidad de la ciudad y solidificar la integridad de la sensación de pueblo pequeño. Tomar la M1 desde el distrito financiero de Melbourne te llevará aquí en poco más de una hora, un viaje más rápido que tomar el tranvía 19 a través de Coburg por la mañana. También se encuentra a 1,65 km* de Frankston-Flinders Road y de la estación de tren de Bittern, que da servicio a la línea de tren de Stony Point. - 13 ha* de superficie total del terreno. - Zonificación de uso especial 1. - Adecuado para el futuro desarrollo industrial / subdivisión de tierras (STCA). - A 670 m* de Stony Point Road. - A 2,1 km* del puerto de Hasting. - A 1,65 km* de la estación de tren de Stony Point. - A 61 km* del distrito financiero de Melbourne. - 422 metros* de frente. PUNTO DE VISTA: De 2016 a 2021, la población de Crib Point aumentó un 10,6%. El retorno de su inversión es más difícil de calcular al decimal, se basa en una visión ambiciosa dividida por una experiencia astuta. Multiplique esto por 13 ha* y el valor de este activo seguirá aumentando como la población. *Aprox. Los precios no incluyen el impuesto sobre bienes y servicios
A significant land-holding opportunity amongst a green and coastal area, encouraging you to see the forest through the trees. This 13 hectares* of land is ideal for a number of different uses. There’s the land banker looking for an asset with future growth in capital value, the owner occupier with their sights set on developing the site for their own use, or the developer that sees this hectarage as the ideal site for immediate development, or to hold onto for valuable future rezoning and then expansion ( STCA ). Regardless of what camp you fall into, the present and projected value of 51 Woolleys Road is undeniably a portfolio headliner.
The recent soaring popularity of the peninsula has put a spotlight on neighbouring suburbs, such as Balnarring, Somerville, Somers, and Stony Point. Not just a hotspot for extended weekends away and Airbnb’s, they’re also becoming strong contenders for second-home settings and permanent relocation options. As for Crib Point, commuting is straightforward thanks to Stony Point Road, and heading east on Woolleys Road indicates a deliberate decision to either arrive here, or to continue along the esplanade. Along with explicit signage opportunities positioned on Woolleys Road, future residents, customers, or diners will be able to find it simply without Google Maps. Your ambitions will match the Mornington Peninsula Shire’s, with significant strategic planning and projects in the pipeline to bolster the town’s biodiversity and solidify the integrity of the small-town feel.
Taking the M1 from Melbourne's CBD will get you here in just over an hour, a quicker commute than taking the 19 tram through Coburg in the morning. You’re also positioned 1.65 km* from Frankston-Flinders Road and Bittern railway station — servicing the Stony Point train line.
- 13 ha* total land area.
- Special use 1 zoning.
- Suitable for future industrial development / land sub division (STCA).
- 670 m* from Stony Point Road.
- 2.1 km* from Hasting Port.
- 1.65 km* to Stony Point railway station.
- 61 km* from Melbourne CBD.
- 422 metres* of frontage.
From 2016 to 2021, the population in Crib Point increased by 10.6%. The return on your investment is harder to calculate to the decimal, it relies on an ambitious vision divided by astute experience. Times this by 13 ha* and the value of this asset will continue to rise like the population.
Pricing excludes GST View more View less POINT OF INTEREST:
A significant land-holding opportunity amongst a green and coastal area, encouraging you to see the forest through the trees. This 13 hectares* of land is ideal for a number of different uses. There’s the land banker looking for an asset with future growth in capital value, the owner occupier with their sights set on developing the site for their own use, or the developer that sees this hectarage as the ideal site for immediate development, or to hold onto for valuable future rezoning and then expansion ( STCA ). Regardless of what camp you fall into, the present and projected value of 51 Woolleys Road is undeniably a portfolio headliner.
The recent soaring popularity of the peninsula has put a spotlight on neighbouring suburbs, such as Balnarring, Somerville, Somers, and Stony Point. Not just a hotspot for extended weekends away and Airbnb’s, they’re also becoming strong contenders for second-home settings and permanent relocation options. As for Crib Point, commuting is straightforward thanks to Stony Point Road, and heading east on Woolleys Road indicates a deliberate decision to either arrive here, or to continue along the esplanade. Along with explicit signage opportunities positioned on Woolleys Road, future residents, customers, or diners will be able to find it simply without Google Maps. Your ambitions will match the Mornington Peninsula Shire’s, with significant strategic planning and projects in the pipeline to bolster the town’s biodiversity and solidify the integrity of the small-town feel.
Taking the M1 from Melbourne's CBD will get you here in just over an hour, a quicker commute than taking the 19 tram through Coburg in the morning. You’re also positioned 1.65 km* from Frankston-Flinders Road and Bittern railway station — servicing the Stony Point train line.
- 13 ha* total land area.
- Special use 1 zoning.
- Suitable for future industrial development / land sub division (STCA).
- 670 m* from Stony Point Road.
- 2.1 km* from Hasting Port.
- 1.65 km* to Stony Point railway station.
- 61 km* from Melbourne CBD.
- 422 metres* of frontage.
From 2016 to 2021, the population in Crib Point increased by 10.6%. The return on your investment is harder to calculate to the decimal, it relies on an ambitious vision divided by astute experience. Times this by 13 ha* and the value of this asset will continue to rise like the population.
Pricing excludes GST PUNTO DE INTERÉS:
Una importante oportunidad para la tenencia de tierras en medio de una zona verde y costera, que invita a ver el bosque a través de los árboles. Este terreno de 13 hectáreas* es ideal para una serie de usos diferentes. Está el banquero de tierras que busca un activo con un crecimiento futuro en valor de capital, el propietario ocupante con la vista puesta en desarrollar el sitio para su propio uso, o el desarrollador que ve esta hectárea como el sitio ideal para el desarrollo inmediato, o para aferrarse a una futura rezonificación valiosa y luego a la expansión (STCA). Independientemente del bando en el que se encuentre, el valor presente y proyectado de 51 Woolleys Road es innegablemente uno de los principales titulares de la cartera.
El reciente aumento de la popularidad de la península ha puesto el foco en los suburbios vecinos, como Balnarring, Somerville, Somers y Stony Point. No solo son un punto de acceso para fines de semana prolongados y Airbnb, sino que también se están convirtiendo en fuertes contendientes para entornos de segunda residencia y opciones de reubicación permanente. En cuanto a Crib Point, los desplazamientos son sencillos gracias a Stony Point Road, y dirigirse hacia el este por Woolleys Road indica una decisión deliberada de llegar aquí o continuar a lo largo de la explanada. Junto con las oportunidades de señalización explícita colocadas en Woolleys Road, los futuros residentes, clientes o comensales podrán encontrarlo simplemente sin Google Maps. Sus ambiciones coincidirán con las de la comarca de la península de Mornington, con una importante planificación estratégica y proyectos en preparación para reforzar la biodiversidad de la ciudad y solidificar la integridad de la sensación de pueblo pequeño.
Tomar la M1 desde el distrito financiero de Melbourne te llevará aquí en poco más de una hora, un viaje más rápido que tomar el tranvía 19 a través de Coburg por la mañana. También se encuentra a 1,65 km* de Frankston-Flinders Road y de la estación de tren de Bittern, que da servicio a la línea de tren de Stony Point.
- 13 ha* de superficie total del terreno.
- Zonificación de uso especial 1.
- Adecuado para el futuro desarrollo industrial / subdivisión de tierras (STCA).
- A 670 m* de Stony Point Road.
- A 2,1 km* del puerto de Hasting.
- A 1,65 km* de la estación de tren de Stony Point.
- A 61 km* del distrito financiero de Melbourne.
- 422 metros* de frente.
De 2016 a 2021, la población de Crib Point aumentó un 10,6%. El retorno de su inversión es más difícil de calcular al decimal, se basa en una visión ambiciosa dividida por una experiencia astuta. Multiplique esto por 13 ha* y el valor de este activo seguirá aumentando como la población.
Los precios no incluyen el impuesto sobre bienes y servicios