House & single-family home for sale in Piove di Sacco
House & Single-family home (For sale)
6 ba
16,146 sqft
/ 0375
The Veneto villa for sale is dated back between the end of the XV century. The main entrance to the historic villas, consisting of two pillars, is obtained in the wall fencing along the beautiful park that hosts a lovely flowered lake and is the splendid frame of the villa. The interiors was completely renovated: the living rooms are wide and tastefully decorated as the most intimate and very comfortable living room on the ground floor overlooking the park and the arcade or the great hall of the attic in eighteenth-century Venetian style that has preserved its charm for its monumental structure resulting from the large room covered by a succession of trusses with a single span. RIF. 0375
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À Padoue, cette charmante propriété de luxe à vendre, à l'architecture typiquement vénitienne, est immergée dans un vaste parc de 7 hectares et entourée d'une série de murs d'enceinte cercle suggestive en briques apparentes. Datant de la fin du XVIème siècle et de la première moitié du XVIIème siècle, la résidence d'époque a récemment subi une rénovation minutieuse qui lui a permis de conserver, au fil des siècles, toute la beauté des éléments architecturaux d'origine, y compris ses portiques à bossage avec de hautes arcades en plein cintre. L'accès principal à la prestigieuse propriété, constitué de deux piliers travaillés en faux bossage, est obtenu dans le long mur qui enserre le magnifique parc qui abrite un ravissant lac fleuri et qui l'encadre. Les intérieurs ont été entièrement restaurés: les salles sont très grandes et finement décorées. La dimensions des intérieurs de cette maison de luxe, combinée à l'immensité des espaces extérieurs, contribue à créer une atmosphère suggestive et captivante propice à passer des moments inoubliables. Réf. 0375
A Padova, questo affascinante immobile di lusso in vendita, dall'architettura tipicamente veneta, è immerso in un vasto parco di 7 ettari e circondato da una suggestiva cerchia di mura di cinta in mattoni a vista. Risalente tra la fine del Cinquecento e la prima metà del Seicento, la residenza d'epoca è stata recentemente sottoposta a un'attenta ristrutturazione che le ha permesso di mantenere, nel corso dei secoli, tutta la bellezza delle caratteristiche architettoniche originarie, compresi i suoi portici bugnati ad alte arcate a tutto sesto. L'accesso principale alla proprietà di prestigio, costituito da due pilastri lavorati a finto bugnato, è ricavato nel lungo muro che recinta lo splendido parco che ospita un delizioso laghetto fiorito e che fa da cornice. Gli ambienti interni sono stati completamente restaurati: le sale sono molto ampie e finemente decorate. La grandezza degli ambienti interni di questa casa di lusso, unita alla vastità degli spazi esterni, contribuisce a creare un'atmosfera suggestiva e coinvolgente adatta per trascorrervi momenti indimenticabili. Rif. 0375
В Падуе выставлен на продажу особняк в венецианском стиле, окруженный каменный стеной и парком в 7 гектаров. Объект был сооружен в конце XVI – начале XVII веков. Недавно вилла, сегодня являющаяся частной резиденцией, подверглась работам по реставрации, которые восстановили ее красоту и величие, сохранив оригинальные элементы отделки, такие как величественные портики с круглыми арками. Внутренние помещения представлены просторными декорированными залами. Отдельного упоминания стоит большой салон в мансардном помещении, украшенный старинными деревянными балками. Как экстерьер виллы, так и ее интерьеры гармонично вписываются в окружающий контекст и воспроизводят неповторимую атмосферу минувших времен. На территории парка находится небольшой озеро. Ссылка: 0375
The Veneto villa for sale is dated back between the end of the XV century. The main entrance to the historic villas, consisting of two pillars, is obtained in the wall fencing along the beautiful park that hosts a lovely flowered lake and is the splendid frame of the villa. The interiors was completely renovated: the living rooms are wide and tastefully decorated as the most intimate and very comfortable living room on the ground floor overlooking the park and the arcade or the great hall of the attic in eighteenth-century Venetian style that has preserved its charm for its monumental structure resulting from the large room covered by a succession of trusses with a single span. RIF. 0375
Piove di Sacco
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
House & Single-family home
Property subtype:
Property size:
16,146 sqft
City |
Avg price per sqft house |
Avg price per sqft apartment |
Venice | USD 502 | USD 493 |
Veneto | USD 199 | USD 316 |
South Tyrol | USD 374 | USD 357 |
Bolzano | - | USD 369 |
Province of Brescia | USD 224 | USD 279 |
Merano | - | USD 323 |
Lombardy | USD 210 | USD 313 |
Province of Lucca | USD 267 | USD 339 |
Province of Arezzo | USD 225 | USD 252 |
Villach | - | USD 222 |
Seeboden | - | USD 352 |