House & single-family home for sale in Steamboat Springs
USD 5,499,246
House & Single-family home (For sale)
/ 98342002
The Tow Creek Ranch is 619 +/- acres located 15 minutes west of Steamboat Springs. A recreation and sportsman's dream property sitting in GMU 214 is home to many resident elk and deer throughout the ranch. Throughout the fall and early winter the migration of elk from the east gives a constant influx of new game moving through the property. There is approximately 3/4 mile of Tow Creek as well as multiple springs providing water.The ranch has a dramatic landscape with grassy valleys, oak brush and aspen ridges. The land is well watered with 3/4 of a mile of Tow Creek and several springs and ponds are located throughout the property. There is ample cover and feed for wildlife and livestock as well. Looking around from the highest ridges provides views of Mt. Werner, the Zirkel Wilderness and the Park Range as well as Pyramid Peak and the Flat Tops and the Gore Range to the south. There is currently a grazing lease in place with a well known producer, providing some income and allowing the ranch to maintain its agricultural status. The ranch has a very good road and trail network that allows travel to just about every portion of the ranch either by pickup, side by side or ATV. Elevations of the ranch are from approximately 7200′ -7700′. There is a 374 Sq. Ft. 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom cabin with modest finishes located on the south edge of the property with a small pond and brook just out the front door. The detached 10'x20 garage/equipment building gives ample room for storage and holds a generator that provides power to the cabin and garage. Water for the cabin is provided from a spring that is piped in from just north of the building site. The cabin is comfortable but rustic and sits in a beautiful shaded valley along the southern border of the ranch. Located in hunting Colorado Game Management unit 214, the ranch qualifies for landowner vouchers for deer with over the counter tags for elk . Hunting on the ranch for is top notch and hunters can expect opportunities for elk, mule deer, black bear, mountain lion, multiple small game animals as well as sharp-tail and Dusky Grouse. With an excellent trail and road system the ranch is set up well for horseback riding, ATV and UTV riding, hiking, biking, snowmobiling, snow shoeing and cross country skiing. The nearby National Forest provides unlimited recreational opportunities with the lakes and trail heads. Skiing at the famed Steamboat Ski area and Howelsen Hill are just a short 15-20 minute drive. There is a very diverse variety of songbirds and migratory birds for the bird watching enthusiast. Currently the ranch is leased by a local rancher for summer grazing. The summer grazing season is approximately June 15th to October 15th. Utilized as a summer and fall family destination ranch the property has been enjoyed by multiple generations and is one of the most beautiful locations in the Yampa Valley. The original homestead cabin still stands in the big meadow just east of where the current cabin sits. Routt County is known for its mild summers and snowy winters. On average the area sees over 243 days of sun. Rainfall in the area is around 18-20 inches annually and snowfall on average is 130+ inches. Typically summers temps will average 55-85 degrees and winter will see 6-40 degrees average. Higher and lower temps are always possible. Steamboat Springs is known for its exceptional skiing snow referred to as Champagne powder. This describes the dry, fluffy powder that is common on the mountain. The area is home to the Yampa River, Elk River and many tributary streams that feed those two main rivers. Historically, the Routt County area was home to nomadic Ute Indians before the mid-nineteenth century, when gold discoveries near Hahn's Peak, above the Elk River valley, attracted white prospectors. Ranchers and farmers followed the miners, taking advantage of the area's fertile river valleys. Steamboat Springs was originally named for the sound of the hot springs along the river making the chug, chug sound of a steamboat. There are many accounts of the vast herds of wildlife in the area as settlers came into the valley and that still holds true today with large herds of elk, mule deer and pronghorn antelope covering the landscape. Tow Creek Ranch was homesteaded by, and has been in the same family for decades. The ranch has rich history of being a part of a larger cattle ranch that produced cattle that were driven to Steamboat Springs to the railhead in the early days of the Cowtown. Tow Creek Ranch sits just 20 minutes west of downtown Steamboat Springs and 20 minutes east of the Yampa Valley Regional Airport. The property is very private in its location sitting above Tow Creek just off RCR 50. The drive crosses Tow Creek and winds into the property from the west where the home is tucked into a shady mountain valley with a small creek and pond near by. There are breathtaking views in every direction from the ranch.
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The Tow Creek Ranch is 619 +/- acres located 15 minutes west of Steamboat Springs. A recreation and sportsman's dream property sitting in GMU 214 is home to many resident elk and deer throughout the ranch. Throughout the fall and early winter the migration of elk from the east gives a constant influx of new game moving through the property. There is approximately 3/4 mile of Tow Creek as well as multiple springs providing water.The ranch has a dramatic landscape with grassy valleys, oak brush and aspen ridges. The land is well watered with 3/4 of a mile of Tow Creek and several springs and ponds are located throughout the property. There is ample cover and feed for wildlife and livestock as well. Looking around from the highest ridges provides views of Mt. Werner, the Zirkel Wilderness and the Park Range as well as Pyramid Peak and the Flat Tops and the Gore Range to the south. There is currently a grazing lease in place with a well known producer, providing some income and allowing the ranch to maintain its agricultural status. The ranch has a very good road and trail network that allows travel to just about every portion of the ranch either by pickup, side by side or ATV. Elevations of the ranch are from approximately 7200′ -7700′. There is a 374 Sq. Ft. 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom cabin with modest finishes located on the south edge of the property with a small pond and brook just out the front door. The detached 10'x20 garage/equipment building gives ample room for storage and holds a generator that provides power to the cabin and garage. Water for the cabin is provided from a spring that is piped in from just north of the building site. The cabin is comfortable but rustic and sits in a beautiful shaded valley along the southern border of the ranch. Located in hunting Colorado Game Management unit 214, the ranch qualifies for landowner vouchers for deer with over the counter tags for elk . Hunting on the ranch for is top notch and hunters can expect opportunities for elk, mule deer, black bear, mountain lion, multiple small game animals as well as sharp-tail and Dusky Grouse. With an excellent trail and road system the ranch is set up well for horseback riding, ATV and UTV riding, hiking, biking, snowmobiling, snow shoeing and cross country skiing. The nearby National Forest provides unlimited recreational opportunities with the lakes and trail heads. Skiing at the famed Steamboat Ski area and Howelsen Hill are just a short 15-20 minute drive. There is a very diverse variety of songbirds and migratory birds for the bird watching enthusiast. Currently the ranch is leased by a local rancher for summer grazing. The summer grazing season is approximately June 15th to October 15th. Utilized as a summer and fall family destination ranch the property has been enjoyed by multiple generations and is one of the most beautiful locations in the Yampa Valley. The original homestead cabin still stands in the big meadow just east of where the current cabin sits. Routt County is known for its mild summers and snowy winters. On average the area sees over 243 days of sun. Rainfall in the area is around 18-20 inches annually and snowfall on average is 130+ inches. Typically summers temps will average 55-85 degrees and winter will see 6-40 degrees average. Higher and lower temps are always possible. Steamboat Springs is known for its exceptional skiing snow referred to as Champagne powder. This describes the dry, fluffy powder that is common on the mountain. The area is home to the Yampa River, Elk River and many tributary streams that feed those two main rivers. Historically, the Routt County area was home to nomadic Ute Indians before the mid-nineteenth century, when gold discoveries near Hahn's Peak, above the Elk River valley, attracted white prospectors. Ranchers and farmers followed the miners, taking advantage of the area's fertile river valleys. Steamboat Springs was originally named for the sound of the hot springs along the river making the chug, chug sound of a steamboat. There are many accounts of the vast herds of wildlife in the area as settlers came into the valley and that still holds true today with large herds of elk, mule deer and pronghorn antelope covering the landscape. Tow Creek Ranch was homesteaded by, and has been in the same family for decades. The ranch has rich history of being a part of a larger cattle ranch that produced cattle that were driven to Steamboat Springs to the railhead in the early days of the Cowtown. Tow Creek Ranch sits just 20 minutes west of downtown Steamboat Springs and 20 minutes east of the Yampa Valley Regional Airport. The property is very private in its location sitting above Tow Creek just off RCR 50. The drive crosses Tow Creek and winds into the property from the west where the home is tucked into a shady mountain valley with a small creek and pond near by. There are breathtaking views in every direction from the ranch.
Ранчо Tow Creek занимает 619 +/- акров земли и расположено в 15 минутах к западу от Стимбоат-Спрингс. Дом мечты для отдыха и спорта, расположенный в GMU 214, является домом для многих лосей и оленей по всему ранчо. В течение осени и в начале зимы миграция лосей с востока дает постоянный приток новой дичи, проходящей через территорию. Примерно 3/4 мили протекает ручей Тоу-Крик, а также несколько источников, обеспечивающих водой. Ранчо имеет драматический пейзаж с травянистыми долинами, дубовыми зарослями и осиновыми хребтами. Земля хорошо орошается 3/4 мили ручья Тоу, а по всей территории расположены несколько источников и прудов. Здесь достаточно укрытий и кормов для диких животных и домашнего скота. Глядя по сторонам с самых высоких хребтов, открывается вид на гору Вернер, дикую природу Циркель и Парковый хребет, а также на пик Пирамида, Плоские вершины и хребет Гор на юге. В настоящее время заключен договор аренды пастбищ с известным производителем, что обеспечивает некоторый доход и позволяет ранчо сохранять свой сельскохозяйственный статус. Ранчо имеет очень хорошую сеть дорог и троп, которая позволяет путешествовать практически в любую часть ранчо либо на пикапе, либо бок о бок, либо на квадроцикле. Высота ранчо составляет примерно 7200′-7700′. Есть домик площадью 374 кв. Фута с 1 спальней и 1 ванной комнатой со скромной отделкой, расположенный на южном краю дома с небольшим прудом и ручьем прямо у входной двери. Отдельно стоящее здание гаража / оборудования размером 10 на 20 футов дает достаточно места для хранения вещей и вмещает генератор, который обеспечивает электроэнергией домик и гараж. Вода для хижины подается из источника, который подается по трубам к северу от строительной площадки. Домик удобный, но деревенский и расположен в красивой тенистой долине вдоль южной границы ранчо. Ранчо, расположенное в охотничьем хозяйстве Колорадо 214, имеет право на получение ваучеров землевладельца на оленей с безрецептурными бирками для лосей. Охота на ранчо на высшем уровне, и охотники могут рассчитывать на лося, оленя-мула, черного медведя, горного льва, нескольких мелких животных, а также острохвостого и темного тетерева. Благодаря отличной системе троп и дорог, ранчо хорошо подходит для верховой езды, катания на квадроциклах и UTV, пеших прогулок, езды на велосипеде, снегоходах, ходьбе на снегоступах и беговых лыжах. Близлежащий Национальный лес предоставляет неограниченные возможности для отдыха с озерами и тропами. Катание на лыжах в знаменитом горнолыжном районе Стимбот и холме Хауэлсен находится всего в 15-20 минутах езды. Существует очень разнообразное разнообразие певчих и перелетных птиц для любителей наблюдения за птицами. В настоящее время ранчо арендуется местным владельцем ранчо для летнего выпаса скота. Летний сезон выпаса скота длится примерно с 15 июня по 15 октября. Используемое в качестве летнего и осеннего семейного ранчо, поместье пользовалось популярностью у нескольких поколений и является одним из самых красивых мест в долине Ямпа. Оригинальная усадьба до сих пор стоит на большом лугу к востоку от того места, где находится нынешняя хижина. Округ Рутт известен своим мягким летом и снежной зимой. В среднем в этом районе бывает более 243 солнечных дней. Количество осадков в этом районе составляет около 18-20 дюймов в год, а снегопад в среднем составляет 130+ дюймов. Как правило, летом средняя температура составляет 55-85 градусов, а зимой - 6-40 градусов. Всегда возможны более высокие и низкие температуры. Стимбоат-Спрингс известен своим исключительным снегом для катания на лыжах, который называют порошком шампанского. Так описывается сухая, пушистая пудра, которая распространена в горах. В этом районе протекают реки Ямпа, Элк Ривер и множество притоков, которые питают эти две основные реки. Исторически сложилось так, что район округа Рутт был домом для кочевых индейцев ютов до середины девятнадцатого века, когда золотые открытия возле пика Хана, над долиной реки Элк, привлекли белых старателей. Владельцы ранчо и фермеры последовали за шахтерами, воспользовавшись плодородными речными долинами этого района. Первоначально Стимбот-Спрингс был назван в честь шума горячих источников вдоль реки, издающих пыхтение, пыхтящий звук парохода. Существует множество свидетельств об огромных стадах диких животных в этом районе, когда поселенцы пришли в долину, и это до сих пор верно для больших стад лосей, оленей-мулов и вилорогих антилоп, покрывающих ландшафт. Ранчо Тоу-Крик было приусадено и принадлежало одной семье на протяжении десятилетий. Ранчо имеет богатую историю того, что оно было частью более крупного скотоводческого ранчо, которое производило скот, который перегоняли в Стимбот-Спрингс на железнодорожную станцию в первые дни существования Cowtown. Ранчо Tow Creek находится всего в 20 минутах к западу от центра города Стимбоат-Спрингс и в 20 минутах к востоку от регионального аэропорта Ямпа-Вэлли. Недвижимость очень уединенна в своем расположении, расположенном над ручьем Тоу, недалеко от RCR 50. Дорога пересекает Тоу-Крик и въезжает в дом с запада, где дом спрятан в тенистой горной долине с небольшим ручьем и прудом неподалеку. С ранчо открываются захватывающие виды во всех направлениях.
Steamboat Springs
Postal code:
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
House & Single-family home
Property size:
384 sqft
Lot size:
26,963,641 sqft