Business opportunity (For sale)
1,615 sqft
lot 2,454 sqft
/ 101176000
Unique opportunity to transfer a building located in the historic area of Faro, an area of great demand and with local commerce. This building offers several business opportunities and is fully equipped, ready to start activity immediately.On the ground floor, there is a fully equipped restaurant, prepared to operate, offering an excellent opportunity for those looking to enter or expand in the restaurant sector. In addition, on this floor, there is a room that is currently used as local accommodation, which offers additional income or the possibility of expanding the business.Going up the stairs, on the first floor, we find a spacious house with three bedrooms. Two of these rooms are also dedicated to local accommodation, providing another source of income. The rest of the house is being used as the main residence by the current tenants, ensuring a balance between business and personal life.With a privileged location in the heart of Faro, this property benefits from the proximity of local shops, sights and a vibrant and historic atmosphere. Ideal for investors looking for a versatile and fully functioning business in the Algarve.For more information or to schedule a visit, please do not hesitate to contact us.Casas do Sotavento is a prestigious family business, recognized for the high quality of its products and projects, both in Portugal and abroad. Its mission is to provide an easy and smooth experience for customers, employees and investors, treating everyone with respect and attention. The company stands out for its transparency and honesty at all stages of the purchase process, from the choice of the property to the final delivery. To find the property of your dreams, contact Casas do Sotavento and discover their products and services.
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Unique opportunity to transfer a building located in the historic area of Faro, an area of great demand and with local commerce. This building offers several business opportunities and is fully equipped, ready to start activity immediately.On the ground floor, there is a fully equipped restaurant, prepared to operate, offering an excellent opportunity for those looking to enter or expand in the restaurant sector. In addition, on this floor, there is a room that is currently used as local accommodation, which offers additional income or the possibility of expanding the business.Going up the stairs, on the first floor, we find a spacious house with three bedrooms. Two of these rooms are also dedicated to local accommodation, providing another source of income. The rest of the house is being used as the main residence by the current tenants, ensuring a balance between business and personal life.With a privileged location in the heart of Faro, this property benefits from the proximity of local shops, sights and a vibrant and historic atmosphere. Ideal for investors looking for a versatile and fully functioning business in the Algarve.For more information or to schedule a visit, please do not hesitate to contact us.Casas do Sotavento is a prestigious family business, recognized for the high quality of its products and projects, both in Portugal and abroad. Its mission is to provide an easy and smooth experience for customers, employees and investors, treating everyone with respect and attention. The company stands out for its transparency and honesty at all stages of the purchase process, from the choice of the property to the final delivery. To find the property of your dreams, contact Casas do Sotavento and discover their products and services.
Oportunidade única de trespasse de um prédio situado na zona histórica de Faro, uma área de grande procura e com comércio local. Este edifício oferece diversas oportunidades de negócio e está totalmente equipado, pronto para iniciar atividade imediatamente.No rés do chão, encontra-se um restaurante totalmente equipado, preparado para operar, oferecendo uma excelente oportunidade para quem procura entrar ou expandir no setor da restauração. Além disso, neste piso, existe um quarto que atualmente é utilizado como alojamento local, o que oferece uma renda adicional ou possibilidade de expansão do negócio.Subindo pela escada, no primeiro andar, encontramos uma espaçosa casa com três quartos. Dois desses quartos também estão dedicados ao alojamento local, proporcionando mais uma fonte de rendimento. O restante da casa está a ser utilizado como habitação principal pelos atuais inquilinos, garantindo um equilíbrio entre negócio e vida pessoal.Com uma localização privilegiada no coração de Faro, este imóvel beneficia da proximidade de comércio local, pontos turísticos e uma atmosfera vibrante e histórica. Ideal para investidores que procuram um negócio versátil e em pleno funcionamento no Algarve.Para mais informações ou para agendar uma visita, não hesite em contactar-nos.A Casas do Sotavento é uma prestigiada empresa familiar, reconhecida pela alta qualidade dos seus produtos e projetos, tanto em Portugal como no exterior. A sua missão é proporcionar uma experiência fácil e tranquila para clientes, colaboradores e investidores, tratando todos com respeito e atenção. A empresa destaca-se pela transparência e honestidade em todas as etapas do processo de compra, desde a escolha do imóvel até à entrega final. Para encontrar o imóvel dos seus sonhos, entre em contacto com a Casas do Sotavento e descubra os seus produtos e serviços.
Wyjątkowa okazja do przeniesienia budynku położonego w historycznej dzielnicy Faro, dzielnicy o dużym popycie i z lokalnym handlem. Budynek ten oferuje kilka możliwości biznesowych i jest w pełni wyposażony, gotowy do natychmiastowego rozpoczęcia działalności.Na parterze znajduje się w pełni wyposażona restauracja, przygotowana do działania, stanowiąca doskonałą okazję dla tych, którzy chcą wejść lub rozwinąć się w sektorze restauracyjnym. Dodatkowo na tym piętrze znajduje się pokój, który jest obecnie wykorzystywany jako lokal noclegowy, co oferuje dodatkowy dochód lub możliwość rozszerzenia działalności.Wchodząc po schodach, na pierwszym piętrze, znajdujemy przestronny dom z trzema sypialniami. Dwa z tych pokoi są również przeznaczone na lokalne zakwaterowanie, co stanowi kolejne źródło dochodu. Pozostała część domu jest wykorzystywana jako główne miejsce zamieszkania przez obecnych najemców, zapewniając równowagę między życiem zawodowym a osobistym.Dzięki uprzywilejowanej lokalizacji w samym sercu Faro, ta nieruchomość korzysta z bliskości lokalnych sklepów, zabytków oraz tętniącej życiem i zabytkowej atmosfery. Idealny dla inwestorów poszukujących wszechstronnego i w pełni funkcjonalnego biznesu w Algarve.Aby uzyskać więcej informacji lub umówić się na wizytę, nie wahaj się z nami skontaktować.Casas do Sotavento to prestiżowa firma rodzinna, znana z wysokiej jakości swoich produktów i projektów, zarówno w Portugalii, jak i za granicą. Jej misją jest zapewnienie łatwej i bezproblemowej obsługi klientom, pracownikom i inwestorom, traktując wszystkich z szacunkiem i uwagą. Firma wyróżnia się przejrzystością i uczciwością na wszystkich etapach procesu zakupu, od wyboru nieruchomości po ostateczną dostawę. Aby znaleźć nieruchomość swoich marzeń, skontaktuj się z Casas do Sotavento i poznaj ich produkty i usługi.
Уникална възможност за трансфер на сграда, разположена в историческия район на Фаро, район с голямо търсене и с местна търговия. Тази сграда предлага няколко бизнес възможности и е напълно оборудвана, готова за незабавно започване на дейност.На приземния етаж има напълно оборудван ресторант, подготвен за работа, предлагащ отлична възможност за тези, които искат да навлязат или да се разширят в ресторантьорския сектор. Освен това на този етаж има стая, която в момента се използва като местно настаняване, което предлага допълнителен доход или възможност за разширяване на бизнеса.Изкачвайки се по стълбите, на първия етаж откриваме просторна къща с три спални. Две от тези стаи също са предназначени за местно настаняване, осигурявайки друг източник на доходи. Останалата част от къщата се използва като основно жилище от настоящите наематели, осигурявайки баланс между бизнес и личен живот.С привилегировано местоположение в сърцето на Фаро, това място за настаняване се възползва от близостта на местни магазини, забележителности и оживена и историческа атмосфера. Идеален за инвеститори, които търсят универсален и напълно функциониращ бизнес в Алгарве.За повече информация или за насрочване на посещение, моля не се колебайте да се свържете с нас.Casas do Sotavento е престижен семеен бизнес, признат за високото качество на своите продукти и проекти, както в Португалия, така и в чужбина. Нейната мисия е да осигури лесно и гладко изживяване за клиенти, служители и инвеститори, като се отнася към всички с уважение и внимание. Фирмата се отличава със своята прозрачност и коректност на всички етапи от процеса на покупка, от избора на имота до крайната доставка. За да намерите имота на мечтите си, свържете се с Casas do Sotavento и открийте техните продукти и услуги.
Occasion unique de transférer un bâtiment situé dans le quartier historique de Faro, une zone de grande demande et avec des commerces locaux. Ce bâtiment offre plusieurs opportunités d’affaires et est entièrement équipé, prêt à démarrer l’activité immédiatement.Au rez-de-chaussée, il y a un restaurant entièrement équipé, prêt à fonctionner, offrant une excellente opportunité pour ceux qui cherchent à entrer ou à se développer dans le secteur de la restauration. De plus, à cet étage, il y a une pièce qui est actuellement utilisée comme logement local, ce qui offre des revenus supplémentaires ou la possibilité d’agrandir l’entreprise.En montant les escaliers, au premier étage, nous trouvons une maison spacieuse avec trois chambres. Deux de ces salles sont également dédiées à l’hébergement local, ce qui constitue une autre source de revenus. Le reste de la maison est utilisé comme résidence principale par les locataires actuels, assurant un équilibre entre les affaires et la vie personnelle.Bénéficiant d’un emplacement privilégié au cœur de Faro, cette propriété bénéficie de la proximité des commerces locaux, des sites touristiques et d’une atmosphère dynamique et historique. Idéal pour les investisseurs à la recherche d’une entreprise polyvalente et pleinement fonctionnelle en Algarve.Pour plus d’informations ou pour planifier une visite, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.Casas do Sotavento est une entreprise familiale prestigieuse, reconnue pour la haute qualité de ses produits et de ses projets, tant au Portugal qu’à l’étranger. Sa mission est d’offrir une expérience facile et fluide aux clients, aux employés et aux investisseurs, en traitant tout le monde avec respect et attention. L’entreprise se distingue par sa transparence et son honnêteté à toutes les étapes du processus d’achat, du choix de la propriété à la livraison finale. Pour trouver la propriété de vos rêves, contactez Casas do Sotavento et découvrez leurs produits et services.
Occasione unica per trasferire un immobile situato nella zona storica di Faro, zona molto richiesta e con commercio locale. Questo edificio offre diverse opportunità di business ed è completamente attrezzato, pronto per iniziare l'attività immediatamente.Al piano terra c'è un ristorante completamente attrezzato, pronto a funzionare, che offre un'ottima opportunità per coloro che desiderano entrare o espandersi nel settore della ristorazione. Inoltre, su questo piano, c'è una stanza che è attualmente utilizzata come alloggio locale, che offre un reddito aggiuntivo o la possibilità di espandere l'attività.Salendo le scale, al primo piano, troviamo una spaziosa casa con tre camere da letto. Due di queste camere sono anche dedicate all'alloggio locale, fornendo un'altra fonte di reddito. Il resto della casa viene utilizzato come residenza principale dagli attuali inquilini, garantendo un equilibrio tra lavoro e vita personale.Con una posizione privilegiata nel cuore di Faro, questa proprietà beneficia della vicinanza di negozi locali, attrazioni e di un'atmosfera vivace e storica. Ideale per gli investitori che cercano un'attività versatile e pienamente funzionante in Algarve.Per maggiori informazioni o per fissare una visita, non esitate a contattarci.Casas do Sotavento è una prestigiosa azienda a conduzione familiare, riconosciuta per l'alta qualità dei suoi prodotti e progetti, sia in Portogallo che all'estero. La sua missione è fornire un'esperienza facile e fluida per clienti, dipendenti e investitori, trattando tutti con rispetto e attenzione. L'azienda si distingue per la sua trasparenza e onestà in tutte le fasi del processo di acquisto, dalla scelta dell'immobile fino alla consegna finale. Per trovare l'immobile dei tuoi sogni, contatta Casas do Sotavento e scopri i loro prodotti e servizi.
Faro Faro
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
Business opportunity
Property size:
1,615 sqft
Lot size:
2,454 sqft
City |
Avg price per sqft house |
Avg price per sqft apartment |
Faro | USD 379 | USD 390 |
Estoi | USD 384 | - |
Olhão | USD 323 | USD 362 |
Olhão | USD 321 | USD 327 |
Moncarapacho | USD 373 | - |
São Brás de Alportel | USD 288 | USD 250 |
São Brás de Alportel | USD 276 | USD 240 |
Quarteira | USD 525 | USD 498 |
Fuseta | USD 337 | - |
Luz | USD 294 | - |
Boliqueime | USD 373 | - |
Faro | USD 354 | USD 397 |
Albufeira | USD 435 | USD 403 |
Albufeira | USD 405 | USD 392 |
Cabanas de Tavira | USD 344 | USD 423 |
Guia | USD 451 | - |
Algoz | USD 282 | - |
Vila Nova de Cacela | USD 356 | USD 455 |