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Long term rental office & commercial space in Split

USD 1,056 / month

Office & Commercial space (Long term rentals)

753 sqft
Reference: JXYQ-T2711 / 13332
Split, Smrdečac, office premises with a total usable area of 70m2 in a business building with an elevator.Modern designed space inspired by nature and street art creates a pleasant and relaxing work environmentWe offer several offices with a total usable area of 12-14m2, equipped for 5 to 6 employees.All offices are air-conditioned, equipped with ergonomic chairs, internet access, printing, scanning and copying services.In addition to the office as a separate unit, the employees have a reception, a conference room, a rest area, a room for preparing coffee and sanitary facilities.All overhead costs, including cleaning costs are included in the rent.Access to the space is 24 hours a day, seven days a weekThere is a porter's office on the ground floor of the building.In addition to the possibility of renting an office, individual workplaces can be rented on a daily or monthly basis.The space can also be rented for various social events, presentations, workshops.....Deposit by agreement with the ownerVAT is additionally calculated on the lease amount.Agency commission is one monthly rent + VAT     ID:13332-1 View more View less Split, Smrdečac, Büroräume mit einer Gesamtnutzfläche von 70 m2 in einem Geschäftsgebäude mit Aufzug.Modern gestaltete, von der Natur und Straßenkunst inspirierte Räume schaffen eine angenehme und entspannende ArbeitsumgebungWir bieten mehrere Büros mit einer Gesamtnutzfläche von 12-14m2, ausgestattet für 5 bis 6 Mitarbeiter.Alle Büros sind klimatisiert und mit ergonomischen Stühlen, Internetzugang sowie Druck-, Scan- und Kopierdiensten ausgestattet.Neben dem Büro als separater Einheit stehen den Mitarbeitern ein Empfang, ein Konferenzraum, ein Ruhebereich, ein Raum zur Kaffeezubereitung sowie sanitäre Anlagen zur Verfügung.Sämtliche Nebenkosten, inklusive Reinigungskosten, sind im Mietpreis enthalten.Der Zugang zum Raum ist 24 Stunden am Tag, sieben Tage die Woche möglichIm Erdgeschoss des Gebäudes befindet sich ein Pförtnerbüro.Neben der Möglichkeit der Büromiete besteht auch die Möglichkeit, einzelne Arbeitsplätze tage- oder monatsweise zu mieten.Der Raum kann auch für verschiedene gesellschaftliche Veranstaltungen, Präsentationen, Workshops usw. gemietet werden.Kaution nach Vereinbarung mit dem EigentümerAuf den Leasingbetrag wird zusätzlich die Mehrwertsteuer berechnet.Die Agenturprovision beträgt eine Monatsmiete + MwSt    ID:13332-1 Split, Smrdečac, uredski prostori ukupno korisne površine 70m2 u poslovnoj zgradi s liftom.
Moderno dizajniran prostor inspiriran prirodom i street artom stvara ugodno i opuštajuće radno okruženje.
Nudimo više ureda ukupno korisne površine 12-14m2, opremljena za 5 do 6 zaposlenika.
Svi uredi su klimatizirani, opremljeni s ergonomskim stolicama, pristupu internetu, uslugom printanja, skeniranja i kopiranja.
Osim ureda kao zasebne cjeline, zaposlenici imaju na korištenje recepciju, konferencijsku sobu, područje za odmor, prostoriju za pripremu kave, te sanitarne čvorove.
Svi režijski troškovi, uključujući i troškove čišćenja prostora uračunati su u visinu zakupa.
Pristup prostoru je 24 sata dnevno svih sedam dana u tjednu
U prizemlju zgrade nalazi se portirnica.
Uz mogućnost zakupa ureda, mogu se zakupiti i individualna radna mjesta na dnevnoj odnosno mjesečnoj bazi.
Prostor se također može zakupiti za razna društvena događanja, prezentacije, radionice.....
Polog po dogovoru s vlasnikom
Na visinu zakupa dodatno se obračunava PDV.
Agencijska provizija iznosi jednu mjesečnu zakupninu+PDV - ID: 13332
Сплит, Смрдечац, офисные помещения общей полезной площадью 70м2 в коммерческом здании с лифтом.Современное пространство, вдохновленное природой и уличным искусством, создает приятную и расслабляющую рабочую атмосферу.Предлагаем несколько офисов общей полезной площадью 12-14м2, оборудованных для 5-6 сотрудников.Все офисы оснащены кондиционерами, оборудованы эргономичными креслами, доступом в Интернет, услугами печати, сканирования и копирования.Помимо офиса как отдельной единицы, у сотрудников есть ресепшн, конференц-зал, зона отдыха, комната для приготовления кофе, санузлы.Все накладные расходы, включая расходы на уборку, включены в арендную плату.Доступ к пространству 24 часа в сутки, семь дней в неделюНа первом этаже здания находится контора портье.Помимо возможности аренды офиса, отдельные рабочие места можно арендовать посуточно или помесячно.Помещение также можно арендовать для проведения различных светских мероприятий, презентаций, семинаров...Залог по договоренности с собственникомНа сумму аренды дополнительно начисляется НДС.Комиссия агентства составляет одну месячную арендную плату + НДС    ID:13332-1 Split, Smrdečac, office premises with a total usable area of 70m2 in a business building with an elevator.Modern designed space inspired by nature and street art creates a pleasant and relaxing work environmentWe offer several offices with a total usable area of 12-14m2, equipped for 5 to 6 employees.All offices are air-conditioned, equipped with ergonomic chairs, internet access, printing, scanning and copying services.In addition to the office as a separate unit, the employees have a reception, a conference room, a rest area, a room for preparing coffee and sanitary facilities.All overhead costs, including cleaning costs are included in the rent.Access to the space is 24 hours a day, seven days a weekThere is a porter's office on the ground floor of the building.In addition to the possibility of renting an office, individual workplaces can be rented on a daily or monthly basis.The space can also be rented for various social events, presentations, workshops.....Deposit by agreement with the ownerVAT is additionally calculated on the lease amount.Agency commission is one monthly rent + VAT     ID:13332-1
Reference: JXYQ-T2711
Country: HR
City: Split
Postal code: 21000
Category: Commercial
Listing type: Long term rentals
Property type: Office & Commercial space
Property subtype: Office space
Property size: 753 sqft
Rooms: 1
WC: 2
Furnished: Yes
Equipped kitchen: Yes
Parkings: 1
Wheelchair accessible: Yes
Elevator: Yes
Door code: Yes
Entry phone: Yes
Caretaker: Yes
Air-conditioning: Yes
Network wiring: Yes
Internet access: Yes
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