USD 162,453
5,813 sqft
Analysis of the particle.
The above-mentioned cadastral plot is located in the built-up area of the total settlement
area of 536.00 m2,
The plot has direct access to the road k.o. Tkon registered as a local road
It is possible to place a detached building of type A on the plot, with a basement and two floors
upper floors. The maximum number of residential units is limited by Article 60 of the Spatial Law
plan for 3 residential units and whose gross construction area does not exceed 300.00 m2 i
maximum building height of 7.50 m.
The maximum built-up coefficient is 0.30, usability 0.60.
We also need to satisfy a minimum of 1 parking space per apartment and 20% green areas.
It is necessary to move away from neighboring borders at least 3.00 m (visible in sketch 1) and from the road 5.00 m.
In our case, the distance from the road is 28.60 m.
The property is neat, and for more information make an appointment.ID CODE: 300731007-285Željka Pelc
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 904 6271
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: View more View less Location: Zadarska županija, Tkon, Tkon.Auf Tkon, Insel Pašman, steht ein Baugrundstück für ein Einfamilienhaus, eine Villa oder ein Ferienhaus zum Verkauf. Das Grundstück liegt ca. 50 m vom Meer entfernt und man kann vom Grundstück aus das Meer sehen. Es hat Zugang zu einer asphaltierten Straße mit Strom- und Wasseranschluss und ist etwa 400 m vom Fähranleger Tkon entfernt.
Analyse des Partikels.
Das oben genannte Katastergrundstück liegt im bebauten Gebiet der Gesamtsiedlung
Fläche von 536,00 m2,
Das Grundstück hat direkten Zugang zur Straße k.o. Tkon ist als lokale Straße registriert
Auf dem Grundstück besteht die Möglichkeit, ein freistehendes Gebäude vom Typ A mit Keller und zwei Etagen zu errichten
Obergeschosse. Die Höchstzahl der Wohneinheiten wird durch Artikel 60 des Raumordnungsgesetzes begrenzt
Plan für 3 Wohneinheiten und deren Bruttobaufläche 300,00 m2 nicht überschreitet i
maximale Gebäudehöhe von 7,50 m.
Der maximale Aufbaukoeffizient beträgt 0,30, die Verwendbarkeit 0,60.
Wir müssen außerdem mindestens 1 Parkplatz pro Wohnung und 20 % Grünflächen gewährleisten.
Von Nachbargrenzen ist ein Abstand von mindestens 3,00 m (in Skizze 1 ersichtlich) und von der Straße 5,00 m erforderlich.
In unserem Fall beträgt der Abstand zur Straße 28,60 m.
Das Anwesen ist gepflegt, für weitere Informationen vereinbaren Sie einen Termin.ID CODE: 300731007-285Željka Pelc
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 904 6271
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: Location: Zadarska županija, Tkon, Tkon.Prodaje se građevinska parcela za obiteljsku kuću, vilu ili kuću za odmor na Tkonu, otok Pašman. Parcela se nalazi oko 50-ak m do mora i s parcele se vidi more. Ima izlaz na asfaltiranu cestu na kojoj je struja i voda, a od trajektnog pristaništa Tkon je udaljena oko 400m.
Analiza čestice.
Navedena katastarska čestica nalazi se u građevinskom izgrađenom području naselja ukupne
površine od 536,00 m2 ,
Parcela ostvaruje direktan pristup na put k.o. Tkon zaveden kao lokalna cesta
Na parceli je moguće smjestiti samostojeću građevinu tipa A, katnosti podrum i dvije
nadzemne etaže. Maksimalni broj stambenih jedinica ograničen je člankom 60. prostornog
plana na 3 stambene jedinice te čija građevinska brutto površina ne prelazi 300,00 m2 i
maksimalnu visinu objekta od 7,50 m.
Maksimalni koeficijent izgrađenosti iznosi 0,30, iskoristivosti 0,60.
Također trebamo zadovoljiti minimalno 1 parkirno mjesto po stanu i 20% zelenih površina.
Od susjednih međa treba se udaljiti minimalno 3,00 m (vidljivo u skici 1) te od prometnice 5,00 m.
U našem slučaju udaljenost od prometnice iznosi 28,60 m.
Vlasništvo je uredno, a za više informacija dogovorite termin.ID KOD AGENCIJE: 300731007-285Željka Pelc
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 904 6271
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: Location: Zadarska županija, Tkon, Tkon. Location: Zadarska županija, Tkon, Tkon.A building plot for a family house, villa or holiday home is for sale on Tkon, island of Pašman. The plot is located about 50 m from the sea and you can see the sea from the plot. It has access to an asphalted road with electricity and water, and it is about 400m from the Tkon ferry pier.
Analysis of the particle.
The above-mentioned cadastral plot is located in the built-up area of the total settlement
area of 536.00 m2,
The plot has direct access to the road k.o. Tkon registered as a local road
It is possible to place a detached building of type A on the plot, with a basement and two floors
upper floors. The maximum number of residential units is limited by Article 60 of the Spatial Law
plan for 3 residential units and whose gross construction area does not exceed 300.00 m2 i
maximum building height of 7.50 m.
The maximum built-up coefficient is 0.30, usability 0.60.
We also need to satisfy a minimum of 1 parking space per apartment and 20% green areas.
It is necessary to move away from neighboring borders at least 3.00 m (visible in sketch 1) and from the road 5.00 m.
In our case, the distance from the road is 28.60 m.
The property is neat, and for more information make an appointment.ID CODE: 300731007-285Željka Pelc
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 904 6271
Tel: 023299096