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House & single-family home for sale in Slater

USD 8,974,888

House & Single-family home (For sale)

lot 100,928,516 sqft
Reference: EDEN-T102914008 / 102914008
The Pothook Unit of the Slater Creek Ranch is 2317 +/- acres of a classic high mountain river valley with high peaks surrounding the vast picturesque hay meadows. Slater Creek is a beautiful trout stream that meanders for over 4 miles through willow-banked meadows. There is a good mix of alpine meadows, pines, and aspen groves, as well as long oak brush and serviceberry ridges that drop down to the sagebrush benches above the river bottom. The approximate 265 acres of hay meadows produce hundreds of tons of quality hay and exceptional late-season grazing opportunities for cattle and wildlife alike. Located in the heart of the elk migration corridor, thousands of elk will pass through the ranch every fall as they move from the summer range to the east to the winter range west of Highway 13. Plenty of resident elk call the valleys and ridges of the ranch home as well. Slater Creek Ranch has abundant senior water rights and shares the #1 right on all of Slater Creek. The creek also provides great fishing. Additionally, many ponds and springs on the ranch provide water at higher elevations for cattle grazing and the abundant elk, mule deer, and pronghorn antelope that call the ranch home. Sharp-tail grouse, sage grouse, and dusky grouse reside on this very diverse property. There are two homes on the ranch. Access to the ranch is well-maintained gravel road access, and it is a short 15-minute drive from the Dixon, Wyoming airport with 7000' and 6548' asphalt runways and jet fuel. The commercial service at Yampa Valley Regional Airport is approximately 1 hour from the ranch, with multiple commercial flights daily. Additional Leases: Jack Rabbit Creek Allotment - 1074 acres +/- The ranch is currently collectively enrolled in the Ranching for Wildlife program with other ranches in the area. Under current management, the wildlife and habitat are managed for quality to produce better quality feed and habitat as well as older age class elk, mule deer, and pronghorn antelope. The program allows landowners to maximize their opportunity to utilize their property in exchange for public access on a limited basis. The ranches do yearly habitat projects such as brush and timber mitigation and water projects to enhance the availability of quality feed and water. Colorado Ranching for Wildlife is a cooperative program with private landowners and Colorado Parks and Wildlife that includes incentives to improve habitat on private land. Landowners create diverse plant communities that benefit wildlife throughout the year by managing grazing systems, working on various habitat improvement projects, and developing viable water sources. These well-managed lands provide essential habitat for various species, including grassland-nesting birds, migratory ungulates such as elk, mule deer, and pronghorn, as well as any other wildlife within the ecosystem and pollinators. The program introduced in 1986 was designed to give public hunters access to private ranches. Still, in turn, a considerable benefit allows private landowners to dictate their season dates for optimal hunting opportunities. For landowners, the elk and pronghorn season is a 90-day season that coincides with any open public season. The Mule Deer season is a 60-day season. The RFW license is a weapon of choice license. RFW is limited to ranches with at least 10,000 contiguous acres that contain a significant number of species for which licenses can be drawn. These species include elk, mule deer, and pronghorn on the Slater Creek Ranch. In addition to hunting, that ranches have a great road system through out the property provides additional recreational opportunities that include hiking, mountain biking, UTV and snowmobiling. The area is known for more than 300 days of sunshine and "Champagne Powder" snow. The area averages 154 inches annually of normal accumulations.Winters are beautiful, with the valley remaining snow-covered for most of the season, but the summer and fall keep people coming back year after year to visit the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Northwest Colorado is surrounded by endless beauty and filled with history. The nearest towns include Slater, Craig, Hayden, and Steamboat Springs, Colorado. The Slater Dixon Ranches are 45 minutes from Yampa Valley Regional Airport. The nearby town of Dixon, Wyoming, has a private airport with a 7000 x 75 ft runway just minutes from the ranch. The town of Steamboat Springs is located at 6,732 ft in elevation in Colorado's Yampa Valley. It is home to the Howelsen Hill ski area and the Steamboat Ski Resort. Not only is Steamboat known for its legendary skiing & snowboarding, but the nearby hot springs are therapeutic in nature, especially after a long day on the slopes. Located near the city center, the long-standing Old Town Hot Springs is equipped with swimming, soaking pools, and water slides. This experience is worthwhile and fun for all ages. View more View less The Pothook Unit of the Slater Creek Ranch is 2317 +/- acres of a classic high mountain river valley with high peaks surrounding the vast picturesque hay meadows. Slater Creek is a beautiful trout stream that meanders for over 4 miles through willow-banked meadows. There is a good mix of alpine meadows, pines, and aspen groves, as well as long oak brush and serviceberry ridges that drop down to the sagebrush benches above the river bottom. The approximate 265 acres of hay meadows produce hundreds of tons of quality hay and exceptional late-season grazing opportunities for cattle and wildlife alike. Located in the heart of the elk migration corridor, thousands of elk will pass through the ranch every fall as they move from the summer range to the east to the winter range west of Highway 13. Plenty of resident elk call the valleys and ridges of the ranch home as well. Slater Creek Ranch has abundant senior water rights and shares the #1 right on all of Slater Creek. The creek also provides great fishing. Additionally, many ponds and springs on the ranch provide water at higher elevations for cattle grazing and the abundant elk, mule deer, and pronghorn antelope that call the ranch home. Sharp-tail grouse, sage grouse, and dusky grouse reside on this very diverse property. There are two homes on the ranch. Access to the ranch is well-maintained gravel road access, and it is a short 15-minute drive from the Dixon, Wyoming airport with 7000' and 6548' asphalt runways and jet fuel. The commercial service at Yampa Valley Regional Airport is approximately 1 hour from the ranch, with multiple commercial flights daily. Additional Leases: Jack Rabbit Creek Allotment - 1074 acres +/- The ranch is currently collectively enrolled in the Ranching for Wildlife program with other ranches in the area. Under current management, the wildlife and habitat are managed for quality to produce better quality feed and habitat as well as older age class elk, mule deer, and pronghorn antelope. The program allows landowners to maximize their opportunity to utilize their property in exchange for public access on a limited basis. The ranches do yearly habitat projects such as brush and timber mitigation and water projects to enhance the availability of quality feed and water. Colorado Ranching for Wildlife is a cooperative program with private landowners and Colorado Parks and Wildlife that includes incentives to improve habitat on private land. Landowners create diverse plant communities that benefit wildlife throughout the year by managing grazing systems, working on various habitat improvement projects, and developing viable water sources. These well-managed lands provide essential habitat for various species, including grassland-nesting birds, migratory ungulates such as elk, mule deer, and pronghorn, as well as any other wildlife within the ecosystem and pollinators. The program introduced in 1986 was designed to give public hunters access to private ranches. Still, in turn, a considerable benefit allows private landowners to dictate their season dates for optimal hunting opportunities. For landowners, the elk and pronghorn season is a 90-day season that coincides with any open public season. The Mule Deer season is a 60-day season. The RFW license is a weapon of choice license. RFW is limited to ranches with at least 10,000 contiguous acres that contain a significant number of species for which licenses can be drawn. These species include elk, mule deer, and pronghorn on the Slater Creek Ranch. In addition to hunting, that ranches have a great road system through out the property provides additional recreational opportunities that include hiking, mountain biking, UTV and snowmobiling. The area is known for more than 300 days of sunshine and "Champagne Powder" snow. The area averages 154 inches annually of normal accumulations.Winters are beautiful, with the valley remaining snow-covered for most of the season, but the summer and fall keep people coming back year after year to visit the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Northwest Colorado is surrounded by endless beauty and filled with history. The nearest towns include Slater, Craig, Hayden, and Steamboat Springs, Colorado. The Slater Dixon Ranches are 45 minutes from Yampa Valley Regional Airport. The nearby town of Dixon, Wyoming, has a private airport with a 7000 x 75 ft runway just minutes from the ranch. The town of Steamboat Springs is located at 6,732 ft in elevation in Colorado's Yampa Valley. It is home to the Howelsen Hill ski area and the Steamboat Ski Resort. Not only is Steamboat known for its legendary skiing & snowboarding, but the nearby hot springs are therapeutic in nature, especially after a long day on the slopes. Located near the city center, the long-standing Old Town Hot Springs is equipped with swimming, soaking pools, and water slides. This experience is worthwhile and fun for all ages. Jednotka Pothook ranče Slater Creek je 2317 +/- akrů klasického vysokohorského říčního údolí s vysokými vrcholy obklopujícími rozlehlé malebné senosečné louky. Slater Creek je krásný pstruhový potok, který se klikatí přes 4 míle přes vrbové louky. Je zde dobrá kombinace alpských luk, borovic a osikových hájů, stejně jako dlouhých dubových křovin a ostružinových hřebenů, které spadají až k pelyňkovým lavicím nad dnem řeky. Přibližně 265 akrů sečených luk produkuje stovky tun kvalitního sena a výjimečné možnosti pastvy v pozdní sezóně pro dobytek i divokou zvěř. Nachází se v srdci migračního koridoru losů a každý podzim jím projdou tisíce losů, kteří se přesunou z letního areálu na východ do zimního areálu západně od dálnice 13. Spousta místních losů nazývá údolí a hřebeny ranče také svým domovem. Slater Creek Ranch má bohatá práva na vodu pro seniory a sdílí právo #1 na celém Slater Creek. Potok také poskytuje skvělé možnosti rybaření. Kromě toho mnoho rybníků a pramenů na ranči poskytuje vodu ve vyšších nadmořských výškách pro pastvu dobytka a hojné losy, jeleny a antilopy rohaté, které nazývají ranč domovem. Na tomto velmi rozmanitém pozemku se vyskytují tetřevi ostroocasí, tetřevi šalvějoví a tetřevi tmavoocasí. Na ranči jsou dva domy. Přístup k ranči je dobře udržovaný štěrkový přístup a je to pouhých 15 minut jízdy od letiště Dixon ve Wyomingu s asfaltovými dráhami 7000' a 6548' a leteckým palivem. Komerční služba na regionálním letišti Yampa Valley je přibližně 1 hodinu od ranče s několika komerčními lety denně. Další pronájmy: Jack Rabbit Creek Allotment - 1074 akrů +/- Ranč je v současné době kolektivně zapsán do programu Ranching for Wildlife s dalšími ranči v oblasti. Pod současným vedením jsou divoká zvěř a stanoviště spravovány tak, aby produkovaly kvalitnější krmivo a stanoviště, stejně jako starší věkovou třídu losů, jelenů mul a antilop pronghorn. Program umožňuje vlastníkům pozemků maximalizovat jejich příležitost využívat svůj majetek výměnou za veřejný přístup na omezeném základě. Ranče provádějí každoroční projekty na ochranu biotopů, jako je odstraňování křovin a lesa a vodní projekty, aby se zvýšila dostupnost kvalitního krmiva a vody. Colorado Ranching for Wildlife je program spolupráce se soukromými vlastníky pozemků a Colorado Parks and Wildlife, který zahrnuje pobídky ke zlepšení přirozeného prostředí na soukromých pozemcích. Vlastníci pozemků vytvářejí rozmanitá rostlinná společenství, která jsou přínosem pro volně žijící živočichy po celý rok tím, že spravují pastevní systémy, pracují na různých projektech zlepšování stanovišť a rozvíjejí životaschopné vodní zdroje. Tyto dobře obhospodařované pozemky poskytují základní stanoviště pro různé druhy, včetně ptáků hnízdících na pastvinách, stěhovavých kopytníků, jako jsou losi, jeleni muly a veverky, stejně jako pro jakoukoli jinou divokou zvěř v ekosystému a opylovače. Program představený v roce 1986 byl navržen tak, aby umožnil veřejným lovcům přístup na soukromé ranče. Přesto zase značná výhoda umožňuje soukromým vlastníkům pozemků diktovat data sezóny pro optimální lovecké příležitosti. Pro majitele pozemků je sezóna losů a rohů 90denní sezónou, která se shoduje s jakoukoli sezónou otevřených dveří. Sezóna Mule Deer je 60denní sezóna. Licence RFW je licence na zbraň dle vlastního výběru. RFW je omezena na ranče s nejméně 10 000 souvislými akry, které obsahují významný počet druhů, pro které lze získat licence. Mezi tyto druhy patří los, jelen mula a pronghorn na ranči Slater Creek. Kromě lovu mají ranče skvělý silniční systém po celém pozemku, které poskytují další rekreační příležitosti, které zahrnují pěší turistiku, jízdu na horském kole, UTV a jízdu na sněžných skútrech. Oblast je známá více než 300 slunečnými dny a sněhem "Champagne Powder". Oblast je v průměru 154 palců ročně normálních akumulací. Zimy jsou krásné, údolí zůstává po většinu sezóny pokryté sněhem, ale léto a podzim nutí lidi rok co rok navštěvovat krásné Skalisté hory. Severozápadní Colorado je obklopeno nekonečnou krásou a plné historie. Mezi nejbližší města patří Slater, Craig, Hayden a Steamboat Springs v Coloradu. Slater Dixon Ranches se nachází 45 minut od regionálního letiště Yampa Valley. Nedaleké město Dixon ve Wyomingu má soukromé letiště s přistávací dráhou o rozměrech 7000 x 75 stop jen pár minut od ranče. Město Steamboat Springs se nachází v nadmořské výšce 6 732 stop v coloradském údolí Yampa. Nachází se zde lyžařský areál Howelsen Hill a lyžařský areál Steamboat. Steamboat je známý nejen svým legendárním lyžováním a snowboardingem, ale nedaleké horké prameny jsou léčivé povahy, zejména po dlouhém dni na sjezdovce. Dlouholeté lázně Old Town Hot Springs se nacházejí v blízkosti centra města a jsou vybaveny bazény, bazény a tobogány. Tento zážitek stojí za to a je zábavný pro všechny věkové kategorie.
Reference: EDEN-T102914008
Country: US
City: Slater
Postal code: 81653
Category: Residential
Listing type: For sale
Property type: House & Single-family home
Lot size: 100,928,516 sqft
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