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Land (For sale)

11,076 sqft
Reference: ZNYK-T84212 / 528432c
Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Matulji, Ružići.Located in the hinterland of the tourist-developed Opatija Riviera, is about twenty kilometers from Rijeka. This area is characterized by excellent transportation connections to the highway and proximity to the Slovenian border, which further enhances its appeal.The land is intended for the construction of a luxury villa. According to the project, the construction of a building with two apartments, each on three floors, with a total area of 200 square meters, is planned. The future owner can start building immediately, as the price of the land includes a completed project based on which a building permit has been issued and the start of construction has been registered.The position of the land is exceptional. It is located at the end of a cul-de-sac, ensuring peace and quiet. The plot offers a panoramic view of the beautiful forest and nature, providing a sense of harmony with the surroundings. The land is southwest-oriented, allowing for many sunny hours during the day, making it ideal for enjoying the sun's rays.We hope that this brief description has conveyed the great potential of this land. For any additional information, please contact us with full confidence.This land represents an excellent opportunity for building a luxury villa in a peaceful and natural environment, while also offering proximity to all necessary amenities and excellent transportation connections.ID CODE: 2009-25DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
View more View less Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Matulji, Ružići.Gelegen im Hinterland der touristisch entwickelten Opatija Riviera, befindet sich etwa zwanzig Kilometer von Rijeka entfernt. Dieses Gebiet zeichnet sich durch hervorragende Verkehrsanbindungen an die Autobahn und die Nähe zur slowenischen Grenze aus, was seine Attraktivität zusätzlich erhöht.Das Grundstück ist für den Bau einer Luxusvilla vorgesehen. Laut dem Projekt ist der Bau eines Gebäudes mit zwei Wohnungen, jeweils auf drei Etagen, mit einer Gesamtfläche von 200 Quadratmetern geplant. Der zukünftige Besitzer kann sofort mit dem Bau beginnen, da im Grundstückspreis ein fertiges Projekt enthalten ist, auf dessen Grundlage eine Baugenehmigung erteilt wurde und der Baubeginn gemeldet ist.Die Lage des Grundstücks ist außergewöhnlich. Es befindet sich am Ende einer Sackgasse, was Ruhe und Frieden garantiert. Vom Grundstück aus bietet sich ein Panoramablick auf den wunderschönen Wald und die Natur, was ein Gefühl der Harmonie mit der Umgebung vermittelt. Das Grundstück ist nach Südwesten ausgerichtet, was viele Sonnenstunden am Tag ermöglicht und es ideal macht, um die Sonnenstrahlen zu genießen.Dieses Grundstück stellt eine ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit dar, eine Luxusvilla in einer ruhigen und natürlichen Umgebung zu bauen, während es gleichzeitig die Nähe zu allen notwendigen Annehmlichkeiten und eine hervorragende Verkehrsanbindung bietet.Wir hoffen, dass diese kurze Beschreibung das große Potenzial dieses Grundstücks vermittelt hat. Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte vertrauensvoll an uns.ID CODE: 2009-25DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Matulji, Ružići.Permani, gradilište s panoramskim pogledom.Smješteno je u zaleđu turistički razvijene Opatijske rivijere, nalazi se dvadesetak kilometara od Rijeke.
Ovo područje odlikuje se izvrsnom prometnom povezanošću s autoputom te blizinom slovenske granice, što dodatno povećava njegovu privlačnost.Zemljište je predviđeno za gradnju luksuzne vile. Prema projektu, planirana je izgradnja zgrade s dva stana, svaki na tri etaže, s ukupnom površinom od 200 kvadratnih metara. Budući vlasnik može odmah započeti s gradnjom, jer je u cijenu zemljišta uračunat gotov projekt na temelju kojeg je izdana građevinska dozvola te prijavljen početak gradnje.Pozicija zemljišta je izvanredna. Nalazi se na kraju slijepe ulice, što garantira mir i tišinu. S parcele se pruža panoramski pogled na prekrasnu šumu i prirodu, pružajući osjećaj harmonije s okruženjem. Zemljište je jugozapadne orijentacije, što omogućava mnogo sunčanih sati tijekom dana, čineći ga idealnim za uživanje u sunčevim zrakama.Ovo zemljište predstavlja izvrsnu priliku za izgradnju luksuzne vile u mirnom i prirodnom okruženju, a istovremeno nudi blizinu svih potrebnih sadržaja i izvrsnu prometnu povezanost.Nadamo se da smo ovim kratkim opisom uspjeli predočiti veliki potencijal ovoga zemljišta. Za sve dodatne informacije obratite nam se s punim povjerenjemID KOD AGENCIJE: 2009-25DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Matulji, Ružići.Situato nell'entroterra della riviera turistica di Opatija, si trova a circa venti chilometri da Rijeka. Questa zona è caratterizzata da eccellenti collegamenti di trasporto con l'autostrada e dalla vicinanza al confine sloveno, che ne aumenta ulteriormente l'attrattiva.Il terreno è destinato alla costruzione di una villa di lusso. Secondo il progetto, è prevista la costruzione di un edificio con due appartamenti, ciascuno su tre piani, con una superficie totale di 200 metri quadrati. Il futuro proprietario può iniziare la costruzione immediatamente, poiché nel prezzo del terreno è incluso un progetto finito, sulla base del quale è stato rilasciato il permesso di costruzione ed è stata registrata l'inizio dei lavori.La posizione del terreno è eccezionale. Si trova alla fine di una strada senza uscita, garantendo pace e tranquillità. La proprietà offre una vista panoramica sulla bellissima foresta e natura, offrendo un senso di armonia con l'ambiente circostante. Il terreno è orientato a sud-ovest, permettendo molte ore di sole durante il giorno, rendendolo ideale per godersi i raggi del sole.Questo terreno rappresenta un'eccellente opportunità per costruire una villa di lusso in un ambiente tranquillo e naturale, offrendo al contempo la vicinanza a tutti i servizi necessari e ottimi collegamenti di trasporto.Speriamo che questa breve descrizione abbia trasmesso il grande potenziale di questo terreno. Per qualsiasi informazione aggiuntiva, contattateci con piena fiducia.ID CODE: 2009-25DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Matulji, Ružići.Located in the hinterland of the tourist-developed Opatija Riviera, is about twenty kilometers from Rijeka. This area is characterized by excellent transportation connections to the highway and proximity to the Slovenian border, which further enhances its appeal.The land is intended for the construction of a luxury villa. According to the project, the construction of a building with two apartments, each on three floors, with a total area of 200 square meters, is planned. The future owner can start building immediately, as the price of the land includes a completed project based on which a building permit has been issued and the start of construction has been registered.The position of the land is exceptional. It is located at the end of a cul-de-sac, ensuring peace and quiet. The plot offers a panoramic view of the beautiful forest and nature, providing a sense of harmony with the surroundings. The land is southwest-oriented, allowing for many sunny hours during the day, making it ideal for enjoying the sun's rays.We hope that this brief description has conveyed the great potential of this land. For any additional information, please contact us with full confidence.This land represents an excellent opportunity for building a luxury villa in a peaceful and natural environment, while also offering proximity to all necessary amenities and excellent transportation connections.ID CODE: 2009-25DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
Reference: ZNYK-T84212
Country: HR
City: Matulji
Category: Residential
Listing type: For sale
Property type: Land
Property size: 11,076 sqft


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