House & Single-family home (For sale)
/ 96627301
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
House & Single-family home
Property size:
1,389 sqft
Why sell or buy with CENTURY 21Because with CENTURY 21, given its highly specialized Staff structure, you don't have to worry about bureaucratic nightmares or uncertainties regarding the quick, honest and transparent sale or purchase of your home.Because, for FREE, we provide:
- A personalized market study for your property
- An advanced marketing plan
- Process managers who accompany you throughout the bureaucratic process
- Mortgage Specialist who will offer you the best financing solutions
- Marketing and Communication Department that uses the most advanced technological tools and has human resources such as a professional photographer and specialists in social networks and design that safeguard the correct promotion of your property
- Administrative staff specialized in the real estate market who will support you throughout the process of selling or buying a house. The success of our company is nothing more than the realization of our customers' dreams!National Center for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts
https:// View more View less Moradia em recuperação na Marinha Grande, em zona sossegada a poucos quilômetros das belas praias do Distrito de Leiria onde floresta praia e natureza se unem, tendo como limite o céu.
Porquê vender ou comprar com a CENTURY 21Porque com a CENTURY 21, dada a sua estrutura de Staff altamente especializada, não tem que se preocupar com pesadelos burocráticos nem com incertezas relativamente à venda ou compra rápida, honesta e transparente da sua casa.Porque, de forma GRATUITA, facultamos:
- Um estudo de mercado personalizado para o seu imóvel
- Um plano de marketing avançado
- Gestores processuais que o acompanham em todo o processo burocrático
- Especialista de Crédito Habitação que lhe oferecerá as melhores soluções de financiamento
- Departamento de Marketing e Comunicação que utiliza as mais avançadas ferramentas tecnológicas e que tem recursos humanos como um fotógrafo profissional e especialistas em redes sociais e design que salvaguardam a correcta promoção do seu imóvel
- Staff administrativo especializado no mercado imobiliário que o apoiará em todo o processo de venda ou compra de casa. O sucesso da nossa empresa não é mais do que a concretização dos sonhos dos nossos clientes!Centro Nacional de Informação e Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo
https:// Huis in herstel in Marinha Grande, in een rustige omgeving, op een paar kilometer van de prachtige stranden van het district Leiria, waar bos, strand en natuur samenkomen, met de lucht als limiet.
Waarom verkopen of kopen met CENTURY 21Want met CENTURY 21 hoeft u, gezien de zeer gespecialiseerde personeelsstructuur, u geen zorgen te maken over bureaucratische nachtmerries of onzekerheden met betrekking tot de snelle, eerlijke en transparante verkoop of aankoop van uw woning.Omdat we GRATIS het volgende bieden:
- Een gepersonaliseerde marktstudie voor uw woning
- Een geavanceerd marketingplan
- Procedurele managers die u begeleiden tijdens het bureaucratische proces
- Hypotheekspecialist die u de beste financieringsoplossingen biedt
- Marketing- en communicatieafdeling die gebruik maakt van de meest geavanceerde technologische hulpmiddelen en beschikt over human resources zoals een professionele fotograaf en specialisten in sociale netwerken en design die de juiste promotie van uw eigendom waarborgen
- Administratief personeel gespecialiseerd in de vastgoedmarkt die u zal ondersteunen tijdens het hele proces van het verkopen of kopen van een huis. Het succes van ons bedrijf is niets meer dan de vervulling van de dromen van onze klanten!Nationaal Centrum voor Informatie en Arbitrage van Consumentengeschillen
https:// Maison en récupération à Marinha Grande, dans un quartier calme, à quelques kilomètres des belles plages du district de Leiria, où la forêt, la plage et la nature se rencontrent, avec le ciel comme limite.
Pourquoi vendre ou acheter avec CENTURY 21Parce qu’avec CENTURY 21, compte tenu de la structure hautement spécialisée de son personnel, vous n’avez pas à vous soucier des cauchemars bureaucratiques ou des incertitudes concernant la vente ou l’achat rapide, honnête et transparent de votre maison.Parce que, GRATUITEMENT, nous fournissons :
- Une étude de marché personnalisée pour votre bien
- Un plan marketing avancé
- Des responsables procéduraux qui vous accompagnent tout au long du processus bureaucratique
- Spécialiste hypothécaire qui vous proposera les meilleures solutions de financement
- Département de marketing et de communication qui utilise les outils technologiques les plus avancés et dispose de ressources humaines telles qu’un photographe professionnel et des spécialistes des réseaux sociaux et du design qui garantissent la bonne promotion de votre propriété
- Personnel administratif spécialisé dans le marché immobilier qui vous accompagnera tout au long du processus de vente ou d’achat d’une maison. Le succès de notre entreprise n’est rien d’autre que la réalisation des rêves de nos clients !Centre National d’Information et d’Arbitrage des Litiges de la Consommation
https:// House in recovery in Marinha Grande, in a quiet area a few kilometers from the beautiful beaches of the District of Leiria, where forest, beach and nature come together, with the sky as a limit.
Why sell or buy with CENTURY 21Because with CENTURY 21, given its highly specialized Staff structure, you don't have to worry about bureaucratic nightmares or uncertainties regarding the quick, honest and transparent sale or purchase of your home.Because, for FREE, we provide:
- A personalized market study for your property
- An advanced marketing plan
- Process managers who accompany you throughout the bureaucratic process
- Mortgage Specialist who will offer you the best financing solutions
- Marketing and Communication Department that uses the most advanced technological tools and has human resources such as a professional photographer and specialists in social networks and design that safeguard the correct promotion of your property
- Administrative staff specialized in the real estate market who will support you throughout the process of selling or buying a house. The success of our company is nothing more than the realization of our customers' dreams!National Center for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts