USD 237,323
6,458 sqft
Building land of regular shape, fenced, with a building with a gross area of approx. 90 m2 (ground floor + first floor).
The ground floor has a kitchen with dining area, living room and bathroom. Internal stairs lead to the first floor where two bedrooms are located.
Possibility of building a residential building regardless of the existing building.
Located in a quiet environment and yet within walking distance of most amenities. As such, it is ideal for building a family home.
From the sea - 800 m
From the center of Trogir - approx. 1 km - ID: 10097 View more View less Trogir - Dragulin, 573 m2 großes Bauland für den Bau eines Wohngebäudes.
Bauland von regelmäßiger Form, eingezäunt, mit einem Gebäude mit einer Bruttofläche von rd. 90 m2 (Erdgeschoss + erster Stock).
Das Erdgeschoss verfügt über eine Küche mit Essbereich, Wohnzimmer und Bad. Innentreppen führen in den ersten Stock, wo sich zwei Schlafzimmer befinden.
Möglichkeit des Baus eines Wohngebäudes unabhängig vom bestehenden Gebäude.
Das Hotel liegt in einer ruhigen Umgebung und doch nur wenige Gehminuten von den meisten Annehmlichkeiten entfernt. Als solches ist es ideal für den Bau eines Einfamilienhauses.
Vom Meer - 800 m
Vom Zentrum von Trogir - ca. 1 km - ID: 10097 Trogir - Dragulin, građevinsko zemljište površine 573 m2 za izgradnju stambenog objekta.
Građevinsko zemljište pravilnog oblika, ograđeno, sa objektom bruto površine cca. 90 m2 ( prizemlje + kat ).
U prizemlju je smještena kuhinja sa blagovaonom i dnevnim boravkom te kupaonica. Unutarnje stepenice vode na etažu prvog kata gdje su smještene dvije spavače sobe.
Mogućnost izgradnje stambenog objekta neovisno o postojećem objektu.
Smješteno u mirnom okruženju, a opet na pješačkoj udaljenosti od većine sadržaja. Kao takvo, idealno je za izgradnju obiteljske kuće.
Od mora - 800 m
Od centra grada Trogira - cca. 1km - ID: 10097 Трогир - Драгулин, земля под застройку 573 м2 для строительства жилого дома.
Земля под застройку правильной формы, огорожена, со зданием общей площадью ок. 90 м2 (цокольный этаж + первый этаж).
На первом этаже есть кухня со столовой, гостиная и ванная комната. Внутренняя лестница ведет на второй этаж, где расположены две спальни.
Возможность строительства жилого дома независимо от существующего здания.
Расположенный в тихом месте, но в нескольких минутах ходьбы от большинства удобств. Как таковой, он идеально подходит для строительства семейного дома.
От моря - 800 м
От центра Трогира - ок. 1 км - ID: 10097 Trogir - Dragulin, building land of 573 m2 for the construction of a residential building.
Building land of regular shape, fenced, with a building with a gross area of approx. 90 m2 (ground floor + first floor).
The ground floor has a kitchen with dining area, living room and bathroom. Internal stairs lead to the first floor where two bedrooms are located.
Possibility of building a residential building regardless of the existing building.
Located in a quiet environment and yet within walking distance of most amenities. As such, it is ideal for building a family home.
From the sea - 800 m
From the center of Trogir - approx. 1 km - ID: 10097