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only in ALPHA LUXE GROUP. Istria, Grožnjan, Land with panoramic views of Mirna valley

USD 211,189

Land (For sale)

58,071 sqft
Reference: RFVY-T1883 / 2859
Istria, Grožnjan, Land with panoramic views of Mirna valleyDiscover this extraordinary plot of land near Grožnjan, nestled atop a hill with breathtaking views of the Mirna River Valley. Spanning approximately 5,400 m², the property comprises a 1,200 m² construction zone on the elevated portion of the terrain, ideal for building a luxury villa with unmatched panoramic vistas. The remaining 4,100 m² consists of gently sloping agricultural land, offering opportunities for cultivating olives and other Mediterranean crops.The property is well-organized with dimensions of 90 x 45 m, featuring convenient access via a road along its western boundary. Its location ensures privacy and peace, as no further construction is permitted on the land below. This exceptional parcel is perfect for those seeking serene landscapes and expansive views in the heart of Istria.About Grožnjan
Located just 5 km from this property, Grožnjan is renowned as the "Town of Artists," with its charming medieval streets, galleries, and cultural events. The surrounding region offers easy access to nearby towns like Buje (9 km) and popular attractions such as Aquapark Istralandia (16 km). With its picturesque hilltop setting and rich artistic heritage, Grožnjan is a gem in central Istria, offering a peaceful and inspiring environment for nature and art lovers alike.Contact InformationRobert Budimir
License: 196/2019
Phone: +385 52 204 933
Mobile: +385 95 363 1892
E-mail: robert@alphaluxegroup.comMarijana Budimir
License: 156/2022
Phone: +385 52 204 933
Mobile: +385 95 363 1893
E-mail: marijana@alphaluxegroup.comYour satisfaction is our mission. We look forward to future collaboration!ALPHA LUXE GROUP REAL ESTATEhttps://alphaluxegroup.comCustom ID: ALG-2859
View more View less Istrien, Grožnjan, Grundstück mit Panoramablick auf das Mirna-TalEntdecken Sie dieses außergewöhnliche Grundstück in der Nähe von Grožnjan, das auf einem Hügel mit atemberaubendem Blick auf das Mirna-Tal liegt. Mit einer Fläche von etwa 5.400 m² umfasst das Grundstück eine 1.200 m² große Bauzone auf der erhöhten Ebene, die ideal für den Bau einer luxuriösen Villa mit unvergleichlichem Panoramablick geeignet ist. Die verbleibenden 4.100 m² bestehen aus leicht abfallendem Agrarland, das sich perfekt für den Anbau von Oliven und anderen mediterranen Pflanzen eignet.Das Grundstück ist gut organisiert mit Abmessungen von 90 x 45 m und verfügt über eine Zufahrtsstraße entlang der westlichen Grenze. Die Lage bietet Privatsphäre und Ruhe, da auf dem Land unterhalb keine weitere Bebauung erlaubt ist. Dieses außergewöhnliche Grundstück ist ideal für diejenigen, die eine ruhige Landschaft und weite Ausblicke im Herzen Istriens suchen.Über Grožnjan
Nur 5 km von diesem Grundstück entfernt liegt Grožnjan, bekannt als die "Stadt der Künstler", mit charmanten mittelalterlichen Straßen, Galerien und kulturellen Veranstaltungen. Die Umgebung bietet einfachen Zugang zu nahegelegenen Orten wie Buje (9 km) und beliebten Attraktionen wie dem Aquapark Istralandia (16 km). Mit seiner malerischen Hügellage und dem reichen künstlerischen Erbe ist Grožnjan ein wahres Juwel in Zentralistrien, ideal für Naturliebhaber und Kunstbegeisterte.Kontaktdaten
Robert Budimir
Lizenz: 196/2019
Telefon: +385 52 204 933
Mobil: +385 95 363 1892
E-Mail: robert@alphaluxegroup.comMarijana Budimir
Lizenz: 156/2022
Telefon: +385 52 204 933
Mobil: +385 95 363 1893
E-Mail: marijana@alphaluxegroup.comIhre Zufriedenheit ist unsere Mission. Wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit!ALPHA LUXE GROUP IMMOBILIENhttps://alphaluxegroup.deImmobilien ID: ALG-2859
Istra, Grožnjan, Zemljište s panoramskim pogledom na dolinu MirneOtkrijte ovo izvanredno zemljište u blizini Grožnjana, smješteno na vrhu brežuljka s očaravajućim pogledom na dolinu rijeke Mirne. Površine od približno 5.400 m², zemljište obuhvaća 1.200 m² građevinskog dijela na uzvišenom dijelu terena, idealnog za izgradnju luksuzne vile s nevjerojatnim panoramskim pogledom. Preostalih 4.100 m² čini blago nagnuto poljoprivredno zemljište koje nudi mogućnosti za uzgoj maslina i drugih mediteranskih kultura.Zemljište je odlično organizirano s dimenzijama 90 x 45 m, s pristupom putem ceste koja prolazi zapadnom granicom parcele. Lokacija osigurava privatnost i mir, jer na zemljištu ispod nije dopuštena daljnja gradnja. Ova jedinstvena parcela savršena je za one koji traže spokojne pejzaže i prostrane poglede u srcu Istre.O Grožnjanu
Smješten samo 5 km od ove nekretnine, Grožnjan je poznat kao "Grad umjetnika" sa svojim šarmantnim srednjovjekovnim ulicama, galerijama i kulturnim događanjima. Okolna regija nudi jednostavan pristup obližnjim mjestima poput Buja (9 km) i popularnim atrakcijama poput Aquaparka Istralandia (16 km). Sa svojom slikovitom lokacijom na brežuljku i bogatom umjetničkom baštinom, Grožnjan je pravi dragulj u središnjoj Istri, savršen za ljubitelje prirode i umjetnosti.Kontakt informacije
Robert Budimir
Licenca: 196/2019
Telefon: +385 52 204 933
Mobitel: +385 95 363 1892
E-mail: robert@alphaluxegroup.comMarijana Budimir
Licenca: 156/2022
Telefon: +385 52 204 933
Mobitel: +385 95 363 1893
E-mail: marijana@alphaluxegroup.comVaše zadovoljstvo naša je misija. Radujemo se budućoj suradnji!ALPHA LUXE GROUP NEKRETNINEhttps://alphaluxegroup.hrŠifra objekta: ALG-2859
Istria, Grožnjan, Terreno con vista panoramica sulla valle del MirnaScopri questo straordinario terreno situato vicino a Grožnjan, arroccato su una collina con una vista mozzafiato sulla valle del fiume Mirna. Con una superficie di circa 5.400 m², il terreno comprende una zona edificabile di 1.200 m² nella parte più elevata, perfetta per costruire una villa di lusso con viste panoramiche ineguagliabili. I restanti 4.100 m² sono composti da un terreno agricolo leggermente inclinato, ideale per la coltivazione di ulivi e altre colture mediterranee.La proprietà è ben organizzata con dimensioni di 90 x 45 m e offre un comodo accesso attraverso una strada lungo il confine occidentale. La posizione garantisce privacy e tranquillità, poiché non è consentita ulteriore costruzione sulla terra sottostante. Questa eccezionale proprietà è perfetta per chi cerca paesaggi sereni e ampie vedute nel cuore dell’Istria.Su Grožnjan
A soli 5 km dalla proprietà, Grožnjan è noto come la "Città degli Artisti", con le sue incantevoli stradine medievali, gallerie e eventi culturali. La regione circostante offre un facile accesso a città vicine come Buje (9 km) e attrazioni popolari come l’Aquapark Istralandia (16 km). Con la sua posizione panoramica e il ricco patrimonio artistico, Grožnjan è una perla nel cuore dell’Istria, ideale per gli amanti della natura e dell’arte.Informazioni di contatto
Robert Budimir
Licenza: 196/2019
Telefono: +385 52 204 933
Cellulare: +385 95 363 1892
E-mail: robert@alphaluxegroup.comMarijana Budimir
Licenza: 156/2022
Telefono: +385 52 204 933
Cellulare: +385 95 363 1893
E-mail: marijana@alphaluxegroup.comLa vostra soddisfazione è la nostra missione. Non vediamo l’ora di collaborare con voi!ALPHA LUXE GROUP IMMOBILIAREhttps://alphaluxegroup.itCodice immobile: ALG-2859
Истрия, Грожнян, Земля с панорамным видом на долину реки МирнаОткройте для себя этот уникальный участок земли недалеко от Грожняна, расположенный на вершине холма с захватывающим видом на долину реки Мирна. Участок площадью около 5,400 м² включает в себя 1,200 м² строительной зоны на возвышенной части, идеально подходящей для строительства роскошной виллы с непревзойденным панорамным видом. Остальные 4,100 м² составляют слегка наклонные сельскохозяйственные земли, подходящие для выращивания оливок и других средиземноморских культур.Участок хорошо организован с размерами 90 x 45 м и удобным доступом через дорогу вдоль западной границы. Расположение обеспечивает приватность и тишину, так как на прилегающих территориях строительство запрещено. Этот исключительный участок идеально подходит для тех, кто ищет спокойствие и потрясающие виды в сердце Истрии.О Грожняне
Грожнян, расположенный всего в 5 км от участка, известен как "Город художников" благодаря своим очаровательным средневековым улочкам, галереям и культурным событиям. Район предлагает удобный доступ к близлежащим городам, таким как Буе (9 км), и популярным достопримечательностям, таким как Аквапарк Истрландия (16 км). С живописным расположением и богатым культурным наследием, Грожнян — это настоящая жемчужина в центральной Истрии, идеально подходящая для любителей природы и искусства.Контактная информация
Роберт Будимир
Лицензия: 196/2019
Телефон: +385 52 204 933
Мобильный: +385 95 363 1892
E-mail: robert@alphaluxegroup.comМариана Будимир
Лицензия: 156/2022
Телефон: +385 52 204 933
Мобильный: +385 95 363 1893
E-mail: marijana@alphaluxegroup.comВаше удовлетворение — наша миссия. Мы с нетерпением ждем сотрудничества!ALPHA LUXE GROUP НЕДВИЖИМОСТЬhttps://alphaluxegroup.ruИдентификатор объекта: ALG-2859
Istria, Grožnjan, Land with panoramic views of Mirna valleyDiscover this extraordinary plot of land near Grožnjan, nestled atop a hill with breathtaking views of the Mirna River Valley. Spanning approximately 5,400 m², the property comprises a 1,200 m² construction zone on the elevated portion of the terrain, ideal for building a luxury villa with unmatched panoramic vistas. The remaining 4,100 m² consists of gently sloping agricultural land, offering opportunities for cultivating olives and other Mediterranean crops.The property is well-organized with dimensions of 90 x 45 m, featuring convenient access via a road along its western boundary. Its location ensures privacy and peace, as no further construction is permitted on the land below. This exceptional parcel is perfect for those seeking serene landscapes and expansive views in the heart of Istria.About Grožnjan
Located just 5 km from this property, Grožnjan is renowned as the "Town of Artists," with its charming medieval streets, galleries, and cultural events. The surrounding region offers easy access to nearby towns like Buje (9 km) and popular attractions such as Aquapark Istralandia (16 km). With its picturesque hilltop setting and rich artistic heritage, Grožnjan is a gem in central Istria, offering a peaceful and inspiring environment for nature and art lovers alike.Contact InformationRobert Budimir
License: 196/2019
Phone: +385 52 204 933
Mobile: +385 95 363 1892
E-mail: robert@alphaluxegroup.comMarijana Budimir
License: 156/2022
Phone: +385 52 204 933
Mobile: +385 95 363 1893
E-mail: marijana@alphaluxegroup.comYour satisfaction is our mission. We look forward to future collaboration!ALPHA LUXE GROUP REAL ESTATEhttps://alphaluxegroup.comCustom ID: ALG-2859
Reference: RFVY-T1883
Country: HR
City: Grožnjan
Postal code: 52429
Category: Residential
Listing type: For sale
Property type: Land
Property size: 58,071 sqft


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