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Business opportunity for sale in United States

USD 219,000

Business opportunity (For sale)

lot 87,120 sqft
Reference: EDEN-T96516895 / 96516895
Lot 4 of the Etolin View subdivision offers 2.10 +/- acres of pristine ocean front land that is a perfect candidate for the building of one's dream property. The lot looks out at the Clarence Strait off the coast of Coffman Cove. Coffman Cove offers world class views, adventure, and recreation making this the perfect location to build a dream Alaskan getaway! This 2.10 +/- acre oceanfront lot boasts a dense covering of timber, providing significant privacy throughout the property. The land gently slopes towards the ocean, enhancing the scenic views and offering easy access to the shoreline. The ample trees on the lot not only contribute to its seclusion but also suggests the potential for sustainable harvesting or simply enjoying the natural beauty of the surroundings. This oceanfront lot is in a one of a kind location and is the perfect opportunity for building a dream get-a-way. Coffman Cove, Alaska, offers a variety of recreational opportunities, particularly for those who enjoy outdoor activities and nature-based experiences. Fishing: Coffman Cove is known for its excellent fishing opportunities. Anglers can expect to catch salmon, halibut, cod, and various other species in the surrounding waters. Whether you're a novice or an experienced fisherman, there are options for both shore and deep-sea fishing. Kayaking and Canoeing: With its pristine coastline and calm waters, Coffman Cove is an ideal destination for kayaking and canoeing. Paddle along the scenic shorelines, explore hidden coves, and perhaps even encounter some local wildlife like seals or bald eagles. Hiking and Nature Trails: The surrounding wilderness of Coffman Cove offers numerous hiking trails that cater to all skill levels. From leisurely strolls through old-growth forests to more challenging hikes with panoramic views, there's something for everyone. Wildlife Viewing: Wildlife enthusiasts will find plenty to see in Coffman Cove. Take a wildlife-watching tour to observe bears, whales, sea otters, and other marine mammals in their natural habitats. Overall, Coffman Cove offers a wide range of recreational activities for outdoor enthusiasts, providing opportunities to experience the unique wilderness of Alaska. Coffman Cove, located on Prince of Wales Island in Alaska, has a history closely tied to the natural resources of the region. Originally inhabited by indigenous peoples, including the Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian, the area was later explored by Russian and European traders in the 18th and 19th centuries, drawn by the abundant fur-bearing animals. In the late 19th century, as Alaska's economy began to diversify, mining and logging became significant industries on Prince of Wales Island. Logging, in particular, played a central role in Coffman Cove's history, with the establishment of logging camps and sawmills to exploit the island's vast timber resources. The community of Coffman Cove itself began to take shape in the mid-20th century with the construction of a sawmill by the Ketchikan Pulp Company. The sawmill brought economic growth and development to the area, attracting workers and their families. However, like many logging communities in Alaska, Coffman Cove experienced fluctuations in its economy due to changes in the timber industry, including shifts in demand and environmental regulations. Despite these challenges, Coffman Cove has persevered, diversifying its economy to include tourism, fishing, and other outdoor recreational activities. Today, Coffman Cove remains a small but resilient community, known for its scenic beauty, outdoor adventures, and strong sense of community spirit. Prince of Wales Island is the fourth-largest island in the United States and the largest island in the state of Alaska. Prince of Wales Island is located in the southeastern region of Alaska, near the border with Canada's British Columbia province. It is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Inside Passage to the east. Prince of Wales Island lies just west of the Canadian province of British Columbia, separated by the Dixon Entrance, which serves as the maritime boundary between the United States and Canada. The city of Ketchikan, one of the major population centers in southeastern Alaska, is approximately 30 miles northeast of Prince of Wales Island. Ketchikan serves as a gateway to the island and is accessible by ferry, seaplane, or daily flights from Klawock to Ketchikan through Island Air Express. Coffman Cove is situated on the eastern coast of Prince of Wales Island, facing the Inside Passage. It is nestled within the Tongass National Forest, offering stunning views of the surrounding mountains, forests, and coastline. Coffman Cove, a community known for its recreational opportunities, is a one of a kind location providing easy access to the island's natural beauty and outdoor adventures. An added benefit to being a property owner in Coffman Cove is that there are no property taxes. Enjoy this incredible area with low yearly expenses! View more View less Lot 4 of the Etolin View subdivision offers 2.10 +/- acres of pristine ocean front land that is a perfect candidate for the building of one's dream property. The lot looks out at the Clarence Strait off the coast of Coffman Cove. Coffman Cove offers world class views, adventure, and recreation making this the perfect location to build a dream Alaskan getaway! This 2.10 +/- acre oceanfront lot boasts a dense covering of timber, providing significant privacy throughout the property. The land gently slopes towards the ocean, enhancing the scenic views and offering easy access to the shoreline. The ample trees on the lot not only contribute to its seclusion but also suggests the potential for sustainable harvesting or simply enjoying the natural beauty of the surroundings. This oceanfront lot is in a one of a kind location and is the perfect opportunity for building a dream get-a-way. Coffman Cove, Alaska, offers a variety of recreational opportunities, particularly for those who enjoy outdoor activities and nature-based experiences. Fishing: Coffman Cove is known for its excellent fishing opportunities. Anglers can expect to catch salmon, halibut, cod, and various other species in the surrounding waters. Whether you're a novice or an experienced fisherman, there are options for both shore and deep-sea fishing. Kayaking and Canoeing: With its pristine coastline and calm waters, Coffman Cove is an ideal destination for kayaking and canoeing. Paddle along the scenic shorelines, explore hidden coves, and perhaps even encounter some local wildlife like seals or bald eagles. Hiking and Nature Trails: The surrounding wilderness of Coffman Cove offers numerous hiking trails that cater to all skill levels. From leisurely strolls through old-growth forests to more challenging hikes with panoramic views, there's something for everyone. Wildlife Viewing: Wildlife enthusiasts will find plenty to see in Coffman Cove. Take a wildlife-watching tour to observe bears, whales, sea otters, and other marine mammals in their natural habitats. Overall, Coffman Cove offers a wide range of recreational activities for outdoor enthusiasts, providing opportunities to experience the unique wilderness of Alaska. Coffman Cove, located on Prince of Wales Island in Alaska, has a history closely tied to the natural resources of the region. Originally inhabited by indigenous peoples, including the Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian, the area was later explored by Russian and European traders in the 18th and 19th centuries, drawn by the abundant fur-bearing animals. In the late 19th century, as Alaska's economy began to diversify, mining and logging became significant industries on Prince of Wales Island. Logging, in particular, played a central role in Coffman Cove's history, with the establishment of logging camps and sawmills to exploit the island's vast timber resources. The community of Coffman Cove itself began to take shape in the mid-20th century with the construction of a sawmill by the Ketchikan Pulp Company. The sawmill brought economic growth and development to the area, attracting workers and their families. However, like many logging communities in Alaska, Coffman Cove experienced fluctuations in its economy due to changes in the timber industry, including shifts in demand and environmental regulations. Despite these challenges, Coffman Cove has persevered, diversifying its economy to include tourism, fishing, and other outdoor recreational activities. Today, Coffman Cove remains a small but resilient community, known for its scenic beauty, outdoor adventures, and strong sense of community spirit. Prince of Wales Island is the fourth-largest island in the United States and the largest island in the state of Alaska. Prince of Wales Island is located in the southeastern region of Alaska, near the border with Canada's British Columbia province. It is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Inside Passage to the east. Prince of Wales Island lies just west of the Canadian province of British Columbia, separated by the Dixon Entrance, which serves as the maritime boundary between the United States and Canada. The city of Ketchikan, one of the major population centers in southeastern Alaska, is approximately 30 miles northeast of Prince of Wales Island. Ketchikan serves as a gateway to the island and is accessible by ferry, seaplane, or daily flights from Klawock to Ketchikan through Island Air Express. Coffman Cove is situated on the eastern coast of Prince of Wales Island, facing the Inside Passage. It is nestled within the Tongass National Forest, offering stunning views of the surrounding mountains, forests, and coastline. Coffman Cove, a community known for its recreational opportunities, is a one of a kind location providing easy access to the island's natural beauty and outdoor adventures. An added benefit to being a property owner in Coffman Cove is that there are no property taxes. Enjoy this incredible area with low yearly expenses! Položka 4 subdivize Etolin View nabízí 2,10 +/- akrů nedotčené půdy na pobřeží oceánu, která je dokonalým kandidátem na stavbu vysněné nemovitosti. Z parkoviště je výhled na Clarencův průliv u pobřeží Coffman Cove. Coffman Cove nabízí prvotřídní výhledy, dobrodružství a rekreaci, což z něj dělá ideální místo pro vysněnou aljašskou dovolenou! Tento pozemek u oceánu o rozloze 2,10 +/- akrů se může pochlubit hustou dřevěnou krytinou, která poskytuje značné soukromí v celém objektu. Půda se mírně svažuje směrem k oceánu, což zvyšuje malebné výhledy a nabízí snadný přístup k pobřeží. Dostatek stromů na pozemku přispívá nejen k jeho izolaci, ale také naznačuje potenciál pro udržitelnou těžbu nebo si jednoduše užívá přírodních krás okolí. Tento přímořský pozemek se nachází na jedinečném místě a je ideální příležitostí pro vybudování vysněného get-a-way. Coffman Cove na Aljašce nabízí řadu rekreačních příležitostí, zejména pro ty, kteří mají rádi outdoorové aktivity a zážitky v přírodě. Rybaření: Coffman Cove je známá svými vynikajícími rybářskými příležitostmi. Rybáři mohou očekávat, že v okolních vodách chytí lososy, halibuty, tresky a různé další druhy. Ať už jste začátečník nebo zkušený rybář, existují možnosti pro pobřežní i hlubinný rybolov. Jízda na kajaku a kánoi: Se svým nedotčeným pobřežím a klidnými vodami je Coffman Cove ideální destinací pro jízdu na kajaku a kánoi. Pádlujte podél malebného pobřeží, prozkoumejte skryté zátoky a možná se dokonce setkáte s místní divokou zvěří, jako jsou tuleni nebo orli bělohlaví. Turistické a naučné stezky: Okolní divočina Coffman Cove nabízí četné turistické stezky, které uspokojí všechny úrovně dovedností. Od pohodových procházek starými lesy až po náročnější túry s panoramatickými výhledy, pro každého je tu něco. Pozorování divoké zvěře: Milovníci divoké zvěře najdou v Coffman Cove spoustu věcí k vidění. Vydejte se na výlet za pozorováním divoké zvěře a pozorujte medvědy, velryby, mořské vydry a další mořské savce v jejich přirozeném prostředí. Celkově Coffman Cove nabízí širokou škálu rekreačních aktivit pro outdoorové nadšence, které poskytují příležitosti zažít jedinečnou divočinu Aljašky. Zátoka Coffman Cove, která se nachází na ostrově Prince of Wales na Aljašce, má historii úzce spjatou s přírodními zdroji regionu. Původně byla oblast obývána domorodými obyvateli, včetně Tlingitů, Haidů a Tsimshianů, později byla v 18. a 19. století prozkoumána ruskými a evropskými obchodníky, které přitahovala hojná kožešinová zvířata. Na konci 19. století, kdy se ekonomika Aljašky začala diverzifikovat, se těžba a těžba dřeva staly významnými průmyslovými odvětvími na ostrově Prince of Wales. Těžba dřeva hrála v historii Coffman Cove ústřední roli, protože zde byly zakládány dřevařské tábory a pily k využití rozsáhlých zdrojů dřeva na ostrově. Samotná komunita Coffman Cove se začala formovat v polovině 20. století výstavbou pily společností Ketchikan Pulp Company. Pila přinesla do oblasti ekonomický růst a rozvoj, přilákala dělníky a jejich rodiny. Nicméně, stejně jako mnoho těžařských komunit na Aljašce, i Coffman Cove zaznamenala výkyvy ve své ekonomice v důsledku změn v dřevařském průmyslu, včetně změn v poptávce a ekologických předpisech. Navzdory těmto výzvám Coffman Cove vytrval a diverzifikoval svou ekonomiku tak, aby zahrnovala cestovní ruch, rybolov a další venkovní rekreační aktivity. Dnes zůstává Coffman Cove malou, ale odolnou komunitou, známou svou malebnou krásou, outdoorovými dobrodružstvími a silným smyslem pro komunitního ducha. Ostrov prince z Walesu je čtvrtým největším ostrovem ve Spojených státech a největším ostrovem ve státě Aljaška. Ostrov Prince z Walesu se nachází v jihovýchodní oblasti Aljašky, poblíž hranic s kanadskou provincií Britská Kolumbie. Na západě je obklopena Tichým oceánem a na východě Vnitřním průchodem. Ostrov Prince z Walesu leží západně od kanadské provincie Britská Kolumbie, oddělený Dixonovým vchodem, který slouží jako námořní hranice mezi Spojenými státy a Kanadou. Město Ketchikan, jedno z hlavních populačních center na jihovýchodě Aljašky, je přibližně 30 mil severovýchodně od ostrova Prince z Walesu. Ketchikan slouží jako brána na ostrov a je dostupný trajektem, hydroplánem nebo každodenními lety z Klawocku do Ketchikanu prostřednictvím Island Air Express. Coffman Cove se nachází na východním pobřeží ostrova Prince of Wales, naproti Inside Passage. Nachází se v národním lese Tongass a nabízí nádherný výhled na okolní hory, lesy a pobřeží. Coffman Cove, komunita známá svými rekreačními možnostmi, je jedinečným místem svého druhu, které poskytuje snadný přístup k přírodním krásám ostrova a venkovním dobrodružstvím. Další výhodou vlastnictví nemovitosti v Coffman Cove je, že se zde neplatí žádné daně z nemovitosti. Užijte si tuto neuvěřitelnou oblast s nízkými ročními náklady!
Reference: EDEN-T96516895
Country: US
City: Coffman Cove
Postal code: 99918
Category: Commercial
Listing type: For sale
Property type: Business opportunity
Lot size: 87,120 sqft


Average sale price per sqft
Oct 2023
3 months
1 year
USD 371
USD 964



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