USD 974,717
4 r
1,464 sqft
You enter into a large, bright hallway, from which there is direct access to 4 large rooms overlooking Petrinjska and Hatzova streets, with a view of Zrinjevac park. The rooms are bright, with large aluminum windows and insulated glass (excellent sound insulation). There are 2 sanitary facilities (1 toilet that can be adapted for the disabled, and a bathroom with a walk-in shower for staff), a staff wardrobe, a kitchenette (dishwasher, sink, hood, microwave, glass-ceramic hob), a storage room (washing machine ready) with a gas water heater. In the hallway and service rooms, there is high-quality epoxy resin flooring, while in the 4 main working rooms, there is new top-quality wooden floor (oak parquet) of the first category. Heating and cooling are managed by ceiling inverter air conditioners and conventional gas central heating (for temperatures below -5°C). In all large rooms, there is a sewage pipe and water connection (preparation for a sink). The ceiling is stylishly designed with drywall and Zumtobel lighting fixtures of energy class A+++ (the lighting meets the technical requirements for a health clinic/facility establishment, as well as other professional purposes - especially legal office, diplomatic/consular establishment, etc.). In each room, in addition to generously provided single-phase outlets and network cables, there is also preparation made for a three-phase power connection. The local network has a central switch. The space also includes an attic room of 4 m². No agency fee.
- Balcony
- Parking
- Alarm
- Intercom
- Lift View more View less Hochwertiger, designorientierter Raum in Zrinjevac, der im April 2013 komplett renoviert und im Februar 2018 mit einem neuen hochwertigen Holzfußboden (Eichenparkett) ausgestattet wurde, gefolgt von einer Auffrischung der Wände im April 2022. Der Raum befindet sich im 3. Stock (Gebäude mit Erdgeschoss und Mezzanin, das Gebäude hat insgesamt 5 Stockwerke), mit renoviertem Aufzug, neuem Dach und neuer Fassade. Keine Schäden bei den Erdbeben von 2020 (grüner Aufkleber).
Man betritt das Gebäude über einen großen, hellen Flur, von dem aus man direkten Zugang zu vier großen Räumen mit Blick auf die Straßen Petrinjska und Hatzova und den Park Zrinjevac hat. Die Räume sind hell und haben große Aluminiumfenster mit Isolierverglasung (sehr gute Schalldämmung). Es gibt 2 Sanitäranlagen (1 behindertengerechte Toilette und 1 Bad mit begehbarer Dusche für das Personal), einen Umkleideraum für das Personal, eine Teeküche (Geschirrspüler, Spüle, Dunstabzugshaube, Mikrowelle, Glaskeramikkochfeld), einen Abstellraum (Waschmaschinebereit) mit Gastherme. Im Flur und in den Serviceräumen wurde ein hochwertiger Epoxidharzboden verlegt, während in den 4 Hauptarbeitsräumen ein neuer hochwertiger Holzboden (Eichenparkett) verlegt wurde. Heizung und Kühlung erfolgen über Deckeninverterklimaanlagen und konventionelle Gaszentralheizung (für Temperaturen unter -5°C). Alle größeren Räume verfügen über Abwasserleitungen und Wasseranschlüsse (Vorbereitung für Waschbecken). Die Decken sind stilvoll mit Trockenbau und Zumtobel-Leuchten der Energieklasse A+++ gestaltet (die Beleuchtung erfüllt die technischen Anforderungen für eine Gesundheitseinrichtung sowie für andere professionelle Nutzungen - insbesondere Anwaltskanzleien, diplomatische/konsularische Aktivitäten etc.) In jedem Raum gibt es neben einer großzügigen Anzahl von Einphasensteckdosen und Netzwerkkabeln auch eine Vorbereitung für einen Dreiphasenanschluss. Das lokale Netzwerk verfügt über einen zentralen Switch. Zur Wohnung gehört auch ein 4 m² großer Dachboden.
Keine Vermittlungsprovision.
- Balcony
- Parking
- Alarm
- Intercom
- Lift Vrhunski prostor s dizajnerskim potpisom na Zrinjevcu, kompletna adaptacija je dovršena u 4/2013., a u 2/2018 readaptacija parketa, 4/2022 osvježenje zidova. Prostor se nalazi realno na 3. katu (zgrada s prizemljem i mezaninom, ukupno 5 katova), sa renoviranim liftom, novim krovom i fasadom. Bez oštećenja u potresima 2020. godine (zelena naljepnica).
Ulazi se u veliko svijetlo predsoblje, odakle postoji direktan ulaz u 4 velike prostorije koje gledaju na Petrinjsku i Hatzovu ulicu, s pogledom na Zrinjevac. Sobe su svijetle, s velikim alu-prozorima i izo-staklom (odlična zvučna izolacija). Postoje 2 sanitarna čvora (1 toalet koji može biti prilagođen za invalide, te kupaonica s walk-in tušem za osoblje), garderoba za osoblje, čajna kuhinja (suđerica, sudoper, napa, mikrovalna, staklokeramička ploča), ostava s bojlerom, gdje su priključci za perilicu rublja). U predvorju i servisnim prostorijama je visokokvalitetni pod od epoksidne smole, dok je u glavne 4 radne prostorije novi hrastov parket I. kategorije. Grijanje i hlađenje je riješeno stropnim klima inverterima, te konvencionalnim plinskim etažnim grijanjem (za temperature ispod -5°C). U svim velikim prostorijama postoji kanalizacijska cijev i voda (priprema za umivaonik). Strop je dizajnerski riješen knaufom te Zumtobel rasvjetnim tijelima energetske klase A+++ (rasvjeta zadovoljava tehničke uvjete za medicinsku ordinaciju, ali i druge djelatnosti - posebice odvjetnički ured, diplomatsko-konzularnu djelatnost i sl.). U svakoj prostoriji je, pored izdašno provedenih monofaznih utičnica i mrežnih kablova, priprema i za trofazni strujni priključak. Lokalna mreža sa središnjim preklopnikom. Prostoru pripada i tavanska prostorija od 4 m2. Bez agencijske provizije.
- Balcony
- Parking
- Alarm
- Intercom
- Lift A top-quality space with a designer's touch on Zrinjevac, with a complete renovation finished in April 2013, and a re-adaptation of the top-quality wooden floor (oak parquet) in February 2018, followed by wall refreshing in April 2022. The space is realistically located on the 3rd floor (building with a ground floor and mezzanine, the building in total has 5 floors), with a renovated elevator, new roof, and facade. No damage occurred during the 2020 earthquakes (green sticker).
You enter into a large, bright hallway, from which there is direct access to 4 large rooms overlooking Petrinjska and Hatzova streets, with a view of Zrinjevac park. The rooms are bright, with large aluminum windows and insulated glass (excellent sound insulation). There are 2 sanitary facilities (1 toilet that can be adapted for the disabled, and a bathroom with a walk-in shower for staff), a staff wardrobe, a kitchenette (dishwasher, sink, hood, microwave, glass-ceramic hob), a storage room (washing machine ready) with a gas water heater. In the hallway and service rooms, there is high-quality epoxy resin flooring, while in the 4 main working rooms, there is new top-quality wooden floor (oak parquet) of the first category. Heating and cooling are managed by ceiling inverter air conditioners and conventional gas central heating (for temperatures below -5°C). In all large rooms, there is a sewage pipe and water connection (preparation for a sink). The ceiling is stylishly designed with drywall and Zumtobel lighting fixtures of energy class A+++ (the lighting meets the technical requirements for a health clinic/facility establishment, as well as other professional purposes - especially legal office, diplomatic/consular establishment, etc.). In each room, in addition to generously provided single-phase outlets and network cables, there is also preparation made for a three-phase power connection. The local network has a central switch. The space also includes an attic room of 4 m². No agency fee.
- Balcony
- Parking
- Alarm
- Intercom
- Lift