USD 133,001
Apartment & Condo (For sale)
/ 96300536
Postal code:
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
Apartment & Condo
Property size:
265,976 sqft
Swimming pool:
Internet access:
Washing machine:
The project located in the central area of Kathu, in the middle of Phuket island. You shall take a distances to many famous place as follow;
- 5 minutes to Lotus Phuket, Andamanda Phuket (The Water Park), Red Mountain Golf Club, Prince of Songkhla University (Phuket Campus);
- 7 minutes to Central Phuket and Bangkok Hospital Phuket; and
- 10 minutes to Patong beach
CITY PLANNING - The project located in Orange area.
Medium-density residential land is used for residential purposes.
Tourism, government institutions, public utilities and public utilities are mainly for use.
Land for other business shall be used in addition to not more than fifteen percent of this type of land in each area.
This type of land Do not use the land for the following specified businesses:
(1) All classes of factories under the law governing factories, except those that operate without
Nuisance according to the law on public health or does not pollute the community or the environment according to the law.
On the promotion and preservation of national environmental quality
(2) fuel depots and places used to store fuel oil; Non-liquefied petroleum gas
and natural gas for sale that requires permission under the law on fuel control.
Unless it's a fuel station.
(3) gas filling facilities; Gas storage facilities and gas chambers For liquefied petroleum gas
According to the law on fuel control. This does not include service stations. Gas outlets
Gas locations and gas-powered food outlets
(4) Raising horses, cattle, buffaloes, pigs, goats, sheep, geese, ducks, chickens, snakes, crocodiles, or wild animals;
According to the law on the preservation and protection of wild animals for commercial purposes.
(5) Cemeteries and cremation sites in accordance with the law on cemeteries and cremation;
(6) slaughterhouses;
(7) silos to store agricultural produce;
(8) Waste disposal;
(9) buy, sell or collect scrap materials;
This type of land within the national park boundary shall be used for conservation and protection purposes.
Preserving or nourishing forests wildlife, watersheds, streams and other natural resources according to the Cabinet resolution.
and laws on forestry, wildlife conservation and protection, and quality promotion and preservation.
National Environment
PHUKET ENVIRONMENTAL - The project located in AREA 8
Area 8 can be done only for buildings that are not higher than 23 meters and must have
(a) Vacant space of not less than 30 percent of the plot of land applied for permission for a single-detached house building. Semi-detached houses, public buildings, mixed housing buildings or offices.
(b) Vacant space of not less than 10 percent of the land requested for permission for row house type buildings. Row house, row house or commercial building
Construction, modification, or change of building use in areas with slopes in Area No. 8 to have slopes
From 20% to 35% can be done only for single-detached houses or single buildings with high height.
Not more than 12 meters. In the case where the size of the land requested for permission has an area of 100 square meters or more, an area ground cover per building not more than 90 square meters and have a space that water can penetrate not less than 70% of the land and in case the size of the land plot applied for permission is less than 100 square wahs, there shall be building area cover the soil per house not more than 70 square meters and have a space that water can seep through not less than 50% of the land.
Areas with slopes greater than 35 percent are prohibited from adjusting construction or modification areas. Any building adjustment of space and vacant conditions under paragraph one (1) and (2) shall be in accordance with the rules. the following;
(1) Adjust horizontally to vertically in the ratio of not more than 2 : 1 parts.
(2) having a depth or height of not more than 1 meter, except for the construction of a building foundation system; or
underground water storage tank
(3) Not harmful to the roots and trunks of naturally growing trees whose size is measured around the trunk. from 50 centimeters up which is measured 130 centimeters from the ground level, and
(4) Not moving or destroying bedrock either under the ground, at ground level, or above the ground.
(5) Not less than 50 percent of the vacant space must have green areas that are perennials and local plants.
Measurement of the height of the building in the area of Area 1, Area 2, Area 3, Area 4
Zone 5, Zone 6 and Zone 8 shall be in accordance with the following criteria:
(1) in the case where there is no ground level adjustment or the level of ground level is lower than that of public roads in the area Construction site shall be measured from the ground level under construction.
(2) in the case where the ground level is equal to or higher than that of a public road to be measured from public road level
(3) in the case where there is a cellar with a negative level shall be measured from the ground level under construction under (1) or public road level under (2), as the case may be
(4) in the case where the ground is sloping shall be measured from the ground level constructed at the lowest point of that building. The height measurement of the building shall be measured from the level under paragraph one upward vertically to the highest part of the building.
For a gable or hipped building, measure to the top of the wall of the highest floor.
The project located close to the public road called Vichitsongkram road.
- Furnished
- SwimmingPool
- Alarm
- Terrace
- Balcony
- Washing Machine
- Internet
- Air Conditioning View more View less 34,00 Quadratmeter große Eigentumswohnung, in der sich das Eigentumswohnungsprojekt in Kathu, Phuket, befindet, das von Sansiri PLC mit einem eingetragenen Kapital von 20.343.722,40 THB entwickelt wurde, das den Finanzierungsstatus des Projekts sichert und garantiert. Das Projekt bietet dem Ausländer Eigentum sowohl für Wohnen als auch für Investitionen. Das Projekt wird für 1 Jahr von Plus Property - einer berühmten thailändischen Verwaltungsgesellschaft - verwaltet. Es gibt 706 voll möblierte Wohneinheiten und 2 Gewerbeeinheiten. Alle elektrischen Möbel werden von Samsung und dem anderen Design von Sansiri - einem berühmten thailändischen Entwickler - sein. Das Projekt befindet sich im zentralen Bereich von Kathu, in der Mitte der Insel Phuket. Sie werden Entfernungen zu vielen berühmten Orten wie folgt zurücklegen; - 5 Minuten zum Lotus Phuket, Andamanda Phuket (The Water Park), Red Mountain Golf Club, Prince of Songkhla University (Phuket Campus); - 7 Minuten zum Zentrum von Phuket und zum Bangkok Hospital Phuket; und - 10 Minuten zum Strand von Patong STADTPLANUNG - Das Projekt befindet sich im Bereich Orange. Mitteldicht besiedelte Wohngrundstücke werden zu Wohnzwecken genutzt. Für den Einsatz stehen hauptsächlich der Tourismus, staatliche Einrichtungen, öffentliche Versorgungsunternehmen und öffentliche Versorgungsunternehmen zur Verfügung. Grundstücke für andere Geschäfte dürfen zusätzlich zu nicht mehr als fünfzehn Prozent dieser Art von Grundstücken in jedem Gebiet verwendet werden. Diese Art von Grundstücken Verwenden Sie das Land nicht für die folgenden angegebenen Geschäfte: (1) Alle Arten von Fabriken nach dem Gesetz über Fabriken, mit Ausnahme derjenigen, die gemäß dem Gesetz über die öffentliche Gesundheit ohne Belästigung arbeiten oder die Gemeinschaft oder die Umwelt gemäß dem Gesetz nicht verschmutzen. über die Förderung und Erhaltung der nationalen Umweltqualität (2) von Kraftstoffdepots und Orten für die Lagerung von Heizöl; Nicht verflüssigtes Gas und Erdgas zum Verkauf, das nach dem Gesetz über die Brennstoffkontrolle genehmigungspflichtig ist. Es sei denn, es handelt sich um eine Tankstelle. (3) Gasabfüllanlagen; Gasspeicher und Gaskammern Für Flüssiggas Gemäß dem Gesetz über die Brennstoffkontrolle. Tankstellen sind hiervon ausgenommen. Gasauslässe Gasstandorte und gasbetriebene Lebensmittelausschüsse (4) Aufzucht von Pferden, Rindern, Büffeln, Schweinen, Ziegen, Schafen, Gänsen, Enten, Hühnern, Schlangen, Krokodilen oder Wildtieren; Nach dem Gesetz über die Erhaltung und den Schutz von Wildtieren zu gewerblichen Zwecken. (5) Friedhöfe und Feuerbestattungsstätten nach dem Gesetz über Friedhöfe und Feuerbestattungen; (6) Schlachthöfe; (7) Silos zur Lagerung landwirtschaftlicher Erzeugnisse; (8) Abfallbeseitigung; (9) Schrott zu kaufen, zu verkaufen oder zu sammeln; Diese Art von Flächen innerhalb der Grenzen des Nationalparks soll zu Erhaltungs- und Schutzzwecken genutzt werden. Erhaltung oder Ernährung von Wäldern, Wildtieren, Wassereinzugsgebieten, Bächen und anderen natürlichen Ressourcen gemäß dem Kabinettsbeschluss. und Gesetze zur Forstwirtschaft, zur Erhaltung und zum Schutz von Wildtieren sowie zur Qualitätsförderung und -erhaltung. Nationale Umwelt PHUKET UMWELT - Das Projekt, das sich in der AREA 8 Area 8 befindet, kann nur für Gebäude durchgeführt werden, die nicht höher als 23 Meter sind und (a) eine freie Fläche von mindestens 30 Prozent des Grundstücks haben müssen, für das eine Genehmigung für ein Einfamilienhaus beantragt wurde. Doppelhaushälften, öffentliche Gebäude, gemischte Wohngebäude oder Büros. (b) Leerstehende Flächen von nicht weniger als 10 Prozent des Grundstücks, für das eine Genehmigung für Reihenhausgebäude beantragt wurde. Reihenhaus, Reihenhaus oder Geschäftshaus Bau, Änderung oder Änderung der Gebäudenutzung in Gebieten mit Hanglagen im Bereich Nr. 8 mit Neigungen von 20 % bis 35 % ist nur für Einfamilienhäuser oder Einzelgebäude mit hoher Höhe möglich. Nicht mehr als 12 Meter. Für den Fall, dass die Größe des für die Genehmigung beantragten Grundstücks eine Fläche von 100 Quadratmetern oder mehr hat, eine Fläche von nicht mehr als 90 Quadratmetern pro Gebäude und einen Raum, in den Wasser eindringen kann, mindestens 70 % des Grundstücks, und falls die Größe des für die Genehmigung beantragten Grundstücks weniger als 100 Quadratkilometer beträgt, Es muss eine Gebäudefläche geben, die den Boden pro Haus nicht mehr als 70 Quadratmeter bedeckt und eine Fläche hat, durch die Wasser eindringen kann, mindestens 50 % des Grundstücks. Bei Flächen mit einer Steigung von mehr als 35 Prozent ist es untersagt, Bau- oder Änderungsflächen anzupassen. Jede Gebäudeanpassung von Flächen und freien Bedingungen gemäß Absatz 1 (1) und (2) muss in Übereinstimmung mit den Regeln erfolgen. folgendes; (1) Horizontal bis vertikal im Verhältnis von nicht mehr als 2 : 1 Teilen einstellen. (2) mit einer Tiefe oder Höhe von nicht mehr als 1 Meter, außer für den Bau eines Gebäudefundamentsystems; oder unterirdischer Wasserspeicher (3) Nicht schädlich für die Wurzeln und Stämme natürlich wachsender Bäume, deren Größe um den Stamm herum gemessen wird. ab 50 Zentimetern Höhe, was 130 Zentimeter über dem Boden gemessen wird, und (4) Grundgestein weder unter der Erde, noch auf Bodenhöhe oder über dem Boden bewegen oder zerstören. (5) Mindestens 50 Prozent der freien Flächen müssen mit Grünflächen bepflanzt sein, die mehrjährig sind, und mit heimischen Pflanzen. Die Messung der Höhe des Gebäudes im Bereich der Fläche 1, der Fläche 2, der Fläche 3, der Zone 4, der Zone 5, der Zone 6 und der Zone 8 muss nach folgenden Kriterien erfolgen: (1) Für den Fall, dass keine Bodenanpassung erfolgt oder die Höhe des Bodenniveaus niedriger ist als die der öffentlichen Straßen in dem Bereich, ist die Baustelle vom im Bau befindlichen Boden aus zu messen. (2) Ist das Bodenniveau gleich oder höher als das Niveau einer öffentlichen Straße, das vom Niveau der öffentlichen Straße (3) aus zu messen ist, so ist im Fall, wenn ein Keller mit einem negativen Niveau vorhanden ist, von dem im Bau befindlichen Bodenniveau nach Absatz 1 oder dem Niveau der öffentlichen Straße nach Absatz 2 zu messen, gegebenenfalls (4) im Fall, dass der Boden geneigt ist, ist von dem Bodenniveau aus zu messen, das am tiefsten Punkt des Gebäudes errichtet wurde. Die Höhenmessung des Gebäudes ist von der Höhe des ersten Absatzes nach oben vertikal bis zum höchsten Teil des Gebäudes zu messen. Messen Sie bei einem Giebel- oder Walmgebäude bis zur Oberkante der Wand des obersten Stockwerks. ZUGANG ZUR ÖFFENTLICHEN STRASSE Das Projekt befindet sich in der Nähe der öffentlichen Straße, der Vichitsongkram-Straße.
- Furnished
- SwimmingPool
- Alarm
- Terrace
- Balcony
- Washing Machine
- Internet
- Air Conditioning Unità condominiale di 34,00 metri quadrati in cui il progetto condominiale si trova a Kathu, Phuket, sviluppato da Sansiri PLC con capitale sociale di THB 20.343.722,40 che assicurano e garantiscono lo stato finanziario del progetto. Il progetto offre allo straniero la proprietà sia per il residenziale che per l'investimento. il progetto è offerta 1 anno di gestione da parte della proprietà Plus - famosa società di gestione tailandese. Ci sono 706 unità residenziali completamente arredate e 2 unità commerciali. Tutti i mobili elettrici saranno Samsung e l'altro design di Sansiri - famoso sviluppatore tailandese. Il progetto si trova nella zona centrale di Kathu, nel mezzo dell'isola di Phuket. Prenderai una distanza da molti luoghi famosi come segue; - 5 minuti da Lotus Phuket, Andamanda Phuket (The Water Park), Red Mountain Golf Club, Prince of Songkhla University (Phuket Campus); - 7 minuti per Central Phuket e Bangkok Hospital Phuket; e - 10 minuti dalla spiaggia di Patong URBANISTICA - Il progetto situato nella zona di Orange. Il terreno residenziale a media densità viene utilizzato per scopi residenziali. Il turismo, le istituzioni governative, i servizi pubblici e i servizi pubblici sono principalmente per l'uso. I terreni per altre attività devono essere utilizzati in aggiunta a non più del quindici per cento di questo tipo di terreno in ciascuna area. Questo tipo di terreno Non utilizzare il terreno per le seguenti attività specificate: (1) Tutte le classi di fabbriche ai sensi della legge che disciplina le fabbriche, ad eccezione di quelle che operano senza disturbo secondo la legge sulla salute pubblica o non inquinano la comunità o l'ambiente secondo la legge. sulla promozione e la conservazione della qualità ambientale nazionale (2) depositi di carburante e luoghi utilizzati per immagazzinare olio combustibile; Gas di petrolio non liquefatto e gas naturale in vendita che richiede il permesso ai sensi della legge sul controllo del carburante. A meno che non si tratti di una stazione di rifornimento. 3) impianti di rifornimento di gas; Impianti di stoccaggio del gas e camere a gas Per gas di petrolio liquefatto Secondo la legge sul controllo del carburante. Questo non include le stazioni di servizio. Prese di gas Posizioni del gas e punti vendita di alimenti alimentati a gas (4) Allevare cavalli, bovini, bufali, maiali, capre, pecore, oche, anatre, galline, serpenti, coccodrilli o animali selvatici; Secondo la legge sulla conservazione e la protezione degli animali selvatici per scopi commerciali. (5) Cimiteri e siti di cremazione conformemente alla legge sui cimiteri e sulla cremazione; 6) macelli; 7) silos per il magazzinaggio dei prodotti agricoli; (8) smaltimento dei rifiuti; (9) acquistare, vendere o raccogliere materiali di scarto; Questo tipo di terreno all'interno del confine del parco nazionale deve essere utilizzato per scopi di conservazione e protezione. Preservare o nutrire la fauna selvatica delle foreste, i bacini idrografici, i corsi d'acqua e altre risorse naturali secondo la risoluzione del Gabinetto. e le leggi sulla silvicoltura, la conservazione e la protezione della fauna selvatica e la promozione e la conservazione della qualità. Ambiente nazionale PHUKET AMBIENTALE - Il progetto situato nell'AREA 8 Area 8 può essere fatto solo per edifici che non sono più alti di 23 metri e devono avere (a) Spazio libero non inferiore al 30 percento del terreno richiesto per il permesso per un edificio unifamiliare. Case bifamiliari, edifici pubblici, edifici residenziali misti o uffici. (b) Spazio libero di non meno del 10% del terreno richiesto per l'autorizzazione per edifici tipo casa a schiera. Casa a schiera, casa a schiera o edificio commerciale Costruzione, modifica o cambio di destinazione d'uso dell'edificio in aree con pendenze nell'area n. 8 per avere pendenze Dal 20% al 35% può essere fatto solo per case unifamiliari o edifici singoli con altezza elevata. Non più di 12 metri. Nel caso in cui la dimensione del terreno richiesto per il permesso abbia una superficie di 100 metri quadrati o più, una superficie coperta dal suolo per edificio non superiore a 90 metri quadrati e abbia uno spazio che l'acqua possa penetrare non meno del 70% del terreno e nel caso in cui la dimensione del terreno richiesto per l'autorizzazione sia inferiore a 100 wah quadrati, Ci deve essere un'area edificabile che copre il suolo per casa non più di 70 metri quadrati e ha uno spazio che l'acqua può filtrare attraverso non meno del 50% del terreno. Alle aree con pendenze superiori al 35% è vietato regolare le aree di costruzione o modifica. Qualsiasi adeguamento edilizio dello spazio e delle condizioni di vuoto di cui al paragrafo uno, paragrafi 1 e 2, deve essere conforme alle norme. quanto segue; (1) Regolare orizzontalmente o verticalmente nel rapporto di non più di 2 : 1 parti. (2) aventi una profondità o un'altezza non superiore a 1 metro, ad eccezione della costruzione di un sistema di fondazione di edifici; o serbatoio di stoccaggio dell'acqua sotterranea (3) Non dannoso per le radici e i tronchi degli alberi a crescita naturale le cui dimensioni sono misurate attorno al tronco. da 50 centimetri in su, misurato a 130 centimetri dal livello del suolo, e (4) Non spostare o distruggere il substrato roccioso sotto terra, a livello del suolo o sopra il suolo. (5) Non meno del 50 percento dello spazio libero deve avere aree verdi perenni e piante locali. La misurazione dell'altezza dell'edificio nell'area delle aree 1, 2, 3, 4, zone 5, 6 e 8 deve essere conforme ai seguenti criteri: (1) nel caso in cui non vi sia alcun adeguamento del livello del suolo o il livello del livello del suolo sia inferiore a quello delle strade pubbliche nella zona. Il cantiere deve essere misurato a partire dal livello del suolo in costruzione. (2) nel caso in cui il livello del suolo sia uguale o superiore a quello di una strada pubblica da misurare dal livello della strada pubblica (3), nel caso in cui vi sia una cantina con un livello negativo deve essere misurato dal livello del suolo in costruzione sotto (1) o dal livello della strada pubblica sotto (2), A seconda dei casi, il punto 4, nel caso in cui il terreno sia in pendenza deve essere misurato a partire dal livello del suolo costruito nel punto più basso dell'edificio. La misurazione dell'altezza dell'edificio è misurata dal livello di cui al primo paragrafo verticalmente fino alla parte più alta dell'edificio. Per un edificio a capanna o a padiglione, misura fino alla parte superiore del muro del piano più alto. ACCESSO ALLA STRADA PUBBLICA Il progetto si trova vicino alla strada pubblica chiamata strada Vichitsongkram.
- Furnished
- SwimmingPool
- Alarm
- Terrace
- Balcony
- Washing Machine
- Internet
- Air Conditioning 34.00 square meters condominium unit where the condominium project located at Kathu, Phuket, developing by Sansiri PLC with registered capital of THB20,343,722.40 which secure and guarantee for the finance status of the project. The project offer the foreigner freehold for both residential and investment. the project is offer 1 year management by Plus property - famous Thai management company. There are 706 fully furnished residential units and 2 commercial units. All electric furniture will be Samsung and the other design by Sansiri - Thai famous developer.
The project located in the central area of Kathu, in the middle of Phuket island. You shall take a distances to many famous place as follow;
- 5 minutes to Lotus Phuket, Andamanda Phuket (The Water Park), Red Mountain Golf Club, Prince of Songkhla University (Phuket Campus);
- 7 minutes to Central Phuket and Bangkok Hospital Phuket; and
- 10 minutes to Patong beach
CITY PLANNING - The project located in Orange area.
Medium-density residential land is used for residential purposes.
Tourism, government institutions, public utilities and public utilities are mainly for use.
Land for other business shall be used in addition to not more than fifteen percent of this type of land in each area.
This type of land Do not use the land for the following specified businesses:
(1) All classes of factories under the law governing factories, except those that operate without
Nuisance according to the law on public health or does not pollute the community or the environment according to the law.
On the promotion and preservation of national environmental quality
(2) fuel depots and places used to store fuel oil; Non-liquefied petroleum gas
and natural gas for sale that requires permission under the law on fuel control.
Unless it's a fuel station.
(3) gas filling facilities; Gas storage facilities and gas chambers For liquefied petroleum gas
According to the law on fuel control. This does not include service stations. Gas outlets
Gas locations and gas-powered food outlets
(4) Raising horses, cattle, buffaloes, pigs, goats, sheep, geese, ducks, chickens, snakes, crocodiles, or wild animals;
According to the law on the preservation and protection of wild animals for commercial purposes.
(5) Cemeteries and cremation sites in accordance with the law on cemeteries and cremation;
(6) slaughterhouses;
(7) silos to store agricultural produce;
(8) Waste disposal;
(9) buy, sell or collect scrap materials;
This type of land within the national park boundary shall be used for conservation and protection purposes.
Preserving or nourishing forests wildlife, watersheds, streams and other natural resources according to the Cabinet resolution.
and laws on forestry, wildlife conservation and protection, and quality promotion and preservation.
National Environment
PHUKET ENVIRONMENTAL - The project located in AREA 8
Area 8 can be done only for buildings that are not higher than 23 meters and must have
(a) Vacant space of not less than 30 percent of the plot of land applied for permission for a single-detached house building. Semi-detached houses, public buildings, mixed housing buildings or offices.
(b) Vacant space of not less than 10 percent of the land requested for permission for row house type buildings. Row house, row house or commercial building
Construction, modification, or change of building use in areas with slopes in Area No. 8 to have slopes
From 20% to 35% can be done only for single-detached houses or single buildings with high height.
Not more than 12 meters. In the case where the size of the land requested for permission has an area of 100 square meters or more, an area ground cover per building not more than 90 square meters and have a space that water can penetrate not less than 70% of the land and in case the size of the land plot applied for permission is less than 100 square wahs, there shall be building area cover the soil per house not more than 70 square meters and have a space that water can seep through not less than 50% of the land.
Areas with slopes greater than 35 percent are prohibited from adjusting construction or modification areas. Any building adjustment of space and vacant conditions under paragraph one (1) and (2) shall be in accordance with the rules. the following;
(1) Adjust horizontally to vertically in the ratio of not more than 2 : 1 parts.
(2) having a depth or height of not more than 1 meter, except for the construction of a building foundation system; or
underground water storage tank
(3) Not harmful to the roots and trunks of naturally growing trees whose size is measured around the trunk. from 50 centimeters up which is measured 130 centimeters from the ground level, and
(4) Not moving or destroying bedrock either under the ground, at ground level, or above the ground.
(5) Not less than 50 percent of the vacant space must have green areas that are perennials and local plants.
Measurement of the height of the building in the area of Area 1, Area 2, Area 3, Area 4
Zone 5, Zone 6 and Zone 8 shall be in accordance with the following criteria:
(1) in the case where there is no ground level adjustment or the level of ground level is lower than that of public roads in the area Construction site shall be measured from the ground level under construction.
(2) in the case where the ground level is equal to or higher than that of a public road to be measured from public road level
(3) in the case where there is a cellar with a negative level shall be measured from the ground level under construction under (1) or public road level under (2), as the case may be
(4) in the case where the ground is sloping shall be measured from the ground level constructed at the lowest point of that building. The height measurement of the building shall be measured from the level under paragraph one upward vertically to the highest part of the building.
For a gable or hipped building, measure to the top of the wall of the highest floor.
The project located close to the public road called Vichitsongkram road.
- Furnished
- SwimmingPool
- Alarm
- Terrace
- Balcony
- Washing Machine
- Internet
- Air Conditioning