USD 1,157,621
House & single-family home for sale in Armação de Pêra
USD 1,420,716
House & Single-family home (For sale)
/ 99271312
House located in a privileged and quiet area, close to the main tourist attractions of the village. It consists of a basement with a garage, 1st and 2nd floors, a landscaped garden with trees for relaxation, and a swimming pool for adults with a 43 m² area for diving. In addition to all this, there is a small plot of land for cultivation with a permeable pavement of 38 m².The surrounding area offers a wide range of services, such as typical restaurants, cafés, bakeries, pizzerias, pharmacies, butcher shops, grocery stores, supermarkets, public offices, and schools. The property is a short distance from the bus stop, the kindergarten, and the António da Costa Contreiras School. Nearby, you can also find the Forte de Santo António de Pedra da Galé, Armação de Pêra Beach, and the Praia dos Pescadores, which is one of the many perfect spots to recharge your energy and where children can enjoy the playground.Noteworthy are the unforgettable boat trips through the caves, where you can see various seabirds and possibly dolphins; the several golf courses in the area; the vineyards; and horseback riding.We conduct real-time online property visits via video call (WhatsApp/Messenger) and/or videoconference (Skype/Zoom).Virtual visits, 3D visits, and virtual reality tours of properties under construction and new apartments are available.Book your visit now!
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Maison située dans une zone privilégiée et tranquille, près des principaux points touristiques du village. Elle est composée d'un sous-sol avec garage, de 1er et 2ème étages, d'un terrain paysager avec des arbres pour se détendre et d'une piscine pour adultes avec une superficie de 43 m² pour plonger. En plus de tout cela, un petit terrain de culture avec un pavé perméable de 38 m².Ses environs offrent une grande variété de services, tels que des restaurants typiques, des cafés, des boulangeries, des pizzerias, des pharmacies, des boucheries, des épiceries, des supermarchés, des organismes publics et des écoles. La propriété est située à une courte distance de l'arrêt de bus, de la maternelle et de l'école António da Costa Contreiras. À proximité, vous trouverez également le Fort de Santo António de Pedra da Galé, la plage d'Armação de Pêra et la plage des Pêcheurs, qui sont parmi les nombreux endroits parfaits pour recharger vos batteries et où les enfants pourront profiter de l'aire de jeux.Les inoubliables excursions en bateau dans les grottes, où vous pourrez observer divers oiseaux marins et peut-être des dauphins, sont à ne pas manquer. Il y a aussi plusieurs terrains de golf dans la région, des vignobles et des balades à cheval.Nous réalisons des visites en ligne des propriétés en temps réel via appel vidéo (WhatsApp/Messenger) et/ou vidéoconférence (Skype/Zoom).Des visites virtuelles, des visites en 3D et des visites en réalité virtuelle des propriétés en construction et des nouveaux appartements sont disponibles.Réservez dès maintenant votre visite !
Moradia localizada numa zona privilegiada e tranquila, perto dos principais pontos turísticos da vila, composta por cave com garagem, 1.º e 2.º andares, um terreno ajardinado com árvores para relaxar e uma piscina para adultos com 43 m2 de área para mergulhar. Adicionado a tudo isto, um pequeno terreno para cultivo com pavimento permeável de 38 m2A sua envolvente é composta por uma enorme oferta de serviços, tais como restaurantes típicos, cafés, padarias, pizzarias, farmácias, talhos, mercearias, supermercados, organismos públicos e escolas. O imóvel situa-se a uma curta distância da paragem de autocarro, do jardim de infância e da Escola António da Costa Contreiras. Nas redondezas tem ainda o Forte de Santo António de Pedra da Galé, a Praia de Armação de Pêra e a Praia dos Pescadores, que é um dos muitos espaços perfeitos para recarregar energias e no qual as crianças poderão usufruir do parque infantil.Destacam-se os inesquecíveis passeios de barcos pelas grutas, nos quais poderá avistar diversas aves marinhas e, porventura, golfinhos; os vários campos de golfe do concelho; as vinhas; e os passeios a cavalo.Realizamos visitas online aos imóveis em tempo real através de videochamada (WhatsApp/Messenger) e/ou videoconferência (Skype/Zoom).Disponíveis visitas virtuais, visitas em 3D e realidade virtual dos imóveis em construção e apartamentos novos.Marque já a sua visita!
House located in a privileged and quiet area, close to the main tourist attractions of the village. It consists of a basement with a garage, 1st and 2nd floors, a landscaped garden with trees for relaxation, and a swimming pool for adults with a 43 m² area for diving. In addition to all this, there is a small plot of land for cultivation with a permeable pavement of 38 m².The surrounding area offers a wide range of services, such as typical restaurants, cafés, bakeries, pizzerias, pharmacies, butcher shops, grocery stores, supermarkets, public offices, and schools. The property is a short distance from the bus stop, the kindergarten, and the António da Costa Contreiras School. Nearby, you can also find the Forte de Santo António de Pedra da Galé, Armação de Pêra Beach, and the Praia dos Pescadores, which is one of the many perfect spots to recharge your energy and where children can enjoy the playground.Noteworthy are the unforgettable boat trips through the caves, where you can see various seabirds and possibly dolphins; the several golf courses in the area; the vineyards; and horseback riding.We conduct real-time online property visits via video call (WhatsApp/Messenger) and/or videoconference (Skype/Zoom).Virtual visits, 3D visits, and virtual reality tours of properties under construction and new apartments are available.Book your visit now!
Armacao De Pera
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
House & Single-family home
Property size:
2,422 sqft