Drniš, Mirlović Polje, three plots, a total of 3000 m2, of which approx. 1500 m2 in the M1 zone, the rest agricultural. Possible sale of all three plots, and possible sale of individual plots. The land is located next to the main road through the town, 500 m from the source of the Čikola river, paved road. Sewerage runs along the land, electricity, water, telephone as well. www.biliskov.com ID 14107-1
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Drniš, Mirlović Polje, drei Grundstücke, insgesamt 3000 m2, davon ca. 1500 m2 in der M1-Zone, der Rest landwirtschaftlich genutzt. Möglicher Verkauf aller drei Grundstücke und möglicher Verkauf einzelner Grundstücke. Das Grundstück liegt neben der Hauptstraße durch die Stadt, 500 m von der Quelle des Flusses Čikola entfernt, asphaltierte Straße. Entlang des Grundstücks verläuft die Kanalisation, Strom, Wasser und Telefon. www.biliskov.com ID 14107-1
Drniš, Mirlović Polje, tri parcele, ukupno 3000 m2, od kojih cca 1500 m2 u M1 zoni, ostalo poljoprivredno. Moguća prodaja sve tri čestice, a moguća i prodaja pojedinačnih parcela. Zemljište se nalazi uz glavni put kroz mjesto, 500 m od izvora rijeke Čikole, asfaltirani put. Kanalizacija prolazi uz zemljište, struja, voda, telefon također.
www.biliskov.com ID 14107-1
Drniš, Mirlović Polje, three plots, a total of 3000 m2, of which approx. 1500 m2 in the M1 zone, the rest agricultural. Possible sale of all three plots, and possible sale of individual plots. The land is located next to the main road through the town, 500 m from the source of the Čikola river, paved road. Sewerage runs along the land, electricity, water, telephone as well. www.biliskov.com ID 14107-1
Possible sale of all three plots, and possible sale of individual plots.
The land is located next to the main road through the town, 500 m from the source of the Čikola river, paved road.
Sewerage runs along the land, electricity, water, telephone as well.
www.biliskov.com ID 14107-1 View more View less Drniš, Mirlović Polje, drei Grundstücke, insgesamt 3000 m2, davon ca. 1500 m2 in der M1-Zone, der Rest landwirtschaftlich genutzt.
Möglicher Verkauf aller drei Grundstücke und möglicher Verkauf einzelner Grundstücke.
Das Grundstück liegt neben der Hauptstraße durch die Stadt, 500 m von der Quelle des Flusses Čikola entfernt, asphaltierte Straße.
Entlang des Grundstücks verläuft die Kanalisation, Strom, Wasser und Telefon.
www.biliskov.com ID 14107-1 Drniš, Mirlović Polje, tri parcele, ukupno 3000 m2, od kojih cca 1500 m2 u M1 zoni, ostalo poljoprivredno.
Moguća prodaja sve tri čestice, a moguća i prodaja pojedinačnih parcela.
Zemljište se nalazi uz glavni put kroz mjesto, 500 m od izvora rijeke Čikole, asfaltirani put.
Kanalizacija prolazi uz zemljište, struja, voda, telefon također.
www.biliskov.com ID 14107-1
Drniš, Mirlović Polje, three plots, a total of 3000 m2, of which approx. 1500 m2 in the M1 zone, the rest agricultural.
Possible sale of all three plots, and possible sale of individual plots.
The land is located next to the main road through the town, 500 m from the source of the Čikola river, paved road.
Sewerage runs along the land, electricity, water, telephone as well.
www.biliskov.com ID 14107-1