Office & Commercial space (For sale)
969 sqft
/ 99306493
''Address'' Real Estate offers an office after major renovation in the area of DNA. It consists of four rooms with bathroom. The property has new electric. and plumbing installations, new doors and laminate flooring, the walls are plastered and latex. The property offers a convenient distribution of the premises and is suitable for various types of activities. Assistance for mortgage and consumer loans through CreditCenter. Follow our Facebook page: Kristiyan Tsvetanov-ADDRESS Real Estate Pleven.
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''Address'' Real Estate vous propose un bureau après d’importantes rénovations dans le domaine de DNA. Il se compose de quatre chambres avec salle de bain. La propriété dispose d’un nouvel électricité. et installations de plomberie, nouvelles portes et sols stratifiés, les murs sont en plâtre et en latex. La propriété offre une distribution pratique des locaux et convient à différents types d’activités. Assistance pour les prêts hypothécaires et à la consommation via CreditCenter. Suivez notre page Facebook : Kristiyan Tsvetanov-ADDRESS Real Estate Pleven.
''Адрес'' недвижими имоти предлага офис след основен ремонт в района на ДНА.Състои се от четири стаи със санитарен възел. Имотът е с нови ел. и ВиК инсталации, нови врати и ламиниран паркет, стените са на шпакловка и латекс. Отоплението е ТЕЦ .Имотът предлага удобно разпределение на помещенията и е подходящ за различни видове дейности. Съдействие за ипотечни и потребителски кредити, чрез КредитЦентър. Последвайте страницата ни във фейсбук: Кристиян Цветанов-АДРЕС Недвижими имоти Плевен.
Η ''Address'' Real Estate διαθέτει γραφείο μετά από ριζική ανακαίνιση στο χώρο της DNA. Αποτελείται από τέσσερα δωμάτια με μπάνιο. Το ακίνητο διαθέτει καινούργια ηλεκτρικό. και υδραυλικές εγκαταστάσεις, νέες πόρτες και laminate δάπεδα, οι τοίχοι είναι σοβατισμένοι και λατέξ. Το ακίνητο προσφέρει άνετη κατανομή των χώρων και είναι κατάλληλο για διάφορους τύπους δραστηριοτήτων. Βοήθεια για στεγαστικά και καταναλωτικά δάνεια μέσω του CreditCenter. Ακολουθήστε τη σελίδα μας στο Facebook: Kristiyan Tsvetanov-ADDRESS Real Estate Pleven.
''Address'' Real Estate offers an office after major renovation in the area of DNA. It consists of four rooms with bathroom. The property has new electric. and plumbing installations, new doors and laminate flooring, the walls are plastered and latex. The property offers a convenient distribution of the premises and is suitable for various types of activities. Assistance for mortgage and consumer loans through CreditCenter. Follow our Facebook page: Kristiyan Tsvetanov-ADDRESS Real Estate Pleven.
''Dirección'' Real Estate ofrece una oficina después de una importante renovación en el área de DNA. Consta de cuatro habitaciones con baño. La propiedad cuenta con electricidad nueva. e instalaciones de fontanería, puertas nuevas y suelos laminados, las paredes son enlucidas y de látex. La propiedad ofrece una distribución conveniente de las instalaciones y es adecuada para varios tipos de actividades. Asistencia para préstamos hipotecarios y de consumo a través de CreditCenter. Siga nuestra página de Facebook: Kristiyan Tsvetanov-ADDRESS Real Estate Pleven.
''Address'' Real Estate bietet nach einer umfassenden Renovierung im Bereich DNA ein Büro an, das aus vier Zimmern mit Bad besteht. Das Anwesen verfügt über eine neue Elektrik. und Sanitärinstallationen, neue Türen und Laminatböden, die Wände sind verputzt und Latex. Das Anwesen bietet eine bequeme Aufteilung der Räumlichkeiten und eignet sich für verschiedene Arten von Aktivitäten. Unterstützung bei Hypotheken- und Verbraucherkrediten durch CreditCenter. Folgen Sie unserer Facebook-Seite: Kristiyan Tsvetanov-ADDRESS Real Estate Pleven.
''Address'' Real Estate biedt een kantoor aan na een ingrijpende renovatie op het gebied van DNA. Het bestaat uit vier kamers met badkamer. De woning is voorzien van nieuwe elektra. en sanitair installaties, nieuwe deuren en laminaatvloer, de wanden zijn gepleisterd en latex. De woning biedt een handige indeling van het terrein en is geschikt voor verschillende soorten activiteiten. Hulp bij hypothecaire en consumptieve kredieten via CreditCenter. Volg onze Facebook-pagina: Kristiyan Tsvetanov-ADDRESS Real Estate Pleven.
A ''Address'' Real Estate oferece um escritório após grande reforma na área da DNA. É composto por quatro quartos com banheiro. A propriedade tem eletricidade nova. e instalações hidráulicas, novas portas e pisos laminados, as paredes são rebocadas e látex. A propriedade oferece uma distribuição conveniente das instalações e é adequada para vários tipos de atividades. Assistência para crédito hipotecário e crédito ao consumo através do CreditCenter. Siga nossa página no Facebook: Kristiyan Tsvetanov-ADDRESS Real Estate Pleven.
''Address'' Real Estate offre un ufficio dopo un'importante ristrutturazione nella zona di DNA. Si compone di quattro camere con bagno. La proprietà è dotata di impianto elettrico nuovo. impianti idraulici, nuove porte e pavimenti in laminato, le pareti sono intonacate e in lattice. L'immobile offre una comoda distribuzione dei locali e si presta a vari tipi di attività. Assistenza per mutui e crediti al consumo tramite CreditCenter. Segui la nostra pagina Facebook: Kristiyan Tsvetanov-INDIRIZZO Real Estate Pleven.
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
Office & Commercial space
Property size:
969 sqft
City |
Avg price per sqft house |
Avg price per sqft apartment |
Lovech | USD 29 | - |
Lovech Province | USD 26 | - |
Gabrovo | USD 25 | - |
Veliko Tarnovo | USD 22 | USD 54 |
Pernik | - | USD 97 |
Sofia Province | - | USD 97 |
Shumen | USD 77 | USD 112 |
Haskovo Province | - | USD 78 |