Business opportunity (For sale)
108 sqft
/ 103370960
Ref. Number: 1476 TOP LOCATION! We offer you to buy a ground floor commercial premises near Novotel Plovdiv! Main characteristics of the property: - Area: 10sq.m - Distribution: One common room - Type of construction: Brick - Number of floors: Ground floor of 6 - Parking: Free parking Condition of the property: The premises are sold in the form from the photos, which allows you to start your business IMMEDIATELY! Location: It is located in a communicative location near Novotel. The premises are suitable for an office, warehouse, shop or other activity. For more information and organization of viewings, please contact us at the specified number, and you will need the following reference number: 1476 Light Home Properties is a trusted partner of the largest banking institutions in the country and assists in preferential terms in case of need for lending. You will receive legal assistance throughout the transaction process, as well as assistance in preparing, submitting and receiving all necessary documents for the transaction.
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Реф. номер: 1476 ТОП ЛОКАЦИЯ! Предлагаме ви да закупите партерно търговско помещение в близост до Новотел Пловдив! Основни характеристики на имота: - Площ: 10кв.м - Разпределение: Едно общо помещение - Вид строителство: Тухла - Етажност: Партер от 6 - Паркиране: Свободно паркиране Състояние на имота: Помещение се продава във вида от снимките, което ви позволява да започнете вашия бизнес ВЕДНАГА! Локация: Намира се на комуникативна локация в близост до Новотела. Помещението е подходящо за офис, склад, магазин или друга дейност. За повече информация и организиране на огледи, моля, свържете се с нас на посочения номер, като ще Ви е необходим следният референтен номер: 1476 Лайт Хоум имоти е доверен партньор на най-големите банкови институции в страната и съдейства за преференциални условия при нужда от кредитиране. Ще получите юридическо съдействие през целия процес на сделката, както и съдействие при подготовка, подаване и получаване на всички необходими документи за сделката.
Ref. Numéro : 1476 TOP LOCATION ! Nous vous proposons d’acheter un local commercial au rez-de-chaussée près de Novotel Plovdiv ! Caractéristiques principales de la propriété : - Superficie : 10 m² - Distribution : Une pièce commune - Type de construction : Brique - Nombre d’étages : Rez-de-chaussée de 6 - Parking : Parking gratuit État de la propriété : Les locaux sont vendus sous la forme des photos, ce qui vous permet de démarrer votre entreprise IMMÉDIATEMENT ! Emplacement : Il est situé dans un endroit communicatif près de Novotel. Les locaux sont adaptés pour un bureau, un entrepôt, un magasin ou une autre activité. Pour plus d’informations et l’organisation des visites, veuillez nous contacter au numéro indiqué, et vous aurez besoin du numéro de référence suivant : 1476 Light Home Properties est un partenaire de confiance des plus grandes institutions bancaires du pays et vous assiste à des conditions préférentielles en cas de besoin de prêt. Vous recevrez une assistance juridique tout au long du processus de transaction, ainsi qu’une assistance pour préparer, soumettre et recevoir tous les documents nécessaires à la transaction.
Ref. Number: 1476 TOP LOCATION! We offer you to buy a ground floor commercial premises near Novotel Plovdiv! Main characteristics of the property: - Area: 10sq.m - Distribution: One common room - Type of construction: Brick - Number of floors: Ground floor of 6 - Parking: Free parking Condition of the property: The premises are sold in the form from the photos, which allows you to start your business IMMEDIATELY! Location: It is located in a communicative location near Novotel. The premises are suitable for an office, warehouse, shop or other activity. For more information and organization of viewings, please contact us at the specified number, and you will need the following reference number: 1476 Light Home Properties is a trusted partner of the largest banking institutions in the country and assists in preferential terms in case of need for lending. You will receive legal assistance throughout the transaction process, as well as assistance in preparing, submitting and receiving all necessary documents for the transaction.
Ref. Antal: 1476 TOPPENLÄGE! Vi erbjuder dig att köpa en kommersiell lokal på bottenvåningen nära Novotel Plovdiv! Fastighetens huvudsakliga egenskaper: - Yta: 10 kvm - Fördelning: Ett gemensamt rum - Typ av konstruktion: Tegel - Antal våningar: Bottenvåning av 6 - Parkering: Gratis parkering Fastighetens skick: Lokalerna säljs i form av bilderna, vilket gör att du kan starta ditt företag OMEDELBART! Plats: Det ligger på en kommunikativ plats nära Novotel. Lokalen lämpar sig för kontor, lager, butik eller annan verksamhet. För mer information och organisering av visningar, vänligen kontakta oss på det angivna numret, och du behöver följande referensnummer: 1476 Light Home Properties är en betrodd partner till de största bankinstitutionerna i landet och hjälper till med förmånliga villkor vid behov av utlåning. Du kommer att få juridisk hjälp under hela transaktionsprocessen, samt hjälp med att förbereda, lämna in och ta emot alla nödvändiga dokument för transaktionen.
Postal code:
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
Business opportunity
Property size:
108 sqft