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Business opportunity for sale in Blagoevgrad

Business opportunity (For sale)

47,975 sqft
Reference: EDEN-T98912365 / 98912365
We exclusively offer for sale the four-star PARK HOTEL PANORAMA. It is located at the beginning of Pirin National Park in a calm and quiet area with magnificent views of the mountain. The site is working and is sold with all equipment. The hotel body is the last of a group of buildings in the 'Mountain Dream' complex and is located in its southern part, as the final element of the U-shaped building of 5 apartment buildings and the hotel body. To the north, the property is bordered by an asphalt road and a meadow without a construction project. To the south, an asphalt road and a reservoir. In the East there is a meadow without a construction project. To the west there is an asphalt road and a completed apartment complex. There are no unfinished constructions and future projects near the hotel. The building is made of monolithic, skeletal reinforced concrete structure. The implementation of all partition walls in the ground and basement levels is with brick walls with a thickness of 25 cm and 12 cm, and in the hotel floors through dry construction systems. All external walls are made of brickwork 25 cm and a thermal insulation system with a thickness of 10 cm has been implemented. The windows are 5-chamber PVC with double-glazed windows. The height of the hotel rooms in finished form is 270 cm. The total built-up area of the sold sites is 4457 m2. The property is a regulated land property. The road to the property is asphalted. The water supply is carried out from the reservoir with a PE f90 pipe, with sufficient flow. The water pressure is carried out by an independent hydrophore system with three pumps. The power supply is from two newly built transformer stations /2x800 kVa/, located on the territory of the complex. The backup power supply of the hotel is through a diesel unit, covering 100% of the hotel's needs. The sewerage system is newly built with thick-walled PVC pipes ø 200 mm. A parallel sewerage system for drainage and rainwater has also been built. The heating is on pellets, and preparations have been made for the upcoming gasification. 38 solar collectors have been installed to heat the hot water. Ventilation and all other installations are implemented in accordance with the requirements for a 4* hotel. The sale price includes: 40% of the regulated plot of the complex equal to 2678.40 m2. The hotel consists of: Basement - technical and installation rooms, backup power supply and units, warehouses and storage, utility rooms - staff, reception area, service rooms, conference hall, relaxation area - SPA center, steam bath, sauna, hammam, two massage rooms and a gym. Indoor swimming pool, storage room and medical office. Ground floor - Reception area - lobby, reception, administration, management. Lobby bar, children's playground, shop, service rooms, kitchen and warehouses, main restaurant 'VALUNI', restaurant 'Chalet', terrace. The hotel floors consist of: main floor lobby, rooms with one bed - 4 pcs., rooms with two beds - 41 pcs. , apartments - 4 pcs. and a maid's office. The hotel has WI-FI and TV. View more View less Ексклузивно Ви предлагаме за продажба Четиризвездният ПАРК ХОТЕЛ ПАНОРАМА. Разположен е в началото на НП 'Пирин' в спокоен и тих район с великолепни гледки към планината. Обекта е работещ и се продава с цялото оборудване. Хотелското тяло е последно от група сгради в комплекс 'Маунтийн Дрийм' и е ситуирано в южната му част, като краен елемент от П образното застрояване от 5 броя апартаментни сгради и хотелското тяло. На Север имота граничи с асфалтов път и ливада без проект за застрояване. На Юг асфалтов път и водохранилище. На Изток ливада без проект за застрояване. На Запад асфалтов път и завършен апартаментен комплекс. В близост до хотела няма незавършени строежи и бъдещи проекти. Сградата е изпълнена с монолитна,скелетна стоманобетонна конструкция. Изпълнението на всички преградни стени в партерното и сутеренно ниво е с тухлени стени с дебелина 25 см и 12 см, а в хотелските етажи посредством системи за сухо строителство. Всички външни стени са изпълнени с тухлена зидария 25 см и е реализирана топлоизолационна система с дебелина 10 см. Дограмата е 5 камерна PVC със стъклопакети. Височината на хотелските стаи в готов вид е 270 см. Общо РЗП на продаваните обекти 4457 м2. Имотът е урегулиран поземлен имот . Пътят до имота е асфалтиран. Водоснабдяването се осъществява от водохранилището с тръба РЕ ф90, с достатъчен дебит. Водният напор се осъществява от самостоятелна хидрофорна система с три помпи.Електрозахранването е от два новоизградени трафопоста /2х800кVa/, разположени на територията на комплекса. Резервното захранване на хотела е посредством дизел-агрегат, покриващ 100% нуждите на хотела. Канализацията е новоизградена с дебелостенни PVC тръби ф200 мм. Изградена е и паралелна канализация за дренажни и дъждовни води. Отоплението е на пелети , като е направена подготовка за предстоящата газификация. Монтирани са 38 броя слънчеви колектори за подгряване на топлата вода. Вентилацията и всички останали инсталации са изпълнени съгласно изискванията за хотел 4*. Продажната цена включва: 40% от УПИ на комплекса равняващи се на 2678,40 м2. Хотелът е съставен от: Сутерен - технически и инсталационни помещения,резервно електрозахранване и агрегати, складове и складово стопанство,битови помещения-персонал, приемна зона, обслужващи помещения, конферентна зала, зона за релаксация- СПА -център, парна баня, сауна, хамам, две масажни помещения и фитнес зала. Закрит басейн, складово помещение и кабинет за мед.Помощ. Партер- Приемна зона- фоайе, рецепция, администрация, мениджмънт. Лоби бар, детски кът, магазин, помещения за обслужване, кухня и складове, основен ресторант 'ВАЛУНИ', ресторант 'Шале' , тераса. Хотелските етажи се състоят от: основно етажно фоайе, стаи с едно легло-4 бр., стаи с две легла- 41 бр. , апартаменти- 4 бр. и камериерски офис. Хотелът разполага с WI-FI и телевизия. Διαθέτουμε αποκλειστικά προς πώληση το τεσσάρων αστέρων PARK HOTEL PANORAMA. Βρίσκεται στην αρχή του Εθνικού Πάρκου Πιρίν σε μια ήρεμη και ήσυχη περιοχή με υπέροχη θέα στο βουνό. Ο ιστότοπος λειτουργεί και πωλείται με όλο τον εξοπλισμό. Το ξενοδοχειακό σώμα είναι το τελευταίο από ένα συγκρότημα κτιρίων του συγκροτήματος «Mountain Dream» και βρίσκεται στο νότιο τμήμα του, ως το τελικό στοιχείο του σχήματος U κτιρίου των 5 πολυκατοικιών και του ξενοδοχειακού σώματος. Στα βόρεια, το ακίνητο συνορεύει με δρόμο με άσφαλτο και λιβάδι χωρίς κατασκευαστικό έργο. Στα νότια, ένας ασφαλτοστρωμένος δρόμος και μια δεξαμενή. Στην Ανατολή υπάρχει ένα λιβάδι χωρίς κατασκευαστικό έργο. Στα δυτικά υπάρχει δρόμος με άσφαλτο και ολοκληρωμένο συγκρότημα διαμερισμάτων. Δεν υπάρχουν ημιτελείς κατασκευές και μελλοντικά έργα κοντά στο ξενοδοχείο. Το κτίριο είναι κατασκευασμένο από μονολιθική, σκελετική δομή οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος. Η εφαρμογή όλων των διαχωριστικών τοίχων στα επίπεδα του ισογείου και του υπογείου γίνεται με τοίχους από τούβλα πάχους 25 cm και 12 cm, και στα δάπεδα του ξενοδοχείου μέσω συστημάτων ξηρής κατασκευής. Όλοι οι εξωτερικοί τοίχοι είναι κατασκευασμένοι από τούβλα 25 cm και έχει εφαρμοστεί σύστημα θερμομόνωσης πάχους 10 cm. Τα παράθυρα είναι PVC 5 θαλάμων με παράθυρα με διπλά τζάμια. Το ύψος των δωματίων του ξενοδοχείου σε τελική μορφή είναι 270 εκ. Η συνολική δομημένη επιφάνεια των πωληθέντων χώρων είναι 4457 m2. Το ακίνητο είναι ρυθμιζόμενη γη. Ο δρόμος προς το ακίνητο είναι ασφαλτοστρωμένος. Η παροχή νερού πραγματοποιείται από τη δεξαμενή με σωλήνα PE f90, με επαρκή ροή. Η πίεση του νερού πραγματοποιείται από ένα ανεξάρτητο υδροφόρο σύστημα με τρεις αντλίες. Η τροφοδοσία γίνεται από δύο νεόδμητους σταθμούς μετασχηματιστών /2x800 kVa/, που βρίσκονται στο έδαφος του συγκροτήματος. Η εφεδρική τροφοδοσία του ξενοδοχείου γίνεται μέσω μονάδας diesel, καλύπτοντας το 100% των αναγκών του ξενοδοχείου. Το αποχετευτικό σύστημα είναι νεόκτιστο με σωλήνες PVC με παχύ τοίχωμα ø 200 mm. Έχει επίσης κατασκευαστεί παράλληλο αποχετευτικό σύστημα αποχέτευσης και ομβρίων υδάτων. Η θέρμανση γίνεται με σφαιρίδια και έχουν γίνει προετοιμασίες για την επερχόμενη αεριοποίηση. Έχουν εγκατασταθεί 38 ηλιακοί συλλέκτες για τη θέρμανση του ζεστού νερού. Ο εξαερισμός και όλες οι άλλες εγκαταστάσεις υλοποιούνται σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις ενός ξενοδοχείου 4*. Η τιμή πώλησης περιλαμβάνει: 40% του ρυθμιζόμενου οικοπέδου του συγκροτήματος ίσο με 2678,40 m2. Το ξενοδοχείο αποτελείται από: Υπόγειο - τεχνικούς χώρους και χώρους εγκατάστασης, εφεδρική παροχή ρεύματος και μονάδες, αποθήκες και αποθήκες, βοηθητικούς χώρους - προσωπικό, χώρο υποδοχής, αίθουσες υπηρεσίας, αίθουσα συνεδρίων, χώρο χαλάρωσης - κέντρο SPA, ατμόλουτρο, σάουνα, χαμάμ, δύο αίθουσες μασάζ και γυμναστήριο. Εσωτερική πισίνα, αποθήκη και ιατρείο. Ισόγειο - Χώρος υποδοχής - lobby, reception, διοίκηση, διαχείριση. Lobby bar, παιδική χαρά, κατάστημα, αίθουσες εξυπηρέτησης, κουζίνα και αποθήκες, κεντρικό εστιατόριο 'VALUNI', εστιατόριο 'Chalet', βεράντα. Οι όροφοι του ξενοδοχείου αποτελούνται από: λόμπι κεντρικού ορόφου, δωμάτια με ένα κρεβάτι - 4 τεμ., δωμάτια με δύο κρεβάτια - 41 τεμ. , διαμερίσματα - 4 τεμ. και γραφείο καμαριέρας. Το ξενοδοχείο διαθέτει Wi-Fi και τηλεόραση. We exclusively offer for sale the four-star PARK HOTEL PANORAMA. It is located at the beginning of Pirin National Park in a calm and quiet area with magnificent views of the mountain. The site is working and is sold with all equipment. The hotel body is the last of a group of buildings in the 'Mountain Dream' complex and is located in its southern part, as the final element of the U-shaped building of 5 apartment buildings and the hotel body. To the north, the property is bordered by an asphalt road and a meadow without a construction project. To the south, an asphalt road and a reservoir. In the East there is a meadow without a construction project. To the west there is an asphalt road and a completed apartment complex. There are no unfinished constructions and future projects near the hotel. The building is made of monolithic, skeletal reinforced concrete structure. The implementation of all partition walls in the ground and basement levels is with brick walls with a thickness of 25 cm and 12 cm, and in the hotel floors through dry construction systems. All external walls are made of brickwork 25 cm and a thermal insulation system with a thickness of 10 cm has been implemented. The windows are 5-chamber PVC with double-glazed windows. The height of the hotel rooms in finished form is 270 cm. The total built-up area of the sold sites is 4457 m2. The property is a regulated land property. The road to the property is asphalted. The water supply is carried out from the reservoir with a PE f90 pipe, with sufficient flow. The water pressure is carried out by an independent hydrophore system with three pumps. The power supply is from two newly built transformer stations /2x800 kVa/, located on the territory of the complex. The backup power supply of the hotel is through a diesel unit, covering 100% of the hotel's needs. The sewerage system is newly built with thick-walled PVC pipes ø 200 mm. A parallel sewerage system for drainage and rainwater has also been built. The heating is on pellets, and preparations have been made for the upcoming gasification. 38 solar collectors have been installed to heat the hot water. Ventilation and all other installations are implemented in accordance with the requirements for a 4* hotel. The sale price includes: 40% of the regulated plot of the complex equal to 2678.40 m2. The hotel consists of: Basement - technical and installation rooms, backup power supply and units, warehouses and storage, utility rooms - staff, reception area, service rooms, conference hall, relaxation area - SPA center, steam bath, sauna, hammam, two massage rooms and a gym. Indoor swimming pool, storage room and medical office. Ground floor - Reception area - lobby, reception, administration, management. Lobby bar, children's playground, shop, service rooms, kitchen and warehouses, main restaurant 'VALUNI', restaurant 'Chalet', terrace. The hotel floors consist of: main floor lobby, rooms with one bed - 4 pcs., rooms with two beds - 41 pcs. , apartments - 4 pcs. and a maid's office. The hotel has WI-FI and TV.
Reference: EDEN-T98912365
Country: BG
City: Blagoevgrad
Postal code: 2770
Category: Commercial
Listing type: For sale
Property type: Business opportunity
Property size: 47,975 sqft
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