Business opportunity (For sale)
2,928 sqft
lot 282,553 sqft
/ 101063589
Nossa Senhora Da Conceicao e Sao Bartolomeu
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
Business opportunity
Property size:
2,928 sqft
Lot size:
282,553 sqft
An office of 12m x 5m, composed of 2 rooms and a bathroom
The industrial building, composed of restrooms / locker room, an office and a large space where 2 huge machines are installed for sawing large blocks: Mapor Engenio range 70 blades from 1985 and range 60 blades from 1990
At the front of the building, there is the marble storage space (for products before and after cutting) ; a 22m long Mapor gantry from 1990, allowing large blocks (maximum 22 tonnes) to be moved ; and a high-speed (1m/hour) Mapor Monoblade industrial saw from 1990, allowing them to be cut to the dimensions required for their sawing (maximum 3m X 1.70m X 1.75m).
At the rear, the various decantation basins for the water used by the industrial saws, with a capacity of 340 m3. Their cleaning is ensured by a powerful pump and an Atlascopo compressor.
The residue (marble powder) is stored on the adjacent land.The sawmill is connected to the main electricity network and has its own transformer station. The water necessary to run the sawmill is supplied by 2 boreholes of 30,000 litres / hour.The small town of Vila Viçosa is renowned for its pink marble which covers the streets and the facades of the houses, for its castle and its Palace which was the residence of the Dukes of Bragança until the proclamation of the Republic. It is located in the Alentejo countryside, in the middle of undulating fields dotted with oaks and olive trees. It is 10 minutes from the motorway which connects Lisbon (2 hours) to Madrid. The Spanish border is 45 minutes away.
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:ED026 View more View less La région d'Estremoz - Borba - Vila Viçosa abrite de nombreuses carrières qui extraient des marbres renommés dans le monde entier, et particulièrement le marbre rose dont la rareté en fait un produit très recherché.Cette scierie transforme les blocs de marbre de plusieurs dizaines de tonnes en plaques qui sont expédiées dans tous les pays. Elle opère depuis une trentaine d'années sur un terrain clôturé de 2,625 hectares en bordure de Vila Viçosa. On y trouve :
Un bureau de 12m X 5m, composé de 2 pièces et d'une salle de bain
Le bâtiment industriel, composé de sanitaires / vestiaires, d'un bureau et d'un espace volumineux où sont installées 2 énormes machines pour scier les gros blocs : Mapor Engenio gamme 70 lames de 1985 et gamme 60 lames de 1990
A l'avant du bâtiment, se trouve l'espace de stockage du marbre (pour les produits avant et après découpe) ; un portique de 22m de long Mapor de 1990, permettant de déplacer les gros blocs (maximum 22 tonnes) ; et une scie industrielle Mapor Monolame à grande vitesse (1 mètre / heure) de 1990, permettant de les tailler aux dimensions requises pour leur découpe (maximum 3m X 1,70m X 1,75m).
A l'arrière, les différents bassins de décantation de l'eau utilisée par les scies industrielles, d'une capacité de 340 m3. Leur nettoyage est assuré par une pompe puissante et un compresseur Atlascopo.
Les résidus (poudre de marbre) sont stockés sur le terrain adjacent.La scierie est reliée au réseau électrique de la ville et possède son propre poste de transformation. L'eau nécessaire au fonctionnement de la scierie est fournie par 2 forages de 30.000 litres / heure.La petite ville de Vila Viçosa est renommée pour son marbre rose qui recouvre les rues et les façades des maisons, pour son château et son Palais qui fût la résidence des Ducs de Bragança jusqu'à la proclamation de la République. Elle se situe dans la campagne Alentejanaise, au milieu des champs ondulés parsemés de chênes et d'oliviers. Elle se trouve à 10mn de l'autoroute qui relie Lisbonne (2 heures) à Madrid. La frontière espagnole est à 45mn.
Performance Énergétique: Exempt
#ref:ED026 Na região de Estremoz - Borba - Vila Viçosa existem inúmeras pedreiras que extraem mármores de renome internacional, nomeadamente o mármore rosa, cuja raridade o torna um produto muito procurado.Esta serração, situada na beira da vila de Vila Viçosa, transforma blocos de mármore com várias dezenas de toneladas em chapas, que são expedidas para todo o mundo. Está a funcionar há cerca de trinta anos, num terreno vedado de 2,625 hectares, e as suas instalações incluem:
Um escritório de 12m x 5m com 2 salas e uma casa de banho;
O edifício industrial - com casas de banho / vestuários, um escritório e um extenso espaço onde estão instaladas 2 grandes máquinas para serrar os grandes blocos: Mapor Engenio gama 70 lâminas do ano 1985 e gama 60 lâminas do ano 1990.
Na parte da frente do edifício encontra-se a zona de armazenamento dos mármores (para os produtos antes e depois do corte); um pórtico Mapor do ano 1990 de 22 metros de comprimento, utilizado para movimentar os grandes blocos (máximo de 22 toneladas); e uma serra industrial Mapor Monolame de alta velocidade (1 metro/hora) do ano 1990, utilizada para cortar os blocos nas dimensões pretendidas (máximo de 3 m x 1,70 m x 1,75 m).
Nas traseiras, encontram-se os vários tanques de decantação da água utilizada pelas serras industriais, com uma capacidade de 340 m3. São limpos por uma bomba potente e um compressor Atlascopo.
Os resíduos (pó de mármore) são armazenados no terreno adjacente.A serração está ligada à rede elétrica da cidade e tem o seu próprio posto de transformação. A água necessária ao funcionamento da serração é fornecida por 2 furos com uma capacidade de 30.000 litros/hora.A pequena cidade de Vila Viçosa é conhecida pelo mármore rosa que reveste as suas ruas e fachadas, pelo seu castelo e o seu Palácio, que foi residência dos Duques de Bragança até à proclamação da República. Situa-se no interior alentejano, entre campos ondulados pontilhados de azinheiras, sobreiros e oliveiras. Fica a 10 minutos da autoestrada que liga Lisboa (2 horas) a Madrid. A fronteira com Espanha fica a 45 minutos.
Categoria Energética: Isento
#ref:ED026 The Estremoz - Borba - Vila Viçosa region hosts numerous quarries which extract marbles renowned throughout the world, and particularly the pink marble, which rarity turns into a highly demanded product.This sawmill transforms marble blocks of several dozen tons into laminas which are shipped to all countries. It has been operating for around thirty years on a fenced plot of 2,625 hectares on the edge of Vila Viçosa. We find there :
An office of 12m x 5m, composed of 2 rooms and a bathroom
The industrial building, composed of restrooms / locker room, an office and a large space where 2 huge machines are installed for sawing large blocks: Mapor Engenio range 70 blades from 1985 and range 60 blades from 1990
At the front of the building, there is the marble storage space (for products before and after cutting) ; a 22m long Mapor gantry from 1990, allowing large blocks (maximum 22 tonnes) to be moved ; and a high-speed (1m/hour) Mapor Monoblade industrial saw from 1990, allowing them to be cut to the dimensions required for their sawing (maximum 3m X 1.70m X 1.75m).
At the rear, the various decantation basins for the water used by the industrial saws, with a capacity of 340 m3. Their cleaning is ensured by a powerful pump and an Atlascopo compressor.
The residue (marble powder) is stored on the adjacent land.The sawmill is connected to the main electricity network and has its own transformer station. The water necessary to run the sawmill is supplied by 2 boreholes of 30,000 litres / hour.The small town of Vila Viçosa is renowned for its pink marble which covers the streets and the facades of the houses, for its castle and its Palace which was the residence of the Dukes of Bragança until the proclamation of the Republic. It is located in the Alentejo countryside, in the middle of undulating fields dotted with oaks and olive trees. It is 10 minutes from the motorway which connects Lisbon (2 hours) to Madrid. The Spanish border is 45 minutes away.
Energy Rating: Exempt